Terry Cook, Canda - Sunday, March 30, 2003 at 23:38:18
Would anyone be able to tell me how long it would
have taken to travel from India to England by ship in the late 1800's?
Need this information for my daughter's school project.
Tuthill, UK - Friday, March 28, 2003 at 00:56:32
Brilliant site,have already applied to join, I
have just spotted a name of a shipmate Bob Galloway from my Nowshera
days and will be getting in touch.
Arlene Osborne, Canada - Wednesday, March 26, 2003 at 04:53:49
I have a menu from the British India Steam Nav
Co Ltd. S.S. "Nevasa." Sept.24,1918 is
there a picture of this ship and passenger list that I could match up
to. A distant reletive may have been on board. [For
a picture of the first Nevasa see previous
logentries page]
Ashton, Australia - Wednesday, March 26, 2003 at 04:51:37
I was a passenger aboard SHIRALA
when she was berthed near FORT STIKINE in Bombay, April 14, 1944, when
STIKINE blew up while loading cotton and ammunition. I always had the
impression that SHIRALA was sunk in the disaster, but I find that she
only vanished in '51. Can anyone please fill me in on what happened
to her in Bombay harbour, and what her service was subsequently?
de Santaclara, Portugal - Sunday, March 23, 2003 at 14:37:14
Your site is very beautuful. I would like received
everiday all information about this site. Congratulations. Best regards
John Foster, US - Friday, March 21, 2003 at 06:27:44
My father was aboard the HMT Rohna
that was sunk off the coast of Tunisia, 26NOV 1943. I was in search
of details and histories of the tragedy and any knowledge of my father,
William Hentry Foster, Jr. I have 2 books that are mentioned on the
Rohna Memorial web Page: http://www.whidbey.net/rohna/memorial.htm There
is no mention of his name in the survivors listings...only a mention,
in one of the personal stories, of a unit that he had been a part of
- "...The Doolittle HDQs group...". If there are mainfests or records
of his passage on this vessel, I would appreciate any documentation
that you may be able to share with me, for my personal and family history,
use only.
Minjoot-Pereira, Australia - Friday, March 21, 2003 at 05:28:21
Am trying to find out the name of the ship captained
by my great-grandfather, but don't know how to proceed
Frank Lawlor, Australia - Thursday, March 20, 2003 at 07:15:27
Very interesting. I have pleasant memories of
BI and the Gulf run.
Richard Holmes, UK - Monday, March 17, 2003 at 15:26:12
I served nearly 3 years from 1970 to 1973, my
ships were the Kampala until we took her
to Tiawan for scrapping.Then I served on the Dwarka
for 6 weeks in dry dock in Hongkong, that was like being a 6 year old
let loose in a candy shop,marvellous memories. Luckily i went down with
Appendicitis just before the Dwarka sailed for the Arabian Gulf, that
was a lucky break. After 3 weeks in hospital in Hongkong i flew to Kobe
to join the Nowshera, the happyist time
in my life. Some names i remember, by the way i served as a fiver for
my time. Joe Nelson, John "twinkle" Hughes, Colin Warburton, Ken Jones,
Derek Barks, Its such a long time ago but i had the time of my life,
days never to be forgotten
Alberto Silva, Mozambique - Mon, 17 Mar 2003 15:02:15
am sending you here the BI Agent plaque which I found recently on an
old street at Mozambique Island, off the coast of Mozambique (former
Portuguese East Africa). This plaque is what triggered my curiosity
about BI and its possible involvement in Mozambique - hence the questions
that I posed to you in my previous e-mail. [BI
certainly did trade to many ports in PEA. The main trade was probably
with Lourenco Marques (Maputo) and Beira (Sofala) which were two of
the ports of call for the India-East Africa and the UK-East Africa passenger
liners. BI had agents in some places which were not visited
by the ships. These agents were often cargo and/or passenger agents,
booking space for local shippers and passengers in ships loading at
and departing from other ports. By the design of the plaque, I would
say it is mid-late 1960s. - Editor]
Brunton, UK - Saturday, March 15, 2003 at 23:45:54
Thank you for this web site which has helped me
to find out more about the SS Modasa, whose
ship's clock has been passed onto to me by my late father and grandfather.
Silva, Mozambique - Friday, March 14, 2003 at 06:55:15
I was quite happy to find your very interesting
and informative web site but would like to know more about BI's shipping
route to Mozambique or Mozambique Island in particular.
Ian Gilchrist, UK - Sunday, March 9, 2003 at 16:52:56
My father, James Mckenzie Gilchrist worked in
India for 30 years. When I was very young I recall my mother anxiously
seeking information on the location of his ship travelled from Calcutta
or Bombay just after the war in Europe ended. It seemed to be lost for
weeks then arrive safely. I am fairly certain the ship was the Mulbera.
If it is at all possible to obtain some information about this voyage
I would be very grateful.
Kirit Patel, US - Sunday, March 9, 2003 at 05:35:09
I would like to research a burial at sea for my
fathers brother in 1940,1941,1942 on the sailing ship Karanja
from Dar es Salaam to Bombay India
John Barrett, UK - Thursday, February 27, 2003 at 19:32:33
Joined Waronga in
April 1968 as a brand new Deck Cadet, it was her last voyage to Australia
under BI. A great way to start a life at sea. Good site lots of ships
that I remember. Does anyone know if the ships staff lists are available
Trolan, UK Tuesday, February 25, 2003 at 21:23:17
Just found and joined this group. reading through
the logbook came across a couple of familiar names - Jim Caird and Frank
McKay. went to college with both and was on Tanda
with Frank. love to hear from you again.
Elizabeth Hammergren-Smith, UK - Sunday, February 23, 2003 at 21:18:50
I am trying to find the passenger and crew list
of the M.V. DOMALA as I am trying to find
out about a relative by the name of HERBERT J. SONLEY who travelled
on it 14th May 1931. If anyone can help me please e-mail me at liz@inctech.com
I would be very grateful
Kneale Barber, Australia - Saturday, February 22, 2003 at 06:40:47
Very interesting and informative site. I remember
many names with affection from my time as a cadet on Chindwara
in 1956 to my final voyage on Chinkoa as
2nd Mate in 1965. Congratulations to those with the nouse and energy
to run this site.
Randle Biddle, US - Wednesday, February 19, 2003 at 17:56:32
Is anyone aware of a finely made and authentic
query part of a research project being conducted in conjunction with
the Nautical Research Guild/Journal. Thanks!
Patrick Trolan, UK - Saturday, February 15, 2003 at 11:06:56
Just found this site and nostalgia set in. Hi
to Jim Caird and Frank McKay with whom I was at college, and with Frank
on Tanda. Also Hi to Barton Kimberly Bampton (Seamus) with whom I was
on watch on Dwarka Sept. to Nov. 1977.
My e-mail adress is patricktrolan@hotmail.com so please get in touch.
Wilson, UK - Saturday, February 15, 2003 at 01:00:01
great site!
Gwyn Lewis, UK - Friday, February 14, 2003 at 13:21:49
Excellent site, will be back
Chas Preston, UK - Thursday, February 13, 2003 at 21:27:22
Excellent especialy the company sing alongs
Christopher Bunn, US - Wednesday, February 12, 2003 at 21:50:13
I am the son of Capt. L. A. Bunn any information
about his life with BI would be most welcome.
Peter Etheridge, Channel Island - Sunday, February 9, 2003 at 09:03:20
BI from 13/07/58 to28/10/60. Sailed on Nardana,
Chantala, Dumra
and Canara. Mainly on Chantala and Canara.
Thomas Miller-McCall, UK - Saturday, February 8, 2003 at 23:19:06
Served on cadetship Chindwara
59-63.transferred to trident tankers as 3/0 63-66 then went into shore
officers personnel 66-68 followed by work study and O@M upto 71.spent
8 years in middle east ship agency management with ybakanoo group. after
went to west africa as ship owner MD in 1979/80 followed by MD of papua
new guinea ship corp thence oil field bases, crude oil and shipping
management in west africa upto recently.unexplained bouts of cardiac
arrests known as sudden cardiac death strikes me down . amazingly on
four occassions i was with my gp a heart cosultant or surgeon when it
ocurred.my engine room has been under extensive replacement refurbishment
and repair. lucky enough the guy up top will not let me through the
gates and kicks me out back here. would like to renew all aquaintances
during chindwara years .my trip was with hockings butler fairclough
church omerod and white ive now got a lot of spare time to fill up.
Robert Martin, US - Friday, February 7, 2003 at 22:34:57
Just found this sight today looking forward to
exploring it more, so far it has been great.
Thomas McCall, UK - Thursday, February 6, 2003 at 21:51:17
Spent 1959-1963 on cadetship Chindwara
great days great time. moved on to deck officer Trident Tankers 1963
1966 thence shore positions up the ladder to managing director of cargo
container and oil shipping companies companies world wide. ill health
'sudden cardiac death ' on four occassions struck me down 1999 to 2003
forcing me to retire but survive somehow and get bored. would like to
help and get involved and meet old faces.
Ken Smith, UK - Thursday, February 6, 2003 at 16:12:05
I am interested in the journey of the Dilwara
from India to England in approximately March 1939
David Cornelius-Reid, UK Tuesday, February 4, 2003 at 10:09:47
My grandfather, Captain Ernest Ashby, was a captain
with BI during WW2 and up to the 50's. He died in 1977, and ever since,
I have wanted to trace any records, memories that anyone might have
of him. I have in my possession, many of his documents and photographs,
and memorabilia. I would welcome the opportunity to share this with
interested parties (but would never part with any of it) Can anyone
help me?
James Woods - Saturday, February 1, 2003 at 03:26:42
great site
Gordon MacKay, UK - Wednesday, January 29, 2003 at 19:50:56
Any information on the SS.Urlana,
wrecked during WW2 on the West coast of Skye in the Hebrides, would
be appreciated
Ruth Croft, Birmingham - Friday, January 24, 2003 at 01:22:32
I've recently discovered that a relative, Alexander
IRVINE, born in 1834, was a Commander "B.I.S.N. Co. Service." His Grandfather
in Aberdeen was a 'Ship Owner' so maybe that's why he joined up? Could
anyone suggest how I might find out more about his service record? Thanks,
Herbert Scharz, Canada - Thursday, January 23, 2003 at 21:24:34
My wife Mary (REVILL) Schwarz's grand father served
with this company from March 1894 to May 1906 as a Master Mariner.
Attilio Carrozzini, Italy - Thursday, January 23, 2003 at 16:45:27
I visited your site becouse i was looking
for information about
(pictured here). I found its shipwreck
in the south of italy. She was mined off in 1945. I made many research
to disvover the ship name. Have you other information about Neuralia?
The shipwreck was partially removed in 1954 for navigation safwty. Now
it seems all but a ship. I have a a part of a porthole. [BI
by Laxon & Perry and Valiant Voyaging by Hilary
Saunders have more information about Neuralia and her sinking. Details
of these books can be found on the Books
page - Editor]
Thomas, UK - Sunday, January 19, 2003 at 21:13:45
Tariq Malik, Canada: contact me re Dara:
have a bit of info including book & engineer aboard at the time. Phone
: 01639 830995; e-m: argonaut.phaiacia@btopenworld.com
Mark Worth, UK - Sunday, January 19, 2003 at 18:18:00
my father (william thirlaway worth) billy/oscar
sailed on Uganda in the 50s if anyone remembers
him please contact me,thank you.
Rothnie, UK - Saturday, January 18, 2003 at 14:41:37
Hello Brian Warburton, nice to get a response
to my logentry, I remember Quiloa well
and enjoyed my time in her, having a workaholic second made my life
a breeze. I hear from Andy Mackie that you are/were in business in the
Midlands. On leaving Ottawa I moved on to Distillery work until retiring
fifteen years ago and since then have golfed, caravanned, travelled
a bit and generally enjoyed life. Best wishes from both of us.
Alberto Cunto, Italy - Saturday, January 18, 2003 at 11:14:09
For historical research i need ANDREW MUNRO photo's
, the commander on last UMBALLA voyage,
torpedoed in date 25 december 1917.
Douglas Lothian, UK - Thursday, January 16, 2003 at 16:14:16
I was the 3 R/O on Devonia
during the summer of 1966 and at the ripe old age of 20 had the time
of my life. The cruises, passengers, food and crew were the best. The
master was Capt. Downer (RN) retired and the chief R/O was a great guy
by the name of Dave Easton. I remember we were in Belfast the day England
won the World Cup and me and three other officers sat in a hired car
outside a hotel listening to the last 15 griping minutes of that memorable
game on the car radio. Imagine our dismay when we walked into the hotel
bar to find everyone sitting round a big TV, I'll never forget these
John Esslemont, Australia - Thursday, January 16, 2003 at 09:16:41
This is a very interesting well put together site.
I served 7 years on BI ships the last on Chakrata
as second engineer. I recognise some of the names in this log book,
and welcome contact. Our 35 year old son learned to walk onboard Chakrata
when he was 10 months old
Jones-Cassidy, Canada - Tuesday, January 14, 2003 at 01:06:26
To Tim Dean of Australia who wrote to BI on Wed
September 25, 2002 my email address is cjonescassidy@netscape.net. I
am currently editing an article by a retired airline pilot who was on
the Rajputana probably the same time as your father. Please contact
Cliff Jones-Cassidy, Canada - Monday, January 13, 2003 at 15:21:37
Tim Dean of Australia asked about S.S.Rajputana.
She was a P&O liner launched in 1925. Became merchant cruiser, eventually
sunk by submarine U-108. [Refers to posting of
Sep 25, 2002]
John Bishop, UK - Friday, January 10, 2003 at 18:19:02
I was a passenger on HMT Dunera
in the early 50's and was on Empire Troopers last voyage.Any pictures
please? I can reminis if wanted!
Brian Warburton, UK Friday, January 10, 2003 at 08:27:10
Hello Doug Rothnie, we sailed together on Quiloa
about 63 with our wives, I was second to your Chief, good memories of
that ship. hope you and Mrs Rothnie are keeping well. Why not look at
the BI chat room on BIship@yahoogroups.com lots of familiar names and
John Foster, US - Tuesday, January 7, 2003 at 00:37:07
I am looking for information on the HMT Rohna
that was sunk in the MED Sea 26NOV1943. There is slight evidence that
my father was on that vessel and was a victim of the German attack on
that day. There is a survivor/victim website that cannot account for
his name or serial number among the victims. Admittedly they do claim
that some names are missing. Is there a roster or manifest of the US
contingent on board the ship that day?
De Mellow, UK - Friday, January 3, 2003 at 02:51:02
Has anyone a picture of the first Matiana
(torpedoed 1918) or information about E.Rodwell Esq, serving aboard
the Matiana as second mate during the 1901 census? I came into possession
of his (inscribed) sea chest recently and would be fascinated to know
more about its first owner.
Derek Boardman, US - Thursday, January 2, 2003 at 18:43:48
Excellent site.I have made contact with an old
shipmate (CHANDA) at whose wedding I was
best man 40 years ago in Australia.Also see other known names in the

tip for recent browser versions: double-click
anywhere on this page to return to the top)
Sawtell, UK - Tuesday, December 31, 2002 at 14:47:18
Seeing illustrations of some of the ships and
reading about them invoked the nostalgia associated with one of the
best periods of my life. I would like to know where some of my old shipmates
are and how they are faring these days.
Doug Rothnie, UK - Friday, December 27, 2002 at 14:57:24
Still finding my way around this site, pleased
to see entries from Alex.Malcolm and Douglas Christie. Regards to both.
Is this Doug.Christie ex Waroonga, Quiloa
and Ottawa ?, happy memories of Waroonga and Quiloa. Sorry can't say
the same of Ottawa. Sorry to hear of Jimmy Wheelan's death, I share
the feelings of the entries author with regard to the stature of the
Douglas Rothnie, UK - Monday, December 23, 2002 at 17:32:45
Just found this web site, courtesy of Andy Mackie,
will need time to explore.
Glenn Randall, UK - Friday, December 20, 2002 at 00:55:48
Sailed on the Uganda
a few months before she went out to the Fauklands war. Trying to find
out all information to this great ship that gives me happy memories.
execelent web site.p.s school cruise's changed after she left service
instead of seing Egypt, Greece and the world school parties were sent
to the Isle of White!! What a great loss
Michael Poushkine, UK - Saturday, December 14, 2002 at 21:38:05
I am trying to trace the record of Capt F B Bignold.
Retired 1930 ish. My Grandfather.
Jones, UK - Tuesday, December 3, 2002 at 13:36:12
Dermot Taylor, Singapore - Friday, November 29, 2002 at 14:13:38
My Father, John (Jack) Taylor, who died in 1983
(age 68) was at sea with BI - as was his father, Chief Engineer - until
he came ashore at the end of WW2 to take up a position with The African
Wharfage Co in Lindi, E.Africa. My Father left me a cigerette case which
has engraved the names of the ships he served on during his career with
I recall my father showing me a press cutting (Glasgow newspaper) of
a vessel he was serving on as 3rd officer which was bombed at the outset
of WW2 - there were many casualties although my father was fortunate
to survive. I am very interested to trying and find out more about this
incident and vessel and I would be most grateful if somebody could point
me in the right direction as to where I might find the answers.
Kenneth Anderson, US - Wed, 27 Nov 2002 12:43:46 -0500
My name is Kenneth Anderson (age 45), son of Iain
M. Anderson (age 71) who grew up in India and was educated in Scotland.
My father has given to me a "ship in a bottle" that he received from
a gentleman whom my Father said was the Captain of the British India
Steam Navigation Company, Motor Vessel Amra
(2??). My father received this hand-made "boat in a bottle", (looks
like a Johnny Walker bottle) around 1941-2. My Father has told me the
story that the captain (John Heath?) made these boat-in-a bottle models
on his journeys across the ocean to pass the time, especially during
this handmade boat-in-a-bottle holds a great deal of history and sentimental
value to our family. The reason for this e-mail is to find out the history
of the boat and the captain, who was a friend of my grandfather, Mr.
Ian Hoyle Anderson of Calcutta, India, (died around 10 years ago). All
my father can remember is the following:
1. He thinks the captain was John Heath
2. The ship was the Amra (2?), which was converted to a hospital ship
in 1941. It was a two funnel cargo liner that was converted.
3. The managing agent for the ship was MacKinnon MacKenzie.
information on this boat and it's captain would be greatly appreciated.
[Amra was one of three A Class ships built in
the UK for BI 1938-41. Amra was the first of the trio, built by Swan
Hunter & Wigham Richardson. She was eventually disposed of by BI in
1965. The A Class were impressive ships of around 8300 tons gross. They
had steam turbines with coal-fired boilers, twin screws, and Amra was
built with accommodation for 2482 passengers. As far as I know Amra
only ever had one funnel. After her war service, Amra was employed on
BI's Bombay-East Africa run. Editor]
Ian Coombe, Canada - Wednesday, November 27, 2002 at 18:38:56
Great web site for BI people. I have inserted
into my MN links on www.mnnostalgia.com
Christopher Rickman, UK - Wednesday, November 27, 2002 at 16:21:49
My Great grandfather was a master mariner on the
Rohilla. He lost his life on the Whitby
Rocks. Family anecdotes say that he died saving others. His name was
Robbins. I wondered if there was any information specifically related
to him in any Company records or if his records would be with the War
[H Robins is among the dead commemorated on the
Rohilla memorial in Whitby cemetery. See book
review of The Wreck of HMHS Rohilla
- Editor]
Terry Gardner, Canada - Monday, November 25, 2002 at 06:12:00
Just found the website. Was R/O on OKHLA,
1958-1961, plus DWARKA, and NUDDEA
for shorter periods. My best times at sea, Capt. Jack Singer, C/E Laurie
Edwards, Ken Farmer a great Cricketer and 2/E, Alec Matthews, Dick Wilson,
John Grimshaw, Ian Winton and George Bowie (fiver) are names from the
past plus many others including my now brother-in-law Bob Andrews. Thank
you BI.
Ray Holborn, UK - Sunday, November 24, 2002 at 14:54:57
Nice site, if Fred Warrington reads this Hi Fred
he was 3/Eng on Sir Geraint 1968/69 when
I was R/O on her
Buster Browne, Australia - Monday, 18 Nov 2002 13:06:54
through a local library a friend found an unidentified happy snap
[shown right, with thanks to Dallas Hogan] of
what is certainly MADURA at Singapore -
and certainly taken in late January 1942 as there are reports in various
BI publications of her being damaged on 31/1/1942, though the HMSO listing
has the date of damage as 3/2/1942. The Singapore Harbour Board tug
(now thought to be TUNDA) can be seen berthed ahead of MADURA, seemingly
with only a few hours of existence left. At least one book on BI details
how the tug TUNDA, berthed ahead of MADURA at Singapore, took a direct
hit during the Japanese air attacks and virtually disappeared. This
image was certainly taken within hours of this incident.
Tariq Malik, Canada - Sunday, November 17, 2002 at 00:10:59
Excellent site. Its a valuable resource for research.
My cousin Shafiq Malik was one of the persons aboard the Ill-fated SS
Dara on the day it sank. I would like to
contact anyone who has further information about the accident or a link
to anyone who does. Thanks.
Paul Moore, UK - Saturday, November 16, 2002 at 09:48:39
My Grandad was serving on the Chakdina
when the vessel was sunk in Tobruk Dec 1941. Does anyone have any more
information about this? Many thanks
Alastair Rhind, UK - Friday, November 15, 2002 at 17:08:51
Hi there, sailed as Radio Officer on Dwarka
during 1976 and again 1979. Good to see Barton Kimberley Bampton and
Graeme Perkins couple of names from my era. Do you remember my fellow
R/O Jim Anderson from Shetland, we are still in touch, also 3/O Lindsay
Copeman from Aussie he is still going strong Many happy memories, I
am still on the high sea working on offshore oil platforms in the North
Sea - big waves!!! Take it easy guys all the best - excellent site.
Greg Crawford, Australia - Thursday, November 14, 2002 at 12:48:00
Family came out on the Roma
and Camorta. I will come back to this site
to extract more info.
Bob Gentles, Canada - Thursday, November 14, 2002 at 03:59:40
Great to keep in touch with wonderful shipmates
Gary Rolf, Australia - Sunday, November 10, 2002 at 15:33:18
Thank you for you site. I remember some of the
ships as a younger man hehe visiting Adelaide. it brings back fond memories
Nasar Ilyas, UK - Saturday, November 9, 2002 at 01:02:09
My great grandfather worked on hms ranpura/mantua/china
in around 1917/24. i want any information on these liners and about
life on board.thank you
Lloyd, UK - Thursday, November 7, 2002 at 16:36:36
Thanks to the BI Site I have been able to trace
and contact Walter Blewer who was a Cadet on the Surada
when torpedoed on 26/1/1944 i was Radio 0fficer.
Kimmings, UK - Wednesday, November 6, 2002 at 21:10:02
Good site. Some signers in have familiar names,
especially Steve Smith, who, together with Bob Leighton on the Nuddea
tied me to a chair to prevent me going ashore in Dar to a hot date.
B...d! Does anybody out there know what happened to Graeme McHardy?
Joined as cadet in 1965.
Nicholas Cerecedes, US - Tuesday, November 5, 2002 at 05:40:23
I'm looking for my 3 great grandfather Andrew
Wallace a ship navigator. He died in 1880
Orwin, UK - Sunday, November 3, 2002 at 06:17:49
Any one signed in was a Deck Cadet on the last
voyages of cadetship Chantala to East Africa,
return to UK and finally to Singapore?
Les Mason, UK - Friday, November 1, 2002 at 14:28:28
The BI holds some very happy memories for me.
A great site.
Shirley Noall, UK - Thursday, October 31, 2002 at 16:10:07
Bit disappointed at not finding SS Lanka; nearest
was SS Lunka, which might have been a misprint/spelling.
My Grandmother was married in 1908 and gave SS Lanka as her residential
address. Wonder if there is another way to find out more about the SS

tip for recent browsers: double-click
anywhere on this page to return to the top)
Jose Winters, UK - Wednesday, October 30, 2002 at 21:21:55
My older sister was named Vasna,
after the hospital ship my father returned from India on about 1918
Bill Noble, UK - Sunday, October 27, 2002 at 18:27:39
Served in BI from 1956 to 1963. Sailed on Chantala,
Kenya, Dunera,
Woodarra and Queda
during that time.
Doug Powell, UK - Thursday, October 24, 2002 at 22:01:20
This is what I've been looking for for years!
I was 2nd sparks (doh nr Marconi sahib) on SANTHIA
Feb 1958 to Nov 1959. Two of the best years of my life; most of it being
on the Japan run from Calcutta. Due entirely to my fault I lost touch
with some good guys: Tony Boddy, 3rd mate, later 2nd on the Okhla,
and Graham Stanford cadet: I owe you a letter! Like most ROs I didn't
stay at sea all that long, But like most of the people who read this,
it was the defining period of my life.
Daniel Morgan, Switzerland - Thursday, October 24, 2002 at 19:41:16
I am desperate to get in contact with Mike Smith
from Canada, who left a message about HMS Manistee (sunk 1941). How
does one get in touch with people who leave messages in the logbook
anyhow? My email is familymorgan@bluewin.ch
Fonny, Sri Lanka - Thursday, 24 Oct 2002 16:17:40
I am researching Mackinon and Mackenzie in Ceylon
and would like to know of the history of this company. The material
in your website do not indicate the role played by this company subsequent
to the formation of the British India Stemship company. What role did
they play after that. In Sri Lanka today the company exists as Mackinnon
Mackenzie (Ceylon) and I found evidence of the company remaining in
Bombay and in Hong Kong. Please help me with whatever information you
may have.
Tanner, Channel Islands - Saturday, October 19, 2002 at 23:59:37
Joined [BI] 1960, left 1973. Lots of ocean racing,incl.2
Skippered superyachts & Channel Is passenger ferry. Head of Seamanship
Dept. at Gordonstoun School.
Andrea Whittaker, UK - Saturday, October 19, 2002 at 22:56:04
Looking for info re great-grandparents - surname
Sacre. Arrived SS Taroba in Sydney 1890.
Phillip Smithson, UK - Friday, October 18, 2002 at 14:34:22
Good site - wish I'd been a part of it all
Steve Smith, Australia - Wed, 16 Oct 2002 21:29:06
I have just in the last week or so found this
site, and would like to say it is one of the best "Put together" sites
I have seen. Realy WELL DONE !! Have just been through the log books
and seen lots of familier names, How do you contact them ?? there doesnt
seem to be a link. Me ?? Oh, I joined Chantala
as a First Tripper in Jan 1962 and left in Jan 69 after getting married.
All the best, Its a great web site
Steve Smith, Who in a previous incarnation was known as "Albert"
Thomas, UK - Tuesday, October 15, 2002 at 19:56:28
Old loves return. Only served my time 1962-64:
Kampala, Bombala,
Amra, Nuddea,
Landaura, Socotra
(P&O wreck). Spent rest of my career giving P&O a wide berth, one or
two narrow squeaks. Would love to hear from anyone who sailed with me,esp.
Robbie Burns, Yogi (Jogarajah). David Price - if you're the 1st/2nd(?)
officer I sailed with on Kampala, sorry I missed you at the 2002 reunion.
Craig, UK - Saturday, October 12, 2002 at 08:31:59
My dad, George Craig Sailed as an engineer with
the BISC on Chandpara, Campara[?],
Okhla, Rajula, Dilwara,
Paliconda, Mombasa,
Jurenda. Without doubt these were amoung
the best years of his life and he spoke with great passion and fondness
about British India their steamships and their people.
Lorraine Brown, Australia - Wednesday, October 9, 2002 at 04:25:29
Great site - excellent for historical info. May
I ask if the Buster J Browne UK is the tug expert - ex Tighes Hill,
Oatley, Paddington St Leonards in Australia please ?
Browne, UK - Tuesday, 8 October 2002 11:34:25
Re CORINGA [and Gary McGee's
enquiry of August 21], I do think that the colour of the Richard
Wagner model is way off, red funnels and green hull for BI ?
brief notes on CORINGA: 294 grt, 1481 ihp,
launched 17/12/1913 by William Denny & Bros, Dumbarton, for The British
India & Queensland Agency Company Ltd (incorporated in 5/1885, with
it's primary office at Brisbane, to oversee the ever-expanding BISN
interests in Australia), the first intention had been to name her CINTRA.
Delivered on 25/2/1914, CORINGA (right) arrived
at Brisbane in 5/1914 to take up river/port and coastal towage. With
her distinctive twin-funnels she was to dominate the north-eastern waters
of Australia, often carrying out notable rescues and salvage work as
far away from her home port as the Torres Strait and New Zealand. Requisitioned
in 5/1917, CORINGA was sent to the United Kingdom and armed and outfitted
at Devonport (as pennant W12) for salvage, rescue, minesweeping and
patrol, with a 12-pounder on the bow and a semi-automatic 6-pounder
mounted on the engine-room skylight, and manned with the incredible
number of 49 crewmen for such a small vessel, working from Devonport,
Pembroke, Milford Haven, and Scapa Flow. After war's end, CORINGA towed
a German submarine to various ports for exhibition, and later towed
U 101 from Leith to an anchorage in the Thames, off the Houses of Paliament.
Refitted again at Devonport, she went to Rosyth in 10/1919, leaving
there with the Dutch dredger MERWEDE in tow for Singapore, before returning
to Brisbane to resume her commercial activities alongside the other
'Inchcape' tugs CARLOCK, FORCEFUL, and FEARLESS. Requisitioned again
in 1/1940 by the Admiralty, CORINGA travelled again to Britain to be
'lost in the Atlantic 23/6/1940', with the actual circumstances of her
loss never clearly defined.
Hunt, Australia - Sunday, October 6, 2002 at 07:07:32
My name is Peta Nicholls. I am inquiring on behalf
of Tom Hunt who was on HMS Chakdina when
she was sunk soon out of Tobruk. Are any of Tom's friends looking at
this site?
Leslie Carl Mason, UK - Saturday, October 5, 2002 at 19:09:33
Have really enjoyed logging on to the BI site
It has brought back a lot of happy memories.
Buster J Browne, UK - Sat, 5 Oct 2002 09:38:16
Firstly, I am not a former BI staffer but do very
much enjoy your website. I can certainly answer the request for details
of the tug CORINGA posted by Garry McGee
of NZ. If you could ask him to email me I'd happily send the data, or
I can forward it via you.
I have a query, connected with BI, that I would like to post on your
site if possible: During the Japanese air-attacks on Singapore a tugboat
moored ahead of MADURA took a direct hit
and is said to have virtually disappeared - can anyone name this tugboat
? Best wishes from Throsby Creek (and currently home to a rather battered
Robert Galloway, Australia - Tuesday, October 1, 2002 at 10:20:38
Sailed with the BI from 1956 to 1965, sailing
on the Nowshera, Ellora,
Queda, Amra
and the Karanja. I would like to get in
touch with old ship mates.
Henriksson, Sweden - Monday, September 30, 2002 at 14:03:22
Have read the answer from You, but if I tell You
that the steamship Rangoon, built (acc.
to bell on wreck) 1863, have sunk outside Hikkaduwa, Sri Lanka. She
had a lot of china aft in the cargoroom, so I presume that she was going
from asia back to europe. Sadly enough, the local "prodivers" of Hikkaduwa,
has been using explosives to obtain the metal from the wreck. Her portholes
was with 8 sides and made from bronze, not brass. Lenght ova app 30-40
m. Please if anyone can help me, you will get an ever so truly friend.
Jim Caird, UK - Monday, September 30, 2002 at 10:57:20
Latter day Eastern service runs. First ship the
returned Teesta 1971. Interesting little
saunter out of Chitagong Roads on a sunny Saturday 4th Dec. 1971 as
India bombed the hell out of the East Pakistan Port and refinery. But
what a week in Penang to follow! Sailed on Nyanza,
Chakdina (are you out there Mr Woodall;
Zira on it's last Crusader runs (the Eastern
Service dream route, for me anyhow) paths crossed again with Capt Raine
ex-Teesta; later Strathconan, Strathaird. Huge adventures, spiced a
little by the interim years but still interesting yarns for the Grandweans.
David Brady, UK - Wednesday, September 25, 2002 at 18:52:10
Im looking for a friend I met on
Uganda in 1981 or 82 is there anyway i
can find any information she is from the usa her name is kirsty duvell
and was living in libia at the time where her father worked
William (Bill) Power, UK - Wednesday, September 25, 2002 at 15:35:06
Served on the following ships: Chindwara,
Chilka, Chakdara, Sangola (Temp), Sofala,
between 1950 and 1955. Would love to hear from any old shipmates out
Dean, Australia - Wednesday, September 25, 2002 at 13:41:22
I am interested in finding out more about the
ship Rajputana. My father was transported
to England from Canada during WW2 after completing his flying training.
The ship left Halifax on the 26th or 28th March 1941 and was stopped
in Iceland because of U-boat activity. can you give me any futher details
on this ship, as it would assist me in compiling his biography
[This must refer to another vessel. The only ship
with a similar name in BI's fleet was Rajpootana,
demolished in 1903 - Editor]
Andrew Cox, UK - Sunday, September 22, 2002 at 21:06:29
Grandfather Alfred James GOFF (Bombardier RFA)
embarked Feb 1929 from India (where?) for England (where?) HM Troopship
Nevasa - have postcard/photo (ref 1085
C R Hoffmann - HMT Nevasa). Are there any records? What route? How far
& how long (3 weeks)?
PS I am current Chairman of Governors of the London Nautical School,
Stamford Street, London SE1...are there any old boys out there?
Hans Henriksson, Sweden - Saturday, September 21, 2002 at 14:01:52
Have dived on a wreck which bell read Rangoon
1863. could you please help me with some information concerning its
cargo, destination, what happend to crew etc
[It is unlikely that this bell is that of a BI
vessel of the same name. BI's Rangoon was
built in 1861 and ultimately was a total loss when wrecked on Cape Finisterre
- Editor]
Anthony Balch, Canada - Friday, September 20, 2002 at 04:50:01
I would like to know the routes travelled by Empire
Trooper in the period 1948 to 1954
Steve Welham, UK - Thursday, September 19, 2002 at 15:42:27
Can anybody give me any more info on the sinking
of the Chakdina in 1941, apart from it
was hit by aircraft? It is poss a relative was killed aboard whilst
being transported from Tobruk. Thankyou for any help.
Gordon Ralph, UK - Monday, September 16, 2002 at 17:08:39
My Father (deceased) was a deck officer with BI
so this site gives much more information on where he served with this
fine shipping company. His name was Alexander Ralph
Stan Bowles, Canada - Friday, September 13, 2002 at 23:49:54
Completed P&O Cadetship while sailing on Uganda
1970/71 before moving off to 4/O position on Strathbrora . Uganda was
a Great Ship - Great Memories!. Even though I did total a car in Malta!!
Edward Dove, Australia - Friday, September 13, 2002 at 05:54:48
My father, James Dove is believed to have arrived
in Brisbane, Australia on Torilla 10th
Oct 1911 aged 11years with parents, David and Sarah Jane (Fainges) and
two brothers, David and Edward.The large Fainges family also.
Jack Grieve, US - Thursday, September 12, 2002 at 11:39:48
Would like to correspond with old shipmates
Gukeem Cheing, Canada - Tuesday, September 10, 2002 at 02:59:07
BILL MCGRATH from Ireland 2 R/O on s.s. Dara
on the day of April 7, 1961: would you pls contact me. I was wondering
if you know my father who goes by numerous alais. I was very young then
so don't really know what name he went by at the time: some names are:
TAM Sen Gin or spelt THAM Kleck Gin, THAM Sye Gin, THAM Sej Yuen or
THAM Yuen. I believe he was a fitter mechanic at the time. Would be
much appreciated. I can be reached at gukeemc@ca.ibm.com.
Gukeem Cheung, Canada - Tuesday, September 10, 2002 at 02:45:44
Thanks for this site..I've learned lots since
I got hold of this website. I am very interested in getting more info
about my father who was on board the ill-fated s.s.Dara
on Apr. , 1961.. where can I list of names of people found alive or
presumed dead?? Would like to know of any BI sea staff that came back
alive from s.s. Dara disaster.
McKay, Sweden - Friday, September 6, 2002 at 14:52:29
I joined the B.I. in 1969 as an Engineer Cadet.
First trip - Easter cruise 1970 on the Uganda - Very happy memories
of that. After two years at South Shields Marine & Technical College,
B.I. was amalgamated with P&O GCD. Then joined the s.s.TANDA,
ex ARAFURA, transferred in N.Z. to the m.v.HOWRA,
shown left, (cabin mate was deck cadet Andy Joss - son of B.I. Capt.
Joss.) Following this joined the mighty m.v. HUNTINGDON (N.Z.S.Co.)
First trip as Jnr/5th Engineer was on the s.s. NYANZA.
After that a succession of N.Z.S. / P&O ships. Would love to hear from
any former shipmates.
Shamus Bampton, Australia - Tuesday, September 3, 2002 at 14:15:16
Hi Graham,I just saw your entry,It seems you too
are in Oz.Give me a call Bampton 4@big pond .com. In case you forget
we sailed on Dwarka -and went to Poplar
together!! And sank a few coldies!! Remember Christmas Day at sea 1978!?
Friedhelm Hartwig, Germany - Monday, September 2, 2002 at 13:39:12
Very informative and well styled webpage. I am
interested in any informations about passangers and crews from Africa
and Arabia since the 1880s especially in connection with the annual

tip for recent browsers: double-click
anywhere on this page to return to the top)
Tony Brooke, UK - Friday, August 30, 2002 at 20:21:47
I was saddened to hear recently of the death of
my old boss from SS Kenya, Jimmy Wheelans.
BI was the axis about which Jim's life rotated and he never really recovered
after the demise of The Company. I kept in touch with him for quite
a few years, but we drifted apart, so to speak, and I lost contact more
thro' my neglect than his. He was always a faithful friend. He was always
true to his Glaswegian roots and not what you might call "a God fearing
man". But if there if a heaven for ex BI Electricians then Jimmy will
be sailing its Eastern Oceans now, aboard the "wee B class ship" that
was all he ever wanted.
Gillies, UK - Friday, August 30, 2002 at 19:29:04
Trying to trace my G/G/grandfather, David Gillies
who was a master mariner with BI he was born 28/29 April 1844 and at
the time of his marraige (02 February 1874) gave his address as British
India of Liverpool.
Norman Clarke, US - Monday, August 26, 2002 at 20:17:11
I sailed on the Devonia
in the spring of 1966 on a school trip to Portugal, Spain and Morrocco.
Great memories of a lovely ship.
McDougal, Australia - Monday, August 26, 2002 at 07:38:02
My Great Grand parents [John & Catherine Robertson]
& 2Daughters Maria & Catherine [Maria was my G/Mother] came to Brisbane
Australia on the S.S.Dorunda
(pictured left, rounding Kangaroo Point on Brisbane River) abt.1892/3
he was a shipwright it stayed on the Brisbane river till it sailed in
1894. He had sailed with this ship to India many times before coming
to Australia.
Campbell, UK - Sun, 25 Aug 2002 21:00:44
I am trying to trace any record of a shipmaster
in the employ of BI about 1885? According to your book BI Centenary
1856 1956 pages 63 & 64 a Captain Duncan Campbell of the "Huzara"
went to observe the battle of Tel-el-kebir. I have reason to believe
that this may well be my grandfather. According to the records that
I have, his Masters Certificate No was 13272 dated 1877. He died in
Greenock as Governor of Sir Gabriel Woods Mariners Asylum on December
24th 1915 It is mentioned in his will that he received the sum of £58-3-10
from BISNC in final settlement of his pension, that entry is dated 29th
Feb 1916. I realise of course that this is all a long time ago, and
that records of this date may no longer exist. Perhaps my question should
be directed more to P&O these days, but one can only find addresses
for cruise ships etc. As a matter of interest my father also served
with BI certainly on the UMTA in June 1916
. I have a letter from Mckinnon Mackenzie 23rd June 1916 on behalf of
the Military secretary of the Government of India, to do with matters
at the head of the Persian Gulf November 1914. Hope I`m not asking too
much, yours sincerely
Thrideo Sukhram, St Thomas - Thursday, August 22, 2002 at 14:09:33
Very interesting , I was searching for a vessel
ss Main which I was told that my grandfather
sailed from India to British Guiana , I was wondering how true that
this vessel carried indentured labourers to the colony, I no longer
live in British Guiana, I am a British national by birth, can you throw
some light on this inquiry also my grandfather last name was Lokenauth,
first name Babu.
Small, New Zealand - Friday, August 23, 2002 at 13:23:42
Thanks to Google I found this site. My father's uncle, Harry Shaw, sailed
on the Karapara in the early 1920's but
in what capacity I do not know. All I have are a few photos of the ship
in various ports of call and one in dry dock in Bombay August 1924.
Any further information about this ship or Harry Shaw would be appreciated.
NB A fascinating site. Thanks.
McGee, New Zealand - Wednesday, 21 Aug 2002 09:31:24
I am trying to find any details on this ship.
A friend of mine has a beautiful little model
(pictured right) of the Corringa and is interested in finding
out the history and what the final fate of the ship was. We understand
the original was built for the British India and Queensland Agency Co
Ltd in London about 1913,but that is all we know. Any assistance would
be very appreciated. Aug 22: Gary McGee adds:
I now understand that the ship worked for many years in Brisbane Australia
and was lost in 1940 off the south-west coast of England.
[The BI ship of similar name - Coringa
- was a brig-rigged steam ship of 498 gross tons, built in 1860 and
sold to Singapore Chinese interests in 1871. The model is almost certainly
of another vessel - Editor]
Hazel Tachtatzis, UK - Monday, August 19, 2002 at 15:15:44
My great grandfather's handwritten memoirs record
his life as a coastguard in Devon. He mentions the wreck of the Nerbudda
in 1886 while he was coastguard at Croyde. What's the story behind the
Nerbudda. Your site implies it was sold, in 1911.
Rodney Duarte, Australia - Wednesday, August 14, 2002 at 08:50:54
Hi, to all the Officers & engineers whom I made
friends with and their families in Bombay 1967-1971? Mazagon Dock .
I have met a few in england, but lost touch.
David Nunnerley, UK - Monday, August 12, 2002 at 20:04:54
Just discovered this amazing site as I am compiling
an Album of the very many cruises both I and my late parents (Jack &
Moya) and family did aboard both Nevasa
and Uganda between 1970-77 I think I did
ten on Nevasa and we were on the ship in December 1974 when everyone
learned that it was going to be its last cruise and thus was 'pennanted'.
What memories including great New Yearr's Evenings in Dakar Senegal.
Will visit again.
Doreen Barker, US - Sunday, August 11, 2002 at 22:44:19
Historical research plus family research
Jack Safarik, US - Thursday, August 8, 2002 at 17:41:50
wish to obtain photographs or prints of Dwarka
and Rajula
Les Ottway, New Zealand - Saturday, August 3, 2002 at 06:39:18
I worked with Capt.R.D. (Dick) Crow as Port Accountant
at Tanga,Tanzania, just before he went to Malta around 1950. I never
realised he was a painter until I viewed this website and I shall now
endeavour to get in touch with him at Christchurch,Dorset. His and the
other paintings are excellent and a joy to behold. I have travelled
on the "Kampala" and the "Uganda"
and have a great affection for the British India Line. I wish this website
every success.
Bill McGrath, Ireland - Friday, August 2, 2002 at 21:12:17
Have just discovered the site. I was 2nd R/O on
DARA that night in April 1961.
Peter Lovell, Australia - Friday, August 2, 2002 at 08:40:43
What a discovery! A real trip down memory lane!
My first sea voyage was on the Mantola
at age 4yrs 6months ... Albert Docks to Mombasa. I vividly remember
the storm in the Bay of Biscay in October '48 ... I learnt to love the
sea. How I wish it were possible to travel by sea ... air is not the
ship was stopped in the middle of the Med. .... my Mum thought I had
fallen overboard ... they found me down in the engine room!
I was on the last voyage of the Mulbera.
James Warman, UK - Thursday, August 1, 2002 at 22:53:23
A very good web site but you did not list anywhere
my grandfarthers Captained vessel "KOINOR" his name was Capt. J. E.
Sellars. So please try and put something up. [Koinor
was not a BI ship - Editor]
Derek McSherry, US - Tuesday, July 30, 2002 at 21:09:21
I noted the following abstract from Ralph Wood,
Oman - May 4, 2002 at "Did anyone ever go ashore in Muscat? Anyone still
got photographs?" Yes! I guess I was one of the few!! I may even have
some pictures. If you wish, please provide me with your e-mail address.
Frank Grubbs, US - Saturday, July 20, 2002 at 16:07:15
The 3104th Signal Service Battalion, US Army,
of which I was a member, sailed from Southampton to Omaha Beach in 1944
aboard the Neuralia. I would like to get
further information on the Neuralia for inclusion on our website. http://mywebpages.comcast.net/fgrubbs/3104main.htm
Memories, stories, and anecdotes, etc., that shed light on this ship
and/or life aboard would be appreciated very much. Photographs either
of Neuralia or taken aboard ship would be especially welcome. email:
Roy Jeffries, Australia - Tuesday, July 16, 2002 at 06:45:37
I served with the BI Company in the late 50's
and sailed on the Nowshera, Nardana
and Chanda
right in wartime livery, from the Oct 1970 issue of BI News),
I have really enjoyed reading all of the log book comments, they brought
many happy memories back for me, thanks all for that. I have recently
been doing some family history research and have discovered that my
wife's ancestors emmigrated from the UK to Australia in the late 1800's
with BI sailing vessels, and I would now dearly like to obtain photographs
of the following vessels for our records, they are the Jumna
1888, Bulimba 1887, Chyebassa
1887 and ? Caroba 1887. If anyone can help me obtain any or all of the
above I will be most grateful. I look forward to reading ongoing comments
in the logbook. My email number is rofra2@bigpond.com
Kevin Donoghue, UK - Sunday, July 14, 2002 at 19:54:43
As a new entrant into the wonderful world of Internet,
I am astounded at the amount of coverage for the beloved BI.
David Plested, UK - Monday, July 1, 2002 at 08:12:46
Brilliant site! I'm the 2nd son of Sidney James
('Jimmy') Plested who was in Bombay and Colombo (briefly in Calcutta)
between about 1933 and 1963 working for Mackinnon McKenzie, and he would
quite often take me and my brother into the docks to visit BI ships
there; in January 1952 we all went on Dwarka
up the Gulf to Basrah (Captain Otto West). Both he and my father are
now deceased. I am a professional watercolour artist and from landscape,
seascape and architectural subjects I'm starting to branch out into
marine things (my brother has one of mine, of SS Canton at Port Said).
For authentic reference, I'm trying very hard to get hold of: a) the
Perry & Laxton definitive work on the B.I. (out of print, of course)
- if anyone reading this has a copy which he/she would consider selling
second-hand to me, (or even lending so I can make notes) I'd be very
keen to hear from you; b) any of those lovely old "BI News" which I
can dimly remember from the early 1960s - especially one with a colour
picture of Santhia or Sirdhana
in dry-dock in Mazagon Dock Bombay; and another limpidly serene portrait
of Dunera sitting in her own reflections.
As we were based entirely in Bombay, Colombo, and Calcutta, I'd be very
interested in hearing from anyone who has any old photos of those ports
showing the installations, and lighters, bum-boats, i.e. the ships being
worked. I've been back to Bombay since, but so much had changed that
it needs a severe attack of massive artist's licence, to restore the
scenes to what it looked like 30 or 40 years ago. I hope at some stage
to be able to show some of what I do in the Pictures section. Hope to
hear from you.
Mark Schubert, UK - Friday, June 28, 2002 at 21:34:57
I have for many years been searching for information
about my late Father, Tony Schubert, who lived in Scunthorpe (UK), and
served with BI in the mid to late fifties.I beleive he served as an
engineering officer on Chakrata, and possibly
Chinkoa,until about 1958. Sadly Dad died
suddenly in 1981, but I have never forgotten the wonderful stories of
his adventures at sea. If anyone knew Tony, or served with him, I would
really appreciate any copies of old photo's etc anecdotes and the like.
Thanks for bringing my childhood bedtime stories of B.I. to life. Kind
regards, Mark Schubert. ( Age 42 3/4)
Clive Kaine, UK - Friday, June 28, 2002 at 13:44:58
I sailed to and from Hong Kong in the 1950s as
an army brat on the Dilwara and Empire
Fowey. Later on I worked for P&O after amalgamation, and sailed
on Busiris and Talamba
in the mid 70s. Good times.
Craig Bennett, UK - Sunday, June 23, 2002 at 13:13:13
I was a 15 year old pupil at school when I went
a cruise with the Ayrshire scools.............what an adventure on the
Dunera. Malaga, Tangier, Lisbon, Vigo,
fantastic experience. I now cruise every
on the liners. I will never forget the dorm bunks on the Dunera, a real
adventure at that age.....a great ship, my sister sailed on the Uganda
(pictured left in Grand Harbour Valletta, pre-conversion),
happy memories
Claudio Leysen, Brazil - Friday, June 21, 2002 at 16:21:27
Very good, please keep on like this. Taking advantage
of this time, we would like to offer our shipping agency services in
Rio de Janeiro/Brazil
Frank Blewer, UK - Monday, June 17, 2002 at 22:31:43
Further to my last signal I neglected to provide
my e mail address which is frank.the.whistle@ic24.net Hope to receive
some contact from any of my fathers old shipmates, he is Walter (Wally)
Blewer who I believe to have served between about 1941ish until 1948
when he returned to home waters (England) eventualy to join the Pilotage
service from 1959 based at Sheerness. As I mentioned in my previous
message I will be only to happy to pass on any communications to him.
Eileen Prineas, Australia - Monday, June 17, 2002 at 05:50:28
I am seeking anyone who remembers my father, Edward
Crisp, chief engineer on the Mantola.He
died as the ship was entering Mombasa on April 13th 1951 and was buried
Robin Williams, UK - Monday, June 10, 2002 at 14:03:00
Interested in Haitan
WW2 history - was this the ship commandeered by the RN for use in Burma
landings 1944?
Jim Friel, US - Thursday, June 6, 2002 at 17:52:27
I remember the BI ships during numerous visits
to Bombay in late 60's and early 70's. Radio officer USA.
Alan Smith, Peru - Tuesday, June 4, 2002 at 18:12:29
I was 3rd R/O on the S.S. Chyebassa
Perkins, Australia - Tuesday, June 4, 2002 at 11:02:35
Not from BI, but the Revolution put on to a couple
of BI ships in which I had a great time. Dwarka,
Zira, Zaida