the Logbook anywhere you see the
Kurup, India - Thursday, December 30, 2010 at 14:26:58
site for research. was looking for passenger lists and captain's
name too for liners around 1855-56. Thanks for the extensive
data accessible at your site.
Cornell, Australia - Tuesday, December 28, 2010 at 05:41:07
Searching for my lost great great grandfather
that my mother who is 88 has been searching for for 30 years
he was a captain of steam boats in India. I desperatly need
assistance as my mother is very frail.
Plackett, UK - Tuesday, December 21, 2010 at 13:40:06
Uncle, Fred Mears, who I beleive was Captain of the Rajula and
possibly Quiloa & Sangola,
'ran away to sea' in 1922 at 18 and came back to England only
twice thereafter. He remained with BI for 37 years and captained
8 ships in all. He left service, married, and retired to
Perth Australia where he died after a relatively short time.
He was the brother of my mother and now all that side of my
family have gone, so I would appreciate very much if anyone
has any recollection of Commander Fred Mears during his time
at BI.
I have a BI 'lettercard' from the Rajula, mailed from Malaya
c.1952 from Fred Mears which shows five fold-out sepia photographs
of the ship and its interior (printed by Times of India Press,
Bombay) and the message 'My ship, love Fred'.
Also an 'official' invitation to Lunch with the Commander & Officers
of the Rajula on 21st Oct 1956, which may have been Fred's
final lunch. And a informal 'mimeographed' invitation to a
Wine & Fruit Party on board Rajula 7pm to 9pm 18th October
(poss also 1956) 'to bid goodbye to Fred Mears'. He has written
on the back 'the last guest left at 4am, a very good time was
had by all'! Was anyone at these celebrations?
Steel, Australia - Monday, December 20, 2010 at 03:01:40
noticed a query on your forum from a Jacinta Gall from 2008.
I am a relative of hers and am currently doing some research
on the same family member. Nicoline Halvorsen. I would like
to get in touch with her. How do I find out contact details
or pass mine on to her?
Watson, Canada - Sunday, December 19, 2010 at 23:44:11
Seeking Kenny and O'Donnell ancestors who took passage to India
Weeks, UK - Thursday, December 16, 2010 at 10:59:28
am researching my family tree. Gr Gr Grandfather james McFarlane
jumped ship from the Woodarra we
believe in 1921/22 in Australia. Any info woul be appreciated!
the logbook 
Brooke, UK - Friday, December 10, 2010 at 22:24:23
very happy Christmas to any and all shipmates and old friends
whose spirits still occasionally haunt these pages. Cheers!
Brunton, UK - Friday, December 10, 2010 at 12:39:09
Am trying to find out about the career
and history of BI Commodore Capt Dennis Scott-Masson. Who I
believe recently passed away. Any and all info welcome.Tks
Field, Australia - Monday, December 6, 2010 at 01:40:20
My grandparents Thomas and Florance migrated
from England to Australia on Torilla 1911
I wish info on their travels also to view the pamphlet which
was made aboard the voyage. Any info greatly appreciated
Nash, UK - Friday, December 3, 2010 at 18:13:00
reference to log entry by Penny Young, in 2007, I can give
her information relating to her grandfather who traveled BI
to Siam. I also know who has a book he won at school in UK.
How can i get in touch with Penny?
Bermal, South Africa - Wednesday, December 1, 2010 at 14:33:13
Looking for info on the ss Congella that transported passengers
from India to Natal arrinving on 28/09/1897. Grandfather was
2 months old and accompanied by his parents - from Bipur Nfaran
in Patna
Bruce, UK - Saturday, November 27, 2010 at 10:46:27
Johnson 23/9. Sorry for slow response. John Smith is well (better
than his memory). After 48 years his Woodara memories
have just about disappeared. Sadly, he does not seek any correspondence.
He is hanging in there and will be for some time yet.
Bruce, UK - Saturday, November 27, 2010 at 10:42:41
to Dave Bell 15/11. John Smith remembers you well. The Karanja was
his favourite ship of all and he still receives pcs from Toby
(an American lass). He is 83 on Hogmanay. Still remains bed bound
where he receives excellent care.
Jackson, Australia - Saturday, November 27, 2010 at 07:07:09
anyone know the whereabouts of Jim Anderson who was First Officer
on the Bankura in the early 60's
..the ship often called into Picton NZ
Coelho, Canada - Saturday, November 20, 2010 at 07:38:57
My father John "Shabu" Coelho
and I sailed on the ss Karanja from Mombasa to Seychelles to
Bombay in 1955. It was a journey filled with wonder on a great
ship and fabulous crew.
Bell, UK - Monday, November 15, 2010
at 19:37:07
to message from Eoin Bruce on Sept. 10. Eoin, Please give
John my salaams. I sailed with him on Karanja @
1970/71 as 3/E/O (motor) and he really was a master at organising
parties!! Karanja was
a real passenger ship, not a floating town, and
was possibly a last remnant of Empire.
Strathie, UK - Tuesday, November 9, 2010 at 19:03:39
am trying to identify a ship ss Madras,
which was part of the BISN fleet in the 1860s, but I cannot
make that date section come up on the website. Could someone
provide me with some details about it, please. [Madras
was a BI ship between 1864 and 1884, and then between 1887
and 1891. For the few years between these spells, she was
in the ownership of the Chettiar family who put her into
service between Rangoon and the Coromandel coast - Editor]
Johnson, UK - Monday, November 8, 2010 at 13:28:31
Our occasional newsletter on matters BI and other maritime miscellanies
has now been posted on this website. The
issue contains reports on the recent BI reunions in Gateshead and
Glasgow, as well as other bits and pieces. Should you wish future
copies to be emailed directly to your inbox, contact us via callingBI@btinternet.com,
perhaps outlining some of your past memories of BI. Subscription
is totally free of charge and your details will NEVER be passed
onto third parties such as previous shipmates unless you specifically
permit it.
Lewis, UK - Monday, November 8, 2010 at 11:32:19
with memories of the fire on ss Nardana in
India in 1971 0r 72, myself i was a young Welsh electrical
Chalmers, Australia - Saturday, November 6, 2010 at 08:55:25
Thanks for having this stuff available
Cheeseman, UK - Friday, November 5, 2010 at 10:40:48
reading through the log. I sailed onboard Rajula for
nearly 3 years between 1971 - 74 as the second Radio Office
to Phil Archer. I read with interest the record from Rachael
Macbean on June 9th. I remember Macbean very well one of
the nicest people you could meet. Also the entry by Lawrence
Fogelberg May 2nd. I also remember well the old colonial
gentleman who sailed every 6 months on Rajula between Malaya
and India to avoid tax.... he always had a new lady on his
arm each trip... Charles was his first name. Fanatastic days.
Brown, Spain - Wednesday, November 3, 2010 at 19:11:19
am researching family history and I am told that my grandfather,
Herbert Alexander Brabham was a captain of a BI vessel. He died
aged 50 years on 10/09/1922 in Bangalore, India. Can you help
me discover if this is correct?
Misso, UK - Wednesday, November 3, 2010 at 14:54:22
Family research into a Mr Matthew McIntyre who was a sea captian/
route Burma to Malaya around 1860's, 70's, 80's or 90's. He married
a Mary St John from Malaya. This is the only information I have
on him.
Graham, UK - Wednesday, November 3, 2010 at 09:42:26
I have amongst family documents a postcard
sent from ss Mooltan on 21st March 1910 by Rev,Percy Gore
Graham. I would love to know where he and the ship were going. [Mooltan
was not a BI vessel - Editor]
Carwardine, Australia - Sunday, October 31, 2010 at 08:49:06
information re Franke Hainworth and his brother James Hainworth
reputed to have joined shipping company aroiund 1894-5
Mehta, UK - Wednesday, October 27, 2010 at 14:30:46
site. Full of fascinating details. I am researching my husband's
family history, and the name the Khandalla is
known in the family, as the steamer his mother came over from
Porbander to Mombasa when she was about 18 years old around
1931 I think. I can't find any evidence that the Khandalla
sailed from there though. Does anyone know if this is a mistaken
memory about Porbander in Gujarat? How can I find the routes
she took? Would there be any passenger lists?
Usher, Australia - Tuesday, October 26, 2010 at 10:10:50
I have just come across my Grandmothers
3-3-1924 homework, where she has written an essay on the 1890
sinking of the ship Dacca in the Red Sea. It was told to her
by a Mr Holmes, who was an engineer on the ship. She details
his story about surviving a dreadfull storm in the Bay of Biscay,
only to hit coral reef near Aden. Due to the calm and the fact
the ship stuck on the reef, all lives where saved.
A Patel, UK - Tuesday, October 26, 2010 at 08:11:49
there any way of accessing the passenger list of ss Karanja, Kampala and Haryana to
trace the journeys of my parents between 1935 and 1963? [Haryana
was not a BI ship - Editor]
Menon, US - Monday, October 25, 2010 at 08:21:25
It is so wonderful to have stumbled onto this site! As a child
I remember traveling from Mombasa to Bombay on the ss Karanja in
January 1966 with my parents and two younger brothers. I still
remember the trip quite vividly. Great to read the anecdotes of
others who have sailed on the SS Karanja!
Ian Robertson, Australia - Saturday, October 23, 2010 at 04:03:51
served Canara, Dwarka, Ordia,
Devanha [Devonia?], Chindwara
Mohr, Australia - Tuesday, October 19, 2010 at 02:43:15
the maiden voyage of the Torilla in
1911 a newsletter entitled "The
Torilla Trumpet" was produced. I understand that 6 such
papers were produced. Does anybody have copies of any of these?
It will be great if anybody has copies of the newsletters I
am seeking. Would you have any photos of the Torilla that are
a better resolution that can be obtained from the website.
the logbook 
Uddin Kaisar, Bangladesh - Saturday, October 16, 2010 at 13:25:11
BIship research , i'm writing for some information abour Bengal
Burma Steam Navigation Company Limited.
Williams, South Africa - Saturday, October 16, 2010 at 11:46:01
I, my wife Babs, and children left Kenya
(Mombasa) in 1963 on the SS Kenya bound
for Durban to start a new life in South Africa. What a lovely
ship - Akker Bilk's "Stanger on the shore" was
top of the UK charts at the time - how appropriate. Wonderful
memories. Bill Williams ex Nairobi C.C. (ss Kenya - circa 1963
- the ss Kampala was painted black. Happy
Linwood, UK - October 4, 2010 at 14:41:05
This may be of interest to you. One passenger list for the ss
Mantiana both
my Grand Mother and Mother are listed as passengers aboard this
ship dated Dec 1938.
Patrick, UK - Saturday, October 2, 2010 at 10:18:26
would like Mike Brand to get in touch if possible we sailed
together on Wild
Cormorant and
I was best man at his wedding to Vicky in Congleton many
years ago. We have lost touch and would like to meet up again.
Hawkins, UK - Thursday, September 30, 2010 at 10:18:28
have a passenger list for ss India,
Commander C M H Day, but no date, my grandmother is listed as
enroute for Mangalore, I suspect 1910-16, is it poosible to date
the voyage?
[BI's steamer India was in service from 1862
to 1905 - Editor]
Fox, Australia - Thursday, September 30, 2010 at 06:26:33
I was after information of your vessels
sailing between Britain and Queensland from 1879 to 1881. I'm
after information on brief information on ships. Date ship
left port. route taken to Queensland and date when ships arrived.
Brown, UK - Saturday, September 25, 2010 at 14:39:00
I have no connection with BI Ships but I have an autograph book
which I found at a car boot sale. It seems to have belonged to
a Leela Sammy and contains contributions from various members of
the crew of HMT Ekma dated between 1941 and 1946. If it is of interest
to anyone, I would be happy to send it on.
Johnson, UK - Thursday, September 23, 2010 at 17:17:06
Eoin Bruce, I was one of John Smith's jnr engineers on Woodarra
July62-June64.I would like to write to him about those happy times.
Winsor, UK - Wednesday, September 22, 2010 at 13:30:19
father joined the BI as a cadet when he was 16, in about 1945
and left many years later after reaching the post of Commander.
His name is Robert (Bobbie) Coates. I have recently been aboard
the QM2 for a transAtlantic voyage and they were screening
films about the BI, one of which was about the cadets and featured
a glimpse of my father. Does anyone know where I can get these
films? There was also one about the cruise ships and featured
the Nevasa and Uganda which
I have travelled on. Also I would appreciate any information
about ships my father seved on and when. He served on the Dilwara as
a cadet travelling to the Suez but others ships I remember
are the Chakdara, Chinkoa, Woodarra, Dwarka, Nowshera, Purnea (for
a long time), Sirsa - which myself
and my mum and sister ( Meg and Trisha) travelled on, and the Ozarda.
I have so many happy memories of the ships and the people we
met but sadly now both my parents have passed away and it is
wonderful to visit this website and see the interset that people
still have for the BI. Please contact me here. Thanks
and best wishes to anyone who remembers my Dad or even me!!
Brown, UK - Friday, September 17, 2010 at 23:53:52
many many happy years as a radio officer on ships of the BI commencing
in 1968 in Mombasa as 2nd R/O on the Karanja, then the Dwarka and
the Dumra - returned to the Karanja following her extensive Singapore
refit then to the Morvada and Sir Tristram. From 1972 to 1976 I
was lucky enough to serve on the Uganda as 1st and Chief R/O -
these were memorable times and I would not have missed any of it
for the world. I would like to take this opportunity to wish all
the best to past sea-going colleagues and the friends made during
my BI days 'on the coast' and home waters, unfortunately I lost
touch with many of you but still have the happy memories of my
time with them at sea. Attended the reunion in Faversham and the
one in Glasgow and my wife Fiona and I plan to be in Newcastle
for the forthcoming one.
Fernandez, Malaysia - Thursday, September 16, 2010 at 13:21:07
To Dawn Morais. Can you name the village
J V Morais came from/
My Late father, A Robert Fernandez was close to the Moarais family
esp the well known journalist Victor Morais
Hickford, Australia - Monday, September 13, 2010 at 11:52:43
Percy W Rendall,Great grand Father in family tree believed
to be based in Singapore circa 1918 as mechant seaman or officer
on ss Thongwa. Resident posting
at Raffles Hotel Singapore. Would appreciate any info.
Morgan (nee Black) - Sunday, September 12, 2010 at 16:12:52
father John Black (from Motherwell, Scotland) - served on Chindwarra,
Amra, Dara, Chupra, Woodarra and Queda.
Between 1952 and 1959 / 1960 ish. I believe his was an engineer
Hargreaves, UK - Friday, September 10, 2010 at 12:28:33
Sean Haines in Spain [ref
entry of Friday,
August 6, 2010]. Regarding
your search for information on your grandfather, Captain
John N Collins. You will find two references to him on this
site under People/Commanders/ 1930 and 1939 which show him
in command of the Cranfield and Garmula,
respectively, in those years.
Also, the Company's book on WW2 (Valiant Voyaging pp33 ñ 36)
reports him and many of his crew taken as POWs from Nowshera on
17 November 1940 in the south Indian Ocean by the German Commerce
raider Pinguin (Note that this book refers to the raider as
Narvik and I think this may have arisen due to frequent name
changes practiced by raiders to confuse identity). Captain
Collins was very likely to have been transferred to Bordeaux
in a prison ship called the Storstad an (ex Norwegian prize)
arriving there on 4 February 1941 for transfer into Germany,
probably the MILAG near Bremen. His obituary in the Companyís
magazine shows him joining BI in1913 as a 3rd Officer, being
promoted Commander in 1927 and retiring in October 1945.
During his retirement he attended two reunions on Uganda in
London in 1956 (Company Centenary) and again in 1961. His name
also crops up in a letter he wrote, dated 19 July 1967, concerning
the Company's badge which, he states, resembles a design
on the back of one of his father's medals awarded for
the Defence of Lucknow (1857- 8). More family research for you?
He died on 27 May 1968 at the age of 83.
Bruce, UK - Friday, September 10, 2010 at 11:23:51
am in weekly contact with John "Baby
Face" Smith,
C/E. We sailed together on the Strath Ms and Dwarka.
John is housebound. He is not into computers. If you would
like his address or telephone number, please contact me [contact
address supplied]
Rodgers, Australia - Thursday, September 9, 2010 at 06:15:35
I am rejoining after a long cruise and
would like to get in touch with Tony Curran he was on the Bankura in 1970's.
Alistair, UK - Monday, September 6, 2010 at 09:05:56
sailed with the BISN as Senior Marconi Sahib from 1956 -1959.
Amra, Aronda, Umaria, Sirdhana, Itria,
(or was it the Itola), Ozarda.
I amazed at how much info there is in this site, and am saddened
by how little remains of such a great and exceptional shipping
company. I am proud to have been associated with BISN and congratulate
those who have taken the time and effort to put this site together,
Thank you one and all.
Henry, UK - Tuesday, August 31, 2010 at 22:34:07
i am trying to trace records of my ancestor William Henry Reeder
who served on ss Tanfield, he was
2nd officer in 1841. Also any information of the fate of tanfield
would be appreciated.
the logbook 
Wicks, UK - Tuesday, August 31, 2010 at 19:38:50
note correct spelling of George Willam Wicks, Master of
Khandalla is Wicks not Wickes.
Is there a passenger list? The Master's cousin, my grandfather,
travelled to India around the time of Wicks's service and I
would like to know if he went on the Khandalla. [References
to Captain Wicks in the Commanders' lists on this site have
been corrected. Thanks for letting us know - Editor]
Barratt, UK - Sunday, August 29, 2010 at 19:17:25
grandfather, Archibald Gilchrist MacTavish, a ship's carpenter
by trade, worked for BI in Calcutta in the early 20th Century.
He died in 1915 or 1916 in, what I was told, was shark-infested
water, since no body was ever found. Does anybody have any further
information, or advice on where such information might be found.
Hutton, Ireland - Sunday, August 29, 2010 at 16:57:24
Just interested in where some of my old aquaintances from cadet
days are.
McLean, US - Tuesday, August 24, 2010 at 01:06:44
have a ship believed to be an exact repplica of the Java 1872-1904
great grandfather was a ships carpenter and it is believed
he carved the model from scrap wood while aboard the Java.
Any information pertaining to the verification of his employ
would be much appreciated.
Kelso, UK - Saturday, August 21, 2010 at 20:26:33
John Newbold Collins [ref Sean
Haimes, Spain - Friday, August 6, 2010] was
Master of s.s. Nowshera which "was
homeward bound from Adelaide to Britain with a mixed cargo in
the evening of 17th November 1940, when she was stopped in
the South Indian Ocean by and shot from the German raider
Pinguin. The crew were forced to abandon ship and Nowshera
was sunk by time-bombs in 31.02South 100.51E" (Laxon & Perry).
According to the BI war history (Valiant Voyaging) the ship's
company were taken to Pinguin and later transferred another
raider NARVIK and ultimately to the prison-ship Storstad
which eventually landed them at Bordeaux, and from there
presumably to a German POW camp.
de Vries, New Zealand - Saturday, August 21, 2010 at 14:18:39
would like to know what type of ships are on the photo's I
found via this link: Old
pictures of Calcutta in 1880's. Could they be BISN? [Several
of them are indeed BI ships - Editor]
Winter, Australia - Friday, August 20, 2010 at 04:25:50
on ss Uganda (I think), or Kenya or Mombasa from
Beira to UK circa 1956.
Brand, UK - Wednesday, August 18, 2010 at 20:39:40
interesting to read your log bok entry [David
Profit July 10, 2010], I myself was a BISN engineer
cadet at South Shields starting in 1965. Just retired from
P&O ferries
- Dover where I was sailing as CEO on the Pride of Burgundy.
McGuinness, Canada - Saturday, August 14, 2010 at 15:21:00
It is a pleasure to catch up with all the interesting articles
and reminise about a great shipping company.
Taylor, UK - Saturday, August 14, 2010 at 16:36:29
grandfather, Mr Ernest Taylor was a passenger on the ss Manela,
which departed London on November 29, 1930. His destination,
Port Said, the ship sailed on to Colombo, Madras & Calcutta.
I still have the List of Passengers pamphlet.
at Melbourne, 1970 |
photo: Jeffrey Le Faucheur |
Le Faucheur, Australia - Saturday, August 14, 2010 at 00:08:35
am in the process of completing our family genealogy (500 pages
back to back) and would love to know the name of the Captain, his
Deputy and junior officers on board the BI ship Carpentaria (built
6 Oct 1949) that took us (Le Faucheurs - my mother Thelma Mary,
Jacqueline, Christopher and Self) from Calcutta, India on 25 August
1970 arriving Fremantle on 29 September 1970 to Sydney. It was
Carpentaria's last voyage to Australia before being scrapped. Do
you have any photographs of the officers and the ship? Also the
name first passenger we picked up from Perth to Melbourne. Our
journey aboard the Carpentaria was an enjoyable life time experience.
Singer, UK - Thursday, August 12, 2010 at 15:02:39
am looking for information on John Anderson Brown my great
uncle who sailed on the Bancoora in
the 1880s and beyond. He was the Chief Engineer and stayed
in Paisley. On one trip his young wife accompanied him on the
ship but took ill. On her way home she died and was buried
at Aden. I would like to know what her name was.
Pedroza, UK - Thursday, August 12, 2010 at 09:06:26
am researching my husband's grandfather John William Pedroza
who died on the Chinkoa on 23rd
June 1915. I would love to find out what caused his death. It
is possible that he was the ships doctor as he had previously
been at sea, on another ship, in that role
Lord, Australia - Sunday, August 8, 2010 at 10:33:12
My grandfather, Robert William Lord, served in Sofala in 1916 and
through WWI. Does anyone know how I could find out more about his
time with BI?
Haimes, Spain - Friday, August 6, 2010 at 18:56:42
am trying to find any information pertaining to my grandfather
John Newbold Collins. I understand he was a Captain with BI,
serving predominantly between the UK & India
where he may have also been a riverboat pilot. He was captain
of a ship sunk in WW2 and was taken a Prisoner of War. Any
information about him & his
time with BI would be welcome. I did sail on the Dunera on
a school cruise in the 1950's and he was certainly remembered
by some of the senior officers, but like many others i was too
young or disinterested in those days.
Samuel, Malaysia - Thursday, August 5, 2010 at 10:30:52
once lost on board ss Rajula and
was found hanging over railings looking into the ocean. A
staff (holding tin of paint) found me and reunited me with
family. Is it possible, if at all to obtain name of painters
in the year 1959 or 1960.
Kadwa, South Africa - Sunday, August 1, 2010 at 21:18:35
like any information on the ss Kampala or Karanja passeger
lists on the day it was bombed and recovery. After its bombing
[It was BI's first Karanja (built 1931) which
was bombed. She was commissioned as a Landing Ship in
July 1941 but on November 12 that year she was bombed and sunk
with some loss of life at Bougie while assisting in Operation Torch,
the British/American invasion of French North Africa. There is
an account of the action in Valiant Voyaging, pp82-83. It might
be worth contacting the Brirish Public Records Office at Kew or,
if you know the units involved, relevant regimental historians,
for details of those who were on board Karanja at the time - Editor]
Kidner, UK - Sunday, August 1, 2010 at 18:03:39
family knew Rod Macfadyen (Captian on BI ships). He visited
my father's farm in Kenya in July 1953, A Kenya Farm Revisited
and wrote an article for the BI news. He wrote an earlier
article, No 9 August 1952. I wonder if it is possible to
obtain copies of these articles?
the logbook 
- BI 1922-1942 |
from an old postcard |
Hargreaves, UK - Saturday, July 31, 2010 at 17:03:22
Christine Bussy, South Africa [June
17, 2010]: I think that
the action you call the Battle of Trincomalee refers
to the assault by two strike groups of the Japanese fleet on
shipping in the Bay of Bengal and air attacks on Colombo
and Trincomalee over Easter, 1942. These groups were sighted
on April 4th with Colombo bombed on the 5th, ships sunk on
the 6th and 7th and Trincomalee bombed on the 9th April. Four
of the 23 merchant ships destroyed in this period were BI owned.
On 6th April, Malda and Indora
off Puri and Gandara off Masulipatam
were almost certainly sunk by Japanese surface vessel gunfire
(about 800 and 600 miles from Ceylon respectively). We can
positively exclude MALDA as your grandfather's
ship, her Chief Engineer being identified as Mr W Pearce and
we are aware that survivors from Malda and Indora were returned
to Calcutta. The GANDARA was attempting to tow another ship
to safety and it seems highly unlikely that any of these three
ships were affected by the events in Ceylon. However,
on the 7th April, the Fultala,
300 miles to the west of Ceylon and en route from Calcutta
to Karachi carrying coal, was sunk by torpedo from a Japanese
submarine. She would have been uncomfortably close to Colombo
during the bombing, having passed Trincomalee earlier. Research
of the National Archives at Kew may have Crew Lists to confirm
your grandfather's
Callue, UK - Saturday, July 31, 2010 at 13:26:31
you for a very comprehensive database site. I
have been trying to locate anything regarding a ship that
sailed from Calcutta to Jamaica. My father remembers the ship's
name as Lightning.
I have found that a ship of that name made one voyage, leaving
Calcutta in Feburary 1880 arriving Jamaica via St.Vincent June
1880 with 260 indentured Indian workers. There is only ship of
that name of that era the American clipper that sunk off Australia
1869, so that's not her. It is not listed on the East India Company
shipping list and can find no records on the internet, although
archives in Jamaica show it did arrive. So, if it shows anywhere
in your vast database I would be extremely grateful. [There
was no corporate connection between the Honourable East India
Company and BI. The latter company did have a vessel named Lightning,
an 1891-built ship of 3,334 tons gross which was acquired
when BI took over the Calcutta-based Apcar Line in 1912. There
is no record of her making any trips to
Jamaica under BI colours.
It is possible that she made the voyage between 1891 and
1912, or it is certainly possible that Apcar had an earlier ship
with the same name, although it must be said that Apcar Line's
main business was in the India-China/Japan trades - Editor]
Sarin, US - Friday, July 30, 2010 at 17:03:17
Sangola and Santhia:
I sailed on both ship in 1955 and 1958 respectively with my parents
and brother as a passenger. How
can I get to know passengers and crew that manned the ship at that
time in 1955 and 1958. Addition will appreciate someone e-mailing
me the photos of these ships. In exchange, I will be able to offer
meal 'menu cards' copy of an original that I have in my possession
all this time. Looking forward to connect with any one from BISN,
Sangola and Santhia.
Brown, UK - Wednesday, July 28, 2010 at 17:49:11
for info on the ss Thongwa of
1903 scrapped in Italy in the 1920`s [The
6,298 tons gross Thongwa, built by Sir J Laing and Sons of Sunderland
was one of four T class ships built for BI's India-Straits service
- the largest and fastest vessels yet built by the company.
Thongwa saw war service as an Indian Expeditionary Force transport
and under the Liner Requisition Scheme. She was demolished at La
Spezia in 1924 - Editor]
Craik, UK - Saturday, July 24, 2010 at 11:22:41
sailed on ss Uganda as
2nd Chef from London to Durban S/Africa. I did six trips
in total 1965/1966. I still have my Seaman's Record Book and
Certificates of Discharge. I also have a compilation of menus
from one of the trips (the things you hold on to.?)
Tingay, France - Sunday, July 18, 2010 at 12:02:04
(and my family) sailed on the Karanja & the Kampala too
many times to remember. We lived for many years in the Seychelles
and it was the only way to get "there and back".
I have great memories of those days. I also remember a Cadet
Glass - first name gone - we became friends for a short boat
trip in, I think, '67 - even my mother liked him! I was about
14 at the time and was leaving/returning to Seychelles. I just
loved being at sea...
Powell, UK - Thursday, July 15, 2010 at 10:50:37
found the site! Would very much like to get in touch with Tony
Boddy, who was third mate on Santhia when
I was doh number Marconi sahib in '58-'59. I owe him a letter...
[Your message has been forwarded to
Tony Boddy - Editor]
McLellan, Canada - Sunday, July 11, 2010 at 16:13:27
faher served on the HMS Rajputana and was on the ship when
it was sunk by a German U-boat in 1941. He survived. [This
is the P&O
ship of similar name to BI's earlier Rajpootana.
The P&O vessel has no connection to the latter - Editor]
Bhardwa, UK - Saturday, July 10, 2010 at 17:13:34
My grandad and grandmother sailed on the ss Karagola on 6th November
1931 from Dar-es-Salaam (Tanganyika now Tanzania) to Porbandar
(India). That's what the stamp on their passport says. They had
five young children with them, the oldest of them was my dad, then
aged 9 years. The Captain of the ship was Capt A E Oliver, and
later (1939) Capt A E Creese. If anyone has any information on
the ship or crew, we would be most grateful to know. Many Thanks
- The Bhardwa family
Profit, UK - Saturday, July 10, 2010 at 15:56:39
at South Shields Marine and Technical College from September
1967 until leaving for PhII at sea in July 1970. First sea
service Nevasa Easter
1968 for two whole weeks; 1968 summer 'vacation' work experience
at Readhead's repair yard in Tyne Dock. Watched Amra's
heeling trials in the river, climbed diligently through Aska's
db sections and prefab blocks. Sea service proper in Waipara and Nyanza,
21st birthday in Moji Japan but celebrated later in Kobe.
Top Hat bar? BI owner? Later sailed 5th Eng Off in Tanda,
celebrated the demise of BI somewhere en route to Capetown
(for mail) Durban (for bunkers) and Muscat to start the disports.
Later in Calcutta during the 'war' and thence to Lyttelton
with Union Jacks painted on the side (targetting the P&S
boilers actually). Still on board when scrapped in Kaohsiung.
Rejoined Nyanza in Tilbury as 5th and later promoted at sea
to 4EO when the incumbent got jaundice. Brian ... Hazlett?
Thanks Brian. Got married and took study leave at South Shields
Marine and Tech for 'Seconds Steam' which successfully secured,
Gosforth BOT (or was it DTI by then?). Started "Chief's
Part A" and (hoist by my own petard)
was posted mid-course as 3EO, to the Remuera, the Black Pig (the
hull was actually dark green) where one JA Smith was CEO and
Ian McQuarrie was 2EO). First UMS ship I'd seen and one with
er... certain inherent problems, including an insatiable
thirst for boiler water which the evaps could never sustain.
Staggered from Tilbury to Auckland and back in about 4 months,
and on to guarantee drydock in Schiedam - which stretched
to (if I recall correctly) 5 weeks. During this period the
HP rotors were removed for a sand-sweep ashore (of which
more anon). JAS and I left the ship in the same taxi on 16th
December, and I can remember Smithy and I being very joyful
to see the back of the Rem. Later rejoining my Part A course,
I watched the saga of the Remuera unfold on the casualty pages
of Lloyds List in the comfort of 'Shields College library. Apparently
somewhere off W Africa they had to use raw feedwater, and returned
to UK under escort (the ex-NZSCo's Westmorland if I recall).
I believe the postmortem found that there was a design fault
in the evap piping - but also (and allegedly and according
to gossip) the HP rotors were in the wrong engines...
Anyway, got Part A and went off to MV Taupo (where John Leslie
2EO conducted a masterclass in setting-up an 8RD76 Sulzer), MV
Cumberland, and MV Tongariro for several voyages, and finally Strathlauder
to finish my steam-time for First Class Part B (Steam). Eventually
took Motor endorsement and joined Strathduns as 3EO (yes, with
a Combined 1st Class certificate!). After that voyage I was posted
to MV Kubbar (managed by P&O GCD on behalf of Gulf Owners)
and in Santo Domingo in January 1979 left by air for UK. Unknown
to me was that that was my last 'deep sea' trip as I went to work
ashore for a National Coal Board (!) subsidiary. But the saga goes
on.... I went to work (November 1981) as Engineer Superintendent
for a company in Saudi Arabia, later transferred to Bahrain as
Fleet Manager and eventually to Dubai and Ras al Khaimah as Manager
of the Grayswift Service. The company was of course Gray Mackenzie,
and will be remembered by all BI staff as the tugs and tankers
with the mini-BI funnel markings, and the BI hulls - black hull
and white pinstripe. Phil Carr was the General Manager in Bahrain
and many of the senior managers at branches around the Gulf states
had memories of their junior days as 'the Agent' looking after
BI ships in large numbers.
the logbook 
Munir Qureshi, Pakistan - Wednesday, July 7, 2010 at 10:14:15
I sailed with my parents on the ss Dwarka journeying from Bombay
to Karachi in Oct 1947 in rather dramatic circumstances. Presently
I am researching my family's arrival in Pakistan from India
at the time of partition. I understand that the BBC produced
a highly regarded TV documentary in 1979 featuring the BI Ship,
ss Dwarka and the program is available on DVD. I will be extremely
grateful if anyone who has the DVD can give me a copy. I am
willing to pay any reasonable amount. Thanks!
- BI 1945-1961 |
d'Lemos, New Zealand - Wednesday, June 23, 2010 at 06:19:47
as Cadet on Obra,
Okhla, Karoa, Palamcotta, Egra. Joined in Calcutta after
training on the IMMTS Dufferin. Sailed under Captains Usher,
Wordingham, Parker. Know the famous C/O A/B Andrews C/O Dickie
Richards/Holt etc
den Outer, Netherlands - Tuesday, June 22, 2010 at 18:50:14
am trying to find out if the ship ss Rajula on
his voyage had an intermediate stop in Soerabaja? The voyage
was from Siam to Bali (Sanoer) and on board were ex-war prisoners.
The voyage took place from 13/02/1946 till 02/03/1946. Is there
someone who can help me? Thank you.
Rassu, Malaysia - Saturday, June 19, 2010 at 11:46:27
My ancestors arrived as labourers, in Penang by steamer from Nagapattnam
in early 1900. I am interested to trace the ship passanger list,
to confirm his probable date of arrival. How can you help. Where
can I find such passanger records.
Abbas, India - Friday, June 18, 2010 at 18:46:29
father was working for BI from 1962 till 1972. He was a Gen Steward
on ships like Dwarka Dumra karnjia
[Karanja?] and other ships which
sailed out of Bombay. Today ie 18/06/2010 he is on his deathbed
McWhannell, France and Goa - Thursday, June 17, 2010 at 17:24:23
is a message for Jim Shaw. Are you ex Chindwara?
I was known as Angus. If it's the Jim I think of then 3/4 years
ago met up with Brian Agnew who calls at our hotel in Burgandy
in Noyers on his way south and on his return. We enjoy talking
of our days in the BI. I also have a beautiful home in Goa
as I married a Goan and I spend the European winter in Goa.
Reply please if you are ex Chindwara
Bussy, South Africa - Thursday, June 17, 2010 at 14:49:58
Grandfather, Victor Edouard Laurent, was Chief Engineer on
a BI ship which was struck by torpaedo at the Battle of Trincomalee,
1942. I am trying to find out the exact name of the ship as
my father, Raymond Laurent, also served on BI ships and is
trying to write down the story of this battle - as he reacalls
his father retelling it on numerous occasions. My grandfather
survived this harrowing ordeal at Trincomalee and never forgot
it. My grandfather was based in Calcutta but served on many
BI ships during WW2 up until his retirement in 1952.
Jones, Australia - Thursday, June 17, 2010 at 11:52:41
John Hughes granny's arrival on Nuddea in
1883 [log entry Feb 15, 2010].
My great grandparents and kids arrived on this ship on 15 Nov.
There is a passenger list available through the state library.
I have a copy.
Fysh, UK - Monday, June 14, 2010 at 16:22:35
Grandfather Robert Parker Fysh worked for the company from
a cadet in sail to Commander retiring approx 1920. I can see
from the site some of ships he commanded. I would be grateful
for any further information about his career and also his family
who lived in what was then Ceylon where my grandmother served
as a doctor Dr Mary Nona Fysh.
Wood, UK - Monday, June 14, 2010 at 11:38:18
I still hope to read about engineers
who sailed, on Sangola, Sirdahna, Tairea,
1950 1953. My first trip was 5th eng. on the maiden voyage
from Greenock February,aboard ss Olinda,
from which i was transfered to mv Sirdhana.
Parker, Australia - Monday, June 14, 2010 at 05:52:02
very keen to find out any information about my grandfather,
Charles Brian Boys (known commonly as Brian). He was married
to Gladys Muriel Macdonald, and was a Cargo Superintendent
at Chittagong in the 20s or early 30s and then a manager of
the Arakan (Arracan?) Flotilla in Akyab up to his early death
in 1936. We have one letter which relates to someone called "David
Julius Jones",
son of "Brian Jones esq", but very little else to go
on. Any help would be most gratefully appreciated.
Wakely, UK - Sunday, June 13, 2010 at 06:37:26
My grandfather, Martin Henry Wakely,
worked as 5th to 3rd Engineer for BI 1919-1924 (aged 21-26).
Mainly London/Calcutta/Bombay/Rangoon routes, on : Manora,
Margha, Gairsoppa, Pundua (schooner), Ellenga,
Lunka, Ismaila, Sir Harvey Adamson, Ellora, Homefield, Madura
and Merkara. Would
be delighted to receive any information about these ships,
crew, history etc over that period. Would particularly like
to know how to access photos of the ss Pundua (1888-1920)
and ss Ismaila (1900-1934)...hoping someone can help.
Walter Bird who was appointed OBE and awarded
War Medal |
photo: Sandra
Clifford collection |
Clifford, UK - Friday, June 11, 2010 at 11:48:02
have a family connection with Captain Walter Bird. I thought
I had seen a book which contained one of his 'adventures' cannot
now locate it on the internet. Do you know of this book or have
I been dreaming. I have a photograph of Captain Bird in his uniform
and have a silver napkin ring with most of the ships he commanded
engraved on it. [Walter Bird is mentioned
in Valiant Voyaging p99 (loss of Nagina off
West Africa),
p128 (loss of Chilka and subsequent
escape, Dutch East Indies), in Laxon & Perry (Chilka entry)
and in these Logbook pages, Feb 7, Feb 29 and Mar 5, 2004 - Editor]
Kennedy, UK - Wednesday, June 9, 2010 at 17:29:44
thought that as the Company had ceased to exist, no one would
arrange to form a reunion group so that we could keep in touch.
It was because I now have been advised that I have mesothelioma
that I have had to list the ships I had served on.
MacBean, India - Wednesday, June 9, 2010 at 14:58:28
am the widow of late Elgin Augustus MacBean who last served
as Medical Orderly on board the Rajula and
later he retired from BISN after having been placed on staff
with Mackinnon Mackenzie & Co, Kolkata.
He passed away in 1984. Two of my mother's sisters also married
staff of Mackinnon Mackenzie in pre-war Burma - Harrison who emigrated
to New Zealand, and George Hancock who after retirement was assigned
to the BI School ships in UK. George and my aunt settled in UK
and last made a trip on the Sirdhana in
1961 on their way via Hong Kong to UK.
Hutton, Ireland - Monday, June 7, 2010 at 16:47:45
I sailed as cadet on Chindwara 1956 to 1959 and Waroonga 1959.
Left BI after obtaining 2nd Mates in 1960. I am looking for any
contacts from those wonderful days.
the logbook 
Mackay, Australia - Monday, June 7, 2010 at 11:39:24
I am very interested in the ship called Berbera.
I was
not in the wars however my dad was and my grandfather and my
great grandfather, both of my great grandfathers on my fathers
side and on my mothers side were methodist ministers. One was
a very devout methodist minister and the other was a primitive
methodist minister. I do not know which was which. I would
like to find any information about any one on the boat called
Berbera, it is interesting its spelling as you will notice
that my name is spelt Barbara and i would not have been old
enough to go to war i was born in 1948 which I think was the
end of the 2nd world war it is also why I cannot put the company
name in I do not know what it was called. I look forward to
hearing from you.
Simoens, Belgium - Sunday, June 6, 2010 at 15:05:15
As a medal collector I have the "Transport medal" of
Wallace George Bridger, who earned it for his service aboard the
Upada as 3rd Engineer Officer. Is there anyone who could help me
to find a picture of the Upada? It
was a transport ship of BI that was used at that time to transport
troops to the South African War 1899-1902. Thanks for reading!
Kinsella, Ireland - Friday, June 4, 2010 at 11:19:26
am researching the career of my great grand uncle John Vincent
Reilly. Any snippets of info will be much appreciated. Here's what
we know:
1898 Joined BI
1903 Commilla 2nd Mate
1903 Golconda Acting 3rd
1904 Dilwara 3rd
1907 Canara 2nd
1907-10 2nd Mate Canara, Waroonga, Linga, Dwarka, Lhasa, Megna (1st), Kasara, Orissa
1910-16 1st Mate Orissa, Palitana, Kola, Virawa, Landaura, Chanda,
Tara, Santhia
1916 Commander Kistna
1916-18 Staff
1919-1934 Commander Carpentaria, Woodarra, Nardana
1934 retired to Melbourne
[From the 1930
list of ships and commanders, it can be seen that
John Reilly held a commission in the Royal Naval Reserve (RNR)
- Editor]
- owned by British India Associated Steamers
1875-1894 |
Boyd, Australia - Wednesday, June 2, 2010 at 11:03:04
Looking for information on my great grandparents
who arrived on the Merkara in
May 1883 at Cooktown. Please help with info on William and
Eliza Downey
Williams, UK - Monday, May 31, 2010 at 13:45:52
I have recently acquired an officer's
jacket which has 4 gold braid on both cuffs which i take
to be a commanders and made by Burtons outfitters the jacket
obviously has had other insinnia on it but have been taken
off. Can anyone please help me with what other insignia would
go on it and any information about the cap and badge i look
forward to any forthcoming information and thank you in advance.
D'Mello, UK - Thursday, May 27, 2010 at 15:41:47
my parents are dead, but I have been told that I was born either
on the Karanja or Kampala 11
April 1962 (Route either to or from Beira to Bombay/Bombay
to Beira). Is there anywhere I can check passenger information
and births recorded? [All births (and
deaths) on board British merchant ships have to be notified
to the Registrar General of Shipping and Seamen (RGSS) in UK,
usually via British consular offices abroad or via the Shipping
Master at a UK port. The archives of RGSS are held at the Public
Record Office (PRO), Kew, near London, to whom you should
make an enquiry. Since you know your birthdate and the two
likely ships, it should be a reasonably easy matter to verify
in which of the K class ships you were born, and the relevant
voyage. Please let the Logbook here know of the result - Editor]
de Villiers, South Africa - Thursday, May 27, 2010 at 13:04:48
for anyone with memories and/or photos of FW LEEDER - Born
Frederick Walter LEEDER in 1916. Mr Leeder died in 2008, aged
92 years. He was a long-term Merchant Marine engineering officer.
His family recollect that he served with the Ben Line during
the Second World War, but among his effects there was a circular
lapel badge depicting the BI house flag and inscribed SS Uganda.
Fielding, UK - Wednesday, May 26, 2010 at 21:59:37
William Morgan's enquiry (April 12th.). I can confirm that
Capt. J.D. Stephinson was in command of Nardana in
1968. I joined her in Tilbury in August of that year, and left
her in London in mid-September, and have his signature in my
Discharge Book to prove it!
Finlayson, UK - Monday, May 17, 2010 at 22:14:12
is just to say thank you to Alan Hough for the information
regarding my father Angus and the picture of Monty and the
captian (Finlay Kerr). Sorry I've taken so long to reply,
but I was away for a couple of weeks and then was in Hospital
for a small operation (nothing serious). Thanks again Alan.
Thanks also to John Prescott for letting me know about Alan's
Hiller, UK - Friday, May 14, 2010 at 11:33:07
My grandfather, Ernest James Hiller served aboard HMHS Rewa during
WW1 and I do know he was not on board when the ship was sunk in
the Bristol Channel. I do have two or three fine picture postcards
of Rewa and would very much welcome any further details that you
may be able to provide.
Evans, UK - Wednesday, May 5, 2010 at 13:11:24
have a hand written diary of a journey taken on the ss Almora from
April 11th, 1878. Gravesend to Calcutta. However, last pages
of diary are missing (fom just after leaving Aden)and we are
keen to know if there is in existence a passenger list for
this particular voyage. A family name may provide us with the
long departed author?
Stacey - Sunday, May 2, 2010 at 11:59:22
Prowse, (logbook entry of 17th April 2010) I haven't any info
on Nick Jory but you can contact me by email (supplied to webmaster)
Fogelberg, Germany - Sunday, May 2, 2010 at 00:39:37
been reading the BI website with delight, having sailed from
Madras to Penang on the Rajula in
1970, dinner at the Captain's table every meal, still loading
onions, floated along side. Another passenger was an old gentleman,
reputed to have been a coffee planter in India, who split his
time between India and the UK to avoid tax, who recommended guesthouses
in Georgetown and Singapore which turned out to be typically
colonial. Shuffleboard with rum toddies - but only after 11 am.
A jr. engineer had signed on just for the experience with a the
old ship's type of engine.
A great and unique experience, which I appreciate even more now,
having learned the history of BI. Thanks for your website.
Stone, UK - Saturday, May 1, 2010 at 22:16:56
anyone have any information regarding Rodney Rossbrook Stone
(my grandfather's brother) who was appointed Commodore on 28th
September 1956?
Clarke, Australia - Friday, April 30, 2010 at 03:57:52
anyone have a Passenger List of travellers on the Waipara,
arriving Queensland 1911?
Glanville, UK - Saturday, April 24, 2010 10:23:02
husband John Glanville served with the BI in 1946-1950 as
a Junior watch-keeping officer. Has anyone any information
regarding the involvement of BI during Partition in 1947 and which
ships were diverted to stand by at the time of the Yangtze Incident?
Unfortunately I have no record of the ship John was on during
the refugee trips at the time of Partition. He also
mentioned being on a ship which was diverted to the Yangtze area,
I have no idea which. Also, It would be great if I could
find someone who was on ss Tairea which sailed from Bombay
early in June 1948 with Gandhi's ashes in an urn. I have been
in contact with a Mr Bhoola in Durban who was on the ship
and sent me an account of the trip, calling at Mombasa, Beira
and Maputo. There was a possible problem about taking the ashes
into South Africa, and in the end they were taken off the
ship at Maputo and eventually arrived in Durban and subsequently
immersed in the sea. [In the Laxon & Perry
book British India Steam Navigation, there is a short but
detailed account of BI's involvement in the refugee runs
at the time of India's Partition. Briefly, the ships involved
were Bamora,
Barpeta, Dumra, Dwarka, Ekma, Kampala, Karagola, Karapara,
Shirala, Varela and Varsova -
the logbook 
Orwin, Australia - Saturday, April 24, 2010 at 08:22:01
William Morgan re his wife's father John Stephenson (Stephinson) [April
12, 2010] - suggest have
a look at Calling BI newsletter
issue 17 (April 2010) - some information and a photo there
of some who sailed on Chantala's
last voyage in BI colours whilst John was Master.
Jordan, China - Thursday, April 22, 2010 at 04:26:34
Looking for any ex-Warsash.
Hough, UK - Wednesday, April 21, 2010 at 19:57:05
to Brian Finlayson re your Father Angus, the photo with Monty
and the Captain was probably taken on the Ozarda as
this ship was used by Montgomery as a Base ship during Operation
Torch - North Africa. [...and reference
your photo captioned "Ozarda - Finlay Kerr - Tripoli", certainly
in 1939 there was a BI commander with the name F Kerr, who
in that year was in command of Warina (see the BI
People pages on
this site) - Editor]
Baker, Australia - Wednesday, April 21, 2010 at 13:21:19
a thank you for the information I have received from Peter
Glass and Ted Rowley regarding my brother Peter Pedersen. I
thought I might be able to obtain a list of ships on which
he sailed but although that obviously is not available it has
been a great pleasure to be in contact with these men with
whom Peter sailed. Thank you John Prescott for your assistance.
[A little more information from BI News.
The house magazine shows Peter as serving in the following
ships: Bankura,
Chief Officer, Sep 63 - June 64; Dumra,
Chief Officer, Mar 65; Kampala,
Chief Officer, Sep 65 - Jun 67; Kampala,
Chief Officer, Mar 68 - Jun 68 - Editor]
Sanceau, UK - Monday, April 19, 2010 at 21:20:59
father was an RAF officer, and was posted to HQFEAF, Changi,
Singapore; he and the rest of my family embarked on HMT Dunera,
the Suez crisis erupted. We got as far as Malta and learned
the Egyptian government had closed the Suez Canal.Back we went
to Southampton! 48 hours later, we took passage on the P & O
SS Corfu, arriving at Singapore a good few weeks later. Bliss!
I am interested in acquiring Dunera memorabilia.
Timms, Australia - Monday, April 19, 2010 at 04:42:23
reply to William Morgan, I sailed with your wife's father John
Stephenson [Stephinson] on Chantala.
A most respected Master, I was Cadet CPO at the time and he
offered alot of encouragement to all the cadets. Another aspect,
was the birth of a child (boy) on the day I celebrated my 21st
26/1/70 and we were just passing Cape Town bound for Bristol
from Trincomalee, having bunkered in Durban.
Balakrishnan, USA - Monday, April 19, 2010 at 04:06:34
Derek Hargreaves. Thank you so very much for responding to
my inquiry. Your pointing me in the direction of Valiant Voyages
and the Arnold Hague site opened up a treasure trove of information,
in addition to your specific observation on the Madura. Thanks
Ivins, Australia - Monday, April 19, 2010 at 03:32:10
am researching the ss Waroonga (and ss Bulimba) built by A
J Inglis Glasgow in 1882.Can anyone help with drawings to enable
me to construct a model of the ship? Thanks.
Prowse, UK - Saturday, April 17, 2010 at 17:09:47
would be grateful for any information on the where abouts of
Nick Jury and Malcolm Stacey. Thanks
Baker, Australia - Friday, April 16, 2010 at 13:49:13
Rowley how kind of you to reply to my log entry. It was a great
surprise and very emotional to see the photo you sent. Peter
shot a tiger!!! Are you sure? Nothing would surprise me. After
he died and his luggage was sent home, we found a high powered
rifle and an elephant gun in a suitcase! I would be particularly
interested in the dates when "Waroonga" came to Fremantle
if you have them. Again many thanks for the memories.
Glass, France - Wednesday, 14 Apr 2010 17:44:00
the entry [April
11, 2010] by Marie Baker on Peter Pederson. We sailed
together on the Nowshera for two
years in the early sixties. I was 3/0 and Peter X3/0. Later
in the sixties he relieved me as 2/0 of the Waroonga in
Melbourne. Peter and I were very good friends and shipmates.
If his sister Marie would care to contact me on my e mail I
would be delighted to furnish her with additional information.
[Message and details have been forwarded,
Peter - Editor]
left, rear: Ted Rowley; unknown,
seated: G Easterbrook 4/0, Bruce Davis C/O, Captain D Bardsley, Peter
Pederson 2/O, Frank McGuire 3/O,
front: Nick Jury Cadet; Malcolm (Spike) Stacey Cadet
Rowley, Australia - Wednesday, April 14, 2010 at 01:52:45
response to Marie Baker's entry of April.11th, I had the
pleasure of sailing with Peter on the
Waroonga between the dates of
14/07/59 and 16/11/59. I have a complete log of dates, ports
visited etc of Waroonga's Voyages 11 and 12 between UK and
Australia. The Captain was D Bardsley, C/O Bruce Davis, 2/O
Peter Pederson, 3/O Frank McGuire; Cadets Malcolm (Spike)
Stacey, Nick Jury and myself. I will attempt to attach a photo
I have of the officers from that trip! In 1964, whilst sailing
as 3rd Officer on Bulimba, on
two separate occasions I met up with Peter in Singapore when,
from memory, he was C/O on the Bankura.
Peter asked a group of us back on board to see his "prize" possession,
the skin of a tiger that he had shot presumably in Chalna,
now Bangladesh. It was riddled with bullet holes!!!! On the
second visit, a far better exhibition, only one bullet hole!
Peter was a great guy to sail with, a real character and
I was saddened to hear of his sudden death. [From
BI News, Oct 1968 issue: Following a motor accident Mr P J
Pedersen, Chief Officer, died in Brisbane, Australia on 8th
July. Mr Pedersen joined the company in March 1955, and was
promoted to Chief Officer in February 1962. He was, at the
time of the accident serving as Chief Officer ms Bulimba and
was aged 36 years.]
Kampala 'barrel' ashtray |
Land, UK - Monday, April 12, 2010 at 23:48:46
sailed on the Kampala and
I believe the Karanja in the early
1960s (although a post refers to the Karanja being sunk in the
war - I wonder was there a second Karanja? I'm guessing at 1962
and 1964) with my mum and dad, Jack and Edna Land, we holidayed
in the Seychelles and on the first holiday my parents bought a
house in the Seychelles, we returned a couple of years later, they
intended to retire there, but my dad's ill health ensured they
never did. In those days you could only get to the Seychelles by
boat out of Mombasa - we lived in Uganda. I returned to the Seychelles
(by plane) in 2000 and the house they bought and subsequently sold
was still there - my memories of those trips (and my mum and dad
recalling them subsequently) is overwhelming friendliness between
passengers and crew - very happy days, I wonder if anyone remembers
them? Unlikely to remember me as I was 8 and 10 respectively on
these voyages. I have a souvenir Barrel ashtray from the ss Kampala
[pictured here]. I'm
not sure whether the pictures of it will be of any interest to
the site, but, strangely, I guess the
ashtray did what it was designed to do by reminding me of
many happy memories.
Morgan, UK - Monday, 12 Apr, 2010
Trying to research my wife's fathers
working life. John Stephinson. Can anyone help? Please. This
is what we know. Captain John Dixon Stephinson joined BI in
1936/1937 and retired in 1972/1973. We have found mentions
of the following ships among his belongings. A
fuller idea of his working life would be great.
Devon - 1938 presume training
- 1940 [Surada?]
Swada - 1945
Karanja - 1949
Kenya - 1962
Kampala - ?
Woodarra - ?
Chantala - ?
News shows Captain Stephinson (spelt variously as Stephenson) as
being in command of Woodarra from 1964 to 1968, Nardana 1968, Chantala
1969 to 1971 - Editor]
Ernest Pattenden, UK April 12, 2010 at 09:11:17
I was a passenger on a voyage Bombay
to Colombo August 1944 in the Barpeta carrying
Royal Navy personel. Interested in any details regarding this
voyage and the vessel.
the logbook 
Baker, Australia - Sunday, April 11, 2010 at 13:51:50
brother Peter Pedersen was a deck officer with BI from approx.
1956 to his death in Brisbane in 1968. I would like to be able
to make a comprehensive list of the ships in which he sailed and
would appreciate any information.
Whitehurst, UK - Sunday, April 11, 2010 at 13:11:06
Evans was my great uncle. I remember him telling me about being
bombed twice and having to escape across occupied Greece
Christie, UK - Friday, April 9, 2010 at 23:31:55
looking to contact Terence Desmond French who I believe was,
in the 1940s, my mother's boyfriend who was serving on HMS
Thruster at the time. My mother's name is Olive Ring. What
sparked my interest was the Logbook entry from Peter
French [Oct 5, 2008, which mentioned
BI engineer Terence Desmond (Des) French]. It ís
clearly the same family (according to my mother who met some
of them). When my mother knew him Desmond was serving as
a second lieutenant in the RN. She is 88 now and was wondering
what had happened to him. Many thanks. [This
message has been forwarded to Peter French - Editor]
Evans, UK - Tuesday, April 6, 2010 at 14:11:18
ss Almora embarked fom Gravesend for Calcutta on Thursday 11th
April 1878. I possess a incomplete diary of a 1st class passenger
who he thought was the only Scot on board. We would dearly like
to know the passenger list where a family name from that era may
become apparent. Any chance of a list?
MacWatters, UK - Saturday, April 3, 2010 at 20:52:53
Sailed on Charles
Macleod 1964-1967 as 3rd engineer also Empire
Guillimot 1964. would love to hear from anyone that knew me.
Coulson, UK - Monday, March 29, 2010 at 21:07:30
My name is Eric Coulson I went on board
the ss Aronda in 1945 as a medical orderly and left in 1947.
I used to go down to the engine room with the 4th and 5th enginers.
Would love to hear from any one who remembers me.
Hussain, Australia - Saturday, March 27, 2010 at 11:44:04
had the privelage to travel in 1963 with my mother, brothers
and sisters to Bahrain to join our father from Karachi on board
ss Sirdhana. At that time I was
around 11 and still have photographic memories of that journey.
We travelled on the deck class sleeping on metalic bunkers under
the deck. The crew were fabulous always willing to assist. The
journey was very colourful especially when Arab merchants returning
from Bombay put up their stalls on the deck. I am currently compiling
my memors and eagerly seeking to get a picture/painting of ss
Sirdhana and if possible an exerpt from the massenger list with
my name. My mother's name is Akhtar Un Nisa. I shall be grateful
if any one can help?
Durenda -
BI 1922-1956 |
Finlayson, UK - Friday, March 26, 2010 at 13:42:41
late father Angus Finlayson was with BI from 1940 to 1946.
According to his Certificate of Discharge record, he served
as a junior engineer on the following ships: ss Neuralia 1941/42,
ss Matiana 1942,
mv Ozarda 1942/44,
(promoted to 4th engineer on Ozarda 3/9/43.), ss Yarsova [Varsova?] 1944,
ms Durenda 1944, and the
ss Barala 1945/46.
He seems to have served mostly on Calcutta/Bombay routes.
I have one or two photos of him and shipmates wearing tropical
gear(white shirt and shorts), but like a lot of people they
don't put any information on the back! I do have one photo
however that has. It states on the back, "Monty and
the Captain" then in different
handwriting "M.V. Ozarda and below " Finlay Kerr Tripoli".
Athough the picture is badly faded, you can still make out the
faces. There are approximately nine Army/Navy officers in the
photo, some obscured at the back. Monty can clearly be identified
(hands in pockets) standing next to the Captain. Was the Captain
called Finlay Kerr or was that the name of the person who took
the photo?. Does anyone know? Is there anyone still alive who
may have known or served with my father?
always hung on to his ships papers and I just happened to come
across them the other day, so I thought that I would try and
find information on British India Steam Navigation Company
Limited. My father was released on termination of war service
on 24th of June 1946. I was'nt born until 1947, so I really
know nothing of his time with BI. He was'nt the most talkative
of men.
Ashby, UK - Wednesday, March 24, 2010 at 12:03:01
April 1931 - Where would a passenger returning to the UK leaving
on board the ss Egra (bound
for the Straits) have changed ships? Singapore? Colombo?
Any help appreciated.
Ashby, UK - Wednesday, March 24, 2010 at 11:20:53
on Dilwara in early 1960 as a
young National Serviceman heading for Malaya. Fond memories
of my 'cruise' and getting ashore when we stopped at Gibraltar,
Famagusta, Aden, Colombo and finally Singapore. Enjoyed the
rifle competitions - teams of four from each unit on board
firing at balloons boobing in the wake behind the ship. Reading
the BI information this must have been one of Dilwara's last
trips as a troopship.
(Willy) Holden, UK - Sunday, March 21, 2010 at 15:40:04
I have found out how to use a computer and found the BI contact
pages. It would be great to hear from any of my old shipmates.
Maynard, UK - Friday, March 19, 2010 at 14:15:41
Served on Chindwara,
Jelunga, Juna, Tairea, Cumberland, Merkara 1967 - 1973. Pleased to hear from anyone who remembers me.
Gor, USA - Wednesday, March 17, 2010 at 12:50:52
have fond memories of travelling from Mombasa to Bombay on
ss Amra, and
ss Karanja
Wilkinson, UK - Wednesday, March 17, 2010 at 12:08:08
Father was an engineer with the BI during the late 1940s. He
passed away in 2006 leaving papers connected with his time
in the BI. It seems a pity to recycle them as waste paper and
was wondering if anyone would be interested as historical docuements. [Please
don't throw them out. There are a number of people who would
be interested in giving them a home, I am sure. Also, could
you give your father's name - Editor]
Morais, Honolulu - Tuesday, March 16, 2010 at 01:18:08
am trying to find out if my father John Victor Morais was one
of the passengers on the ss Rajula sailing
from Trivandrum, Kerala or Madras to British Malaya in 1927.
Appreciate any leads to where I can verify this.
Hargreaves, UK - Monday, March 15, 2010 at 19:33:09
Vijay Balakrishnan re mssage of 13 February 2010 - Singapore
- 1942.You
can be assured that your aunt and her two children did not
travel in Indora during their
escape from Singapore. There is no doubt that this ship was in
Karachi at the time. I suggest that the Madura was
the ship involved although there are some small differences between
the facts that we know and your information. However, the chaos
in Singapore in February 1942 was such that errors are easily
understandable. Here are the Maduraís movements
26 December 1941 - depart Colombo for Batavia (Java)
15 January 1942 - arrive Singapore from Batavia. Cargo
discharged and ship damaged by bombs
2 February 1942 - embarked 200 civilian passengers
3 February 1942 - sailed for Batavia. Bombed at sea in late afternoon. Five
crew kllled but no passengers dead.
4 February - diverted to Sumatra to transfer injured to Palembang Hospital
- ship continued to Batavia where the remainder of the passengers were landed.
12 February - depart for Calcutta
References:- Valiant Voyaging (OOP); Convoy data ex Arnold Hague
the logbook 
Rosanoski, New Zealand - Monday, 15 Mar 2010 11:13:09
log entry of March 12, 2010 and the question of house flag design
for Queensland Steam Shipping Co, documents
held by World Ship Society's library in Chatham suggest the flag
as being the reversal of the BI colours but in a plain rectangular
flag. As
far as my records are concerned, I am listing the rectangle version
as being correct but showing the burgee as a version shown
apparently as the result of incomplete information etc. (In
notes by Bob Tomkins, who wrote an article in The Log, August
1986) he stated that the flag was a "virtual reversal" of
BI's, with the drawing being a red rectangle with a white saltire.
When printed the word virtual has been omitted and
anyone reading it would be off on the wrong slant.) [The
flag shown for QSS on the Companies page of this site has been
changed to reflect this information - Editor]
Ogondo, South Africa - Sunday, March 14, 2010 at 17:22:03
I would like to use the log book for
literature review I am currently doing for my Project Proposal
at Wits University.
Kelso, UK - Saturday, March 13, 2010 at 07:15:48
to my message re: Lewis Rowland Holt - Bob Burnham, I should
have mentioned that the UK/Calcutta voyage in Pachumba took
place in September/October 1949
is the correct house flag for Queensland Steam Shipping
Co? The colour reversal of the BI burgee (A), or the
reversed colours but in a plain rectangular flag (B)? |
Neale Rosanoski,
New Zealand - Friday, March 12, 2010 at 07:39:47
discrepancy has arisen regarding the house flag for the Queensland
Steam Shipping Co. The BIship site (on
the Companies
page) shows it as an exact reversal
of the BISN flag (ie as a burgee, shown here as A) but in
an article by Bob Tompkins in The Log 8/1986, of the Nautical
Association of Australia, it was shown as a plain red rectangular
flag with a white saltire (shown here as B) and although Bob
states that "the flag
was a reversal of the BI flag",
I, as a result of the image he showed, thought he meant that
whilst it was a reversal of the BISN colours, the format was
a plain flag shape. I sent this information through to the
Flags of the World [FOTW] website where it was duly published
but subsequently your website was located by another contributor
who has brought the discrepancy to light. Can anyone add anything
to this debate. If anyone has sourced from a [contemporary]
painting or drawing then the correct flag will be clear, but
if it is from a written description, interpretation could give
rise to incorrect information. Any help will be gratefully
received. The flag books are not going to help any, I fear,
as the company was in existence for such a short time - 1881
to 1887 - and does not appear in any of my books around that
period, which include Lloyd's 1882 and Griffin 1883 and Reeds
1891. (Neale
Rosanoski, researcher and collector
of ships' liveries).
Kelso, UK - Thursday, March 11, 2010 at 07:47:09
Bob Burnham's message, March 2nd.
As a Cadet, I had the pleasure and good fortune to sail
with your maternal Grandfather, Lewis Rowland Holt. The ship
was the cargo vessel Pachumba (Capt
W Hickey) your grandfather being Chief Officer. The voyage
was from London to Calcutta via Port Sudan, Colombo and Madras.
Mr Holt was relieved on arrival for compassionate repatriation
on a homeward bound vessel (no flights in those days!). This
followd news of a family tragedy, in which if my memory is
correct, one of his children had been killed in a road accident.
Lewis Rowland Holt was a true Welshman and a seaman through
and through. I learned much from him. I remember sadly hearing
of the news of his demise when Chief Officer of Modasa.
- 1936-1960 |
Porter, UK - Sunday, March 7, 2010 at 17:33:05
sailed on the trooper Dilwara from
Bermuda to Southampton via the Azores in April 1951. Is there
any way I can verify the various departure and arrival dates.
I hope someone can point me in the right direction. Thanks.
Lambert, UK - Sunday, March 7, 2010 at 13:09:45
am Alumni Secretary for Bearwood Old Royals Association, ex
pupils of the Royal Merchant Navy School. I am always looking
for news of ex pupils. My parents both served with the BI.
My mother was aboard the Modasa and
my father served on the Mulbera before
his death in 1937.
Burnham - Tuesday, March 2, 2010 at 13:09:07
interested in finding out about my maternal Grandfather Lewis
Holt who was a deck officer and eventually Captain with BI Line.
I know he sailed on the Mulbera and
also Palikonda and presumably
others. In 1956 he became seriously ill at sea whilst he was
the Master of Palikonda and had to be picked up and taken into
Aden by a Union Castle line vessel. Sadly, he didn't recover
and died in Aden and he is buried in the RAF cemetery there.
If anyone sailed with him or knows anything about him I'd love
to hear from you. For what it's worth I understand that HIS father
(also Lewis Holt) also sailed with BI Line but I'm probably pushing
my luck to get any info about him!
Westley, UK - Monday, March 1, 2010 at 00:32:49
I came across your fascinating website by google search for my
old school Grendon Road - any chance you could pass on my contact
details to Mario Grima (he made an entry in your log Friday, July
25, 2003 at 20:15:25) - we were friends in 60s, and it would be
good to get in touch?
Bloom, UK - Thursday, February 25, 2010 at 16:54:12
I am researching the Ormara (1914-1948) and am keen to find a photo
or postcard of this vessel. Any assistance greatly appreciated.
Hughes, Australia - Monday, February 15, 2010 at 14:02:35
noted with interest reference to the Nov 1883 arrival of the
Nuddea in Moreton Bay. I believe
my great granny was a passenger but her diary states that the
arrival date was 28/29 Nov. which conflicts with the published
arrival date. Is there a passenger list available for that
voyage so that I can confirm she was in fact on board?
Balakrishnan, USA - Saturday, February 13, 2010 at 03:13:23
aunt and her two small children were evacuated from Singapore
on Feb 6, 1942 on "BISN Steamer 4", just before Singapore
fell to the Japanese. The ship was either torpedoed or otherwise
disabled somewhere off Sumatra. With luck they managed to get
ashore and eventually made it to India. I'm looking for the
actual name of the "BISN Steamer 4". This site indiactes
that a BISN ship Indora was sunk
by Japanese in 1942. Was Steamer 4 the Indora or was it some
other vessel? Any help appreciated. Thanks.
the logbook 
Bullock, Canada - Wednesday, February 10, 2010 at 20:15:38
Melis, Germany - Thursday, November 5, 2009 at 20:15:00 asked
the meaning of "P.W.D. Tanga" on
an old "travel
box". Tanga
is a port in Northern Tanzania (formerly Tanganyika). PWD
indicates Public Works Department, so this was
either an address for a former owner of the box, or it was
a box formerly owned by the PWD prior to passing into private hands.
It would not be uncommon for old packing cases (is this what
it is?) to be acquired by travellers for shipment of their
goods and chattels, particularly when "going home for good".
[It is satisfying to get answers with obscure
facts, like this. Thanks Ron - Editor]
Peterson, Australia - Sunday, February 7, 2010 at 04:17:46
Just trying to find info on the route the Dacca used to take
for family history research. Any hints as to if it ever went
to Germany to pick up passengers?
[Which Dacca, the 1867-76 vessel or the 1882-90?]
Drew, Australia - Saturday, February 6, 2010 at 06:56:54
wonder if there are any references to Captain William Townsend,
of either Padang or Calcutta, in the early days of the company?
There is a photo in the Queensland State Library, taken in
Essex, of a person said to be the good Captain, wearing a cap
with the BI insignia badge. From his apparent age in the photo,
the mid to late 1850s would be a good match. On another copy
in the possession of a descendant, there is a pencilled inscription "B
I Co.".
Ritchie, UK - Thursday, February 4, 2010 at 14:47:33
Looking fo anyone who sailed with me. 1952 1956
Patel, UK - Tuesday, February 2, 2010 at 18:02:07
happen to travel on BI ss Amra,
sailing on 21/22 May 1954 directly from Ballard Pier Bombay
(Mumbai as known now) sailing for Mombasa on the Kenyan coast..
I was sailing with my parents and my mother was expecting a baby. On
the second or third day of the journey, my mother gave a birth
to a girl child on board which we all named her Kirti (Famous
person because she was born on high sea in Indian Ocean. I
hold the rightful certificate issued by Ministry of Transport
and Civil Aviation located at Cardif address: General Register
And Record office of shipping and Seman, Llantrisant Road, Llandaff,
Cardif dated August 1955. A fee of 2s/6d was than paid by my
father D S Patel who was then working as a Labour Officer in
Ministry of Labour Nairobi, Kenya. The child was born on Ss.
Amra on 24 May 1954 named Kirti Patel. The
further evidence and proof of this is the letter signed on
letter head of BI Steam Navigation Company Limited, Item No.45A
hand written document, signed by Dr K M Luaster (MBBS). This
certificate is further validated by Senior Immigration officer
on 30 May 1954, perhaps the date when the ship landed at Mombasa
Masson, UK - Saturday, January 30, 2010 at 22:46:39
father, Harry Masson first went to sea with BI in the late
1940s, out of Bombay. He was an engineer (ended his sea days
as a chief). He never really spoke about his time at sea but
if anyone out there remembers him, he passed away on 27 Feb
Pease, Portugal - Tuesday, January 26, 2010 at 16:35:39
wish to obtain the manifest of all passengers sailing on the
BI Mantola that left Gibraltar as
part of convoy HG6 on 06/11/39, arriving in London on 12/11/1939.
I obtained a list of 19 British passengers that sailed on this
vessel from the National Archives. But, they were unable to supply
a complete manifest including all nationalities. Thank you in
advance to anyone who can help me. Michael Pease (one of the
Johnson, UK - Sunday, January 24, 2010 at 11:16:00
To Peter Brown ref your entry 28th OCtober
'09: Check out "...calling
BI" newsletter, especially issue 10. best regards from Lyndon
Johnson (ex-Uganda)
Bashford, UK - Tuesday, January 19, 2010 at 11:13:42
Re: Feddy Crabbe Sunday June 8th 2008,
I was on Empire Kittiwake in 1946
but then it was LST 3510 then in 1947 it was renamed HMS Slinger
in 1948 it came back to the uk from the Med to Greenock then
down to Pembroke dock where i left her to get demobed i would
if poss appreciate a photo of her as it would complete photos
of all the ships i served on thanks alot
Cole, Australia - Monday, January 18, 2010 at 04:59:16
researching events, ships, and incidents that may have involved
my Father-in Law Norm Keily, an Australian DEMS Gunner, during
I last logged in about 15 minutes ago but have since found that
Christopher Shaw of UK had mentioned the Orna and
his encounter with a DEMS Gunner called Titch. He may well have
known my Australian Father-in Law Norm Keily who served on the
Orna from joining in Bombay on 19 January 1942 until he left to
go to Makeena? Hospital in Iraq on 19 December 1942. Norm had contracted
Malaria, but upon feeling better managed to smuggle in a couple
of bottles of Scotch for the other patients. He was found out after
the ward had a sing-song and was banished inland to No.20 BCD Shaiba
[?] in the desert, an odd place for a sailor to wind up. He wrote
his story out before he died 20 odd years ago and I can be contacted
on should anyone be interested
in his wartime exploits as an Aussie DEMS Gunner on British Merchant
Navy ships.
Bashford, UK - Sunday, January 17, 2010 at 15:39:27
I was on this ship from 1946 to 1948
when it was LST3510 but then renamed in 1947 to HMS Slinger.
I left the ship in Pembroke Dock when I got demobed. I would
like to get hold of a picture of this ship if poss. [Which
ship? - Editor]
Noel Fowler (nee Bunn), USA - Sunday, January 10, 2010 at 02:15:56
Hello again, it has been a while since
I last logged in! Does any one per chance know anything about
the merchant navy movie made in the second WW, 'Western Approaches"?
I would like to know how the BI came to be involved in it?
My late father Capt L A Bunn is seen in it at the conference
table. Old fashioned as it may seem today, I still enjoy watching
Morgan - Saturday, January 9, 2010 at 16:24:33
for any information anyone may have on the Neuralia,
particularly crew lists for Mar 1943. My father was 4th engineer.
Nelson, UK - Saturday, January 9, 2010 at 11:46:04
was not aware a BI site existed, Looking on the site and through
the reunion photographs it was good to see a lot of people
who I sailed with and I have often wondered what became of
Roger, UK - Friday, January 8, 2010 at 22:50:03
Is there any record of the death and
burial at Aden on 11th Aug 1877 of Patrick Rowell. He and his
family were bound for Mauritius from the UK. Is his family
on the passenger list? I assume the ship he was on went through
Suez Canal - could it have been the Arcot? He was my great
uncle. [Arcot was a BI ship, 1871-1887 - Editor]
- BI 1940-1970 |
John Major |
Hussain, Pakistan - Friday, January 8, 2010 at 05:37:31
was the year 1958-59, I was only 8 years old boy, I with my
parents travelled through your company ship ms Aronda,
from Chittagong to Karachi port Kemari, we stayed some hours
in Colombo port, I still remembes my good life hours travelled
through ms Aronda, it was my wish to know about the fate of
that grand ship Aronda, today i knew it was scrapped in 1963,
my salute and best wishes for staff sho served us comfortably,
I remember, if you have any photographs and its brief history
please send me, I remain grateful to you all. Mehmood Hussain
s/o M F Hussain
John Macloed, UK - Tuesday, January 5, 2010 at 15:10:09
sailed on the loss of the Dara on April 8th 1961. Was on a
number of BI ships (Landaura, Kenya, Pundua,
Chindwara, Ozarda, Ormara)
from 1959 till 1963. I was junior engineer progressing to 3rd
engineer. If anyone remembers me, i would love to hear from
Buchanan ,
UK - Friday, January 1, 2010 at 18:43:46
was a passenger on the Mantola in 1934 from Zanzibar to London.
My father worked for Gray Mackenzie. My Great Great Grandfather
was Archibald Gray, the Captain of the Bussorah that
sank with all hands in 1863 on it's maiden voyage.