Abstracts from the BIship Logbook
reference - BI ships mentioned on this page:
Almora, Amra, Arratoon Apcar, Aronda, Arusha,
Aska, Bankura, Baroda, Barpeta, Bombala, Booldana, Bulimba, Busiris,
Canara, Carpentaria, Catherine Apcar, Chakdara, Chakla, Chandpara, Chantala,
Chilka, Chindwara, Chinkoa, Chupra, Chyebassa, Coconada, Dacca, Dara,
Devonia, Dilwara, Dumra, Dunera, Dwarka, Ethiopia, Gregory Apcar, Howra,
Itinda, Jumna, Juwara, Kampala, Karagola, Karanja, Karapara, Karoa,
Kenya, Khandalla, Landaura, Mandala, Masula, Mombasa, Mundra, Nalgora
, Nardana, Nevasa, Nirvana, Nowshera, Nuddea , Nyanza, Olinda, Orissa,
Orna, Ormara, Pachumba, Patna, Pemba, Pundua, Purnea, Queda, Quiloa,
Rajula, Sangola, Simla, Sir Bedivere, Sir Galahad, Sir Harvey Adamson,
Sir Lancelot, Sirdhana, Sirsa, Socotra, Sofala, Surada, Tairea, Takliwa
, Talamba, Taroba, Tugela, Uganda, Umaria, Varela, Varsova, Waipara,
Warla, Waroonga, Warora, Woodarra
This page contains
abstracts from the BIship logbook, June 2000 to July 2001. See also:
2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | May-Dec
2003 | 2002/03 | 2001/02 | 2000/01
Alan Farley, UK - Tuesday, July 31, 2001 at 16:19:11
It certanly brings back happy memories.
Nicky O'Brien, UK - Friday, July 27, 2001 at 15:38:05
Where can I find out about SS Sir Harvey Adamson
on which my brother died?
Greg Roberts, Guernsey - Friday, July 27, 2001 at 15:17:05
Interest in Chyebassa-My house name is Chyebassa,
former owner Mr C Rabey served on a Chyebassa, possibly the second
as the house was built and named in 1933. I would be interested in
photos or prints to hang in the house.
Pat Iseke, NZ - Tuesday, July 24, 2001 at 00:07:55
My grandfather Capt Eldred Pottinger Keatinge,
was a Torres Strait Pilot, apptd 1886. Prior to his appointment he
served on other BI ships as first officer. I shall be pleased to hear
from anyone else who is descended from the Pilots of that era, ie
Binstead, Thomson etc. Thanks...
Chris Hare, UK - Saturday, July 21, 2001 at 16:16:35
I enjoy reviewing the Log Book from time to
time. Good to see some names I remember from Devonia/Dunera 1961/62,
Chindwara 1963, Chilka 1963/64 and Kenya 1965/66. Thoroughly enjoyed
the Penang Reunion and much looking forward to Brisbane 2001.
Rosemarie Hamilton, UK - Friday, July 20, 2001 at 18:36:58
Delighted to see so many items which brought
back many happy childhood memories from ships in Bombay, trips to
Royal Albert to Uganda and Kenya and of course school trips. I have
a lot of pics of these and other ships gathered by my father Jack

Maik Goolam Hossen, Mauritius - Tuesday, July 17, 2001 at 10:30:31
My great grand father sailed on the Booldana
to Mauritius. I would like to get more info on that ship.
Wayne Dutcher, Canada - Tuesday, July 17, 2001 at 00:03:11
What an excellent site! My wife's grandfather
(Captain L.D. [Lionel Dale] Douglas), then Chief Officer on Canadian
Pacific's Empress of Asia was assigned war duty to serve as Lieut.,
RNR, on HMS Lama in 1915 then on patrol in the Red Sea. The ship as
I understand it was to control smuggling of contraband goods in the
area. One of the moments where the ship played a minor but memorable
role (at least for the ship's officers and crew anyway) was in transporting
T.E. Lawrence and the military party he was with from Suez to Jeddah
and then Rabegh on an information finding foray inland to an area
bordering Turkish held territory. There is minor coverage of the event
in the opening lines of Chapter VIII in Lawrence's "Seven Pillars
of Wisdom", where the ship and some details are mentioned. I am always
on the lookout for photo views of the ship during this period in the
Red Sea....and am also after a postcard view of the ship. Douglas
went on after the war to continue his career with Canadian Pacific
eventu! ally taking command of the Empresses of Canada, Asia and Japan
II on the trans-Pacific service out of Vancouver. I am a novice maritime
uniform button collector and would be interested in knowing how many
versions of the BI uniform button were issued over the years... I
have one likely from the early-mid 20th century which I can send an
image of for your livery and insignia page if you like! It has the
letters "B.I.S.N.Co." over an image of Britannia(?) standing in front
of a lion. Anyway...I was very pleased to have found your site and
now must try to accumulate a few of the reference books you have listed!
Larry Grant, India - Monday, July 16, 2001 at 17:41:08
Does anyone recall a staff member at Bombay
named Jal Bisney?
Malcolm (Mitch) Smailes, New Zealand - Sunday, July 15, 2001 at 11:37:01
looking forward to the BRISBANE reunion!
Chelston Chaves, India - Saturday, July 14, 2001 at 19:18:35
Thanks for taking all the pains to keep us together
- a job well done.
Angus & Susan Macdiarmid, UK - Saturday, July 14, 2001 at 12:03:18
Balinakill was Sir William Mackinnon's family
home. We are very intrested in any information about Sir William and
info if possible about his friendship with David Livingstone "and
anything really" which would interest us and our guests. You can see
his house on www balinakill.com
Dick Myers, UK - Friday, July 13, 2001 at 18:17:25
Just found this site , think that it is great
but not many names that I recognis. Joined B.I. in 1952 sailed on
quite a few ships, Home line and on the "Coast" there must be a few
old shimates out there that know m. Finally retired from P&O ferries
in 1984 (I think). Cheers
John Robertson, US - Friday, July 13, 2001 at 14:13:05
Great finding old friends again and to hear
from them on a regular basis. Need to contact Bill Davidson (Lochgelly,
Fife?). This almost feels like I have rejoined the BI again. Regards
to all.
Taufeeq Hussain, India - Thursday, July 12, 2001 at 21:48:13
I was working as g.s.steward on vessels Dwarka,
Dumra and Karanja etc. We use to sail to the ports in Persian Gulf
and Africa. The years were 1960--1978.if ne1 remembers me pls get
in touch with me, I would love to hear from my ex-colleagues!
David Sealey, Australia - Wednesday, July 11, 2001 at 11:57:05
Thanks John for all the good work! I was with
the good old B.I. from '68 to '72. Started as a 'fiver' on the Chindwara
then on to Sir Geraint (Alcoholic haze) Sir Galahad (God bless her),
Sir Bedivere, Sir Lancelot, Bankura, Waipara, and dear old Purnea
- took her for scrap to Bilbao - doesn't say too much for my skills
as an Engineer does it?
Charles Mortlock, UK - Monday, July 9, 2001 at 23:05:14
Your website and links are fascinating. I have
not seen it all yet as there is so much but its easily the most detailed
and interesting site I've seen on the internet. The input from people
is tremendous. I would say it is the definitive merchant service website.
My father was a Master with BI and I found the site through Andy Fairgreave
a colleague. My father was chief officer of the Rajula which ship
Andy has fond memories. I have vivid memories of accompanying my father
on various BI ships including (I think ) the Chakdara in the mid /
late 1960's and his last ship the Aska in the early 1970's. I was
in the early days an infant but it's suprising what you remember and
it is a pleasure to me to view these pages. I visited the Rajula once
and I think our family had a flat at Holland Hill in Singapore. I
am 38 now. I have just read the last voyage of the Uganda. I was in
the Falklands campaign with the RFA and remember the Uganda well and
the great work she did. I was scheduled for a medical visit myself
one day but an air to air missile went of on a parked harrier which
blew up a truck full of soldiers. I saw the explosion and since my
injury was relatively minor my visit was of course cancelled. Your
website is a reminder of an unbroken maritime heritage which is alas
now sundered but I look forwrd to more visits to your unique collection
of photographs and stories. Well Done and best regards
Graham Pettinger, Australia - Monday, July 9, 2001 at 05:20:24
Just found this website, it's great and taken
me back to many happy memories. I started as a cadet on Chindwara
in 1967, then served on Nevasa, Chakdara, Bombala, Chandpara, Purnea,
finally finishing as 3rd Officer on Tairea. G'day to anyone who remembers
McLeod, US - Tuesday, July 3, 2001 at 06:29:34
I sailed to Kenya in 1951 aboard the SS Kenya.
I want to build a model of the ship and would appreciate it is anyone
can tell me how I might obtain a picture of the ship's side.
Maloney, UK - Sunday, July 1, 2001 at 16:36:11
Really great to see some of my old ships and
to see some faces I knew on the pictures from Penang. I would like
to be copied with info about reunions in the future.
Anthony Barton, Canada - Saturday, June 30, 2001 at 23:22:37
I was employed by London agents Gray Dawes and
Co. 1954-1956. I would like news of David Lye (assistant purser) and
Kenneth Langton (officer cadet). Thank you very much.
Steve Royle, Australia - Saturday, June 30, 2001 at 16:37:10
Went on the Devonia April/May 1965. Unbelievable,shame
that the ship has gone and that kids today don't get the chance,or
do they? My many thanks to the young deck cadet or officer who followed
me down into the bowels of the ship into what I think was an empty
locker room. When he saw the girl with me he just grinned and said
oh ok and left.
Walters, UK - Saturday, June 23, 2001 at 00:23:24
a young child I sailed on maiden voyage of the Uganda to Mombasa then
again at various times when going on leave.My daughter also sailed
on her in the early 1980s when she was a school ship just before the
Falklands war. As a result of my childhood experiences on the Uganda
I developed an interest in the sea and went as a Cadet to the MN training
ship HMS Worcester at Greenhithe from 1958-62.Was going to join BI
but failed the BOT eyesight test so that was that. Many fine memories
of the Uganda. A fine site
Neil McLeod, US - Friday, June 15, 2001 at 01:06:18
I sailed on the SS Kenya in 1951. We were in
Sick Bay with mump. We were quarantined by Dr. MacBean. We sailed
from Britain to Mombasa through the Mediterranean Sea. I am looking
for images of the SS. Kenya. Can any one help?

Tony Lamb, UK - Thursday, June 14, 2001 at 23:35:23
Why did I take so long to look on the Internet
for Uganda??? I have great memories of her from the Easter 1980 and
1981 cruises. Thank you to anyone involved with her and best wishes
to any fellow IAPS cruisers. *sigh* Happy days!
Richard Sandeman-Gay, Australia - Thursday, June 14, 2001 at 04:55:21
Excellent idea. Joined as Apprentice on Chindwara
on 23rd January, 1953. 2nd Mates Sept 1956 amd one year with NZS on
Rakaia, Hurunui and Rangitiki, before returning to BI on Chindwara,
then Warla, Sirdhana, Amra, Canara, Chyebasa, Chakrata, and Carpentaria.
Left in Australia in May 1962 to sit for Master's. Am still at sea
as Master, but hope to retire on 23rd January, 2003 - this will give
me my half century - never got one at cricket! Salaams to all.
Sealey, Australia - Tuesday, June 12, 2001 at 12:16:41
Bloody good to see the photos! That's me in
the wedding photo (spelt wrong Derf!) I would be happy to hear from
any of my old mates in the B.I.- From what I can gather, most of them
live in oz anyway! Thanks to Fred Waddington and Bobbie for all their
Bill Davidson, UK - Wednesday, June 6, 2001 at 20:07:44
Very pleased to have found site.Served in B.I.
1956-83, Junior Engineer to Chief Engineer, and have many happy memories.
Ross MacIver Smith, Australia - June 5, 2001 at 12:22:23
Message to Peter Reynolds who left a message
in the Logbook stating he joined BI in 1944. Peter, I am trying to
find out some info on my father Angus MacIver who sailed on the Chupra
during the late 40s early 50s. I was wondering if you remembered him
and had any information on him? Any info would be appreciated. Ross
MacIver Smith.
Stuart Nourse, UK - Friday, June 1, 2001 at 23:04:53
Great web site. Good to see the old ships once
Graham (Charlie) Meek, UK - Thursday, May 31, 2001 at 19:32:40
Very Interesting site, I served on Rajula, Pundua
and Chakdina from 1966 - 1970 - was on Rajula on Nov 3rd 1966 in the
cyclone - very interesting experience.
Chris Olford, UK - Tuesday, May 29, 2001 at 20:21:01
Nice to look back. Sad to see the lovely ships
go. Sailed on 12 of them.
Peter Reynolds, UK -Sunday, May 27, 2001 at 19:19:09
Joined BI 1944 Would be pleased to hear from
anyone of this era
Geoffery Corbett, Australia - Sunday, May 27, 2001 at 05:14:26
Enjoyed looking at the site
Luckhurst, UK - Saturday, May 26, 2001 at 19:37:48
Excellent site,more than a book about the BI.Would
like to contact John Robertson ex CE/O. We sailed together on SS Uganda
before 1961.
David Harrold, UK - Wednesday, May 23, 2001 at 12:53:25
Great nostalgic site. Congrats to all those
Munir Vellani, Canada - Tuesday, May 22, 2001 at 20:14:37
I am trying to document the journey of Ismaili
Indians from Porbander or Bombay to Mombasa and Zanzibar: 1899-1925,
for my doctorate and for personal reasons. I do know that many travelled
on the Karoa, Karapara, Karagola, and Khandalla. is there a way to
obtain passenger information? Is there another way to get this info?
Thank you.
Hall, UK - Sunday, May 20, 2001 at 20:18:08
Chantala cadet 1963/65 - then served on various
"C" class vessels, Kampala, Howra etc until '73. Regular attendee
at the Sue Spence [UK]reunions. Greetings to anyone who knows me from
BI Days, always happy to hear from anyone.
Boyd, UK - Sunday, May 20, 2001 at 16:38:29
A super website which brings back many memories
of Ceylon and the Indian Coast. I remember having an evening ashore
at Colombo in 1965 or 1966 with guys from Barpeta/Bamora? So long
ago that I cant remember which. As we were all walking up the dock
to the hotel a Bibby passenger ship was docking, and the pierhands
couldn't catch the heaving line, and our BI and Brock group caught
the line and pulled in the Bibbys bow ropes. Does anyone remember
that evening. Also, I visited the Quiloa under the Trident Tanker
funnel around 1962/3. Master was Capt. Vincent? Great memories .
Clive Milward, Australia - Saturday, May 19, 2001 at 23:22:55
Fantastic to see. My father had a bookmark from
when he transited on a BI ship from HMAS Parramatta from Aden to India
to join HMS Kanimbla during the war. I remember this bookmark as a
boy. I have developed an interest in BI since then & have visited
many of the ports of call in Africa, the Gulf & Asia. I am also collecting
books & memorablia on this great Line. Great Site
Richard Wilkie, UK - Monday, May 14, 2001 at 20:45:41
My grandfather, William Richard Wilkie (1883-1960)
served on the SS MANDALA as a Chief Steward circa 1921 (I have a photo
of him with his wife and my dad, aged 2-3 years wearing a lifeblet
with "SS MANDALA, Glasgow"). I would like to know more about grandad's
service record and wonder if anyone may have information. I also suspect
that his father, Duncan Wilkie (1859-1926, my great-grandad) served
with BI as a Baker. My folks came from London (West Ham, Stratford,
Plaistow, etc). My great-grandmothers mother, Louisa S Marshall ran
a boarding house at 16A Wightman Street, West Ham at the time of the
1881 Census. I also have reason to believe that my grandmothers father
Richard Primrose, also a Baker may have worked with Duncan Wilkie
as a Baker on a BI vessel. I don't know where to go for information
and would welcome any help or suggestions. Many thanks.
Robert House, Australia - Monday, May 14, 2001 at 09:54:15
Be pleased to hear from anyone who sailed on
the Kampala. 1957 to 1960
Colin Rhodes, UK - Wednesday, May 9, 2001 at 20:13:46
I have only just found this site and so far
it has brought back some really great memories.
Ledger, South Korea - Wednesday, May 9, 2001 at 09:55:39
Excellent, just what is needed.
Doran Hull, US - Tuesday, May 8, 2001 at 06:02:19
My father, Spencer G Hull was in the convoy
KMF 26 after sailing from Oran. He was to be on the Rohna but was
transfered to the Karoa in the dark of night in November of 1943.
Any information on the Karoa would be greatly appreciated.
Franky Armstrong, UK - Friday, May 4, 2001 at 21:01:00
Surely there must be someone around who sailed
in the Padana around 1948-9? Captain Hankinson springs to mind, and
Cadet Kennard. I can remember very few names other than those. All
we did was carry coal, coal, coal and more coal around the Indian
Clive Billson, UK - Tuesday, May 1, 2001 at 08:22:53
Visited your site looking for details of the
ship called Dara. I think the Dwarka was a sister ship. Liked the
pictures, have taken a copy of the Dwarka. Will reference your site
if I use it, hope this will be alright.
David Harrold, Australia - Saturday, April 28, 2001 at 07:27:10
Great Site. Am interested in hearing from any
of my old Board of Trade Acquaintences!

George Clarkson, Australia - Wednesday, April 25, 2001 at 09:06:52
At last an effort being made by post war sailors
and engineers about pre container days. As James Pottinger, I am an
ex appr. fitter/draftsman at Scotts 1957-63 I worked on Queda/Quiloa.Friends
who joined BI were Alistair Mackintosh [Largs], Len Drury[Brisbane],
Terry Lister [Stockport UK & Brisbane since returned about 93.] If
anybody knows the whereabouts of these gentlemen please let me know.
Terry sailed with Robin Knox Johnstone..Mombasa to Calcutta run]
Davidson, Australia - Monday, April 16, 2001 at 12:39:50
My grandfather was a master mariner, his name was Captain Noel Patrick
Morrison and he sailed from Bombay, Calcutta, London, Columbo, Singapore,
Rangoon, Karachi, Penang, Mombasa, Chittagong, Hong Kong, He served
on the following ships Mundra, Tairea, Osmasa, Varela, Takliwa, Nalgara,
Orna, Nowshera, Baroda, Chyebassa, E-Sang, Hupeh, Bulan, Masula, Ethiopia,
Empire Niger, Sangola, Bulan, Orna, Pachumba, Landaura, Warora. I
have his ships log book of all the port of calls, the dates of each
voyage, and the ships he served on. I am very interested to hear from
anyone who may have heard of my grandfather. I am studying my family
history. I am also after some photos of any of these ships.
David Plested, UK - Monday, April 16, 2001 at 12:18:06
I'm a professional watercolourist. My father
was Mackinnons c.1932-1963, and I was brought up in Bombay. I'm always
on the lookout for reference - esp. photos, so I can do some paintings
of that period.
Brain Scott, New Zealand - Sunday, April 15, 2001 at 04:49:57
A good nostalgic browse for mariners.
Cox, UK - Tuesday, April 10, 2001 at 12:21:47
Sailed on the Dunera April 57 to Singapore a
National Serveman with the R.A.S.C. Fond memories of the voyage and
the dear old Dunera. In view of Suez we sailed via Capetown, will
always remember the welcome we had as we sailed into Capetown. I also
whilst on board had the opportunity of forming a group (rock & Roll
& skiffle!) Excused all the duties whilst entertaining the troops.
Mind you anything was better than working in the bakery!!!Still have
my original Bedding Card ie: F Deck. Section F3. Berth No 160B. This
BI Site is excellent have downloaded pictures of the Dunera for the
Study wall. Any more pictures of the vessel available (maybe Artist
prints?) Anyone out there who might have travelled at the same time
in 57?
George Preston, Australia - Monday, April 9, 2001 at 22:29:16
Sailed on Chakdara, Kampala, Olinda, Chilka,
Waroonga, Woodarra, Kenya, Nyanza. Stood by on Nevasa laid up on River
Chris Blane, UK - Monday, April 9, 2001 at 01:11:24
Interesting site, will watch with interest.
I was a cadet on CHINDWARA 1967. Other vessels include: DWARKA, NEVASA,
Derek Rhoden, UK - Sunday, April 8, 2001 at 09:01:02
Well done! Surprisingly comprehensive.
Cooper, UK - Saturday, April 7, 2001 at 01:30:28
Deck Cadet on 'Chantala' from 1960 t0 1964 and
then briefly on 'Chakdara' before moving to Canadian Pacific "Beaver-boats"
and Empress Liners in 1965. Would like to hear from any old friends
from 'Chantala'
John Turner, UK - Friday, April 6, 2001 at 23:50:22
George Crone, Australia. Signed the log last
November. Did you sail as 4/EO on the Socotra 1961/1962?
Colin Nisbet, UK - Tuesday, April 3, 2001 at 15:36:50
Sorry, not really BI - actually NZS for Otaio
training in 1974 then across the P&O fleet as everything merged. But
your ships always had the best Sunday chicken curries and visited
friends on yours everytime we were in port together.
Povey, UK - Monday, April 2, 2001 at 22:32:47
It's been too long - nice to be back!
Geoff Worham, UK - Thursday, March 29, 2001 at 22:51:12
When I was a lad in the early 50s I went to
Singapore on the Dunera a BI ship but it is not listed
David Rankin, UK - Thursday, March 29, 2001 at 20:10:46
Having just met David Everett (the son of Frankie
Everett) in the Gulf of Mexico I have just heard about this site.
I served as a cadet between 1965 and 69 on Chantala, Orna, Dumra,
Chakla and Nevasa. What a great site! Keith Sutcliffe, Australia -
Sutcliffe, Australia - March 23, 2001 at 23:52:35
Enjoyed reading all the entries. Found Ships
List (see Links page on this site for details)
on the net giving details of what happened to all BI ships after the
company folded. I am looking for Martin Webster, we were on Chandpara
Maureen Orr, Australia - Wednesday, March 14, 2001 at 10:31:25
Researching family tree and would like info
on how to locate photos/crew lists for QRMS Taroba on which I believe
my grandfather was a crew member and disembarked in Australia 1888/1889.
Bill Caddick, UK - Saturday, March 10, 2001 at 17:55:42
Sailed as a soldier on the Nevasa & Dunera being
transported to and from Hong Kong when they were troopships.
Steve Procter, UK - Saturday, March 3, 2001 at 22:07:27
The best time of my life was with BI from 1966
- 1972 serving on Juwara, Nardana, Amra and Dwarka before joining
Bibby Line on Westminster Bridge and Ocean Bridge. I am still in contact
with Dave Jackson (ex Amra mate)in Japan, who joined you at Penang
for the re-union, and Ren Cawkwell (4EO Amra), now a CEO with Mearsk.
My very best wishes to all ex BI staff, particularly those I served
with and created such brilliant memories. Also to Sue and Alison Moscrop
who emigrated, with Ron (CEO) and Ruth, to Aussie in 1970.
Alberto Cunto, Italy - Friday, March 2, 2001 at 15:15:12
For historical research I need photos and other
notices about BI steam ship UMARIA first, torpedoed near Policastro
in 1917 on May 26, en route Calcutta-UK.
Ivor Lloyd, UK - Thursday, March 1, 2001 at 22:56:03
Served on S/S SURADA 1943/44 until she was torpedoed
by U188 26/1/44
Irvine, UK - Thursday, March 1, 2001 at 22:14:17
am very happy to still be associated with a company that had a culture
and team spirit that I have never seen surpassed to this day. I attend
the BI Retired Engineer Officers reunion in Glasgow every year. I
would be interested to hear from Michael Barclay whose name I see
in the log book. I sailed with him on the Nuddea in the early seventies.
Apcar Greene, US - Friday, February 23, 2001 at 21:38:23
Arratoon Apcar was my great grandfather and
I'm terribly interested in his life and his affairs... I have done
some research and have tracked down all my living relatives... I would
love to be a part of your organization and be made aware of any forthcoming
events. Thank you very much.

Stephen Brown, Australia - Wednesday, February 21, 2001 at 05:59:14
Great site, I am researching my ancestors who
sailed from London to Townsville on the JUMNA she departed London
19/10/1889 arriving Townsville 12/12/1889, are there any diaries of
the voyage available or photos and descriptions of the JUMNA, any
help would be great
Donald Palmer, UK - Thursday, February 15, 2001 at 11:07:29
I am researching data on my old ship the ss
Nirvana. In the ships list published under the ships list.com/ships/lines/brindia.html
it reports the Nirvana being torpedoed and sunk in 1918. This is obviously
wrong as I served as an apprentice in 1947 and as a deck officer until
scrapping in 1948. I would be pleased to hear that this list has been
ammended and also to hear from any staff who served with me during
those years.
David Hopewell, UK - Wednesday, February 14, 2001 at 21:59:33
Hi I sailed on the Uganda on cruise 995 sailing
on 22 Dec 1979. Our group had a fantastic time and this site brings
back many good memorys. Hi to anyone who sailed on this cruise with
John Robertson, US - Tuesday, February 13, 2001 at 01:14:07
This is a great means of finding old friends
and shipmates. I have located several of them since discovering this
page. Please keep up the good work.
Ken Skinner, Australia - Saturday, February 10, 2001 at 08:02:15
An excellent site which brings back a lot of
fond memories. Well done.
Lyndon Johnson, UK - Friday, February 9, 2001 at 20:49:30
Thanks to Sue Spence for alerting me to this
site. Was with BI from 61 to 75, left to do the BSc Nautical Studies
degree at London Poly, thence to a Trade Association for marine equipment
and latterly with the 'Seatrade' publications and conferences group
- Have done a bit of work also with the Baltic Exchange, meeting in
passing Nick Pearson and John Simkins, and David Ramsbottom. Nigel
Hastings is in Vancouver working for Lloyds Register.
Harry Bancroft, UK - Wednesday, February 7, 2001 at 19:45:00
Fond memories
Chris Dixon, UK - Sunday, February 4, 2001 at 16:16:42
Researching the sinking of the Rohilla, 30th
Oct. 1914. G.E.Parsons, sick-berth attendant, was a former pupil of
my school.
Sandy (Jock) Bowman, UK - Friday, February 2, 2001 at 19:26:34
Hope to make some new 'old' friends
Lorraine Thornquist, Australia - Thursday, February 1, 2001 at 00:30:56
I am trying to find information on RMS Taroba
as my great grandparents arrived in Queensland in July 1890 on this
ship, after their initial ship out of England, SS Dacca was shipwrecked
in the Suez Canal. Any clues on how to find out more about these ships
and events? many thanks.
Erika Martin, India - Wednesday, January 31, 2001 at 04:38:56
We are looking for our great grandfather who
we believe was working in British India shipping in the period 1800-1900
and was a captian -- name is Capt John Martin or Hubert Martin, can
you advise me his full details of name, address, any other records
of that time.
Robert Leighton, UK - Thursday, January 25, 2001 at 11:57:15
Finding this site has brought a lot of very
happy memories flooding back.
Weingold, US - Wednesday, January 24, 2001 at 19:39:5
My family history is tied to the sea and in
particular,my Great Grandfather was, according to lore, in command
of various BISN steamers. Can anyone confirm or add to the following:
Walter Leslie Stewart, Master Mariner, Cmdr, RNR joined the Mercantile
Marine in 1875 at age 16. He went from apprentice to Master Mariner
and as Captain he held command of various steamers belonging to BISN
for 15 years, chiefly on the London to India & Australian lines of
the Company. In 1904 he retired as Commander. in the Mercantile Marine
and joined his father-in-law as junior partner in Norman, Stewart
& Co. Naval Architects in Calcutta, India. He was active in Suakin
(1885-86) on the SS Bulimba and during the Boer war. Thanks in advance
for any assistance you may provide.
Carter, UK - Wednesday, January 17, 2001 at 18:39:44
As ex BI cadet/3rd & 2nd Mate before joining
Trident tankers just seeing who's around these days.
Pratt, Australia - Sunday, January 14, 2001 at 23:20:00
Three generations of Pratts from 1895 to 1961
John Windram, Australia - Thursday, January 11, 2001 at 05:34:35
Would love to hear from any of my old shipmates.
Sailed on Chilka, Chandpara, Carpentaria, Olinda, Pemba, Itinda and

John Ross, NZ - Monday, January 8, 2001 at 21:10:45
Full marks to Marty Speller and Tom Allard for
arranging such an excellent reunion in Penang last year. I sailed
on Chindwara as cadet from 1957 to 1959. Later joined Shell Tankers
(UK) where eventually became Master and for the last 5 years have
been in the local NZ tanker fleet. Thanks to Don Wood for putting
those photographs of the reuniuon on the website.
Paul Fairchild, NZ - Monday, January 8, 2001 at 09:40:06
am trying to trace any members of BI who served on the WOODARRA between
May 1967 and May 1968.If you are out their please e-mail me and I
will reply immediately.Salaams. p.s. A great site. I wish I had found
it earlier.
Bhoori, Italy - Wednesday, December 27, 2000 at 14:57:56
Ex-shipmates and friends, please write to me
(where is Richard (Dick) Turner??
Trevor Wilson, Australia - Monday, December 25, 2000 at 16:36:27
Looking for details on my Grandfather, Gustav
Nelson, possibly capt. of Almora.
Ian Haviland, Australia - Monday, December 18, 2000 at 08:04:51
What a find. It brought back many happy memories.
I sailed on many ships from 1963 to 1970. Home line and Eastern service.
Great times... Geoff Sloan I know you are there so communicate!! This
is a positive treasure trove!! What a wonderful idea ...my congrats
to those involved. How do we contact those that have signed in? That
of course is the next step. Once again my sincere congratulations
on a job well done.
Shaw, New Zealand - Monday, December 11, 2000 at 04:10:45
Served with BI from1948-1960. Always glad to
hear from any old shipmates.
Heitzman, UK - Sunday, December 10, 2000 at 22:10:47
Sailed on ss Uganda in 1979 as a pupil on school
cruise. I have many happy memories of this short time aboard and I
am trying to put together a web page about this ship. Sadly have lost
anything that I purchased onboard (including a paper model kit) and
lapel badge. Would love to hear from anyone who sailed on Uganda ,
stories technical details etc.
Murphy, France - Thursday, December 7, 2000 at 16:33:15
Great to hear the familiar old names again.
Was'nt it fun in the sun? Great site.
Robertson, US - Wednesday, December 6, 2000 at 03:38:56
Would like to get in touch with Jock Sturrock
Chief Engineer Officer British India Steam Navigation Company.
David Barnicoat, UK - Saturday, December 2, 2000 at 20:16:42
Very interesting site. My father was tug master
on the tug St Mawes (ex BI tug Arusha) Can anyone supply me with a
photo of Arusha in BI colours?
Crone, Australia - Monday, November 27, 2000 at 09:47:07
Great site will visit again
Tony Ekneligoda,
Australia - Monday, November 20, 2000 at 01:52:37
Pleased to log on to BI web site.Would like
to hear fron other ex BI chaps. My BI career 1966 to 1970
James Pottinger, UK - Saturday, November 18, 2000 at 19:50:59
As app. engineer at Scotts' of Greenock worked
on the machinery in shop and on board Nowshera and Nyanza

Bunn Fowler, US - Friday, November 17, 2000 at 02:23:36
I have been trying for many years to get information
about the B.I. Co. I was on the web today and found your wonderful
web site. Please let me know whom I can contact for info. or if I
can become a member of this organization. My late father was Capt.
L.A. Bunn. He started his career with the B.I. in his teens as did
my grandfather and great grandfather. He was master of many B.I. vessels
including the 'Chakdara'. I would be most interested to hear from
any one who perhaps was under his command or who might have known
him. I am looking forward to a response. Perhaps I could add some
more history for the web site. Many Thanks
Ross MacIver Smith, Australia - Wednesday, November 15, 2000 at 11:28:02
I have been searching for a site on the BI Line
for over 18 months now and I have finally found it. Can you tell me
if it is possible to find out details of what ship a seaman would
have sailed on back in the early 1950s. I have been in contact with
the P&O Personnel area but they say they have no record of the person
I am looking for. The man I am looking for is Angus MacIver who was
supposedly an Engineer and worked for the BI Lines and his ship was
in Melbourne, Australia in the early part of 1951 - any assistance
would be gratefully appreciated.
Jim Anderson - Saturday, November 11, 2000 at 11:28:50
Yes the Penang trip was great and looking forward
to the Gold Coast in 2001. Best wishes for the New Year to all x.BI.
Alberto Cunto, Italy - Monday, November 6, 2000 at 17:28:57
For Mr McNeil Cooke (see Oc tober 11.2000).Hospital
ship TALAMBA bombed by germany aircraft at 36 55N - 15 14E, date July
10:22.05hrs and sunk the day after, five miles off Sicily city Avola.The
400 patients on board were saved but five out of 163 crew lost their
lives (see also Merchant Ships Vol.11 by Duncan Haws). I no have other
Spike Taylor, Australia - Wednesday, November 1, 2000 at 23:45:51
Great site, was cadet on Carpentaria (commodore
ship) maiden voyage under Capt. Peter Taylor (no relation), then Sirdana,
Sirsa?, Garbeta to London, & finally 3 years +, Chantala, Cadet, CPO,
acting 4th officer, would any old crew names/lists,be still available?
Arthur Hughes, UK - Wednesday, November 1, 2000 at 12:48:59
Happy to have found you
James Major, Australia - Tuesday, October 31, 2000 at 14:19:43
Penang was a fabulous success, many thanks to
Marty & Tom
Richard Lonsdale, US - Sunday, October 29, 2000 at 18:16:04
Interested in hearing from ex BI officers, 1971
- 1983
David Milligan, Australia - Sunday, October 29, 2000 at 00:53:54
A very interesting site which brings back some
very pleasant memories of friends and good times on the Olinda, Carpentaria
and Canara between 1956 and 1959. Unfortunately I've lost contact
with all, and would appreciate email from anyone who remembers Spike,
especially Archie if you're out there! Well done John, keep up the
good work. Salaams
Andrea Mascis, Canada - Friday, October 27, 2000 at 00:05:53
I am thrilled to find your site! A Christmas
Card left by my late grandmother has a photo of the 'RMS Coconada'
with small inserted photos of the crew with each name. On the back
is written "Was a card from Uncle John - Dec 1912. Photo of him left
botton corner." It was a mystery, as I could not find any info. Until
today when I did a one word search....Now I am learning about this
vessel and BI, thanks to you. John Agnew was my great uncle who was
born in Ardrossan Ayr in 1873. We were told that he was a chief engineer
and I have a couple of other photos of ships he was on but no names.
Enjoying your interesting site, Good Luck.
David Price, UK - Saturday, October 21, 2000 at 20:46:31
Just discovered this page and thought it great.
Brings back many memories of shipboard life on the Chindwara under
Ben Rogers. Hope I can come to one of the meetings.

Wright, UK - Saturday, October 21, 2000 at 16:40:22
Just found you. Served B.I. from 1950-1965.
Barnes, UK - Tuesday, October 17, 2000 at 19:12:35
Keep up what is an excellent idea, long may
it grow, Salaams
George Preston, Australia - Sunday, October 15, 2000 at 10:22:54
Does any one recall sailing on a BI ship with
two red bands instead of the usual white? Along with several other
"time expired men" I sailed on the Chilka on a Clan Line charter and
they insisted on the funnel colour change. By the time we arrived
in Liverpool, the bands were pale pink which drew a few comments from
the Clan Line Blokes!!
Ian McNeil Cooke, UK - Wednesday, October 11, 2000 at 19:19:48
My father took part in the Sicily landings on
10 July 1943 but was wounded the same day and transferred to a hospital
ship lying offshore. This ship was bombed and sunk (on the same day?)
and my father was amongst those who lost their life. I believe this
ship may have been the Talamba and wondered if you could confirm this
or have any other relevant information please. Yours sincerely
Geoff Sloan, UK - Saturday, October 7, 2000 at 10:47:06
Very interesting
Minogue, South Africa - Sunday, October 1, 2000 at 10:46:26
A very well laid out site. Great to see it,
brings a lump to the throat.
Chris Hare, UK - Monday, September 25, 2000 at 19:15:37
First visit - will have to get used to it!
Sandy Steel, UK - Friday, September 22, 2000 at 10:38:31
Sailed "RAJULA" April 1960/62. Happy Days!
Glenn Mason, Australia - Thursday, September 21, 2000 at 13:32:40
I accessed your site as I was searching for
a ship called Orissa. My great great grandfather was a Master Mariner
on this ship from 1867 -1868. His name being John Hazard.
Alton, US - Tuesday, September 19, 2000 at 23:18:15
Grandfather was master of Simla and of Sofala
late 1800s and early 1900s. We are interested in learning about the
"lost" period of his life, after 1898.
Marshall Maclean, Australia - Monday, September 11, 2000 at 09:33:50
Fantastic site The only one I havebeen able
to find any reference to the S.S. Patna. My grandfather the late William
Dick Maclean after completing an apprenticeship as a fitter & turner
signed up with the B.I. company in 1881 He passed his Chiefs certificate
in the following year I think & was chief engineer on the Patna.I
think untill his marriageapprox 1890. He used to tell us of his exploits,
Like all kids we did not always listen, but one I can remember is
the tme a Big end bearing failed during a storm in the Bay of Biscay.
Grandfather was lowered in a bosuns chair into the crank pit& while
the engine was stopped he had to remove the failed bearing, The engines
were then run at reduced speed While he either remettaled the existing
bearing or prepared a replacement. He then had to have the engines
stopped whilst he bolted the replacement in place this was then rotated
a few revolutions to obtain a marking. He would have then had to remove
it scrape off the high spots &repeat until a good fit was obtained.While
he did all this he would have had to allow steerage way to be maintained.
Hope your nautical minded viewers will forgive any mistakes in terminology
I have made also I am A lousy typist. Another comment: Will made was
that the Patna was The first ship to be fitted with electric lighting.
I may have this wrong as he died in 1952 aged 92 & I am now 66 and
cannot remember exactly when he told me all this, certainly not in
the last 3 years of his life.
Bernard Oliver, UK - Thursday, September 7, 2000 at 20:58:03
1970-1977 with NZS laterly UASC (chief mate)
Mike Smith, Canada - Saturday, September 2, 2000 at 05:23:15
A valuable & interesting site in the making.
My father was a First Officer, his last ship was as FO of the Varsova
in Sept 1939. He was RNR & was killed in 1941 in command of HMS Manistee.
Is his name in the BI WW2 roll of honour?
Tom Lindsay, New Zealand - Friday, September 1, 2000 at 12:41:08
Great effort, revives old memories !
Mike Bowman, Australia - Friday, September 1, 2000 at 10:16:32
Ek Dum Tik Hai sahib! Wonderful Web Site, Penang
was great I was BI 1955/61 then Royal Navy, then Army now Director
Northern Territory Emergency Service we have 3 BIs in Darwin Bob Kehohnan,
Richard Teo n'me!

Furlong, Ireland - Wednesday, August 30, 2000 at 23:06:21
Delighted to be aboard. What a wonderful idea
and what a thrill to visit the cruising pages and re-live the many
happy days spent on Dunera & Nevasa and recall so many friendly faces
from the photos. See you all in York Regards and thanks for the memories
== Jim
Williams, UK- Sunday, August 27, 2000 at 23:25:23
Ex Lecky 1960-1962. Uganda (pre School Ship
days), Aronda,Amra,Nyanza. Anybody out there sobered up yet? Best
times I had at sea were with the BI.
Baldock, Canada - Saturday, August 26, 2000 at 18:36:40
My gg-grandfather died while on a ship owned
by BI. The ships name was the "Almora". We know that he died on board
on Aug 3, 1876 and that the officals were notified on August 29, 1876
in London. Can you tell me any more about any passengers that may
have been traveling with him. How long it would have taken to sail
from London to India (Calcutta we are assuming)? We're trying to trace
whether he was returning to England to travelling to India. Any information
would be appreciated! Algernon Charles Malonek (alias Charles Vere)
Alan Brown, Australia - Wednesday, August 23, 2000 at 12:00:38
No direct association with BI but my father
born in Calcutta as his dad was Engineer 1st Class with BI. Born 1870,
went from Dundee (via London) to India, Jan 1896 on (I think) SS Dilwara(1st)with
his new bride. Lived in Serampore and Garden Reach (BI "bungalow").
Retired about 1926 to Birmingham. I have some photos of the period,
showing BI Sports day, and coaling wharf about 1910, I think. Interested
in any other members' associations with this period of the co's history.
Alan Rufus Waters, US- Saturday, August 19, 2000 at 15:29:43
Ex Kenya POlice and Farm in Kenya. Went back
to East Africa on the "Uganda" in late
'50s and want pictures and schematics of "Uganda" or "Kenya"
for book I am writing.
Ted Alexander, UK - Saturday, August 19, 2000 at 11:38:01
Delighted that this facility is available
Andrew Greene, US - Saturday, August 19, 2000 at 00:13:56
I'm interested in learning more about a ship
called "Arratoon Apcar" or any other ships that bear the Apcar name.
There may have been a fleet of ships collectively called the "Apcar
Lines." I believe it was a cargo ship that was out of Calcutta. The
following are from your site: CATHERINE APCAR
(1912-1922) GREGORY APCAR (1912-1923)
ARRATOON APCAR (1912-1932) Any assistance
in learning more concerning this would be great. Thank you.

Kathleen Snelleksz, Australia - Wednesday, August 16, 2000 at 21:38:30
I'm thrilled to be able to find the ship my
grand father arrived on in Australia. Would you be able to give me
some more infor on his birth date, and nationality on his passport.
My mother lost contact with him when he left Calcutta and came to
Australia . His name Donald A Macdonald. He was on board the 'Chindwara'
sailed from Calcutta early January 1921 and touched Fremantle on 3/2/1921
heading for Sydney. Would you have passenger details going back that
far? Your help would be much appreciated. Please email either way
so I know this has been read. Thank you very much.
Gerard Hawkes, UK- Monday, August 14, 2000 at 18:26:49
Great Web Page. I'm an ex Chota Sahib - Chindwara
62-63. Chantala 63-64 Then Eastern Service
on Chinkoa, Barpeta
(18months) and home on Carpentaria and
Stephen Hobson, Switzerland - Saturday, August 12, 2000 at 23:40:18
I served my cadetship aboard Chindwara
( amongst other ships - Socotra / Barpeta
/ Karanja / Chilka
) from july 1961 until end of 1964. It is great to find the BI site
Warwick (Harry) Harwood, UK - Thursday, August 10, 2000 at 22:54:04
BI from 1955 to being made redundant from P&O
Cargo Div.
Bellamy, UK - Thursday, August 10, 2000 at 22:03:25
I have a copy of my great grandfathers Engineers
agreement between the British India Steam Navigation Company and Thomas
Dobson. I am interested in any info you may have on him the year was
1899 many thanks.
Chris Morgan, UK - Wednesday, August 9, 2000 at 19:10:05
Was surfing the net to find info. about the
British in India and found reference to your site on a genealogical
newsgroup. Brought back memories of my first time at sea as a schoolboy
passenger on Dunera in 1961. Still keep
an old pennant from the ship above my desk here in the study where
I now work. Happy days. Will never forget baked beans for breakfast,
lunch and evening meal - and the exhortations to eat everything as
many of the crew came from families where it was a priviledge to get
one meal a day let alone three! The cricket games below deck were
of a different order, where a run was out!
Avril Anderson, UK - Wednesday, August 9, 2000 at 10:06:05
My Grandfather was a Cheif Engineer with B.I.S.N.
and I am trying to find some info on him His name GEORGE WHEATLEY
SWARIES b. 3 APRIL 1883 d. 11 May 1949 retired about 1940. Can someone
tell me where to get information
Mike Ledger, UK - Monday, August 7, 2000 at 22:03:05
Well done John!
Michael Barclay, UK - Saturday, August 5, 2000 at 00:48:15
Served on many companies ships in the sixties,
mainly the old Rajula as junior and late
as Second Engineer.Where Singapore has lots of happy memories.Sailed
on several of the the N class steam ships Nuddea
, Nowshera, Nyanza.
Glad to find this web site brought back some happy memories of hard
work and good times with the BI
Dracott, UK - Wednesday, August 2, 2000 at 22:18:02
Delighted to find your site. I grew up in Kenya
and as a youngster was fascinated by BI. As a teenager I wanted to
be a BI deck officer but this never happened.High points of holidays
in Mombasa were going round Kilindini and seeing which BIs were in.I
boarded most of them, seeing off the parents friends on holiday or
retirement to "home", and sailed myself on "Mombasa"
and "Karanja" on coastal trips in the
early 60's, finally leving kenya for good on the "Kenya"
in Jan 63.I shall follow this site with interest. All the very best.

Goodwin, Australia - Monday, July 31, 2000 at 02:54:02
Great to be on board. Does anyone have any idea
how I can get hold of a copy of Laxon & Perry's BISN Co book?
Charles Haydar, UK - Friday, July 28, 2000 at 22:02:17
I sailed on the Uganda
with my parents and sister in 1962 from London to Dar es Salaam. It
was my first "sea voyage" and I will always remenber it as something
magical. It was wonderful.
Patrick Gates, Canada - Thursday, July 27, 2000 at 18:14:01
The site is developing well. It brings back
a lot of memories.
Neil Butt, Australia - Tuesday, July 18, 2000 at 11:41:54
Just been introduced to the site and it looks
Patrick Morgan, Australia - Saturday, July 15, 2000 at 04:57:28
Cadet with BI 1966/71
Tom Barnett, UK - Friday, July 7, 2000 at 22:28:23
I have just found out about the website from
Simon Harwood and Eric Plowman. Cheers.
Bolles, Australia - Friday, July 7, 2000 at 12:25:01
Bode archar! Great idea John (Prescott) Keep
up the good work. Salaams from Oz. (Poor young Blair...know the feeling...could
well have been one of us!)
Colin Wilton-Davies, Jersey - Friday, July 7, 2000 at 11:14:43
Sailed on the KHANDALLA
from Bombay to Durban in 1944. Your site very nostalgic, and informative.
Malcolm Stick, Canada - Sunday, July 2, 2000 at 12:33:06
B.I. 1954-1969, Cadet to Chief Officer
Tom Lindsay, New Zealand - Sunday, July 2, 2000 at 09:40:39
Just intersted to be a part of the BI picture
Dowie, UK - Saturday, July 1, 2000 at 11:25:22
ex Rajula, Chupra,
Queda, Qulloa,
Peter Charlesworth, UK - Wednesday, June 28, 2000 at 22:47:04
Former Marconi and Royal Fleet Auxiliary Radio
Officer - First ship - Uganda, January,1966
O'Flaherty, Australia - Friday, June 23, 2000 at 05:36:56
Ex BI Engineer.Served on the following vessels
1945-48: Tugela, Khandalla,
Barpeta, Varela
and Chyebassa where I served as 3rd Engineer.

Lansdale, UK - Wednesday, June 21, 2000 at 15:53:46
Liked the site - it's like Hong Kong, it'll
be good when it's finished!
Storey, Australia - Wednesday, June 21, 2000 at 07:24:59
Delighted to be able to have access to such
a web sight & refresh the memory, having had to withdraw from 'PENANG'
at short notice. One query "Who absorbed who?" But still what's in
a name?
Richard Teo, Australia - Tuesday, June 20, 2000 at 08:29:34
Great. Made me wish that I had stayed longer
than my 4 years
Ted Rowley, Australia - Tuesday, June 20, 2000 at 07:53:56
Love to hear from ex shipmates
Leonie Fretwell, Australia - Sunday, June 18, 2000 at 00:13:39
Great Site. Interested to find out which BI
ship my mother, her siblings and parents would have returned to England
between 1928-32. Do you have passenger lists?
Yeats, Australia - Saturday, June 17, 2000 at 15:37:55
Wood's Penang pix are fantastic
Peter Beattie,
New Zealand - Sunday, June 11, 2000 at 06:51:48
was a Cadet in the BI from 1949 to 1953 - first ship was the Warla
on her maiden voyage and learnt of this site from Don Wood during
a recent visit to the UK. It would be good to know of any old shipmates.