McClelland, UK - Friday, December 31, 2004 at 03:48:48
I sailed as a passenger aged
6 from Mombasa to London (calling at Aden, Suez, Port
Said, Marseilles, Barcelona and Gibralta, and passing
through the Straits of Messina and past Stromboli)
on Uganda in January 1961 - still have happy memories
of it. Have just bought the book "Uganda - a very
special ship" -
masses of interesting info including reminiscences
from a passenger on the same voyage! My mother also
sailed on both the Mantola (in 1934) and the Matiana (in 1949).
Hastie, Australia - Friday, December 31, 2004 at 00:39:55
travelled from Fremantle to Basra in the early 60's Chandpara and
returned on the Chakrata.
Trying to get photos, crew names Captain and purser
info. Ports visited etc.
Pullin - Thursday, December 30, 2004 at 20:08:23
My father in law Tommy Lewis was aboard rms
Tilawa (GKLP) as radio officer between c1926-c1938. The ship was
later torpedoed by Japanese submarine I-29 at position 08.36N 61.08E
in 1942 with 280 lives lost.
De France, Netherlands - Tuesday, December 28, 2004
at 00:09:57
I had a change to read some pages
from the book about Sir W. Mackinnon that was recommend
to me (a friend of my had ordered it on my behalf but
reads it now for the 'as much that you want' time.
So as a rebellion against Credit Cards I have to wait
for my turn.... How ever in a glance I came accross
the surname of 'Bulloch' and I wonder if he was related
to the brilliant Confederate agent J.D. Bulloch? In;
'History of the Confederate State Navy by; 'J. Thomas
Scharf' is written; 'Mr. J.D. Bulloch is now (1887) still living
in Liverpool. Secret is what his occupation was during that time.
By the way I have found the information of Sir W. Mackinnon's vessel
Alice. The Archive of Tyne and Wear were very helpful on that
score (and very fast).
Well rest me to wish you all a 'good speed' for 2005!
Tilling, UK - Monday, December 27, 2004 at 15:28:38
ref to an entry by John Tilling, who must be a distant
relative and Capt T.P. Tilling. My Grandfather was
Capt Tilling's younger brother. My father still has
the original telegrams sent to the family on the
disappeareance of the Abhona.
He had a ship named after him launched by his mother,
my great grandmother to commemorate his passing.
We do have other pieces of information. I would be
interested to know what other information John Tilling
has (his meassage was posted in January 2004.
Taylor, Australia - Sunday, December 26, 2004 at 21:42:09
Extremely glad that I have at last discovered the BI web
La Amart, US - Sunday, December 26, 2004 at 06:21:55
I am interested in the Jelunga, which my great grandfather traveled
on from Rotterdam, Holland to Ellis Island, New York, in July,
Bryson, Australia - Saturday, December 25, 2004 at
My Father's family came to Australia in 1911
on the "SS Torilla" landing
on the 10th. October 1911. Do you have a photo of this ship?
Luckett, UK - Wednesday, December 22, 2004 at 15:13:38
just revisited this site and seen Derek Lewis's reply
to my October posting. I'm pretty sure that the Commodore
William Sinclair he knows about must be my Uncle William
Sinclair, who also retired in the 1950's. He was born
in South Shields in 1901 and spent part of the Second
World War moored in the Persian Gulf, his ship crammed
with munitions for the British armies in the Middle East - a sort
of floating bomb. I have photographs of him, both as a young man
and later in life. I also have a coat of arms painted by him, which
I believe is the coat of arms of the BI line. The four quarters
have, clockwise from the top left, an oared sailing ship on a blue
ground, three palm trees on a gold ground, a silver star and a
key. The motto is 'Stella clavisque maris indici. I would be fascinated
to know about the letters Derek has, and the names of any of Uncle
Billy's ships.
Browne, NZ - Monday, December 20, 2004 at 10:28:16
Looking at Steve Monks photo gallery very good indeed. The heavy
lift ship I presume is Amra when she carried two barges from Japan
to Kuwait if I am write please confirm as I was on board at the time.
Leavesley (nee Brookes) - Saturday, December 18,
2004 at 15:20:49
have fond memories of an educational cruise to Norway and Denmark
May/June 1977 (Cruise 777) on the S.S.Uganda. I am looking for
information about the ship and that particular cruise as it included
the Queen's silver jubliee while we were on board. Are there any
documents/pictures that can be sent to me via e-mail?
It was a very special time as a 14 year old.
Lewis, UK - Wednesday, December 15, 2004 at 16:29:52
Does anyone out there remember
the fire on the Nardana, in India, in 69 or 70 , I
had only just joined the ship, as Electrical Off, and
we had a full load of cotton on board, when at about
three in the morning all hell broke out. Went on to
spend 3 happy years on board. Stayed with BI till Dark
days of P&O then give it
all up, still happy memorys of 8 years - Taffy Lewis
McKenny, Dubia - Wednesday, December 15, 2004 at 10:23:32
Sailed, Chantala,
Karanja, Kampala, Dwarka, Amra , Juwara,
and others , Note Cliford Cadman signed in 2nd Dec, where can
contact you.
George, UK - Wednesday, December 15, 2004 at 00:14:34
for any info about Norman Welburn who worked for BI
from approx 1910 onwards. I know he was at sea and
eventually became a captain. He lived in Rangoon was
married to Claire Marguerite Sutherland, the daughter
of the commissioner of Rangoon in 1908. Later moved
back to England when his wife became ill in approx
1912/13. He had one daughter Margurite born in Rangoon
Hayward, New Zealand - Sunday, December 12, 2004 at
I'm glad to find a site that may have information about my Grandfather.
Ricketts, UK - Thursday, December 9, 2004 at 12:21:22
NZS Really - but at least one other of us on here and I sailed
and was great friends with Terry Botten who trained on the original
Woods, UK - Thursday, December 2, 2004 at 16:43:33
The memories come flooding back! It was a
wonderful few years. Sailed on Sirsa,
Carpentaria, Chakrata
between 1968 and 1971.
Clifford Cadman, UK - Thursday, December 2, 2004 at 10:34:33
Served on Chantala
Sirdhana Uganda and Nuddea then Mainly NZ Co ships as P7O General
Cargo Division
Ian Stacey, UK - Tuesday, November 30, 2004 at 00:33:38~
Replying to Frank Hartley UK Weds July 7 2004-
Have own foto of Chakdina at Sandheads
-not brilliant pic but genuine. Cannot electronically send but can
by post if you advise email address on this site or find mine from
John Prescott. I sailed in her also. Ian Stacey deck cadet 1957-61
Peter Wilkinson, Bahamas - Sunday, November 28, 2004 at 20:29:12
A most excellent site. I am seeking ANY information
on SS Madura (1922)and her service.
Of special interest would be info/comments on her voyage to UK from
East Africa in July 1940 when she was diverted to Bordeaux to pick
up 1500 soldiers and British cvilians. I undertand that she was
reckoned to be the last "troopship" to leave Bordeaux around July
20th. I have found that she had accomodations for 170 passengers
all one class. The addition of 1500 extra bodies and the need to
zigzag all the way home must have taxed to the limit the obvious
ingenuity and capabilities of the BI folk. Lastly, built as she
was at Barclay Curle, did she have sister ships ? Many thanks in
advance and congratulations on a wonderfuly informative site Peter
Wilkinson OP
Jonathan Manley, Australia - Saturday, November 27, 2004 at 06:12:38
I love sea travel
Robert Shawyer, Spain - Wednesday, November 24, 2004 at 21:05:34
A realy fine site. My grandfather Edward Shawyer
- boastwain - official no. 121332- was lost at sea on the ss Rewa
in 1910 I would dearly like some information on his career with
BI- many thanks
John Goodwin, UK - Tuesday, November 23, 2004 at 08:45:48
sailed with steve sorsby and would also like
to know what happened to cat. Salaams to anyone else from that time
Gordon Bartley, UK - Sunday, November 21, 2004 at 19:15:05
I was a passenger on the "Matiana"
bound for Mombasa in April 1948
Steve Clarke, UK - Wednesday, November 17, 2004 at 14:09:33
eoin McGinty's request for recollection of
Eugene McGinty on the Karanja. In 1959,
I boarded the Karanja at Beira, for my first trip as a deck apprentice,
- a voyage to Bombay. via Durban. Eugene was one of the memorable
events of the trip, apart from [?]Paul Nunes, the Asst. Purser.
These two took me n hand, and [as an abstemious cadet on £8 15s
4d per month] had to suffer and subsidise my taste for beer and
Mateus Rose in the flesh pots of Lorenco Marques, Mombassa, and
the like. The tone of the message from Eoin implies Eugene is no
longer with us. Well he's alive and well in my nostalgia files
David Lennan, Australia - Saturday, 23 Oct 2004 08:13:21
last ship was the Brasil Star in the early 60s. I didnÕt take many
slides at sea but once I arrived in Australia my interest in ships
was as strong as ever, I started going to Sydney and visiting mostly
passenger ships and going onboard and taking the best I could of
the interiors being an ex steward. An interesting vessel was the
Kuala Lumpur (ex Dilwara) and being
an ex BI I thought this one of her in Sydney may have been of interest
to you. David's 1969 photo is shown here.
Avern, UK - Thursday, November 4, 2004 at 12:10:20
trying to track a James Avern who was a master of one of the fleet
in 1875-1880. Can anyone help. Addred subsequently:
James Avern was master of the SS Patna
in 1882. We know for certain he travelled from Karachi to London
in Feb and March 1882. Does anyone know how I can find out more?
Nick Jolly, UK - Monday, November 1, 2004 at 21:49:56
I have just come across this site and it has
stirred many fond and a few negative memories of my Chindwara
days (particularly a sweltering night off Port Sudan as a first
tripper being treated to a "sports night"). It soon got a lot better
as we headed down to Durban having met Neptune in the shape of Henry
Severs on the way. Chindwara became a very happy second home though
sadly I joined too late to get a trip to Australia as she was judged
to be too slow with the advent of the W and N Class ships. I look
forward to renewing memories and acquaintances through this site
Barry Marchant, UK - Monday, November 1, 2004 at 21:37:32
To Les Maiden in New Zealand, I have just
revisited this site after a few months did you ever get the photo
of (Matiana) that you asked for from
Jeff Appleyard, UK - Monday, November 1, 2004 at 20:34:52
I still find it interesting reading, i only
wish i had been older when we travelled home on the "DUNERA"
David Bates, UK - Friday, October 29, 2004 at 21:26:01
Sailed in the Queda
Searle, USA - Thursday, October 28, 2004 at 16:50:27
Great grandfather was a warrant officer on
ship named Jumna
Tony Brook, UK - Wednesday, October 27, 2004 at 00:28:21
The good memories last longest. Was the world
really a better place 30 odd years ago or is it just an age thing?
Great to have the resource to stimulate old memories! Thanks
Peter Hide, UK - Tuesday, October 26, 2004 at 17:24:51
It is over forty years since I took leave
of BI but what wonderful times they were and what fond memories
they rekindle! The chance to travel the world - and to get paid
for the privilege into the bargain - was a lure I could not resist
in those carefree days of youth. On looking back however I feel
I gained much more from the experience of seafaring life and I will
always feel fortunate to have had such a golden opportunity. To
have recently discovered the website is another bonus. I do enjoy
reading the exchanges and it is good to know that even though the
great company has been assigned to history - thanks to this marvellous
site and those who run it- the memories will live on.
Pettit, New Zealand - Monday, October 25, 2004 at 22:50:31
What an interesting site. I would love to
see more information on the routes the ships travelled and in what
Ian Stacey, UK - Sunday, October 24, 2004 at 13:11:02
Portsmouth reunion - what a resounding nostalgic
success - for me anyway- meeting shipmates after almost 50 years,
incredible! Well done indeed the Spences and JP for the BI web site
which is the 'connector' .
Derek Lewis, UK - Friday, October 22, 2004 at 23:09:35
Have just read John Luckett's posting regarding
his uncle Captain William Sinclair and that he may have been a Commodore
Captain of BISN Co. As the editor of this site knows I have letters
from another Captain Sinclair who was also a Commodore Captain and
retired in the 1950s after serving with the company from 1913. Could
there have been two Commodore Captains with the same name ?
Paul Rogers, UK - Friday, October 22, 2004 at 13:55:36
Looking for details on NEURALIA
- my Grandfather Albert Rogers and his B-in-Law Harry Sheppard both
served on BI ships in the 20's - still have some of the momentoes
they collected during this time. be vry grateful for any further
info anyone has? Great site.
the logbook 
Jim Savage, Australia - Friday, October 22, 2004 at 04:34:43
Does any one remember philip evans 2nd engineer?
his first ship in the bi co was on the nalgara
which he joined on the 1/7/31 in calcutta as a 5th engineer, his
last ship in bi was the rajula as 2nd
engineer on the 10/6/1952. he was on the goalpara
when she was bombed in greece on the15/4/41 he was also on the mv
dumra when she was torpedoed on the
5/6/43 whilst on a voyage between mombassa and durban.when he left
the bi company he joined shell oil as 2nd engineer until he retired
in september 1965.any imformation on philip would be greatly appreciated.
Patrick Werr, Egypt - Thursday, October 21, 2004 at 21:38:59
On 25 August 2004 I asked for the name of
the BI mail steamer that made the maiden voyage between Bombay and
Basra in 1862. I have managed to track it down myself. It was the
Alan Hough, UK - Tuesday, October 19, 2004 at 13:03:44
A very interesting site .Nice to see some
old names & places from the past.Shall visit you again.God bless
you all.
Jim Savaga, Australia - Sunday, October 17, 2004 at 07:06:18
very interesting site, will visit again for
my research.
John Stevenson, UK - Wednesday, October 13, 2004 at 12:46:56
Just found this amazing website and would
be pleased to hear from anyone who remembers me.
Robert Hendry, France - Tuesday, October 12, 2004 at 15:31:44
My father, Willie (or Bill) Hendry sailed
as Second (?) Engineer on Nyanza in
the '30s and 40s. I would be pleased to hear from anyone who sailed
with him.
John Luckett, UK - Monday, October 11, 2004 at 12:44:42
My uncle, Captain William Sinclair O.B.E.
was employed by British India in the '30's, '40's and '50's. There
is a family tradition that he was briefly Commodore of the Fleet
before he retired. As a small boy I visited him on board when he
docked at Avonmouth round about 1950, but I cannot remember the
name of his ship. Any information would be much appreciated.
Kenneth Fernandes, Australia - Saturday, October 9, 2004 at 00:06:07
I did my time with BI on the following ships
in 1952 to 1954. UMARIA, DUMRA,
I sometimes meet ex BI officers, in my role a a compass adjuster.
Always glad to meet them.
Aaron, Australia - Friday, September 24, 2004 at 08:11:43
I would be interested in contacting John McAvoy
regarding his father's service in Mulbera
as an Engineer.
Paul Carter, UK - Tuesday, September 21, 2004 at 17:42:30
Easter 1969 SS Nevasa
with West House School, Edgbaston, Birmingham, England. Flew to
Venice-boarded Nevassa-Dubrovnick-Crete-Rhodes-Staights of Messina?
saw Etna erupt at night-Naples-Gib-Lisbon-Regatta in Vigo Bay in
the lifeboats-Southampton..£68 for the 2 weeks, Fantastic..Have
8mm film of it, about 200 feet. I was about 12 years old..still
have autograph book for kisses..remember?
Mohammad Sabir, Pakistan - Monday, September 20, 2004 at 15:43:38
I want to know complete detail of Dara
ship passengers.
Morris Bruce, Canada - Sunday, September 19, 2004 at 04:05:07
My father William Bruce was an Engineer Officer
with the BI from 1936 to 1944. I would like to know what ships he
was on and if you have any other information. He has since deceased
and I regret now not having got the information from him when he
was alive.
David Corbin, UK - Saturday, September 18, 2004 at 21:43:53
Interesting site. Diving upon the wreck of
the first SHIRALA off Littlehamptom
led me on a quest to find the ships plans and; eventually, to have
a model made of her in her WW1 colour scheme. The quest also led
to a 2nd photo of her being unearthed within the P&O archive showing
the vessel at rest; probably in the Indian Ocean. The model is around
2 feet long.
Phillip Freeman, Australia - Saturday, September 18, 2004 at 14:41:45
I am interested in finding out about a Aurther
H Spurge. I was given a book by my uncle recently and his name was
written in the inside cover, I would like to find out any history
about this man and his position on this ship. Any feedback would
be greatly appreciated. Thank-you. [You omitted
giving the name of the ship - Editor]
Struan Robertson, UK - Saturday, September 18, 2004 at 09:02:14
How tough it was; after eleven pm you had
to pour your own drinks out!
McAvoy, UK - Friday, September 17, 2004 at 16:24:46
My father (John T McAvoy, shortly coming up
to his 90th birthday) retired in 1972 after he had been a chief
engineer in the company. He served aboard the following ships: Gamaria
(1936), Chakdara, Dunera,
Kenya, Mulbera,
Nyanza, Ellora,
and many more. I had the great pleasure to go on some of the school
cruises between 1964-1970 as part of the BI employee's children
group. These were great fun and I was fortunate enough to travelled
on all the ships involved in school cruising, Dunera,
Devonia, Uganda
& Nevasa.
James (Paddy) Devlin, UK - Friday, September 17, 2004 at 12:58:24
peter freeborn (ex-Bombala) phone02825656184
David Stevens, UK - Tuesday, September 14, 2004 at 10:18:50
My ancestor George Paynter Lewis was Master
of the 'PATNA' Are there any pictures
or paintings of this ship.
Pam Hill, UK - Sunday, September 12, 2004 at 19:35:20
Anyone interested in two menu cards from the
s.s. Kenya dated 14th February 1955
please contact me. In good condition, some stains but overall good.
Front pictures are an orchid and chrysanthemum. My email is
Ellis, Australia - Friday, September 10, 2004 at 04:19:53
Frederick Freeman Ellis served with the company for 30 years retiring
in 1961. He died on the 13 July 1981 his wife Kathleen is still
alive aged 91. I am his son Tim Ellis. When I was 3 years old I
sailed to Bombay on the Carthage with my mother and we stayed there
until I was 5 years of age. Shortly before we returned to the UK
we went on what was then called a health cruise from Bombay to Karachi,
Mombasa, Zanzibar, Dar es Salaam, Zanzibar, The Seychelles, Goa
and then back to Bombay. I am trying to find out what was the name
of the ship that we sailed on. Could it have been the Aronda?
I know it was not the Amra. I would be very grateful if someone
could help me.
David Meats, UK -Saturday, September 4, 2004 at 19:55:08
SS Virawa. I
have a British "Transport Medal" which has been passed down thru
the family. It is for the S.Africa campaign (1899 - 1902) awarded
to R.D.Dougherty who was apparently the Master of the Virawa at
some time during that period. Can anyone give me any further information
about this individual please?
Les Maiden, New Zealand - Saturday, September 4, 2004 at 11:39:48
I am looking for a good photograph of 'Matiana'
(hard to find!). I was a passenger UK - Mombasa in May/June 1951
Maik Gh, Mauritius - Wednesday, September 1, 2004 at 18:43:35
Attention Annette Peppiatt: Mauritius Archives
have records up to 1905. So there wont be any records available
for the Loodiana as it left Mauritius
in 1910.
Barry Brown, Canada - Wednesday, September 1, 2004 at 13:50:27
Was originally looking for information about
the Bhundara, but new information has
come to light and I believe that the ship I should be looking for
is the CAMORTA. Went down in Apr/May
1902 with a great loss of life. Any info or photos greatly appreciated!
Gh, Mauritius - Tuesday, August 31, 2004 at 13:42:51
I want to know where i can find the passenger
list for the SS Ancona, which touched Port Louis, Mauritius on the
13th May 1900. My great grand father was on board. Thank You.
[Ancona was not a BI ship]
Annette Peppiatt, UK - Sunday, August 29, 2004 at 11:09:33
My great granfather's brother andrew love
died on the Loodiana in 1910 when the
ship was lost in a cyclone en route to Mauritius, and i am trying
to find out more about the event. [
Not much is know of this casualty as the ship
went missing, presumed lost, in a cyclone soon after leaving Port
Louis, bound Colombo. No survivors were found. Information from
Laxon & Perry's BI - Editor]
Veena Yadav, US - Sunday, August 29, 2004 at 05:04:39
My grandfather came from india on the ship
named; VIRAWA. I believe in 1906 he
boarded the ship from CalCutta, India to come to Fiji. I am looking
for the passenger name list and any other information. Please e-mail
any information you may have. Thank you for your assistance in this
Werr, Egypt - Wednesday, August 25, 2004 at 21:30:47
I'm trying to learn the name of the BI steamship
that made the maiden voyage between Bombay and Basra in 1862.
Christopher Deakes, UK - Wednesday, August 25, 2004 at 19:00:51
Does anyone know anything about the artists
JR Sawyer and D King whose paintings of BI ships were made into
postcards? Be very glad for any information. Many thanks. Christopher
Deakes (former BI Agent, Pt Sudan)
Joseph Denis, UK - Sunday, August 22, 2004 at 16:31:42
Please note a correction to my enquiry dated
June 26th 2004. My Uncle's ship was lost in the Bay of Bengal and
not the Bay of Biscay.
Barry Brown, Canada - Friday, August 20, 2004 at 18:32:18
Came here looking for info. on SS Bhundara,
that went down in the Bay of Bengal around member lost
James Brown of Falkirk/Larbert Scotland....would like any info.
and/or photos
Martin Augustus, UK - Wednesday, August 18, 2004 at 21:29:18
My great uncle 'Jack Augustus' served on the
TS Nevasa during the war, I'm interested
to hear from anyone who can tell me more about the ship. My father
has a christmas card send from the ship which includes a line drawing
which we have scanned in. I would be happy to share this with anyone
interested. Please contact me at
Clare Van Messel, Australia - Tuesday, August 17, 2004 at 10:58:52
Responding to Tony Ekneligoda's call for old
mates to contact him August 2003 this site. Look forward to hearing
from you.
Frank Young, US - Monday, August 16, 2004 at 08:05:09
I am writing an account of the Mesopotamia
Expeditionary Force in 1914. I have learned, perhaps not entirely
accurately, that five ships were chartered for transport to the
Shatt-al-Arab. These were Varela, Umaria,
Umta, Berbera,
and Masunda. I have found some information on the first four of
these on your great website. Does anyone know anymore about these
ships, particularly with regard to their use as transports at the
beginning of World War I? And can anyone identify the Masunda? Thanks
very much for your time for this note. [Principal
particulars and history of all BI ships are given in Laxon
& Perry, while Merchant
Adventurers contains the WWI careers of BI ships.
L&P also contains details of the convoys from Indian ports in
1914 - Editor]
Margaret McCulloch, Australia - Sunday, August 15, 2004 at 04:06:30
This is an extremely good site.
Ian Stacey, UK - Saturday, August 14, 2004 at 02:25:28
Why has the BI lived to this day? Class, style
and a camaraderie second to none - there was a very special feeling
between all grades of staff - never to be forgotten - super company
- Ian Stacey deck cadet 1957 to 1961
Kneale Barber, Australia - Thursday, August 12, 2004 at 12:23:22
Wonderful to see Paul Mann is alive and kicking
(2 July 2004.) I remember those happy days on the Big W, Paul, and
look forward to hearing more from you once your nerves have settled.
Janet Wood, UK - Sunday, August 8, 2004 at 09:27:3
For George Deans. My father was on the Warfield.
I am looking through all his 'cigar boxes' for any information.
My email is janetmwood@xxxx. Get in touch please.

Ashraf Roomaney, South Africa - Wednesday, July 28, 2004 at 16:00:19
Can anybody help with information on ss Tilawa?
Tilawa was torpedoed on 23 Nov 1942. Is anybody interested in assisting
in the location and visual recording of this wreck?
Amerisen Amil Daya, South Africa - Wednesday, July 28, 2004 at 12:24:49
need information regarding Mr Tiekam Makan Daya and his daugher
Lalita Daya who has sailed from Durban to India between the time
frame 1965-1968.....If there are any pictures/ log books/ information
regarding any of them i would appreciate it.
the logbook 
Derek Hargreaves, UK - Sunday, July 25, 2004 at 21:27:47
For George Deans (message of 28th June) regarding
more information about the death of your father. There is a brief
account of the sinking of the Warfield
in the BI War History 'Valiant Voyaging' and where Mr G R Deans
is listed in the Roll of Honour (Europeans). If you have not seen
this I can scan it and send it to you. However, I think there is
an anomaly in the book where the text states that'... Mr Deans was
killed by the bomb, but he and one Indian member of the crew-whose
conduct was exemplary-were the only casualties.' This does not tie
up with the Roll of Honour (Indian Seamen) where the names of some
37 other crew from the Warfield are listed. Of these only one is
engineroom staff (Coal Trimmer) the remainder being Deck and Galley
staff which I cannot explain.
Al Zadjali, Oman - Sunday, July 25, 2004 at 18:38:34
Great site and I beleieve the right one for
my research... I am looking for Information regarding the sinking
of a passenger ship in Muscat harbour during WW2?
Chris Rosamond, UK - Thursday, July 22, 2004 at 14:05:17
This post appeared last year: "Gordon MacKay,
UK - Wednesday, January 29, 2003 Any information on the SS.Urlana,
wrecked during WW2 on the West coast of Skye in the Hebrides, would
be appreciated". I am the owner of a lifeboat that I believe attended
the wreck - and would like to contact Mr MacKay. Can anyone help?
Adrian Moran, UK - Wednesday, July 21, 2004 at 23:16:21
I'm writing a text on out-of-school education
in its various forms. I went myself on the first cruise of (I think)
either the Devonia or Dunera
from Cardiff to Coruna, Lisbon and Vigo. Does anyone remember it?
There were some schools from South Wales and one from Croydon but
I don't think the accomodation was full. I might interview some
of the former pupil-passengers, but don't know where to start looking
for them - the records seem to have disappeared. Help very gratefully
recieved either memories of the trip or information re: the records.
Using the ships like that was a good idea and I wouldn't like the
records of the pupils' experiences to be lost.
Veronica de France, Netherlands - Tuesday, July 20, 2004 at 11:04:26
For eight years I tried to obtain as much
information about W. Mackinnon's British India Steam Navigation
company and Co. It would be nice to know which company supplied
him from coal. Knowing his routes along the South African coast
line, perhaps stopping for water supply at Port Elizabeth. To find
all my answers on one Web side, well it would matters 'years' to
me. There for at my own selfish interest; "Steam away as far as
you can go!"
Stephens, UK - Saturday, July 17, 2004 at 23:37:53
I am researching a ship called the Patna
which was from Liverpool, sailed to Shanghai in 1864 under Master
- George Paynter Lewis [an ancestor] who died aged 29 in Shanghai
how or why? [The BI ship of this name post-dated
your ancestor's voyage by about seven years - Editor]
Phillip Thomas, US - Tuesday, July 13, 2004 at 14:02:56
I bought a photo of Ellenga
at an oxfam shop in Frodsham, Cheshire. It is in black & white,
the ship is docked, and the water and waterline are tinted. There
is a trident on the funnel, not the usual BI line marking. Can you
shed light on where & when this photo was taken? [This
would be the tanker Ellenga, built for BI in 1960 and transferred
to the group's Trident Tankers in 1963 - Editor]
Tony Dare-Edwards, Australia - Tuesday, July 13, 2004 at 03:56:53
Father: Walter Laucelot Dare Edwards served
on Barjora in the 1920s as 4th Engineer.
Ian Stacey, UK - Sunday, July 11, 2004 at 01:18:31
New to site; replying to Ted Rowley in Australia
re love to hear from old shipmates- cadet 1957- 1961 22 ships including
Santhia twice. Have photo of us two
on bunk!
Anthony Balch, Canda - Saturday, July 10, 2004 at 12:01:43
I travelled on Empire
Troooper once but cannot remember the details
Stewart Warden, Phlippines - Friday, July 9, 2004 at 12:28:04
Very interesting details of various ships
Frank Hartley, UK - Wednesday, July 7, 2004 at 07:32:28
The first ship I sailed on as a Junior Engineer
after serving a full apprenticeship as a toolmaker in Lancashire
was the Chakdina. I used to have some
photographs framed on the wall of my house however, after a break-in
the thieves took all the pics including the one of the Chakdina.
Does anyone have an electronic version to send me so I can print
and place it back on the wall.
Wal Allis, UK - Wednesday, July 7, 2004 at 01:31:51
I came upon this family site a while back
it set me thinking of all the good times,I did have with the B.I.
I joined the Chindwara in Sept.1962
I relieved a Dave Farmer 5E/o One of the 3E/o's was called Sandy
Suter he had his wife with him the 2E/o came from South Shields
he used to play the clarinet that he had with him. The 4E/o was
an Australian The rest of the Engineers being from the "outside
squad". The Chindwara was on Home trade. Returning back to UK I
left her and joined the Socotra, then Landaura,
Chakrata, Dwarka
and Chantala
Paul Mann, UK - Friday, July 2, 2004 at 11:52:13
I read through your site with much interest.
Kneale Barber and I used to go ashore to the 'chemists' (the bars)
to recover from the night-before when the Waroonga
was on the Australian coast no wonder my stomach is under constant
hospital scrutiny!
Richard Teo, Australia - Thursday, July 1, 2004 at 03:59:45
Fantastic web pages but hard top get back
to Forum. Should be an easier way to link? using Pass word etc?
[Thanks for the suggestion. This has now been
created - Editor]
Madhav Joshi, ndia - Wednesday, June 30, 2004 at 17:24:07
I had previlage of piloting many a BI ships
and later as Master Pilot, Dock Master and Harbour Master of BPT,
had many good memories of BI ships. My own batch mates from Training
ship 'Dufferin' had served on BI ships.
Reg Watson, UK - Tuesday, June 29, 2004 at 21:25:03
I have a signed photo of HMT Neuralia,
presumably taken during the war. Eight of the crew have signed it,
including the C/O, the surgeon, and the Asst. Purser. I inherited
it from my uncle, but I know of no link that he might have had with
the ship or crew. Can anyone shed any light on this picture, or
have any particular interest in it?
George Deans, Australia - Monday, June 28, 2004 at 09:25:55
My father G R Deans was 2nd engineer on the
Warfield when she was sunk on 15/08
43. is anyone still around who could tell me what really happened?
Alec Ralph who was 2nd Officer tried to find him but couldn't find
any evidence as the engineroom was flooding. If anyone can help
it would help to put our minds at rest.
Would like to hear from Janet Wood whose dad
was also an engineer on Warfield. He may have known my dad and may
have even been a Warfield survivor.
Butler, Spain - Sunday, June 27, 2004 at 19:53:50
Message for Bill Swan. We joined BI at the
same time and shared a room during the interviews (I think in Anchor
House). I helped you out with your crate of Watneys pale ale for
which you should be for ever grateful to me. We also did the fire
fighting course up at Liverpool before they would let us on a ship.
The only other person I can remember from that time is Collin Dix.
Message for Dave Rutter. We sailed together on the Chakla.
I remember, Les Smith, Reg Varny, Earl Daniels, Andy King, Brian
Alcock, Dale Worthington, Bob Spooner and our nice second Mr Pratt
who used to come down on standby wearing a black berrie and carrying
a bull whip. Weren`t we together in Goa on the Chakla. Maybe we
will be there again in 2006! I was so sad to hear that Mike Winkworth
had died. He was one of the best. I have a really nice photo of
him in the bar of Chakla. If any of his family would like a copy
email and I would be happy to pass it on.
Joseph Denis, UK - Saturday, June 26, 2004 at 17:57:42
I am trying to glean information on my uncle
Owen Williams, a deck officer in B.I. I have a photograph of him
taken on Takada in 1922. I was told
in my youth by my father Capt. Joseph Williams of P.S.N.C., that
my uncle and his ship disappeared in a cyclone in the Bay of Biscay
(not known when). But browsing through your list of ships I see
that one named Okara was lost in that
manner in 1923. I wonder if that could be the ship and that date.
Has anyone got a list of officers on ships at that time?. Would
appreciate any information. [See entry of
Aug 22, 2004 with correction]
Alexander, Australia - Wednesday, June 23, 2004 at 23:14:33
To Gillian Willis, Australia. My family came
to Australia on the Waipara (right)
and I have as photo if you would like it.
(Sandy) Suter, UK - Sunday, June 20, 2004 at 21:22:44
Would love to hear from anyone who knew me during my service with
BI (1960-1967) Havent recognised any names from from the e.Mail
Copeman, Australia - Friday, June 18, 2004 at 13:00:24
Ahoy Me Hearties! Discovered this page accidentally
through nosey kids on the Internet. Whilst I joined BI as a deck
apprentice by the time I signed on my first ship the Carpentaria
I found myself a part of P&O's GCD. At Heart I'm a BI boy Just loved
my time and the guys sailed with I've cracked a bottle of fine red
just now to drink to the Health of the fine ship mates from Carpentaria
'72, (Somerset) & Chakdina,'73 Zira,'74/5
(Mataru) 76 Dwarka,'77 (Turakina)?,
(Tekoa) 78 definately a memorable time amongst the pohm's. From
here I will kep an eye on this site in the hope of catching up with
some of you on the ethernet. Currently aground in Port Hedland West
Aust. Will probably be here until they find a real Harbour Master.
I'm having a great time raising four kids but I'd give an awful
lot to be in my 20's again and have another go.
the logbook 
McGinty, UK - Tuesday, June 15, 2004 at 13:20:26
My father Eugene McGinty was a radio officer
on the Karanja for in the late 50`s,
early 1960`s. Does anyone remember him?
Hamnett, UK - Friday, June 11, 2004 at 16:11:12
I was interested to find a Tony Hamnett listed
on this site, to date I have found no other Hamnetts apart from
my own family with a British India connection.
Gossner, Australia - Friday, June 11, 2004 at 07:19:41
My grandmother Mary Macallum disembarked from
The S.S. Waipara in Townsville, Qld
in January 1911. She was from Dumbarton, Scotland and was classed
as a domestic servant. If anyone has any connection to Mary I would
appreciate hearing from them.
the logbook 
Richard Downer, UK - Tuesday, June 8, 2004 at 22:58:02
My late father, Captain Francis AJ Downer,
DSC, RD, RNR (rtd) who died in Septemeber 1993, retired from the
BI in 1970. At the time of his retirement he was in command of the
SS Nevasa, having commanded the Devonia,
and the Dunera before that. Before
the school ships he had commanded the Quiloa
I believe, and before that the Chindwara.
He served in the BI except during the war years from the time he
joined the company as a cadet on the Australia
I think it was called in 1929. In the opposite bunk on this cadet
ship was another BI cadet, a certain Maurice Head, who was later
'press ganged' into the Royal Navy around the start of World War
Two. Head finisheded his career in the Royal Navy as a Commodore
and attended my father's funeral in 1993. My father's obituary from
the Daily Telegraph can be found on
The picture of the ship's company of HMS Montserrat is above the
obituary. The then commanding officer of the Montserrat, Lieut.
Commander Francis Downer is seated in the middle just above the
'ts' of the words HMS Montserrat in writing on the photo. The obituary
mentions convoy ONS5,deemed to be the turning point of the Battle
of the Atlantic. On that convoy HMS Northern Spray which my father
commanded rescued 56 out of 62 men of the US freighter West Maximus
which had been sunk by U boat attack, see:
My father returned to the BI after the war The distinguished role
of the Merchant Navy during the Second World War was very important
to my father. On one occasion he laid a wreath at the Merchant Navy
War Memorial at Tower Hill on behalf of the BI on Remembrance Sunday.
Sheila Berube, US - Tuesday, June 8, 2004 at 03:38:55
Interested in the history and the bombing
of the HTM Rohna, my Great Uncle was
Darryl James, US - Friday, June 4, 2004 at 16:49:48
trying to locate final destination of passenger
Victor Sumagi on rms Dwarka sailing
approx march 1953
Alexander Suter, UK - Friday, May 28, 2004 at 21:44:34
Excellent site that has brought back some
fond memories from days on the eastern route. Would love to hear
from anyone who remembers me.
Also interested in the whereabouts of Derek
Boardman who served with Maurice Deans (now resident in Australia)
from 1959 - 1960.
Geoff Taylor, UK - Sunday, May 23, 2004 at 21:09:41
A really well put together site. I have left
the group temporarily since changing isp's. Hope to get to Goa but
cannot make Portsmouth
Derek Lewis, UK - Saturday, May 15, 2004 at 15:54:49
Message for Robert Fenner regarding 1900s
sea trips. I may be able to help, my e-mail is
Aaron, Australia - Friday, May 14, 2004 at 07:50:26
I am interested in making contact with anyone
who served in the Mulbera during World
War II. My brother Les, was a 5th Engineer in her during 1943/44.
I am particularly keen to acquire a photo of Mulbera if one exists
out there. A great site!
Paul, UK - Monday, May 10, 2004 at 08:56:10
My father Richard Nugent Paul worked for British India Steam. He
was Port Commissioner for Calcutta (Kolkata) in the 1960s.
Robert Fenner,
UK - Sunday, May 9, 2004 at 07:13:54
am interested in what it was like to travel on BI troopships - and
perhaps on P&O too - on voyages to and from India around 1900. Can
anyone recommend further reading? The bibliography on this great
website lists several books that give details of individual ships,
but I'm more interested in the experience of the voyage, the conditions
on board for officers and men, where the ships called en route,
that kind of thing. Can anyone help? I'd be grateful for any advice.
It's for something I'm writing. Thanks in advance.
Philippe Methot,
Canada - Friday, May 7, 2004 at 15:35:30
My voyage on the S.S. Uganda
when I was 19 years old, stayed in my daily memories for years.
Much later in life I was able to return to sea as a lecturer on
cruise ships in the Caribbean, and also was a revenue manger for
Festival Cruises; Flamenco and the Bolero. The Uganda was a magic
ride through history, enchantment, and wonder. As young students
a long way off from Canada, we were given a magic carpet ride that
is hard to compare today. Farewell to a grand ship and to a time
when the world still held us in awe.
Eric Moar, Australia
- Friday, May 7, 2004 at 14:39:07
Message to Bill Swan - Good to hear from you
after all this time - (my email is
- yes I remember Roy Burt and John Buxton was the 3rd, I believe
he is in NZ as he joined the Chakdina
after the Aska. Ken Smith was the chief eng when we were on the
Aska. and yes I still have photos of
those parties as well
Robin Pottinger, UK - Thursday, May 6, 2004 at 10:46:34
I would like to find out what I can about
my paternal grandfather, Capt. R.R.Pottinger. I know that at some
point in his career he was Master of the SS Tanfield,
probably in the 1920s or 1930s. I would like to be able to trace
his career with BI. Is there any archive to which one can refer
Kenneth Jones, UK - Wednesday, May 5, 2004 at 18:57:08
the 14 years at sea as a radio officer serving in cargo, passenger
vessels and tankers. The Chinkoa (pictured
right) was the best. The BISN had a lot of style. If I could
do it all again I would but it would have to be with BISN. Incidentally
i did sail on the Corfu the Pando vessel that sailed between London
Tilbury and onwards to Hong Kong. Why has bisn memories lasted so
long and Pando is just a name in a discharge book. Thank you for
the trip down memory lane. It is amazing that i have located 2 former
deck officers via the site. Best wishes
Giles Buchannon, UK - Wednesday, May 5, 2004 at 18:25:20
great site. I am researching the Karoa
for a friend of mine. Wondering if tehre is any more inforation
about her anywhere.
Matthew Flinders, UK - Monday, May 3, 2004 at 14:50:38
My family have been seamen for many years
and many generations, my late Grand Father was Captain Frederick
John Flinders, he commanded the SS Uganda,
Nyanza, Mombassa
etc, i have loads of photos on ships, places and people as well
as other interesting stuff.
Bruno Carbonell, France - Monday, May 3, 2004 at 14:31:33
I travelled on MS Dunera
between 1962 and 1964, as a member of the "school office" (purser's
Barry Marchant, UK - Saturday, May 1, 2004 at 22:39:57
Can you tell me, did the BISN co own small
paddle ships, I have a photo of one called the ZENOBIA funnel colours
match she could be in a river, possibly India, I can find no reference
to her in my books on BI. thank you. Very good shipping site.
Shyam Gulabsinh, India - Tuesday, April 27, 2004 at 07:28:00
I am thrilled to visit this site. I used to
travel by BI- PO in the 1960's with my grandfather from Beira to
Bombay. There was one incident in Dec 1965 or Jan 1966 aboard S
S Karanja. The severe cyclone struck
us and for 24 hours we were stand still in the middle of the sea
(i think was near Mombasa). If anyone aboard from that particular
voyage would like to share some history would be fine. Anyone say
from the staff the captain or his family or just about anyone. I
must have been about 8 years then.
Sorsby, New Zealand - Monday, April 26, 2004 at 10:20:25
Radio Operator 20 years old. Sailed on the
SS Nyanza 1968 through 1970 after she
came back from P&O (formerly Balranald). Did the east africa run
and then gulf to Japan with all points in between. when was she
scrapped? What happened to the cat.
Rosemary Howard, Australia - Wednesday, April 21, 2004 at 12:19:38
Congratulations on your site. Do you have
access to names of staff. My late father was a radio operator and
was torpedoed off the coast of India about 1941-3. We are keen to
know the name of the ship. Can you advise further sites etc?
the logbook 
Gough, UK - Wednesday, April 21, 2004 at 09:47:53
Was a green 'fiver' on tne Tairea
in '72, and again when absorbed / renamed Strathlomond. Made member
of BI club in Bombay at midnight by worse for wear but grateful
Captain and Chief Engineer who I rescued from 'falling down juice'.
Also did spell as 4EO on Merkara. Happy
days. The world really was a nicer place then (or was it just my
youthful eyes). Great site, thanks.
Richard Paul, UK - Tuesday, April 20, 2004 at 20:12:13
My father Richard Nugent Paul known as Dickie
was a marine engineer for the company during the 2nd world war until
perhaps 1951 when he became Suction and Bucket Dredging Master of
the Hooghly, Calcutta Port Commissioners. He died in August 1966.
If there is anyone who knew or worked with him, please contact me.
Thank you in anticipation.
Murray Upton, Australia - Mon, 19 Apr 2004 15:09:20 +1000
I have been searching for a contact who may
know if there are passenger lists available for the SS Taroba
that sailed from England to Australia in 1890. There were two trips
in that year and unfortunately I do not know which of the two my
ancestors came on. Would appreciate any guidance you may be able
to give me. Thanks