Jim Harvey, UK - Sunday, December 30, 2007 at 22:06:15
I see my old pal David Guest (8th November) has found this site. Well do I remember our Chantala days together, along with Bertie Miller, Don Cherry, all the rest of the crew, and of course our jaunts up Kilindini Road. Dave it would be great to hear from you, get in touch with me and we can catch up.
Richard Dewis, UK - Sunday, December 30, 2007 at 21:53:40
My father served as a Naval PO on ss Egra in 1942-43
Kenneth Paes, US - Sunday, December 23, 2007 at 18:33:30
I'd like to be contacted by Ken Paes who served on Bankura ship.
Haroon Tar Mahomed, South Africa - Wednesday, December 19, 2007 at 10:20:48
We are constantly updating info on the website - www.sstilawa.com ss Tilawa sailed from Bombay to Mombasa and Durban and was torpedoed by a Japanese submarine on 23rd November 1942.
Tim Comyn, France - Thursday, December 13, 2007 at 17:27:21
don't see many entries by anybody who
were 2nd or 3rd officers in the late
60's. I hope they aren't all dead. Weddick,
Bellamy, McCallister are names that spring
to mind, Dick Aldrick is another. Isee
Dudley Horscroft's name on the BI web
site quite often, he would wouldn't he.
Brian Agnew, UK - Thursday, December 13, 2007 at 01:09:35
Excellent site. Need to contact Ian McWhannell while on holiday in NZ. Can anyone provide email address for Ian (Angus)?
Phil Incledon, UK - Wednesday, December 12, 2007 at 14:34:59
Kenya (1966 - 1968), Uganda (1965). Greatships, really happy memories. Also New Zealand 1961/1962 (Nyanza). Rajula 1970/1971
Jim Devine, - Tuesday, December 11, 2007 at 23:42:45
Greetings BIshipmates, I am currently holidaying with my daughter and first grandchild in Tennessee USA and contemplating a trip to Fremantle in 2008. Annie, my wife, is engrosed with the baby, and I am banished to the garden to erect the Christmas decoration display, but what else are Grandpas for? Hope all of you at BIship, and all subscribers to this website have a wonderful Christmas and peaceful New year.
Malcolm Henderson UK - Tuesday, December 11, 2007 at 14:48:20
Ref Sue Saltmarsh [Nov 21, 2007]. Sorry but I cannot add much info about your father. When I transfered from the Woodarra onto the Chanda in Melbourne, August 1959, my position was taken over by John Black. I seem to remember that he was at the end of his contract and using her to return to England. We only met for an hour.
Jim Hepburn, UK - Tuesday, December 11, 2007 at 11:08:54
Hello, from memory there was a TV film made around the 70's of the sailing from Bombay to the Gulf states. I cannot fix the ship? But would be intereseted in a video if there was such a thing for purchase of this TV documentery on B I. [There was a BBC documentary made on board Dwarka in the early 1980s - Editor]
John Leeson, UK - Monday, December 10, 2007 at 14:56:51
For Peter Griffiths. Ref maiden voyage Bamora - My parents Angela and ‘Barney‘ are still fit and well living just outside Wetherby. Cannot remember whether I was part of the initial maiden voyage, but I was on the ship at some point - I believe we made the papers in Sydney - John ( eldest son)
Tom Sowerbutts, UK - Saturday, December 8, 2007 at 16:29:52
Worked for Henry Tyrer -Ship Brokers- of Vernon Street , Liverpool for several years.
Bertram Wilton-King, UK - Tuesday, December 4, 2007 at 20:17:14
Where would i find records of employees in INDIA 1900 to 1950? Would be most grateful for any advice.
Tony Brown-Bresford, Australia - Saturday, December 1, 2007 at 06:49:46
Very enjoyable to scroll through the many years of happy
memories of old friends and old ships. Pleased to see the
photo of ss Okhla on which I sailed as 5e/o in 1949.
Mayfield, UK - Friday, November 30, 2007 at 20:28:22
I am looking for info regarding my
mother, born in Bombay in 1926 and her parents who lived
in lower Coloba. [Was your mother’s
family connected in any way with BI and if so what were
their names? - Editor]
Sudbury, UK - Friday, November 30, 2007 at 10:33:06
I was a passenger on ss Matania [Matiana ?] in 1951, when I was
five years old. I would love a photograph of the old girl if
anyone has got one.
Schofield, UK - Wednesday, November 28, 2007 at 21:35:53
Some of the happiest times of my working life where had in the
BI. I met some fantastic people and we had a great time.
Holden, UK - Monday, November 26, 2007 at 11:19:11
I'm trying to obtain a photograph of the
former BI ship Gambhira that was built as the War Merlin in
1918. She was used as a block-ship at Scapa Flow in 1939, but
was later raised and used as a target-ship off Anglesey, where
she still lies on the seabed.
Sealey, Bahamas - Sunday, November 25, 2007 at 18:42:28
Worked for BI on a dozen ships 1957-64. I'll be attending the
BI Reunion in 2008 for the first time.
O’Hare, US - Sunday, November 25, 2007 at 15:30:29
I was delighted to see a picture on the HMT Neuralia. My mother,
brother and I sailed back to Ireland on this shipfrom India in
Feb1938. I was four years old. My parents died in 1944, so I
had never seen a picture of it before. I'd really love to have
a large copy of the picture. If Mr Dobson sees this, he could
get in touch with me.Thanks.
Young, US - Saturday, November 24, 2007 at 21:55:14
Am searching for passenger lists of BI ships. My grandfather,
Christian Frederick Hare, traveled from Calcutta to Bangkok in
1904 on one such vessel. How may I locate this information? I'd
very much appreciate input and direction so I might pursue this
Busch - Saturday, November 24, 2007 at 15:50:02
My Grandfather was Alfred Victor Paul. He was Purser on the steamer
Mandala and went on to be the Admin Manager for the Royal Albert
Saltmarsh - Wednesday, November 21, 2007 at 09:05:16
Henderson [Nov 5, 2007] - did
you know my Dad Johnny Black? He was an engineer on the Woodarra about
the same time you served on there but he wasn't on for long
before being transferred.
Ivison, UK - Tuesday, November 20, 2007 at 13:15:30
Nice to see some names from the past which
I recognise. I'm still at sea as 1st/CEO albeit less exotic
necks of the woods these days, ie Bristol Channel & NW
England working aggregate dredgers. Remember Sandy Macfarlane
from SSMTC as I started at the same time, also Roger Timms as
I was an engineer cadet when he was 3rd mate on the Waipara,
I think. Others are from memories of film swap/ social visits
to company ships. I also remember Laurie Edwards as CEO on
the Nyanza, a real old style gentleman,
I think i was there for a part of his retirement trip accompanied
by his wife. I did my cadetship sea time with Dave Profitt on
the Waipara followed by Nyanza in '70/71. Following that, spent
two and a half years on the Jelunga followed by leave and then
another 1 year on the Jelunga/Strathleven as she became. Moved
through various P&O
group companies up until leaving P&O
Nedlloyd in 1998.
Griffiths, Canada - Monday, November 19, 2007 at 20:21:44
I sailed on the Bamora's maiden voyage in 1961.The Master was
Tommy Rouse and Chief Officer Barney Leeson with Mike Storey
as 2nd Officer and Spud Murphy third officer. I was the
junior cadet along with Nigel Stephenson from Grimsby and Robin
Paine who I was at Pangbourne with. John Gunn Mcleod was the
Radio Officer a true Stornaway character! George Galbraith,
Bll Crooks, Neville Burford, Tony Christ and Sandy Souter were
some of the engineers. It was an exciting first trip and I wonder
if any former shipmates are out there? If so please get in touch!
My wife and I run a B & B here in Niagara on the Lake in Ontario,
Canada and I would really like to get in touch with my
old shipmates.
Warburton, UK - Monday, November 19, 2007 at 08:35:24
Re Malcome Henderson, we must have
sailed together. I was fiver on Woodarra at
that time, your name rings a bell. You must have been on
board with Tom Hunter and Eric Deans. Hope you are keeping
well. Why not sign on to the BI Yahoo chat line and maybe
find some other shipmates.
Ekneligoda, Australia - Saturday, November 17, 2007 at 12:36:05
Regards to Ms Lou Chambers. I sailed with your Dad, Mum and yourself
on Purnea 69/70 Voyage to Europe from Australia.
I was 3/0. I am still at sea!.
Letch, UK - Thursday, November 15, 2007 at 22:53:53
I'm researching my family tree, and
have discovered that one of my ancestors was an engineer
on board the Dilwara in 1901. Where could I find out more
about the ship and, if possible, my ancestors role? His name
was Edward Heaver.
Dodsworth, UK - Friday, November 9, 2007 at 16:22:58
Joined mv Chindwara in 1951 and sailed
on a number of BI ships.
Guest, UK - Thursday, November 8, 2007 at 21:43:41
I've just looked at this website for the first time and see my
old mates Bob Harvey and Roger Timms from Chantala mentioned.
I was saddened to read about Geordie Beresford - I recall a memorable
nights drinking in Lisbon when we were on Dunera which resulted
in us being hauled up in front of the C/O - not good when you
are cadets ! My favourite memories of my time with BI are Bertie
Miller, Don Cherry, Dave Ledger ( the best C/O a cadet could
have), Robin Philips ( the best Captain a cadet could have),
Chupra in '68 ( Far East, NZ and Oz ) and the Casablanca Club
in Mombasa...but not necessarily in that order.
Singh, US - Thursday, November 8, 2007 at 03:10:01
I am looking for Calcutta to Fiji vessels and their voyages from
1917 to 1940, plus any other related information
Henderson, UK - Monday, November 5, 2007 at 19:47:41
I joined my first ship ts Woodarra in June 1959 and was transfered to the ms Chanda in Melbourne
on August 16th 1959. I sailed with her until a serious accident
brought my career to an end in Bahrain April 1960.
Pollock, UK Friday, November 2, 2007 at 20:04:43
time during the 1930's my mother (when she was very young)
travelled to Morocco aboard ss Mashobra,
returning a few weeks later with the Manela (she always thought
this ship was called 'Manila). The trip had been recommended
as treatment for a nervous breakdown and it certainly was brilliantly
successful. The problem is that for as long as I can remember
my mother has never been able to say exactly when it took place.
I know that her return was delayed by some kind of strike action,
and also that she has always believed the Manela (Manila)
to have been on her last voyage, heading home to be broken
up - yet I see this did not happen until 1946, and my mother's
voyage was quite definitely pre-war. It would be marvellous if
someone could come up with some information. [I
suspect that the answer to this conundrum is the fact
that during the later 1930s Manela was laid up for periods and
was even rumoured for disposal. It can easily be imagined that
on trips immediately before such lay-ups there would have
been a belief on board that it was the ship's last voyage. The
prelude to war and the war itself probably saved Manela, but
immediately after her war service ended in June 1946, she was
sold for demolition without being recommissioned by the company
- Editor]
Grant-St. James, UK - Friday, November 2, 2007 at 00:46:22
have a lovely English Pewter hip flask from the ss Madura if
any one is interested. It is listed on eBay.co.uk and
the tag line is as follows. ss Madura 1922 hip flask
hand beaten English pewter Item number: 120177201321
Ford, UK - Wednesday, October 31, 2007 at 18:31:32
father was serving 1st Battalion Sherwood Forresters and
was a passenger aboard ss Thongwa on
his return to Europe from India in 1914, and I, also a Forrester
aboard Empire Test, November 1947, enroute from Liverpool
to Port Said.
Saltmarsh - Wednesday, October 31, 2007 at 07:39:27
Warburton: My Dad mentioned about going to Australia, unfortunately
I can't ask him now has he passed away back in 1990 still
quite young. Which is why I have all his navy stuff from
inoculation certificates and loads of pictures. Yes he was
known as Johnny like football and I think he joined when
he was only around 17yrs old and left in his early/mid twenties,
he went to work and live in England and married my mum in
1962 and had me. If you have any photos, email them to [me
Scott, New Zealand - Tuesday, October 30, 2007 at 10:26:01
mother and her brother, pos 1913, followed parents who came
to Fremantle on Janus from Calcutta
in 1912. seeking how and when they came?
the logbook 
Gomes, Canada - Monday, October 29, 2007 at 20:58:08
I travelled on ss Karanja from
Dar-es-Salaam to Bombay in 1971 when I was 2 years. I do
not remember much of the journey but I grew up listening
to tales about voyages by my whole family.
Warburton, UK - Monday, October 29, 2007 at 09:25:41
Message from Sue Saltmarsh (nee Black) [Oct 14, 2007] I
think I sailed with your dad John, known as Johnny. He
joined Woodarra in, I think,
Melbourne about 1958/59. He joined after a spell of two
years on the Indian coast. Had a great time with him
in Australia. He had a great collection of LP records,
and a great suntan. I think I have a picture of him somewhere.
He left us when we got back to UK, never heard of him
again. He was 5th Engineer at that time. I think his
previous ship was Amra.
Gardner, Canada - Sunday, October 28, 2007 at 23:21:49
re Robin Knox-Johnston's entry [Oct
19, 2007], I was on the Nuddea in 1961 (relieving R/O), and I believe he was 3/O, along with
Capt Jack Hamilton, he was also on the Dwarka Jan. 1961, and
V.Fox was 2/O.
Lemcke-Braselmann - Sunday, October 28, 2007

to say he has the bell from Nevasa (presumably
the most recent ship) plus a watercolour of the ship and
a model of Kenya.
It is believed the bell, which he bought in Southampton
20 years ago, was taken off the ship before she departed
on her run voyage to Kaohsiung and the breakers in 1975.
Peter is pictured here with the bell and painting. Editor]
Joshi, UK - Sunday, October 28, 2007 at 08:14:25
I am looking for a passenger manifest
from Ballard Pier, south Bombay, sailing to East Africa
on Saturday June 24, 1947, arriving Dar-es-Salaam on Jul
121947. Any help in this matter will be much appreciated.
Macfarane, New Zealand - Thursday, October 25, 2007 at 04:08:55
Engineer Cadet at SSMTC in 1967 - sailed
on Nevasa, Aska, Nowshera, Zaida, Zira and
then into P&O
GCD..last Ship 2/E/0 Strathmay (ex Manora).
Great site. Hope to make the reunion at Runnymede in 2008.
To Bryan Rogers.. Mick Roper I saw the email from Anne & John...answer
in progress.
MacLean, US - October 22, 2007 at 15:34:20
We are trying to do a family tree.
We know that Kenneth MacLean was a ships carpenter aboard
the Java which was
built in 1872 by A&J Inglis, Pointhouse Glasgow. Any
and all help would be appreciated.
Hazel Harradence,
UK - Monday, October 22, 2007 at 11:32:11
Enjoyed looking round the site. My great-grandfather
Arthur Fleming sailed on ss Dorunda from
Plymouth on 27 September 1883 with an assisted passage. On
the boat he met Sarah Jane Deakin and when the boat reached
Brisbane, they got off, got married & then
continued their journey to Sydney. I would love to have a
picture of the ship. Can anyone help, please?
Noble, UK - Friday, October 19, 2007 at 16:32:24
Would like to hear from any old shipmates
with whom I sailed: Kenya Uganda Dunera Woodarra Queda
Knox-Johnston, UK - Friday, October 19, 2007 at 14:29:04
Ken Whitehead's comments about the
Bombala, I never served on a
B [Class ship].
I served on Chindwara,
Nardana, Canara, Chakdara, Nyanza, Dwarka, Dumra, Santhia,
Sirdhana, Kenya and Woodara from
cadet to CO between 1957 and 1968.
Smith, UK - Thursday, October 18, 2007 at 18:17:48
First ship, Chilka,
from Tilbury in November 1969 to points east. Then Chakdina, Nowshera,
even the Rajula with the "Blue
Thing" and Taff. Then the "Super Strath" Ardle
[Strathardle] with my best man Dave Smith and Chris Willis. Left
her in Kobe and came back to UK via Trans-Siberian Railway with
Dick. The Strathconon came next. Left her in HK and flew to
Japan to get married. Then the Strathcarron for a couple of years
between the Gulf and Japan taking the better half with me. Flew
back to UK from Gulf then had a few 'Wild' boats before
resigning. In charge of maintaining a leisure centre for 18 years
and then joined Peugeot at Coventry until they closed and sacked
over 4000. Am now a man of enforced leisure. My first C/E/O,
Mr. Simpson, said I would marry a Japanese lass. He was right
and 32 years of wedded bliss comes up next February. Mind, the
3 sons are now a bit of a handful. The older they get, the worse
they get. Anybody remember Big Jim Cowie?
Buck, UK - Tuesday, October 16, 2007 at 14:52:14
reply to Alan Kendall [Sept
28] 2005, apparently my grandfather Robert Archibald
Philp was also 2nd engineering officer on Nowshera when
it was captured. He was taken with the crew to a POW camp
and died of TB. We have a photo of the funeral at Becklingen
cemetary. I have no other details about his crew etc and would
love any information.
Saltmarsh (nee Black) - Sunday, October 14, 2007 at 19:36:21
have a handbook from my Dad called the British India Steam
Navigation Company Limited Regulations and Instructions.
Issued to him in 1956. In it he has listed what I assume
are the ships he served on. I think he joined Merchant Navy
around 1952-1956 until around 1960-ish. I believe he was
an engineer but not sure of the rank. I have photos of him
in all white uniform. The ships he listed are, Chindwara,
Amra, Dara, Chupra, Woodarra, Queda (In that order
in the book). Did anyone know John Black from Motherwell,
Scotland. I have postcards he has written to his family
with pictures of the boats he was on but can't make out
the dates on the stamps. One is 8th August 1957 where he
is "still" on Chindwara
and another date unsure is the Amra on which he writes: "I
am on this ship and I am going to Bombay won't be home
for about 2 years."
Nonas, Saudi Arabia - Sunday, October 14, 2007 at 15:17:19
My Grandfather sailed with BI in 13/06/1942
to India. Hopefully this site will give us an insight into
his voyage.
Daniel - Sunday, October 14, 2007 at 10:52:07
Was that the Lewis Drummond who was an engineer on the Pundua
Ainsworth, UK - Sunday, October 14, 2007 at 10:50:36
Are there any pictures of the ss Manora,
or a similar barquetine? How long would it take in October
1891 for her to travel London-Calcutta? These are points
raised in Family History connection. [From
a BI timetable of 1904 the total passage time London-Calcutta
(with calls at Aden, Colombo and Madras) was 34 days. This
probably wouldn't have been substantially faster than the
1891 service - Editor]
Wrightson, UK - Friday, October 12, 2007 at 14:11:18
Have just made contact with BI website
and hope to attend Runnymede reunion with a couple of ex-
BI colleagues (D Martin & J
Webster, UK - Tuesday, October 9, 2007 at 18:48:42
Just got a call from an old sea buddy Keith Sutcliffe who
told me about the BI web site, have enjoyed looking through
the names and comments. I joined BI in 1966 and left in 1970.
Spent the first year on the Chandpara then
onto Bamora. Had shorter trips on the Juna, Dumra and
finally Bombala.
Cruikshank, US - Monday, October 8, 2007 at 17:07:33
Could be visiting Australia in 2008. Attended Glasgow reunion
2006 as well as BI Engineers' Lunch in Glasgow, then and previously.
Pettinger, Australia - Sunday, October 7, 2007 at 10:20:58
I have been away from this site for a while and notice Chris
Barnes and Keith Harmer have signed in. I haven't seen either
of you for over 30 years. Best wishes to you both.
Brunton, UK - Saturday, October 6, 2007 at 18:55:08
The ship's clock from the ss Modasa has been passed onto me by my grandfather William Brunton
of Grangemouth who was involved in ship breaking many years
ago. Not sure how he came by the clock and wonder if anyone
else knows.
Ainsworth, UK - Thursday, October 4, 2007 at 21:59:33
Very well laid out, and very interesting.
Pity I was unable to print the page I wanted [If you let
us know which page, will happily mail you a transcript -
Kumaran, Thursday, October 4, 2007 at 07:33:11
Fond memories of my travels on ss Rajula during my younger days,sailing
from Singapore to Madras many times. Today my wife and I go on
a cruise yearly the love of sea travel I got from my Rajula days.
Patterson, Canada October 4, 2007 at 00:08:23
My Dad, Alan K M Patterson served
as a ships radio officer from 1938-1945. I will be publishing
his story in a book called The Radio Man....Marconi
Please contact me if you knew Alan. He served on ss
Indora, Contractor, and Warina.
Quinn, UK - Tuesday, October 2, 2007 at 12:53:24
Just read the messages for the first time in a while and see
that Mick Roper and Bryan Rogers remember Ann and me from the
Zaida days. Ann would like to get in touch with them as she does
keep up with some others from that time--Sandy, Dave James, Bob
Lawrence etc and we recently came into contact with Big Dennis.
Ann and John Quinn.
Lloyd, UK - Monday, October 1, 2007 at 22:26:04
I have been informed that Walter Blewer passed away on 12th Sept
Walter and I met up after a gap of 59 years. We were both serving,
he as cadet and I as Radio Officer on the Surada when we were
torpedoed by U188 in the Indian Ocean on 26/1/1944
Mussa Moti, UK - Thursday, September 27, 2007 at 14:56:53
Looking for passenger list of Karanja in the 1940's and ship
name that sailed from Jamnagar to Uganda
Pereira, Sri Lanka - Wednesday, September 19, 2007 at 14:16:06
My father left Colombo, Ceylon as a
stowaway on a ship in 1924. He was 16 years old. The first
port they touched was in India, then France, where he had
to serve a short spell in jail. Then he signed on as a marine
stoker and proceeded to London. How can I find more details
about this incident?
Pakrashi, India - Wednesday, September 19, 2007 at 09:14:03
Mr Tom Kelso, UK - You remember it right! It was On The Hooghly
written by Mr M H Beattie, who retired from the Bengal Pilot
Service in 1914. The book was first published in 1935 by
Phillip Allan, 69,Great Russel Street, London. Beattie had
passed out from training ship, HMS Worcester (UK) and joined
the Service in 1878, reaching Calcutta by PO ship Peshawar.
The book is an interesting memoir of his life as a pilot
on the Hooghly. The names of BI ships and masters, figure
often in his writing, with anecdotes. He gives an eye-witness
account of the sinking of BI ship ss Mahratta on
23 June 1887 off Hooghly Point (James and Mary's Sand ) in
which his batchmate Brown (from Worcester) happened to be
the Chief Officer. Later, Brown commanded several BI ships.
He also mentions the "comfortable accomodation" and "good
messing" on board the BI ships and wonders how the Irish stew tasted exactly
the same in all the ships! Happy reading !
Swyer, Australia - Monday, September 17, 2007 at 06:43:15
An interest to see if any one else
is around that may have been in Modasa Ellenga Egra Chanda Landaura
Mantola between 1944 to
1948 when I joined N.Z.S. Co.
Blewer, UK - Sunday, September 16, 2007 at 21:38:14
is with great sadness that Ii must announce that my father
Walter Ernest Blewer sailed for uncharted waters on 12th
Sept 2007, after briefly suffering from cancer. He would
have been 82 the next day. He served with BI through the
war years until the late 1950s. He leaves behind a daughter
and son but we are consoled in the knowlege that he is now
reunited with his beloved wife and our mother Barbara
Pickering, Australia - Sunday, September 16, 2007 at 06:50:13
I am trying to find information and
photos of the Waipara in
1913. My grandmother came to Australia in her.
Hargreaves, UK - Sunday, September 16, 2007 at 00:00:19
Patrick Malone's queries of 3 August 2007. Very
recently, a wealth of WW2 convoy data collected by Lt Cdr Arnold
Hague RN, previously unpublished, has now been released by
his widow and can be accessed on the ConvoyWeb site. It contains
details of 11 convoys between 21 October 1939 and 24 July 1941
in which Matiana sailed, all in UK/Atlantic waters to Gibraltar,
Freetown and Halifax (NS). The ConvoyWeb site also shows Malda operating
in these areas at about the same time.
Clearly, a decision
was made to transfer Malda to India in late 1941 or early 1942
and a good BI personel man would not have missed the opportunity
of moving a Matiana cadet, enjoying an idle life in Toronto,
to the Malda. In Calcutta, Malda was converted to a troop carrier,
meeting her end on 6th April 1942 on her first trip in this
role, at the hands of a Japanese cruiser off the coast near
graphic description of Malda's sinking is given in the book
Valiant Voyaging where many of the ship's officers are identified.
Ask your friend if he recalls a fellow cadet, Thompson, opening
fire on a small float plane with Japanese markings on the
wings shortly before the cruiser appeared. Considering the
intensity of the attack, made without delay, it is surprising
that the Malda's fatal casualty list of two engineers and the
second cook was so small.
North African 'ammunition run', I quote the following from
Valiant Voyaging: The Urlana herself went with the remainder
of the convoy to Algiers and, four days later, was one of
the ships detailed to take invading forces to the small port
of Bougie. After it had been taken over, she put in to unload
and, at once with the other ships in the small port, became
the target of the Luftwaffe. The attacks were frequent and
severe...." This
in November 1942 so that time scales fit. Hope this jolts
your friend's memories!
the logbook 
Zaluski, Poland - Thursday, September 13, 2007 at 22:47:11
I'm making this comment as a reply
to Craig Murdoch query for information about his grandfather
Kazimierz Marian Knyszewski [ref October
24, 2006 and Shirala].
Mr Knyszewski was my grandmother's brother. For all we know
after he left his home he served on many polish ships as
chef (we know that he served on ''JÛzef
Pilsudski'' and ''Stefan Batory). Then he settled in the
Republic of South Africa where he married Rita Kazimierz.
After the letter from his captain that he and he wife separated
my grandmother completely lost contact with him. It would
great if I could contact you via email to talk about our
families and share our knowledge about your grandfather and
my granduncle.
Renham, New Zealand - Thursday, September 13, 2007 at 09:57:03
My grandfathers name was Hugh Alder
and he was an engineer on the Nevasa prior to and during
WW1. I have two postcards that he sent to my grandmother,
one of which is the ship in her normal livery and one as
a hospital ship. There seems to be little information about
this ship. I would like to know where I could find more info
and pictures of this vessel.
Devine, UK - Monday, September 10, 2007 at 23:42:30
Always of great interest, I visit more often than I sign!
Norrington, UK - Thursday, September 6, 2007 at 18:41:09
There is a reference to ss Dunera on
29/03/1898 in my Grandfathers Military records. But on your
site you have the Dunera built 1937. Was there a previous
vessel with this name? [There was
indeed an earlier Dunera. She was inservice in BI group companies
from 1891 to 1922 - Editor]
Huck, UK - Monday, September 3, 2007 at 14:54:08
uncle sailed on the Dunera -
September 1937 on her maiden 6 week voyage to Hong Kong - He
mentions in his letters (of which I have many) he could see
the land of Cape St Vincent, sailing down north coast of
Africa, Port Said in Egypt then through the Suez canal and
arrived on the 8th October 1937. He was taken prisoner by
the Japanese and subsequently sailed on the Lisbon Maru which
was bombed by the Americans. The ship was not marked as carrying
prisoners of war. Any one interested in wartime history/ships
might like to read the book The
sinking of the Lisbon Maru by Tony Banham
Dow, UK - Friday, August 31, 2007 at 23:34:58
Very fond memories of a Baltic Cruise in
summer 1972 as a young 11 year old. Gydnia, Malmo - should have
been Visby but too windy, Copenhagen and Amsterdam. The Master
at Arms still terrifies me! Amsterdam was a complete eye opener!
Cheeseman, UK - Friday, August 31, 2007 at 11:05:03
Joined Rajula in 1971 as 2nd RO taking over from J Callaghan
and left in Sept/Oct 1973. 1st RO in my time was Phil Archer.
Fantastic part of my life and never forgotten. Great to find
this website. i have a few onboard Rajula photographs and also
group photos of our trips to the HongKong bar in Penang plus
a couple of Rajula Christmas menus. Happy memories.
William, UK - Monday, August 27, 2007 at 18:33:51
My father's cousin Robert Thew was
1st Officer of Dongola sometime in the 1950s. I think he
did take over as Master due to ill health of the Master.
He became 1st Officer of the P&O
Himalaya until he met and married an Australian girl and set
up home in Western Australia. Anyone with information about Bob
Thew would be welcome to email me.
Buchan, UK - Tuesday, August 21, 2007 at 21:17:24
ms Devonia 14 to 25 sept 1966
Timson, UK - Monday, August 20, 2007 at 21:48:04
I would like to get in touch with Anthony
(Tony) Michael Read. Left Dean Close School, Cheltenham in
1958 and joined Chantala, then possibly New Zealand or Pacific
Islands. Any news welcomed.
Singh, Singapore - Saturday, August 18, 2007 at 07:22:28
I read the request of Kenneth Muthusami
- Sunday, January 28, 2007: "Long ago, as a child I travelled
between Penang and Madras on board ss Rajula and the State of
Madras. I have happy memories of those trips. I am trying to
look up pictures and history of those two vessels. I appreciate
any help I can get in this regard." Like
Kenneth I too traveled to Madras in Rajula in 1968. My dad who
recently passed away took our whole family that year and left
them in India. It was a journey which my family will never forget.
After that the family never gathered togather again. Each time
we came togather someone was always missing. I am making a short
video clip as memorial of my dad's life. The only few pictures
I found were that of the ship on the sea. I am looking for pictures
of the passengers in the ship. If anyone has any picture of the
ship in 1968, please contact me. Kenneth you can contact me here.
I will be happy to share the pictures.
Mistry, India - Thursday, August 16, 2007 at 07:19:16
Joined Bengal Pilot Service in 1946. Piloted BI and other foreign
ships. Retired in 1985 but redeployed and still doing odd jobs
on daily wages. I have been writing articles
on river pilotage. I would like to exchange notes with you.
Camfield, UK - Wednesday, August 15, 2007 at 16:40:04
would like to speak to Eric Vroom re the teak lifeboat built
by GRW Ltd. We too have one converted to a cruiser in the 1950's
any info on GRW would also be gratefully received.
Marshall, UK - Monday, August 13, 2007 at 16:37:27
A passemger accompanying my parents
returning from Singapore in 1957 on ss Nevasa after
my father had completed a 2 year tour at HQ FEAF in Kuala
Chakraborti, India - Wednesday, August 8, 2007 at 11:33:02
A repertory of personal information, this site can indeed be
a valuable tool in furthering historical research on pilots,
pilotage and trade. We are looking fervently for memorabilia
from seamen of the olden times who sailed along the Hooghly to
and from Calcutta or any other trading point on the river. A
documentation centre that the historical Port of Calcutta (Kolkata)
is building up, would be proud and thankful to display such
material to posterity. If there is a familial shipping record,
a journal, a sketch , a cargo manifest or even a scrapbook of
the eighteenth, nineteenth or early twentieth century which
one might be willing to bequeath or send a photocopy of, we shall
be grateful.
Paes, Australia - Wednesday, August 8, 2007 at 11:26:54
I was a crew member of the ms Bankura in the early ninteen sixties
I would like to have an extract from the BI Magazines showing
my name as a crew member. My rank was senior officer Purser.
Engel, South Africa,- Saturday, August 4, 2007 at 22:24:11
father who is still alive served as an orderly during World War
2 on the hospital ship Amra. He
has a number of photographs. I was wondering whether I could
send some of these photographs and whether others would recognise
family members on the photos and advise me of their names. [As
a hospital ship in WWII, Amra served in East Africa and the Mediterranean,
where she evacuated wounded from the Sicily and Salerno landings
- Editor. Photo:
John Engel's collection]
Malone, UK - Friday, August 3, 2007 at 20:06:05
helping a man called Alan Bristow with some research for
his autobiography. As a cadet on ss
Matiana Alan was torpedoed on
his first voyage, but the ship did not sink. It limped
into Montreal and had a new bow put on, a job that took four
months. Alan was aboard the ss Chyebassa at
the evacuation of Rangoon and was later sunk [by
gunfire from a Japanese cruiser] on
ss Malda in the Bay of Bengal
in 1942, and again on the ship taking him home on survivor's
leave, which we think was called the ss Hatarana
[torpedoed by U214 in the North Atlantic,
Aug 18, 1942] .
He was credited with shooting down two Stukas with an Oerlikon
from the forepeak of an ammunition ship during the landings
in North Africa.
He joined the Fleet Air Arm in 1943, where he flew Seafires
and learned to fly helicopters. Heís
hazy about
dates and places between 1940 and 1942. Can anyone
me reconstruct the movements of the Matiana from about April
1941 to mid-1943? Alan was credited with shooting down two
Stukas from the forepeak of a BI ship in Bougie Bay, Algeria,
on the ammunition run to support the North Africa landings.
Can anyone tell me which BI ships did the ammo run to North
And if anyone knew Cadet Bristow during those years, I'd be
pleased to hear from them.
Cass, UK - Tuesday, July 31, 2007 at 20:36:58
I'm trying to fill some gaps in my
late father's RN career when he travelled by troopships
between ships in ports on different continents. I do not
know if they were BI vessels or not, but I am hoping someone
out there in the BI world can point me in the right direction
if the troopships he travelled on were not BI's. The first
date is 08 Dec 1945 from Sydney to Hong Kong. The second,
29 Apr 1946 from Bizerte (N Africa) to the UK and the third
and last 14 Dec 1949 Singapore to the UK. Sailings would
be on that day or perhaps a day or two later. Having done
a search I know that BI was involved in trooping. Many thanks
in advance that someone can come up with some info me. [If
the names of the vessels are known, you can check the BI fleet
lists on this site. Laxon & Perry's British India Steam
Navigation Co book covers BI's and BI ships' trooping
and government contracts quite comprehensively. Other books
mentioned on our bibliography page might
also be of use - Editor]
Hackling, UK - Sunday, July 29, 2007 at 19:05:50
John or Michael Tilling contact me. I am interested in the
ss TP Tilling. The first ship to sail into Newport Docks
on the 3rd of September 1939 was the TP Tilling. I dont
know if this was with BI. I wanted to ask the gentlemen
related to Mr Tilling, about the ship and whethera photo
exists? Did the ship survive the war and who was TP Tilling? [re
logentries December 27, 2004 and November 25, 2003 regarding Abhona.
TP Tilling was not a BI ship]
Witon-King UK - Friday, July 27, 2007 at 19:07:10
an address on my grand/parents' marriage cert dated 1912
ss Bhadra Head Quarters Rangoon.
Anybody out there know of this address, names Bertram Wilton
King, Margaret Evalena Bennett . Bertram was entered as an
Engineer, did he work for BI? [The
diminutive Bhadra (599 gt) was indeed a ship in the company's
service from 1901 to 1919, and was employed on the Burma
coast from 1908 to 1914 - Editor]
Hargreaves, UK - Thursday, 26 Jul 2007 17:12:13
Mike Smith's interest in Tanda.
The following is abridged from the book, BISN Co, by Laxon & Perry.
Built 1914
for BI's Calcutta-Far East service, Tanda was taken over
by Indian authorities, converted to
hospital ship duties and renamed Madras. She was returned
to BI in November 1919, resumed her Calcutta-Far East service
and re-acquired her original name, Tanda. New BI ships made
Tanda redundant and she was sold to Eastern & Australian
SS Co in
1924. Following the outbreak of WW2 she was requisitioned
to provide passenger and cargo services between Australian
and Indian ports. She
was torpedoed and sunk by U-181 off Mangalore on 15.7.44
en route from Colombo to Bombay and carrying a crew of
177, 12 gunners and 27 passengers,
with 18 crew and 1 passenger losing their lives. The remainder
were rescued by HMIS Bihar and landed at Colombo.
Gardner, Canada - Thursday, July 26, 2007 at 05:19:25
Jennifer Dierckx de Casterle of July 18. I may be able to
help as I served on Okhla from
1958 to 1961, when Capt R Higgins took over from Capt
Jack Singer. I was not on board when she was in Mozambique
however. What do you need to know?
Milne, UK - Wednesday, July 25, 2007 at 10:10:45
I would very much like to know more
about the - Karagola, Varela & Aronda -
BI Ships I sailed on during 1940's. I understand Jim Corbett
(of maneater fame) travelled on the Aronda. Thank you and
the logbook 
Ramlochun, UK - Monday, July 23, 2007 at 12:52:46
interest is with Warora Ship
no.1367 trip from India to Mauritius - arriving in Mauritius
approx.on 12.6.1895.
Smith, UK - Sunday, July 22, 2007 at 12:23:54
My mother was on the ss Tanda travelling
from Australia to India when the ship was torpedoed and I'd
be interested if anyone has a picture or any other details
about the ship.
Hall, UK - Friday, July 20, 2007 at 14:13:15
I would like to get in touch with anyone
who knows about HMS Janus. i believe my grandad (Ronald Gordon
Rumble) served on this ship in WW2 and im trying to contact
anyone who might know him or have any infomation. Thank you
all very much. [HMS Janus was a Royal
Navy destroyer in WW2 with no connection to BI's ship of
the same name - Editor]
(Paddy) Mawhirt, UK - Thursday, July 19, 2007 at 17:39:41
Interested in reunions - anyone who sailed with me in BI 1961-1970
Forsyth, UK - Wednesday, July 18, 2007 at 15:44:57
travelled home from Hong Kong on HMT Nevasa in
Dec 1956 (part of its maiden voyage) Can someone please tell
me the name of the captain at that time.
Dierckx de Casterle, Mozambique - Wednesday, July 18, 2007
at 11:18:49
I would be interested in receiving
any information on the BI ship, the ss Okhla, that docked
on Mozambique Island in 196l to be included in the newly
renovated Maritime Museum. Her Captain, Robert Higgins, is
buried in the local cemetery.
Delacruz, UK - Tuesday, July 17, 2007 at 23:27:34
For many years was led to believe great
grandfather was on ss Mauora in 1881 census. Only after checking
original handwritten record did I realise that vessel as
Manora. Pleased to find your site. Anybody know if crew lists
still exist?
Bruce-Chwatt, UK Sunday, July 15, 2007 at 21:34:10
Rather fun! I was ship's surgeon to Uganda when she was in
the South Atlantic to the Falklands
McKay, Sweden - Saturday, July 14, 2007 at 06:06:55
(pubes) Purvis [re
May 26, 2007 entry]. When did you move to Oz? How
are the rest of the Lynx crowd in Wellington? Hi Mitch.
Cheers, Frank
Hargreaves, UK - Sunday, July 8, 2007 at 15:53:44
Christine Swift's query of June 6th [2007]. I do not think
that there is any easy way to trace her grandfatherís
career in BI but a call to P & O would confirm this. There
may be some information in the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich.
If you can find Research Guide 13 by looking through Google,
search "Register of Shipping and Seamen". It has the following
entry under Additional Material - British India Steam Navigation
Company. Records of commanders, officers, engineers, cadets
and stewards 1868 to 1957 are contained in 40 volumes
imagine it would have to be a lengthy DIY search or the employment
of a professional researcher but the NMM should be able to
steer you in the right direction. I , and I think this site,
would be grateful to hear of any success you have - Good
Luck! [Christine, please do let the Logbook know how you
fare with your enquiries - Editor]
Ayres, Australia - Sunday, July 8, 2007 at 06:17:44
Have been reading back though the log book and see some of my
old shipmates among the many memories would like to hear from
any who remember me
Harmer, UK - Saturday, July 7, 2007 at 22:16:34
Having left the company in August 1974 on completion of my apprenticeship
it brings some fond memories. Thank you.
Longhurst, UK - Friday, July 6, 2007 at 18:36:26
Catherine Chenells [re entry of Jun
27, 2007] A pal of mine was stationed with Coastal
Command in Sharjah late 60's early 70's. He has one or two
anecdotes which might be of interest one of which is that
Bob Hope was on his way to Vietnam and had to make a stopover
at Sharjah. The officers mess quickly ran a "Welcome
Banner" which read 'Welcome Bing Crosby' He has other
stories and if it is of interest you can reach me [via
this logbook page] Regards Bunny
Feltham, UK - Friday, July 6, 2007 at 11:12:26
I was with BI from 49 to 61.
Walshe, UK - Friday, July 6, 2007 at 09:59:34
to find a crew member from Nevasa,
around the time of 1958 - 61. His name is John Parker from
Bristol, 4th engineer out of Southampton.
Hemchand Gudka, UK - Thursday, July 5, 2007 at 18:39:58
I am 77 years old plus. I get a poor memory about my journey
Mombasa to Bombay by sea dated 16/5/64 i need a ship name and
my journey record
Dodsworth, UK - Tuesday, July 3, 2007 at 19:48:44
Thoroughly enjoyed bringing back memories
Hodge, UK - Sunday, July 1, 2007 at 23:45:03
would like to contact Captain Brian Agnew, whose name was mentioned
on this list [see entry of July 30, 2006].
I was an Ordinary Seaman on the Gothic when she caught fire.
The decisions made by Captain Agnew probably saved my life. (Terry
Lilley referred me to this site and Ian WcWhannell with
whom we both sailed on Chindwara.
Ian, I thought you were apple farming in NZ when you flew over
me in Gothic in '68 after the fire? Delighted if you can get
in touch.)
Penrose, Australia - Sunday, July 1, 2007 at 14:42:55
I served on a vessel chartered to BI
in the 60's carrying cargo from UK/Continent to
Red Sea ports Aden Djibouti India Ceylon name of vessel was the
Iredale, Australia - Sunday, July 1, 2007 at 13:36:15
I was one of the last Engineer Cadets
starting in 1971 @ SSMTC Sailed on the Mulbera 1973, Strathmore
(Morvada) 1976/8 & Dwarka 1980
Hull, US - Sunday, July 1, 2007 at 12:09:01
I have found comfirmation that my father
in law was on the Banfora while sailing with the convoy KMF-26
[see entry of Feb 8, 2007].
This convoy was attacked on November 26,1943 and HMT
Rohna was sunk at that time.
I am looking for any type of information about the Banfora
or the time of the sinking from anyone, either family or
crew members.
Kelso, UK - Sat Jun 30, 2007 09:35 (posted in BI
Staff group)
Shri Biswajit Pakrashi: Reading
your message [Jun 29, 2007], I thoroughly agree that the
history of the Hooghly Pilot Service (or Bengal Pilot Service
as I knew it) is intimately tied up with that of BI. Unlike
many of my colleagues/shipmates of the past, I made relatively
few visits to Calcutta during my BI career, perhaps no more
than a dozen, but in my earlier days, I was "fed" by
my seniors, [mostly hoary old Chief Officers in their late
forties still awaiting promotion], a number of 'stories'
regarding this pilotage service, principally regarding the
aloof attitude of the British pilots pre-1947! They apparently
regarded themselves as Bot Bot Burra Sahibs! and like the
British/French Suez Canal Pilots regarded themselves as indispensable!
While on my Hooghly transits in Pachumba,
Palamcotta, Chantala, Sirdhana et al, I was never
actually aware of this attitude, and methinks it disappeared
with the departure of the Britsih-born incumbents, the previous
tradition among other things included the pilot boarding
at the Sandheads (still in oar-propelled boats in my day)
from the cutter, accompanied by his apprentice, leadsman
and personal servant plus several wooden chests which apparently
included his several changes of No.10's (all recently dhobied
onboard the cutter), his bedroll and mosquito net, and the
makings of his meals while onboard! ...though I understand
some of these illustrious pilots would deign, on occasion,
to accept the offerings on the BI Rangoon mail ships!
get to the point, some time in the 1950's, in my local public
library in Glasgow I found a book, probably written in the
20's or 30's, written by a Bengal pilot, giving an autobiographical
account of his career. With great regret I did not note its
title or its author and wonder if you could give me a lead
to the possible title of this book. I might then just manage
to locate it in a second-hand book shop hereabouts! Regards
and salaams.
Kelso, UK - Saturday, June 30, 2007 at 07:18:42
reply to the inquiry from Catherine Chennels of 27th June
2007 re BI connections with Sharjah, there is an entry in
Laxon & Perry
page174, to the effect that after ss Amra was
sold for demolition in 1965, her bell "was later installed
in the church at Sharjah shared by the Royal Air Force and the
Trucial Oman Scouts." As
far as I know, Amra had no connection with trading in the Gulf,
nor during her WW2 service as a troopships and later as an (South
African) hospital ship.
Pakrashi, Kolkata - Friday, June 29, 2007 at 06:59:20
The history of BI is not complete without Calcutta port! History
of BI ships is closely associated with the Hooghly Pilots. I
have been a Hooghly pilot for the last twenty years and am keenly
interested in the maritime history of the Hooghly river. Will
certainly look for more exciting information from you! Thanks
Chennells, UAE - Wednesday, June 27, 2007 at 21:05:56
Looking for info for new maritime museum
in Sharjah any recolections welcome, can you help with Sharjah
specific memories?
Mercier, UK - Saturday, June 23, 2007 at 19:45:50
father was on the Madura on
her epic voyage via Bordeaux in 1940. I have in my possesion
an original newspaper cutting giving details of same. I also
have an original passenger list. In your log a gentleman
called Peter Wilkinson of the Bahamas was requesting (in
November 2004) information of this voyage. If he contacts
me I will be very pleased to send copies of the above mentioned
items. [Please contact site
editor as the cutting and information
you have will probably be of interest to a wider audience
- Editor]
Crosby, Australia - Sunday, June 17, 2007 at 03:50:36
My father James Crosby served on the
Jumna during WW2. I am trying to find out more information
on the ship and my father's role. Can anyone point me in
the right direction on where to start.
Gay, UK - Wednesday, June 13, 2007 at 18:32:37
home is named HATIPARA, and
we understand it was named after the original owners son
served on the vessel, our home was built in 1922. if there
are any photographs of the ship we would be grateful to see
Smith-Drake, US - Monday, June 11, 2007 at 17:53:05
I recently was looking through some
of my Dad's things from England, I came across a wooden plaque
from the ss Ranpura, on the back it says 1954-1955. Does
anyone know anything about this plaque. [Ranpura
was a P&O, and not BI, ship- Editor]
Stephens, UK - Monday, June 11, 2007 at 17:48:21
Served as 3rd R/O on ss Kenya from
Jan 1955 to June 1956. Great memories.
the logbook 
Sarin, US - Saturday, June 9, 2007 at 23:27:49
A Glimpse into BI Ships website churns
up memories of ways back in time of July 1955 and September
1958 when I sailed on two of its ships, ss Santhia and
ss Sangola as a tiny tot passenger
respectively. I will like to know all about both ship's
particulars and all crew members of those years who sailed
on ships and like to have a mometo of passenger who sailed
during the stated months and years. I will also like to
know how I can get some of BI insignia. [BI memorabilia
comes up for sale on eBay from time to time - Editor]
Swift, UK - Wednesday, June 6, 2007 at 10:31:11
I am researching my grandfather's life.
He was a Master for BI.
His name was Wilfred Benson Tingle, he died in 1942 when the
ship he was travelling home on (as a passenger, SS City of
Cairo, not a BI) was torpedoed in the Atlantic. Where on
this site are the lists of masters? Can anyone give me any
information about my grandfather. [Lists
of BI Commanders for
some years are
available on this site]
Gardner, Canada - Monday, June 4, 2007 at 03:34:46
to see your response Don (Leslie) re Okhla. You were there near
the end of my time on her, Robbie Higgins was Master then, I
was just the R/O, I guess the end of 1960/61. Best regards.
Marmion, Australia - Saturday, June 2, 2007 at 04:23:04
I have only just discovered this site.
I am researching family history for my new granddaughters
in England and wondered where I could obtain information
regarding my grandfather John Henry Marmion, Waterloo England?
[Was John Marmion on BI staff? - Editor]
Crane, UK - Friday, June 1, 2007 at 16:51:34
anyone work on the hospital ship Tairea from
September to December 1945, repatriating prisoners of war
between Bombay and Singapore? My mother, Angela Prebble,
was a QAIMNS nurse on board at this time, and had some wonderful
stories to tell! I would love to know more.
Sanderson, UK - Wednesday, May 30, 2007 at 21:42:55
Looking for information and photos
of ss Chilka (3rd version)
that was sunk by Japanese submarine I-2 west of sumatra
on 11th march, 1942. My grandfather Thomas Sanderson was
engineering officer on board at the time. According to
family records he and some shipmates were adrift on one
of ships lifeboats for 38 days before rescue. [Valiant
Voyaging (pp 128-130) has an account of this action]
Males, UK - Wednesday, May 30, 2007 at 20:45:35
Chantala 1958 to 1961
Leslie, Australia - Wednesday, May 30, 2007 at 11:24:38
Fond memories stirred by current photo
- Okhla
Smailes, New Zealand - Tuesday, May 29, 2007 at 01:34:24
g'day Keith Purvis, can you remember
when we were on the Hertford 1973
with Pete the feet and co??? And then later on the Mahia in
the port of Napier. If you ever get back to NZ look me up and
Joe Abela. Hope you are keeping well and safe over there!
Kumar, India - Monday, May 28, 2007 at 07:00:56
My father late Nirmal Chandra Kumar
owned a rare bookshop in Calcutta. He had purchased a rare
elephantine folio of the works of Daniell which was booked
in one of the ships of Mackinnon Mackenzie d around 1960.
I am trying to get the details.
Gardner, Canad - Monday, May 28, 2007 at 03:26:32
Re Robert Vaughan's note re Basra,
When I was there in the late 50's/early 60's, the Port Club
was a favourite haunt, as was the Alfaraby Club. Then King
Hussain was toppled and it all changed. Memories.
Purvis, Australia - Saturday, May 26, 2007 at 11:39:56
Sailed on Chakdina early
70s NZSCo man one of the first on BI after amalgamation took
my wife Christiene, Captain Jan Scaoski [Sokalski?]
Vaughan, UK - Thursday, May 24, 2007 at 20:50:15
Tony [Henley], we sailed together
on Dumra around
1970/71, our link is through John (why do you call your dog "porky")
Smith, he kept me informed as to your whereabouts for a few
years after I left B.I. If Mary Watson was sixteen in 1973
then the photo i have is not her, it was taken whilst anchored
off Muscat and Peter Chib is also on it, if i ever become
more adept with this lap top then i will try to send it to
you. Can you imagine going ashore in Basrah today to get
the Chicken we used to get for the parties we had on board,
great days eh.
Sanders, UK - Saturday, May 19, 2007 at 23:33:06
am seeking any information available on a voyage the Ellora made
in 1880 from Calcutta to British Guiana carrying indentured
labourers. My Great Grandfather was a boy of 9 and was one
of the passengers.
Aiken, UK - Saturday, May 19, 2007 at 11:59:15
Re Faith Boston looking for a picture of the Manora. I was directed
by Derek Hargreaves as given below (see log book entries) to
find a book containing a picture and details of the Manora which
you may view at your library.
Dadge, UK - Wednesday, May 16, 2007 at 17:03:31
My father sailed on HMS Karanja from Glasgow to Durban and Madagascar
as part of the 29yj Independant Brigade in 1942. As an ex-merchant
seaman I would like to obtain a photograph.
Barnes, Kenya - Sunday, May 13, 2007 at 00:05:50
Cadet Chindwara 1967 until seconded ashore in 1977 and never
got the feet wet again. Now running a container feeder compay
in East Africa
Wentford, UK - Friday, May 11, 2007 at 12:10:51
Have discovered a relation, John Wentford, travelled to Brisbane
on the Chyebassa in 1882. Still trying to discover information
on how he paid for the passage.
Henley - Wednesday, May 9, 2007 at 16:04:15
to Mary Watson: Of course I remember you now, I didn't recognise
the name when I first saw it, because presumably Watson is
your married name. I remember Mrs and Miss Kahn, if i remember
correctly. I certainly remember that trip because of you
and your mother and of course the riot with the UAE deportees.
Watson, UK - Tuesday, May 8, 2007 at 17:57:33
Answer to Robert Vaughn, writing in
2006. You refer to a photo taken off Muscat, that was the
first port after Karachi. What were you doing on board? I
sailed on the Dumra and the Dwarka quite a few times between
Bombay and the Gulf. Do you remember the 'hole in the wall'
off Muscat?
Watson, UK - Tuesday, May 8, 2007 at 03:11:21
can't believe I have found 'Tony' Henley. I sailed with you
and Ali Eames on Dwarka in
1973, September. Hazel (my mum), and I were the only 'ingrese'
women on board. We had a riot between the deck passengers over
the deportees from Dubai. It was a Friday lunch-time, and
we were eating our fish when the cook comes into the room
covered in blood. I was 16. We left the ship in Khorramshah.
Dadge, UK - Monday, May 7, 2007 at 11:33:59
A wonderful record a great steam ship company.
Lawless, Germany - Thursday, May 3, 2007 at 19:49:00
My Father is the afore mentioned Bill Moody
whose first ship
Chantala has a magazine, he will
be recieveing this page and the magazines as a present for his
65 birthday on Monday. I am hoping to change his views on the
internet and PC's so maybe he will post himself on here in the
very near future. [He may also, if he wishes, join the online
BI staff group - Editor]
the logbook 
Boston, UK - Sunday, April 29, 2007 at 22:50:35
I had a great uncle called Donald Maclean
that travelled on the Manora during
the late 1800's. He took passage to India and was a Manager of
a Tea Estate in the Western Dooars region. If
I can find a photo of this ship I would be very pleased.
Burdett, UK - Friday, April 27, 2007 at 22:33:15
Can anyone help me. I am trying to
find out what ship/boat my g.grandfather Michael Black was
an able seaman on. He was born about 1868 and ran away from
Londonderry to sea when he was 14yrs.old.
Beresford, UK - Friday, April 27, 2007 at 18:06:28
I would like to thank all the BI members who have written me
such thoughtful and touching messages regarding their memories
of Peter Beresford, who died recently. Some have been sent to
me personally, and some forwarded by John Prescott. I would be
happy for John to pass on my email address if anyone wanted to
write direct to me. I would also like to thank John, because
the website is excellent, and demonstrates the very special bond
that members of BI's fleet so obviously have. Thank you again
to all of you.
Rodgers, Australia - Friday, April 27, 2007 at 00:51:56
I would like to get in touch with Ken Skinner and George Burns
we sailed on the Bankura together.
Campbell, UK - Thursday, April 26, 2007 at 00:16:07
was marine engineer from Glasgow with BI pre World War Two
up to 1941 when injured. Have some photograhic record of
ships he sailed on with his widow (my mother) still. I am
interested in any sources of information/ or even people
who may still survive from that time that could help me fill
gaps in my knowledge about his life.
His name was Duncan Campbell (b.13-05-1913 -d.1974)
Lewis, UK - Wednesday, April 25, 2007 at 21:44:45
Great site. Brings back memories of my days on the Howra and
Juwara. Now retired and travelling around the UK as a jazz musician
with New Orleans Heat.
Wright, UK - Tuesday, April 24, 2007 at 15:03:14
Have just found this site and spent
some 3 hours having a laugh (thinking about old times) well
done to all those responsible. Saw some old BoT aquaintancies
mentioned eg Willie Cameron : Pete Durham : Bill Davidson.
Will visit the site again. Lang may your lum reek!.
Keir, New Zealand - Tuesday, April 24, 2007 at 02:43:32
have been trying to find information about two different
Thomas Thyne's both reputed to be Captains and notice on
here a note by a John Thyne Nov 29 2003. I was wondering
if there was a way I could contact him.
Carr, Australia - Sunday, April 22, 2007 at 07:29:37
I am researching my grandfather's records as an engineer from
1899 to 1904 on 11 ships and have found some very interesting
records of his sea time. I have found your site also interesting
and have found some of the ships he served on. thankyou.
Graf, Canada - Saturday, April 21, 2007 at 22:33:15
My father, Eric Turl, served as wireless operator on the ss
Nirpura in 1937-38. I know he spent most of that time around
the Indian sub-continent and southeast seas. I would like to
know more about this ship's routes and function.
Alan Comyn, France - Saturday, April 21, 2007 at 20:32:54
like to hear from any one on Chindwara early
sixties, and later in Bombay Pat McCallister. and those who
served on the
Sir Galahad
Rodgers, Australia - Saturday, April 21, 2007 at 05:32:06
would like to get in touch with Michael Roper [see
entry of Jan 4, 2007], John and Ann Quinn and
Sandy, we were on the Zaida together.
Sanders, UK - Wednesday, April 18, 2007 at 22:09:25
I am interested in learning more about
the Ellora voyage that
sailed from India to British Guina [Guyana?] in
about 1879. If you have any information, or know where I can
get information, I would be very pleased to hear from you.
Anthony (Tony) Ekneligoda, Australia - Wednesday, April 18,
2007 at 08:58:58
Would like to hear from some ex-ship
mates (Karanja, Nowshera, Nyanza & Purnea)
For the record I am still at sea.
Beresford, UK - Sunday, April 15, 2007 at 22:52:30
I wanted to let BI members know the
very sad news that my husband, Peter Beresford, died on 22nd
November 2006 after a very brave two year fight against lung
cancer which was diagnosed out of the blue. Up to November
2004, Peter had seemed very fit and was working as a master
on large LPG tankers for Bergesen Worldwide Shipping. He
died two weeks before his 59th birthday. Peter commenced
his long career at sea in November 1964 as a deck cadet on
Chantala. Since his death I
have found his handwritten journals from his time as a cadet
and can see that he was also on the
Dunera, the Chandpara and
the Chinkoa. The journals made
very poignant reading. I miss Peter so much and would be
glad to hear from anyone who has memories of him they could
share with me. Many thanks.
Aiken, UK - Saturday, April 14, 2007 at 14:44:27
I am looking for my granfather, Alexander Aiken, who I believe
worked for BI in and around 1900. A photograph of him in uniform
shows the sleeve of his coat to have two outer thick rings with
a centre thinner ring. The photograph was taken by Anglo - American
Photo Studio - Port Said. Any help or advice would be much appreciated.
Robertson, US - Saturday, April 14, 2007 at 05:59:59
Sailed with BI from 1951 to 1963.
Was 2E/O on Chantala and Chilka.
Mainly on Gulf Ds but spent three years on the Dunera. The
BI was a wonderful experience and all of my shipmates were
like family. I would like to hear from any friends from the
Robertson, Australia - Thursday, April 12, 2007 at 14:47:54
The recent confrontation between Britain and Iran, over the detention
of 15 British sailors, reminds me of an incident involving the
Dwarka some 54 years ago when, in a reverse situation, we were
accused of kidnapping an Iranian naval officer.
In early 1953 the Dwarka called at Bushire as the last port
prior to Basra. The first persons to board were the Port Captain,
an Iranian naval officer, along with a couple of policemen
and Custom officials. After clearance we commenced loading
asafoetida (sometimes known as stinking gum) into the after
holds. Many of the deck [unberthed] passengers
had camped on the top deck to escape the humid conditions prevailing
below decks. This put them in close proximity slings of cargo
being lifted out of the lighters, across the top deck and into
the holds.
Suddenly there was a great hullabaloo on the after deck. The
Chief Officer went aft to see what had happened and saw a local
stevedore holding a loosened derrick guy. This had allowed the
derrick to swing, causing a sling of cargo to dip and plough
through a group of nearby passengers. Impetuously the Chief Officer
went over and hit the stevedore. Obviously the wrong thing
to do, but we had all experienced months of aggravation and provacation
in Iranian ports and our nerves were stretched tight.
The Port Captain ordered work stopped and sent the lighters and
labour back to shore, with instructions for an armed party to
return to arrest the chief officer. Due to the distance we were
anchored offshore this would take well over an hour for the return
trip. Only the Port Captain and one unarmed policemen remained
on board.
The Captain did his best to placate the Port Captain but he would
not bend, remaining adamant that the C/O was bound for an Iranian
goal. This was not a prospect to be taken lightly. British subjects
serving time in Iranian goals had experienced some very harsh
As 3/O, I was keeping anchor watch on the bridge. When I reported
to the Captain that a launch had left the shore with armed troops
aboard, he told me to call stations quietly and to put the engine
room on standby. We then weighed anchor slowly and quietly and
when aweigh, put the engines to full ahead and headed for the
Shatt al-Arab river and Basra, still with the two Iranian officials
on board. Wireless messages were sent overnight to our Basra agents,
advising of the developments and the next day, as we steamed
past Abadan, a launch came alongside, the two Iranian officials
were bundled into it, and we continued up river to Basra. On
arrival there we found we were starring in an international incident,
with accusations of kidnapping the Iranian officials being made
in the United Nations, together with threats that, on our way
back down river, we would be intercepted by the Iranian Navy
at Abadan and the Chief Officer forcibly removed.
The Chief Officer was taken off the ship in Basra, and flown
back to Bombay, while HMS Wild Goose, a Royal Navy sloop
stationed at Bahrain, was sent up to Basra. When we duly departed
Basra, Wild Goose followed close astern. For some reason
the Iranian Navy decided not to intercept us as we passed Abadan
and we resumed our normal passage back to Bombay. The Chief Officer
was transferred to another service and eventually the fury and
fuss died down.
Aiken, UK -Thursday, April 12, 2007 at 09:20:20
I would like to thank Derek Hargreaves
for his help in finding details on the ss Manora
Julier, UK - Tuesday, April 10, 2007 at 19:45:11
anyone help? I'm trying to obtain a photograph of the original
Nowshera built in Glasgow in 1883?
Robertson, Australia - Monday, April 9, 2007 at 13:50:20
Subsequent to my recent posting re 'kidnapping' Iranian
officials from Bushire on the Dwarka, I found an entry dated
1/05/06 from Ian McWhannell indicating that he was a cadet on
the Dwarka at the time. He thought it was 51/52, my memory says
'53 but do not have a firm date. I joined Dwarka 21/10/52 and
left 6/04/53 so it could have been late '52. However I remember
that the same Chief Officer was also involved in a drama we had
in Mina Al Ahmadi on Xmas night '52 so pretty confident the Bushire
incident was 1Q/53. But does it really matter after all these
(Joe) Dcruz, UK - Monday, April 9, 2007 at 13:45:58
Passenger in march 1970 on ss Kampala Mombasa to Bombay. With
Lennie D'Cruz and Francis Lobo. What a bitter sweet journey;
I didnt realise I was never to return to Uganda.
A boy of 16, I left home in Uganda for an Indian education. The
ss Kampala was my first trip on a boat, my first sight of an
ocean, and my first (and only) trans-oceanic journey. My memories
of the Seychelles emerging from the morning mists, and the experience
of a tremendous storm mid sea, with gigantic waves crashing over
the bow of the ship will always remain with me, now 53 years
the logbook 
Major, UK - Saturday, April 7, 2007 at 17:54:11
badges, blazer badges and shields are readily available from
thegoldwirebadge.co.uk [response for Audrey
Stevenson, March 28, 2007 entry]
Shamji, US - Saturday, April 7, 2007 at 13:29:32
Does anybody know where Eddie Richardson is? We were great
friends on mv Chakrata in 1961 where he was
a cadet and I was a Trainee Purser with Senior Purser Leslie
Robertson, Australia - Saturday, April 7, 2007 at 08:12:24
For the first time in many years I had occasion to refresh some
memories from my BI days (1952-1955) and stumbled on this site.
Fantastic! Has brought back many pleasant memories and I've already
found associated log entries. as follows:
Lou Chambers from Perth on 23/3/05 mentioned her Mum and Dad,
Margaret and Harry. Harry (Digger) Chambers achieved a level
of fame by being jabbed in the buttock by a Persian bayonet.
Margaret was/is a lovely ex-Orient Line FAP who Harry wooed and
wed, He and I sailed together on the Chindwara from
UK to East Africa and UK-Australia. If Lou sees this and they
are both still around please give them my fondest.
of Chindwara, there is a current year entry from John White
who mentions Ben Rodgers as Captain and Dusty Miller. They
were both there in my time,1/54 to 3/55, so perhaps John
and I were contempories.
Also on 12.3.05 Ian Rankin asked about Ernie Ashby. He was
Master of the Devanah, a P&O ship chartered to the BI.
She was being returned to the P&O so they filled her up
with Eastern Service personnel due for home leave or in my
case going to the UK to do my 1st Mates certificate at Warsash.
Ernie was the Master for that voyage, an interesting character
to say the least.
Ah! memories. I can see I have quite a few hours of browsing
ahead of me.
Johnson, New Zealand - Saturday, April 7, 2007 at 00:33:41
Have a jigsaw that belonged to my dad
got wonderring how old it was i used to love doing it when
i was a kid. The Matiana looks a beautiful ship. The jigsaw
is complete in original box made by Chad Valley Ltd. Hope
some one can help with age as my grand kids are courious
as well.
Ellis - Friday, April 6, 2007 at 18:33:51
Was Assmat aboard Uganda 81-83
so many memories Christmas day curry in Captains quarters.
Matron Marge - you knew she was the BOSS! Joan, Hilke, Jane,
Alison a few other Assmats and bank staff. Doing the ship
panto Robinson Crusoe..making scenery with Rodger Knight,
[Jim] Furlong as Man Friday, David Baskott Cannabil Chief,..one
of many great memories of a special time in my life..to get
paid to see places and enjoy working with great people as
Walker, UK - Friday, April 6, 2007 at 16:40:01
I am looking for any information about
my great great uncle Edward Duncan Walker or his ship, Bancora.
He was 2nd Officer and died in 1894. He was buried at Moulmein.
I have a photo of the grave which says: "Died at Moulmein
19th may 1894. This stone is erected as a mark of respect
by his shipmates and brother officers of the B.I.S.N. Co." The
Royal Geographical Society is also engraved on the stone.
Smith, UK - Tuesday, April 3, 2007 at 14:42:34
I joined Chantala as a Deck Cadet in 1956
Fussey, UK - Monday, April 2, 2007 at 00:34:51
Sailed as bank representative 1969
associated with purser and bureau staff
Allis, UK - Sunday, April 1, 2007 at 17:26:05
I was a visitor to BIship site on 7th
July 2004. I have relised I did not include a homeward
bound trip I made with Nowshera (1963-1964).
I joined her in Madras and on the way home there was a very
sad occasion, one of the seamen died of a heart attack. We
did get assistance from an RN destroyer which was in the
area, but the doctor was unable to save him. We had a burial
service at sea shortly after. I wonder if anyone else can
remeber this.
al Edreeci, Iraq - Sunday, April 1, 2007 at 06:58:48
Any iformation about the name pilot in Shatt al Arab (Haje Mohammad
Idric) in 1918 and any informashion you want from my side i can
give you.
Haji, UK - Thursday, March 29, 2007 at 20:02:17
Would like to know about records of people leaving India for
east Africa in the year 1920-1930.
Parkins, UK - Thursday, March 29, 2007 at 19:26:14
Have moved house and found a bench
made from teak from the Vasna trying to find pictures
and info about this [ship].
Readman, UK - Thursday, March 29, 2007 at 15:03:24
Message for Dan Taylor. Have only just seen your entry for January
this year. Am very interested in the photos of Booldana, Landaura and Virawa. Please advise if you are offering them (or copies
of same) for sale.
Stevenson, UK - Wednesday, March 28, 2007 at 11:18:31
anyone know where I can buy a BI blazer badge for my husband.
He started his MN career with BI and ended up as a Chief Engineer
with P&O.
Firth, UK - Tuesday, March 27, 2007 at 18:25:25
Re Madura,
I have a note of my grandfather sailing on it as a cook in
April 1922 but would like to know where. I'm also trying
to track down his route on Nevasa (the
vessel built 1912) after which he was discharged 1926. Any
help appreciated. [A photo of Madura,
owned by BI between 1921 and 1953, is shown on the right]
Magnaye, Dubai - Tuesday, March 27, 2007 at 09:58:31
I'm just interested in Dwarka and Dumra.
How they look like? Have you kept a copy of images of those
boats because I've heard a lot about it.
Rach, UK - Saturday, March 24, 2007 at 19:40:44
It brought memories of my travels in Kampala, Karanja and Amra as a young boy in 1960, 1969 and 1970 between Mombasa
and Bombay
Colston, US - Saturday, March 24, 2007 at 17:28:05
My grandmother survived the sinking
by torpedo of the Rajputana [P&O
vessel, see log entry May 23, 2006]. She was, I believe,
chief stewardess. Her name was Mary Ann Rogers; but she
may have been known as Mary Ann Pennington or even by her
maiden name of Mary Ann Turner. She married Richard Rogers
either just before or just after the Rajputana sinking. I
am trying to find any info about her.
Hargreaves, UK - Friday, March 23, 2007 at 21:00:43
February 2006, Gillean White was looking for connections
between signatories of a Scottish quaiche and her grandfather.
Islay Kerr was identified and now, the list of Commanders in
the History section of this site, shows C S Forbes as Captain
of the Waroonga in 1906 [and
Warora in 1904].
This list also indicates that, in the same year, her grandfather,
Captain Maurice England was in command of the Surada.
James B S Henderson remains elusive in spite the presence of
three BI captains with this surname in this era namely, R B H,
S H and R H.
[Thanks for another comprehensive response
to a logbook query Derek. Gillean has been alerted to some
of this but your theory on Henderson connections is also interesting.
Does anyone have the clue to this? - Editor]
White, Australia - Thursday, March 22, 2007 at 20:32:23
I was cadet on the Chindwara. Ben Rogers was Master. Dusty
Miller bosun.
Currie, Australia - Thursday, March 22, 2007 at 03:33:11
am currently trying to gain any information of passenger
lists or about the Taroba that
landed in Sydney in 1894. You see my great grandmother was
born on that ship and i am trying to make a family tree but
know nothing about her parents. This is of great importance
to me and i have been looking for 2 years now.
McLeod, UK - Wednesday, March 21, 2007 at 23:49:4
My first trip as a Deck Cadet was on
the Morvada in 1974. I remember
one evening after several beers we went up the funnel and
painted two white stripes around the exhaust which sat about
a metre above the top of the funnel. Ex BI officers thought
it was great to see a BI funnel again. The old man didn't
quite share the joke and the next night the white stripes
were mysteriously painted over with black. (On threat of
a report to head office)!
Dobrinsky, Sweden - Wednesday, March 21, 2007 at 10:04:40
Thanks to the Editor for helping me about the duration of
passage from UK to India in the end of 18th or beginning
of 20th century! If you have more information please let
me know. Hslsning/greetings
Hargreaves, UK - Tuesday, March 20, 2007 at 14:50:09
David Aitken's request for details of Manora.
This ship is referred to in the Ships section of this site.
More details can be found in the Miramar Ship Index which
is easily accessed. A photograph of this ship does exist
in Laxon & Perry's book B.I. if
you can find a copy together with further details of the ship.
Captain Wadge is also referred to in the Commanders list
of this site as PL Wadge in command of Uganda in
the logbook 
Beadle, UK - Friday, March 16, 2007 at 14:34:43
Fifteen good years mostly in the far
eastern runs, folowing farthers (Jack Beadle MBE) life.
He retired in December 1959.
Yasmin, UK - Wednesday, March 14, 2007 at 11:24:39
happened to have a BI paper weight. It has a world map and
a ship on it with the following text:
BI Passenger & Freight services on world trade routes.
British India Steam Navigation Company Limited
Made by Novolor Ltd Gt Britain
What I wanted to know about is its history and value. I hope
somebody will be able to help me.
Brooks, UK - Sunday, March 11, 2007 at 15:15:56
grandfather James Brown Scott sailed with BI many times in
the Indian region. He died aboard Angora on
voyage from Calcutta to Rangoon in December of either 1920 or
1926. He was buried at sea. Can I discover which year?
Robinson, Australia - Sunday, March 11, 2007 at 02:13:35
arriving in India Sept 1946 abord Strathmore to meet parents
in Calcutta Father in REME Sailed on the Madura May
47 for Australia. Is passenger list available?
Omaira, Abu Dhabi - Thursday, March 8, 2007 at 18:09:30
am working in a book about the postal history in the Arabian
Gulf, and one of my important chapters is the British India Steam
Navigation Co ship movements between Bombay, Karachi,
and the Gulf ports to Busra, up and down.
What I want exactly to know is the following:-
report of the ship movements (when they start to 1945)
Dates ships start to visit each port (example: when they started
calling at Dubai)
Names of the ships and pictures.
Is there any
researcher who may help me getting this documents and send
them to me (not free!). Is there any private or public archive
of the BISN Co. that we can find this kind of information with
them? Again, I am ready to cover any cost (coping, working
in getting them, and shipping) of these documents.
Hodgson, UK - Tuesday, March 6, 2007 at 13:25:02
interested in any information about Cyril Hodgson (listed
on the website as Commander of Henzada in
Henley, UK - Tuesday, February 27, 2007 at 09:25:28
stumbled on this site when i put my name into google. I found
the reference to me posted by a Mary Watson in 2005. Sorry
I don't remember you Mary, but I was second mate on Dumra 1970-72
then Chief Officer on Dwarka end
of 1973 to early 74 before becoming a harbour pilot in Doha.
Jim (Ali) Eames was security officer on Dwarka with me befor
leaving around the end of 74 when he developed an ulcer. He
returned with wife Mich. to UK and became a security officer
in Houses of Parliament. Sadly he died of pneumonia a few years
later. I still exchange Christmas cards with Mich.
Aiken, UK - Friday, February 23, 2007 at 09:21:44
I am researching family history. My
grandmother sailed on Manora on
September 6th 1900 from port of London. Manora was destined
for Calcutta via Suez. Her Captain's name was Wadge. Can
anyone supply me with more details of this ship please -
a picture would be wonderful.
Smith, UK - Thursday, February 22, 2007 at 14:23:24
I am the HonSec of the Association
of Old Worcesters and interesed in contact with OWs in BI.
Evans, New Zealand - Tuesday, February 20, 2007 at 10:21:47
and Wednesday, February 21, 2007 at 01:11:10
Hope we can make it to UK in July 07
and to engineers reunion. ex 4eng Devonia 1962
to 1965 ron evans kiwiland.
to hear from Jack Urquhart - I remember you well I think you
had a bout of seasickness. Give my regards to Charlie Glen I
will be in UK for 7weeks in August It would good to get in touch.
Hargreaves, UK - Wednesday, February 14, 2007 at 18:12:49
Brenda Cheeseman's search for her great grandfather's ship
lost 1864 Bay of Bengal (Friday Jan 12 2007). The following
extract from the BI Centenary book is, possibly, relevant:
cyclone of 1864 is memorable, It originated in the region
of the Andaman Islands and whirled northwards to hit
the Calcutta district throughout most of the 5th day of
October. Ten vessels were sunk in the Hooghly and 145 small
craft swept ashore in the near neighbourhood of the city.
A lightship at the mouth of the Hooghly simply disappeared.
The BI lost the Rangoon mail vessel Persia off
Sandheads, where the Hooghly pilots still wait in their
trim cutter to take incoming ships some 100 miles up that
yellow and ferociously tidal mouth of the Ganges to the
docks and wharves of what used to be the Indian capital.
(It is surmised that she ran into the lightship.) Four
other of the company's ships were driven ashore at various
points along the shore.
The Miramar Ship Index states this ship, ID 5611072, Yard
No 48, built by Pile Spence of W Hartlepool, launched 18.2.63,
completed 8.4.63, a passenger/cargo ship of 765 tons.
Smith, Australia - Tuesday, February 13, 2007 at 03:53:39
Great website
Haslam, UK - Monday, February 12, 2007 at 16:15:18
I noticed that Julian Edgoose US. Great
Granfather spent many years on the Nirvana as a radio officer.
My father James Haslam also was a radio officer on the same
ship between 1930-1931 operating to and from Calcutta.They
may have met one another at some time.
Hopper, Australia - Monday, February 12, 2007 at 12:45:30
Is there any way of finding out the
names of staff on ss Warora on
the voyage from London to Brisbane, Australia, departing
on 27th May 1904? [C S Forbes is named as captain of Warora
in 1904 in the BI Commanders' list on this site - Editor]
Foster, UK - Sunday, February 11, 2007 at 21:47:13
I am looking for information regarding a merchant navy chef called
Mohammed Din. We know that he last sailed into Liverpool sometime
between 1948 and 1950 and then moved to Birmingham where he married
a Susan Burns, and where he later died in 1968. We would like
to know more about him and where he came from as all of his children
were put into care and so have very little information.
Pollard, Australia - Sunday, February 11, 2007 at 07:05:38
Sailed with BI 1966 - 1969 on Chanda,
Sir Galahad and Bombala.
Great site, would like to hear from ex shipmates.
Hopper, Australia - Saturday, February 10, 2007 at 05:15:56
Does anyone know if the ss Warora had
a ship's doctor on its voyage to Australia, departing London
on 3rd May 1904. I am looking for Alfred Gervase Penny MD
whose wife and daughter are listed as passengers but not
Hugill, UK - Friday, February 9, 2007 at 15:34:44
I would like to be put in touch with
Dan Taylor who posted an entry in the logbook on 25th January,
2007. One of my ancestors, Capt Charles Hugill, was commander
of the Booldana in 1894, and I would very much like a copy
of the photo of the ship if possible.
(John R) Urquhart, UK - Thursday, February 8, 2007 at 14:39:55
Ron Evans NZ. re log entry Oct 3, 2006 Devonia,
did not know this site existed until today. I was also a
5Eng from Jan 62 (Devonshire) to Jan 64. Remember your name
and all the others, also Paddy Lindsay 4Eng. Tony Sowerbutts
2nd electician also Lawrie Cram MEO. I was best man at Charlie
Glens wedding to May Wylie nursing sister, great to recall
those memories, thanks Ron.
Hull, US - Thursday, February 8, 2007 at 04:30:58
Armand, I saw your entry about being on the HMS Banfora at
the time the Rohna was sunk. My father in law was assigned
to the Rohna but was moved either to the Banfora or the Karoa.
I am wanting to locate a roster of either or both ships. could
you possibly be of any help to me in my search?
Livesey, Australia - Wednesday, February 7, 2007 at 10:45:25
to read comment by Petrina Anderton October 31, 2006. I have
a photo of a cousin Percy Livesey in the merchant navy around
the time she mentions as well as a burial entry in a bible
for a Peter Livesey buried at sea. Would like to hear from
Mussa Mahomed, UK - Sunday, February 4, 2007 at 17:49:43
I would like to have more information
on Tilawa 1925-1942 which
was torpedoed and sunk by Japanese submarine I-29 in the Indian
Ocean. I had five members of my family on board, one of which
was my grandfather who died and the other four survived.
At present one survivor still living. If possible, can
I get a copy of a passanger list. Names:
Mr Mahomed Osman (died)
Mr Aziz Osman Ayub (survived/died in 90s)
Mrs Hurbai Osman Ayub (survived/died in 70s)
Mrs Emna (survived/died in 80s)
Mr Gaffer Osman Ayub (survived/living)
Boswell, UK - Saturday, February 3, 2007 at 21:36:51
Re ss Madura my
relative, Russell Combridge, sailed Madras/Tilbury in March
1926 via Colomo/Aden/Suez/Port Said/Marseilles/Plymouth and
the ship is briefly mentioned in a letter he wrote, of which
I have a transcription.
the logbook 
Kelsall, UK - Saturday, February 3, 2007 at 15:38:07
I have a picture of the H.M.T. Nevasa writtten
on the back Port Said Feb 24th 1927. I believe one of my
uncles, surname Abraham living at that in St Ives, Huntingdon
sent to this his mother (my grandmother). I also have pictures
taken (I think on shore) at this time. Is anybody interested?
Allen, US - Friday, February 2, 2007 at 18:37:51
Looking for a photo of the ss Dacca
Piper, Saudi Arabia - Thursday, February 1, 2007 at 06:41:51
Excellent website. Can anybody help
me with the details of the loss of ss Golconda to
a mine in the North Sea in 1916. I think I had a relative
Scorgie, UK - Monday, January 29, 2007 at 19:01:17
My father was with BI for many
years as chief engineer. He left in 1946
Muthusami, Australia - Sunday, January 28, 2007 at 14:15:40
Long ago, as a child I travelled between
Penang and Madras on board ss Rajula and
the State of Madras. I have happy memories of those trips.
I am trying to look up pictures and history of those two
vessels. I appreciate any help I can get in this regard.
Taylor, UK - Thursday, January 25, 2007 at 22:57:43

have old photographs of the following if any one is interested:
ss Booldana, ss Landaura and
ss Virawa. If
anyone knows what happened to Captain Archibald Clark after his
time on Landaura I would be very interested to know.
Griffiths, US - Wednesday, January 24, 2007 at 20:40:41
am trying to find anyone who sailed with John Green Hind
who served as a Purser on the Kenya and Uganda.
He left BI in 1962? I would appreciate any leads.
Adamson - Wednesday, January 24, 2007 at 17:52:24
I am trying to find details of the
steamship Cathey [Cathay perhaps?] as
my great grandfather who died aboard this ship October
1879 and was buried at sea.
Smythe, UK - Tuesday, January 23, 2007 at 17:42:00
Joined BI in 122 Leadenhall Street
in 1952 and was in the Drawing Office as Ship Draughtsman.
To One Aldgate, 1957, Dock Office, 1968 until P & O takeover
of October 1971. Stayed with P&O
until I retired in 1994. My father, Captain A G Smythe, joined
BI as a cadet on Wangaratta in 1919
and retired in 1959. His last command was Amra.
Lived in Rangoon, Bombay and Durban 1938 to 1947. Many childhood
memories of BI ships. BI, still the best shipping company
ever - killed by the bean counters. R I P
Gentry, US - Monday, January 22, 2007 at 22:48:00
I need info about ports in the late 1940's which would have
had freighters docking from Africa. I feel that it would have
been a port from North Carolina coastline southward. Am writing
a book about a Zebra that was transported to a port on
the US eastern seaboard and I will have to use a location
that matches the rest of my story. I think I can recognize the
right dock if I can get the locations and know which ones accepted
cargo/freighter ships from Africa. I have never seen a cargo
ship nor any other sea vessel, and would like info about
ships that could have brought a Zebra to the US,
Griffiths, US - Thursday, January 18, 2007 at 20:14:17
For Ian Tew - Sad to hear about Josh
Grimwood. I was at Pangbourne 1957-60 and joined BI Bamora
in 1961. Robin Paine was Senior Cadet. Glad you are well!
I follow your exploits in the OP Magazine
Green, UK - Thursday, January 18, 2007 at 00:21:28
Excelent website!
Dobinsky, Sweden - Wednesday, January 17, 2007 at 23:04:38
I'm interested in knowing how long
a ship passage with a steamer from Europe (Genoa or Southampton
or...) to India needed in the end of the 19th century (about1890).
If someone knows it and can tell me also a shipname please
write a short message to my email. [From
a BI timetable of 1904, for instance, BI's service from London
to Colombo was timed to take 26 days. This is based on a
ship speed of 12.5 knots. Times to Bombay would be a day
or two less, depending on the particular ship's speed. Add
four days for Madras and eight days for Calcutta to the Colombo
time. The actual passage time
would depend on the ship maintaining speed, weather, cargo
and other factors - Editor]
Dix, UK - Monday, January 15, 2007 at 20:30:24
I have some information on the HMS Rajputana if anyone is interested
Currie, UK - Monday, 15 Jan 2007 at 15:14:56
am the grandson of the late Samuel Drake. I know he sailed
on ss Nuddea and
ss Uganda as an
engineer. The dates he sailed in active service I'm unsure
of, but believe the dates were between 1951 and the early
1960s. I have heard many funny stories about my grandfather
and shipmates through my grandmother. My grandfather passed
away in 1972 with MS, and I was born in 1985, so I never
got the chance to know him. All I have are photographs and
stories, it would be nice to hear from people he sailed with.
O'Sullivan, UK - Sunday, January 14, 2007 at 19:09:21
I was a passenger in Devonia. We
left from Tilbury docks May
10, 1964 on a school
trip down the bay of biscuits (Biscay) to Spain and on
to Portugal. Had a fantastic time it just seems like
yesterday. I was one of the lucky ones, £30 and
5/- spending money, and I came back with change. Had
the time of our lives. Fun and educated all at the same
Morris, UK - Saturday, January 13, 2007 at 21:58:10
Does anyone know how I can contact
Jon Shaw? He posted a message in 2005 [Dec
12, 2005] about
finding objects on a dive that belonged to ss Miriam Thomas.
My Great Grandfather was captain of the Miriam Thomas on
the night it sank [as a result of colliding
with] Hospital
Ship 4: Vasna. I also have contact with the brother of the
2nd Engineer that night. I would love to speak to Jon about
the wreck.
Cheeseman, UK - Friday, January 12, 2007 at 09:55:52
Looking for my great grandfather's ship lost in Bay of Bengal
cyclone 1864
Blunsden, UK - Sunday, January 7, 2007 at 14:07:34
Hoping that someone might have knowledge
or information on my grandfather, Roderick Macdonald. He
was buried (apparently) in the Bay of Bengal in 1941. He
was in command of the ss Shinhwa, when he died. On certain
documents his surname has been spelt as "McDonald" He
was active in WW1 and spent most of his career during WW2
in the Far East, he might have lived in Shanghai or had
a base there. He was also detained in Manchuria. Any information
would be welcome.
Stacey, UK - Sunday, January 7, 2007 at 03:26:49
to Brian Bannister, Dec 30 2006, have photo of Itaura -
give address on site or to editor
Di Rienzo, US - Thursday, January 4, 2007 at 14:23:06
Great information.
Roper, UK - Thursday, January 4, 2007 at 06:23:58
The site has been the key to locked
away memories, I see John & Ann
Quinn mentioned, where's Sandy? Big Den Watson, we went to the
same school, a photo of Peter Hillman. I started in 1971 my first
ship being Chakla then
Zaida for 2 1/2 years
Eastern Service. Those were the days. I will be a regular viewer
from now on
Walker, UK - Thursday, January 4, 2007 at 00:36:43
I have just discovered the BI site and am amazed at the information
available. I shall continue to work through the site and look
forward to discovering more details
Woodland, Australia - Wednesday, January 3, 2007 at 22:26:31
I am a member of
the HMS Conway site. `Conway' has received a letter from the Merchant Navy Association
concerning a ceremony to honour the Merchant Navy during the
Falkland war. As Uganda took
part in the war, there may be ex-BI people who are entitled
to a personal invitation. For full details please read the
downloadable (PDF) MNA letter.
The ceremony is to take place at Tower Hill 25th June 2007.
Crosby, Australia - Tuesday, January 2, 2007 at 12:22:37
My father James Crosby served on the Jumna during
WW2. I am trying to find out more information on the ship
and my father's role. Can anyone point me in the right
direction on where to start.