reference - BI ships mentioned on this page:
Agra, Amra, Angora, Arabia, Aronda, Arratoon Apcar,
Australia, Bankura, Barala, Barjora, Barpeta, Bhundara, Booldana, Bulimba,
Busiris, Bussorah, Canara,
of Good Hope, Carpentaria, Cashmere, Chakdara, Chakla, Chanda, Chandpara,
Chantala, Chilka, Chindwara, Chupra, Chyebassa, Dacca, Dara, Daressa,
Devon, Devonia, Dilwara, Dumra, Dunera, Dwarka, Ekma, Ellenga, Empire
Fowey, Empire Trooper, Empire Tugela, Frederick Clover, Gairsoppa, Golconda
(left), Ikauna,
Itaura, Jelunga, Jumna, Juna Juwara, Kampala, Karanja, Kenya, Khandalla,
Landaura, Mahratta,
Manora, Mantola, Mashobra, Matiana, Merkara, Modasa,
Morvada, Mulbera, Nardana, Nerbudda, Neuralia, Nevasa, Nowshera, Nuddea,
Nyanza, Olinda, Orissa, Orna, Palamcotta, Pentakota, Pundua, Puttiala,
Rajula, Rohilla, Rohna, Santhia, Scotia, Sirdhana, Tairea, Talamba,
Talma, Tilawa, Teesta, Uganda, Umaria, Urlana, Varela, Waipara, Waroonga,
Woodarra, Zaida, Zira
This page contains
abstracts from the BIship logbook, August 2001 to May 2002.
archived logbooks at:
2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | May-Dec
2003 | 2002/03 | 2001/02 | 2000/01
Jon Whowell, UK - Monday, May 27, 2002 at 14:57:27
A really good site, I hope you get more pics of
the ships of the 60's & 70's
Don Hazelton, US - Sunday, May 26, 2002 at 00:47:16
My g-grandfather Charles Henry Hillcoat was captain
of the following vessels for British India Steam Navigation Company:
1871 Cashmere /s/ #50337, 1875 Puttiala
#71735, 1875 Agra /s/ #68002, 1876 Agra,
1877 Agra, 1878 Agra, 1886 Arabia /s/ #
87737, 1887 Arabia, 1890 Arabia, 1891 Arabia, 1892 Arabia, 1893 Arabia.
Can someone provide me with details of his service or of these vessels.
I have done some research using the internet and on a recent trip to
London was able to make a morning's visit to the Guildhall Library in
London to look at Lloyd's Captains Registers. Does any one have more
information about: Per Jottings from a Sailo's Life - The Journal of
Alexander Kidd of The Blue Funnel, Line Master of the S.S. Ajax. "Wednesday
4th Octr 1876. Commenced another China voyage returned to London 3rd
Febry & Lėpool 14th Febry 1877 - had an accident on this voyage the
British India CO's S.S. "Agra" run into our Bow while we were at Anchor
in Suez Roads doing considerable damage to both ships which detained
us 4 days to repair. Although she was to blame we had to pay. A lot
of hard swearing done on the other side lieing well and I think paid
the referee well. However not very serious. Mr. Holt got my explanation
& believed I was right".
Sandeman-Gay, Australia - Wednesday, May 22, 2002 at 00:49:57
Joined BI on Chindwara
on 23rd January, 1953, and left in Australia in April 1962. Am still
serving at sea as ship,s Master but hope to retire 23rd January, 2003,
which will give me 50 years at sea - enough is enough!
Szulakowska, UK - Tuesday, May 21, 2002 at 17:45:09
I'm looking for info on the troopship Nevasa
(1913-1948). She transported Polish refugees from Persia to South Africa
- my mother, aged 12, amongst them. The Nevasa (left)
took her from Pahlevi to Durban some time between 1942-43. Is there
any way that I can trace the passenger records for this time? Also,
what happened to the Nevasa? Was she a casuality of war? If anyone can
help, that would be fantastic! Thank you!
Dave Evans, UK - Saturday, May 18, 2002 at 18:31:02
I am the press sec.of the Falmouth MN club.Anyone
with relatives or shipmates here pls get in touch. I have an original
copy of Valiant Voyaging too!
Double, UK - Sunday, May 12, 2002 at 14:43:11
I am researching a wreck located off the Greater
Hannish Island in the Red Sea that I think could be a BI ship possibly
Bussorah or Scotia?
Do you have any any information about Bi vessels wrecked in the southern
Red Sea in the second half of the 19 century?
Wilkie, Canada - Wednesday, May 8, 2002 at 03:54:38
Just found your web site today I still have all
correspondence, pay stubs seamans books and discharge book from my time
at sea. Sailing with the BI was one of the happiest of my life I really
enjoyed it and the friends that i made.even though I do not remember
them all now.
Incledon, UK - Tuesday, May 7, 2002 at 16:20:36
I am trying to trace the history (brief) of a
non-BI ship for a friend. The ship is the "Ionian", the company was
"Alan Line" (absorbed/taken over by CPR, latterly CP - Canadian Pacific).
Date of Build 1913. Any information would be appreciated.
Sue Given, Australia - Monday, May 6, 2002 at 04:34:26
I am trying to contact someone about one of your
ex employess from the 1880s on. He was a 1st/2nd mate in 1881 and supposedly
a captain after that and as the family history goes, he went down with
his ship. The person in question is Edward Woodcote Taylor West. He
was born in England in 1861. On the 1881 census he was listed as first
or second mate on the ship "Bhundara".
The story that has come down through the family is that one of the great
grandfathers brothers was a ships captain who "went down with his ship".
Edward is one of the brothers and as far as we can find out the only
one with a sailing career. Any information you can give me would be
appreciated. Could someone please contact me. Thanks.
Wood, Oman - Saturday, May 4, 2002 at 14:23:00
Did anyone ever go ashore in Muscat? Anyone still
got photographs?
Andrew Nightingale, Kenya - Friday, May 3, 2002 at 21:01:18
I am trying to trace the history of Cap. Ernest
Fey who was skipper of SS Arratoon Apcar
(pictured right) pre 1904.
Kye Lewis, Australia - Friday, May 3, 2002 at 10:39:34
I am looking for people who have previously served
/ travelled on the Dunera. We are embarking
on a project which includes information about the Dunera's history -
any help would be greatly appreciated! Can you e-mail me at lew01@mcsc.vic.edu.au?
Thanks in Advance!
Chris Brown, UK - Sunday, April 28, 2002 at 21:56:53
Sailed from UK to Ceylon in Empire
Trooper 1950 or thereabouts as family of RN Officer on appointment
to Radio Station in Ceylon
Morphy, UK - Sunday, April 28, 2002 at 20:39:35
Sailed twice on the ss NEVASA. April/May
1957 from Southampton to Singapore. I was 8 yrs old at this time. Had
to sail round Cape of Good Hope as Suez was blocked. Voyage took 4 weeks
calling at Dakar & Durban on way.Travelled back from Singapore to Southampton
in 1960 age 11 yrs. This time sailed via Suez. Called at Columbo, Aden
& Gibraltar.You can imagine what a great place to explore a ship is
when you are that age and I think I must have been over every inch of
the ship
Ewan Armstrong, UK - Thursday, April 25, 2002 at 16:06:46
I sailed on the last cruise of the SS Uganda
in April 1982 and proudly sailed into Naples Harbour singing 'Land of
Hope & Glory' as a thirteen year old schoolboy. I have fond memories
of the Uganda and was sad to see it never restored to its former glory
after it so proudly served its country
Joe Barnett, UK - Wednesday, April 24, 2002 at 16:54:16
Can't find MATIANA
or DUNERA on ships list. I worked on both
of them
(Matiana appears on the 1900-1924
fleet page and Dunera appears on the 1925-1949
page. The pages are arranged by date of entry into service - Webeditor)
Derek Buckland, Australia - Sunday, April 21, 2002 at 03:58:09
With BI 1952-62 Mulberra,
Amra, Aronda, Chupra, Landaura, Ikauna, Urlana, Itaura, Nuddea, Palamcotta,
Carpentaria & Chyebassa - Cadet
through to Act/C/O - this is a great site and brings back many fond
memories of a great part of my life
Ernst Hinrich, Sweden - Saturday, April 13, 2002 at 11:17:42
Found your site after years of searching for Golconda
[pictured above] sunk 1916
Douglas Christie, UK - Sunday, April 7, 2002 at 11:38:36
Spent over 40 years within the group and interested
in hearing of 'old' friends and shipmates.
Kilmurry, Ireland - Saturday, April 6, 2002 at 19:41:22
Grandfather, James Donnelly, served with the B.I.S.N. in the early 1900s.
died on the Angora, in the Bay of Bengal,
on 17th May 1911, aged only 35. (Picture
shows Angora at Rangoon)
David Davies, UK - Saturday, April 6, 2002 at 10:35:53
Great stuff, a voice from the past, what memories.
David Rutter, UK - Friday, April 5, 2002 at 21:30:56
Looking to meet old friends. 1970 to 1974. remember
Graeme Hatcher, Dick Pratt and anybody who remembers me. ships...
Bulimba, Chakla,
Nowshera, Juwara,
Morvada Remember Dick
Pratt, Graeme Hatcher
Steven Brooks, UK - Friday, April 5, 2002 at 17:30:10
The article on BI Cadet is of interest to us.
Lt Cdr Arthur Brooks was my fathers half Brother. Arthur is alive
in a nursing home in New Zealand.
Nick Harwood, UK - Wednesday, April 3, 2002 at 14:25:29
Great website. My regards to any past shipmates.
The only name I recognise is Graham Pettinger. Best wishes Graham
Chris Olford, UK - Tuesday, April 2, 2002 at 19:02:21
Very good page.have seen a lot of old pals.does
anyone remember the day in Hong Kong when all the engine room staff
had a swim in 19 ft of water?.Taikoo dock.
Alex Malcolm, UK - Saturday, March 30, 2002 at 16:13:52
Joined BI 1946 early retirement 1976
Atkinson, UK - Monday, March 25, 2002 at 21:29:55
Great to see BI lives on. I sailed as engineer
on Nevasa, Busiris, Umaria, Nyanza, Uganda.
1961 to 1965. Spent today in Aberdeen with Colin Young Eng. on Nevasa,
Busiris, a "C" class?, Rajula & others,
he is now retired from the Aberdeen P&O ferries.
Richard Crow, UK - Saturday, March 23, 2002 at 15:07:03
friend Jo has introduced me to the BI website
and being completely computer illiterate (pigeon
cleft stick era) I
am amazed and delighted at the scope of the site and wish to sign on
to the logbook which brings back so many happy memories of ships long
gone. I joined the BI Cadetship Australia
(pictured left) with 6 other new cadets on my 17th birthday in
Falmouth harbour in September 1932 and distinguished myself by being
seasick the next day. My first voyage, to Australia, Liverpool to Freemantle
via the Cape, 43 days without sighting land (we first voyagers thought
'the old man', W.Scutt, had lost it. My last was the maiden voyage of
the Sirdhana, 1947, London to East Africa,
India (Bombay), Japan and back to India (Calcutta) where I left the
company in June 1948 to Join the Tanganyika Railways and Ports Services
as a Pilot at Dar-es-Salaam. My memories include the cadet ships Australia,
Nerbudda and Devon,
the Mantola and Modasa,
( 4th Officer)on the home line
and, pre-war on the coast the Khandalla
(Straits mail),
(Japan run), Ekma
(pictured right) (Rangoon
and Barala (slow Gulf). Wartime was mostly
troopships and hired transports beginning with the Talamba
who, with the company's ships Tairea, Rohna
and Rajula with the Bibby Line troopship
Lancashire as Commodore formed a small fast military convoy and took
Indian Army mules to France and than ferried Yeomanry Cavalry from Marseilles
to Haifa. Other war time ships were the Khandalla (Red Sea and Suez),
Talma and Varela
(P and I force, Persian Gulf). A trip to Australia with a full cargo
of Xmas dates from Basra in the Orna (1942) and a 9 months jaunt in
the Empire Tugela from Madras to Cochin
via South Africa ( Durban), Argentine (Buenos Aries), S. W. Africa (Walvis
Bay), Freetown (for convoy), UK, New York and back to India were other
highlights. I have some photographs and paintings (my hobby) of many
of these ships including a postcard of the cadet ship Australia passing
under Sydney Harbours new bridge in 1932 if any old timers are interested.
Leitch, Saudi Arabia - Saturday, March 23, 2002 at 14:37:08
2nd time Peter Durham i was 3RD on the Devonia
a jock called Harper was 2nd when i joined then you moved up Willy
Cameron was the leikie and my wife still was assistant matron your
name came up years ago in a pub "never" in scotland you were lecturing
at marine school in welsh wales according to somebody live in bournemouth
work in saudi 1 year to go inshala

tip for recent browsers: double-click
anywhere on this page to return to the top)
Ivan Leitch, Saudi Arabia - Saturday, March 23, 2002 at 14:02:08
Peter Durham everybody is looking for you and
Willy Cameron
John Farmer, Canada - Tuesday, March 19, 2002 at 19:56:51
Does any BI historian, have any information
regarding the vessel Pentakota in her
last year of service. Apparently she was involved in an incident in
the Arabian Sea with the Dhow Kalyan Passa. After which the ship's
chief and second officer, together with 3 army officers were awarded
the Sea Gallantry Medal (14.6.1920). My father was one of the army
officers and I am trying to find details of the event. Thanks.
Incledon, UK - Monday, March 18, 2002 at 14:08:08
I am looking to retrace my trips, to include
all ports of call, with dates (with the help of my Discharge Book
entries). Has anyone attempted this exercise before (are ships log
books available?
Kathleen Snelleksz, Australia - Monday, March 18, 2002 at 07:41:51
Would like to correct the information here on
Jeffrey Snelleksz.. Jeffrey was the son of Peter Arnold Snelleksz
who passed away November 1997 in Melbourne, Australia. Peter, who
happens to be my father too, passed away in Calcutta, India November
1959. It was my grand father (my mother's father) who arrived in Australia
in the early 1920's and sailed to Australia on the ss 'Chindwara'.
the passenger list showed he was to disembark in Sydney - but when
I checked the list in Sydney he hadn't disembarked there and his name
was not on the list. I'm a bit confused as I cant find out which port
he disembarked. If you can help would appreciate it. His name was
Donald A McDonald arrive Fremantle about 21 February 1921
McIntyre, UK - Sunday, March 17, 2002 at 15:19:02
In my other comments I alluded to Scientific
Sid Davenport. Of course, he was Sid Hammond, Chief Engineer. Davenport
was Dudley Davenport, Australian, as I recall.
Milne, Australia - Sunday, March 17, 2002 at 11:10:42
Very impressive site and most informative. I am seeking information
on BI badged crockery used in ships dining rooms etc. Have one, possibly
two examples. Is there any information available?
Woodland, Australia - Saturday, March 16, 2002 at 22:46:19
A great site to bring back a lot of memories between 62 - 68. Sailed
in Ellenga, Landura, Chilka, Chanda, Dunera,
Bankura, Juna, Pundua, Uganda, Frederick Clover. Must find
the old photographs of various group. Congratulations on excellent
Kirby, UK - Saturday, March 16, 2002 at 19:15:36
found the site,sailed with Sandy Steel and Bill Dowie on the Rajula
also D.Milligan on Canara
(left),I think he ended up at Sydney Power Station.
Hugh McIntyre, UK - Friday, March 15, 2002 at 23:40:08
I've glanced thro' the comments, but see only
one name I recognise - Jim Pottinger, ex Scotts, etc. Names I recall
are Sandy Souter, Spud Rowe, Dennis DeAth, Taffy Trott, Beaton Clubb,
Scientific Sid Davenport, Jim Broadley, Jock Dewar, Pete Brazenor,
Jeff Smith, Don Rhodes-Houghton, Spence Grubb .... I could go on,
but won't. I often think on how fortunate I was to have been able
to sail with BI, though those were not my thoughts in a crankcase
in Bombay with a hangover. I left BI (Dilwara)
in 1959 and spent a brief spell as 2nd engineer with Clan Line, where
one had to order beers in advance; then as 2nd on GTV Morar, with
its 3 Free Gas & Pissifiers, Blood, Sweat and Tears. No beers there,
just a bottle of rum a week with nowt to put in it, and an awful lot
of examining machinery to see why it wasn't broken.
David Terry, UK - Friday, March 15, 2002 at 23:06:07
Searching for Orissa
(among others) my great great grandfather was ships carpenter on this
vessel on a number of voyages. Thanks for the info
David Rogers, Australia - Tuesday, March 12, 2002 at 09:09:10
Fantastic - I was amazed to find this site
Garry Robertson, UK - Sunday, March 10, 2002 at 12:29:05
Sailed on the Juwara,
Nardana,and Morvada.
Have fond memories of my time with BI and the people I served my apprenticeship
with and sailed with. A few names which spring to mind, Peter Nelson,
son of DAK Nelson, Alan Pescott now in Australia, Steve Proctor, Ken
Paul and his wife Sylvia, the Moscrop family, Sandy Yates, John Clark.
Lewis Drummond, Trinidad - Friday, March 8, 2002 at 18:31:05
Sailed Gulf run 1959-1962 Dumra.
Great memories. anybody still alive?
Jack Grieve, US - Friday, March 8, 2002 at 15:01:51
Would like to contact some former ship mates
Roger Harris, UK - Monday, March 4, 2002 at 18:13:09
Hullo to you all
Bill Laxon, NZ - Wednesday February 13, 2002 at 18:11:02
In reply to Les Goodridge's enquiry about one
Frederick Mckenzie who was master of the Mahratta
on voyages to the South Pacific in 1866/67, I believe that this was
nothing to do with BI, but concerns another ship (probably a sailing
ship) of the same name. The BI Mahratta of 1865, although in service
at the time, was a small steamer of only 742 tons gross (p39 of Laxon
& Perry refers) and I don't think she ever ventured far beyond
the Bay of Bengal after her delivery voyage. In any event steamers,
apart from the subsidised mail steamers, were not an economic proposition
trading to the "South Pacific" in 1866/67.
MacVicker - Sunday, February 10, 2002 at 16:03:50
Wishing to contact Duncan MacNeil ex Dwarka
1973. Would love the pics Duncan.macvicker@cwcom.net. Regards Dave
MacVicker ex Dwarka 1973
Peter Jeans, Australia - Monday, February 11, 2002 at 00:22:45
I have been trying for a long time to access
information concerning McAlister Shipping, which was operating in
Penang when I was living there in 1962. The company was later absorbed
by an engineering firm. Are there any BI members who knew McAlister
Shipping, and - better still- knew some of the staff at that time?
Jon Thorne, US - Thursday, February 7, 2002 at 04:29:37
Looking for uniform button infromation your
company was here durring the cw as i found a button on the trent river
in a camp of the 17 mass. vols. also how would one aquire a letterhead/
logo. super site. thanks Jon Thorne (relic Hunter)
Ann Crichton-Harris, Canada - Sunday, February 3, 2002 at 23:41:07
Barjora, I was
so happy to see mention of this ship. My g'father, Dr. Temple Harris
was on board in the Indian Ocean in WWI. The exact date he was on
board is known, Dec.17. 1914. also on board was British Consul Norman
King. I have written a book about my g'father's and others' experiences
in the African Campaign and I have this photograph in the book. I
was so thrilled to see someone mention it. Norman King's son - now
Vice ADmiral Sir Norman King and I met at the Imperial War Museum
a year ago. I got the photo from Sir Norman. I hope Tony from Oz will
contact me.
Christopher Alam, US - Wednesday, January 30, 2002 at 23:02:46
My uncle Mr Khan was Chief Purser on the Aronda.
I myself sailed on the Aronda a few times
as a child
Nash, Australia - Wednesday, January 30, 2002 at 04:40:17
Passenger on ss Nevasa
Circa 1968/69 (April) on B& I educational Cruise Venice, Athens
Instanbul, Malta,
Gibralta, Southampton Iate four or five helpings of steak for lunch
on a bumpy ride down the Adriatic whilst the majority of the "junior"
passengers greenly called for "huey" while they clung to the ships rails!!!!
The rest of the cruise provided me with some of the greatest memories
of childhood being 12 or 13 at the time. I still have the tie and lapel
badge I purchased as a souvenir
Tom Gardiner, Australia - Thursday, January 31, 2002 at 10:55:58
Any one know the whereabouts of Captain Carter's
daughter Rose ?
Siram Raagopal, - Saturday, January 26, 2002 at 18:25:18
Enjoyed going thru the site. The whole place
has the bitter - sweet smell of nostalgia!! Very nice!!The links were
especially interesting and I'll return again . I've made a personal
page called Tales From The Scuttlebutt at www.angelfire.com/journal2/sr
-it contains nautical anecdotes, marine cartoons, and sea stories,
told a/ retold by fellow seafarers. Everyone is invited for a look,
and contributions of your tales are most welcome. Tales 40 onwards
are of the BI ship SS Rajula.
Mark Sanderson, Canada - Saturday, January 26, 2002 at 17:29:07
I am looking for info about my grandfather,
Thomas Sanderson, who was an engineering officer based in Madras from
the 1930's to the 1950's. would appreciate any help.
Jessica Winkelkotter, US - Friday, January 25, 2002 at 23:55:30
I'm looking for the passenger list of the Waipara
that sailed from England on 11/26/1910 to Brisbane QLD Aust 1/22/1911.
Any help would be appreciated. Great site :)
David Muir, UK - Friday, January 25, 2002 at 19:55:02
What an excellant site. I am currently researching
my father's background. He was a 2nd mate with BI from 1932 to 1936
Rex Croney, Canada - Thursday, January 24, 2002 at 18:17:04
I sailed on the Neuralia
as a young soldier in the Royal Tank Corps in early 1939,To Port Said
Frank Blewer, UK - Wednesday, January 23, 2002 at 21:43:29
Very interesting site which I monitor on behalf
of my father who says he is to long in the tooth to get involved in
new fangled technology. My father is Walter Blewer who returned to
home waters about 1948, I'm not sure when he joined up. I'm afraid
the only ship name I can give you at this time is the Daressa
as this is the name of his house. Should anybody remember him and
wish to make contact then please e mail me and I shall of course pass
any communications/signals to him.
Jonah Jarvis, UK - Monday, January 21, 2002 at 20:04:23
The Karanja was
just one of those wonderful old vessels that I did. Remember that
Purser Lucas. Wonderful times and what happened to Bob Dawson and
his young sister and Todd the 3rd Eng?
Veronica Delagard, Canada - Friday, January 18, 2002 at 03:26:58
[message deleted by sender's request]
Pilsbury, UK - Wednesday, 16 Jan 2002 at 23:05:18
I was hoping to get some information regarding
the Urlana which sank in 1943 off MacLeods
Maidens Skye in rough weather. The dive sites I have visited say that
the ship was carrying tinned beef and wool from South America. However
a contemporary account in the local Gaellic language by a then 14
year old speaks of tanks, vehicles and other goods being taken from
Glasgow to Murmansk. I was hoping that through the medium of your
site that I might be able to gain some insight into what the real
story was and also to vindicate or otherwise the Gaellic version of
events. I sincerely hope that you are able to help.
James Taylor, UK - Tuesday, January 15, 2002 at 20:49:46
For more than a decade I was Curator of Paintings
at the National Maritime Museum in Greenwich. I am especially interested
in acquiring good historic paintings of BI vessels in oils or watercolours.
I admire the paintings produced today but I am less interested in
aquiring them. Please pass this information on to who ever might be
interested. Thank you.

tip for recent browsers: double-click
anywhere on this page to return to the top)
Ainsley, UK - Tuesday, January 15, 2002 at 20:33:31
I want 2 find a picture of the Mashobra
(...found! - left)
Pat Pattenden, Vietnam - Tuesday, January 15, 2002 at 03:45:58
Keep up the good work John
Alisdair MacIntosh, UK - Sunday, January 13, 2002 at 18:24:15
I enjoy the site. Keep up the good work
Peter Mainprize, UK - Friday, January 11, 2002 at 00:00:34
Army pax to Suez 03/1953on Dunera
Livin Prabhu, US - Monday, January 7, 2002 at 21:38:28
Its a real nice experience to delve in the past
and renew one's memories of early career days.
Les Goodridge, UK - Thursday, January 3, 2002 at 21:49:00
My Gt Gt Grandfather, Frederick McKenzie, was
master of the Mahratta from 1866-7 on
voyages to the South Pacific. I would value any information on either
him or his ship.
John Robertson, Australia - Wednesday, January 2, 2002 at 01:01:02
With B I in the sixties in the engine room.
Would like to hear from any oldies from that time,Vince Hardy, Alistair
McEwan Davey McHugh to name a few. It is a really interesting site.
MacNeil, UK - Monday, December 31, 2001 at 21:52:09
Found the site sometime back, and checked up
on it every so often, sometimes seeing names that I recognised. I
was on the Sirdhana '72 as 2RO and took
her to scrap in Kaoshiung. Afterwards did 13 months on the Dwarka.
Recently I found some old negatives taken circa '73 and in my work
on computers, scanned them in. One guy appeared a few times, and I'm
bug---- if I could remember his name. Till I saw tonight a Dave MacVicker
who was appie on Dwarka. I am sure that
was him. If he can contact me via this site, I can arrange to email
him copies. Should anyone recognise my name, my best regards to them
all. I still think back of BI, after countless other companies, both
British and foriegn, with nostalgia.
Brad Chyebassa Schealler, Australia - Sunday, December 30, 2001 at
I am the greatgrandson of Ida Chyebassa Kleinhans.
She was born on Chyebassa on 20 July
1884. Legend has it that she was born in the Suez Canal. Is there
any way that I can get a record of the birth? I would also REALLY
like to get a large print of the ship. I don't know if there are many
people named after your ships, but the Chyebassa is very special to
me. Thanks and regards.
Dave McVicker, UK - Friday, December 28, 2001 at 20:29:48
Although not a BI man was a cadet on Dwarka,
Third Mate on Merkara and Second Mate
on Manora, Vendee and Vosges ( Zaida
and Zira). Great nostalgic site. Can
almost smell the chicken curry.
Arthur Brocklebank, UK - Thursday, December 27, 2001 at 13:54:16
Teacher from Hermitage Academy, Helensburgh
on first of the children's cruises at half price from Princes Pier,
Barrie Wilson, UK, - Monday, December 24, 2001 at 20:54:28
Sailing with BI was one of my best moves in
life & I still miss the life aboard a BI ship especially being on
the tramp ships MS Orna & SS Olinda
Zubair Meer, Bahrain - Monday, December 24, 2001 at 10:36:36
I was born in the Ship Sirdhana,
on the 26th of November in the year 1966. I would like to know more
about the ship itself and if there are others who share the same honours.
Further I would also like to know if there is a record of my birth
in the books and registar of the Ship Sirdhana.
Calhoun, US - Tuesday, December 11, 2001 at 19:21:05
I am interested in information regarding the
main propulsion system on the Parsons Beaver Boats. I have information
from an electrical engineer employed by Parsons that the electric
drive Beaver Boats designed after WWII were able to go astern almost
as fast, if not faster than in forward speed. This was an embarasement
to the designing engineers. Have any of you heard this story.
Kelso, UK - Tuesday, December 11, 2001 at 07:18:22
Another interesting visit. Keep up the excellent
Stanley Summerfield, Australia - Friday, December 7, 2001 at 10:07:13
To find old shipmates. enjoy the web site
Max Farrugia, Malta - Wednesday, December 5, 2001 at 12:52:00
A very good site with a lot of information which
can lead you to other ways of research
Hilary Ralph, South Africa - Tuesday, December 4, 2001 at 12:32:02
A superb Web site
Eric Irving, New Zealand - Tuesday, December 4, 2001 at 01:36:09
Pleasant memories of a young green second R/O
on the Modasa around 1951, on a steep
learning curve. Discovering gin slings and the appreciation of a good
Brian Warburton, UK - Tuesday, November 27, 2001 at 15:04:03
Nice to hear Chris Olford is still around, on
watch together together about 1959, Woodarra,
you 3rd.Had some good times in OZ.
Mario Sannino, Italy - Monday, November 26, 2001 at 17:29:13
I appreciate very much this site and the idea
of creating it. When a boy I always saw the BI ships (Dunera,
Nevasa, Devonia) in the harbour of Genoa and I was very interested
in them. By the way: I was always looking for a Deck Plan of the "D"
class Ships (Dara, Dwarka, Daressa, Dumra).
Can anybody help me in finding one. In the Naval Architecture Department
of our University I found one of Kenya
and one of Kampala but not one of Either
"D" or "S" (Santhia, Sirdhana, etc.)
class. Thanks to anybody who could help me in finding one. Best regards
Harry Broadfield, UK - Sunday, November 25, 2001 at 13:46:06
Happy days, 1964,1967, SS Waroonga
and Nevasa
Barrett, Australia - Sunday, November 25, 2001 at 02:43:21
Found this Website after reading an article
by Capt Herb Bolles in the Red Ensign Magazine. Wish I had known about
it sooner. Its great to read about the BI again. I still have the
BI Medallion issued on the BI Centenary, was on the Orna
here in Adelaide when the presentation was made, by Capt. Crozier
if I remember correctly.
James Pottinger, UK - Thursday, November 22, 2001 at 23:04:32
As an app. engineer on building of Nowshera
and Nyanza at Scotts' of Greenock looking
for any comments on sea staff.
Michael Brown, UK - Tuesday, November 13, 2001 at 20:57:59
I have fond memories of sailing with BI. Would
very much like to make contact with some old ship mates
Dick Cox, Australia - Tuesday, November 13, 2001 at 07:14:21
Brings back great memories
Peter Durham, UK - Sunday, November 11, 2001 at 22:54:57
Have only just found this site and am pleased
to see such interest. Is there anyone out there who sailed with me
on the Dara, Landaura, Olinda, Devonia
etc. I think Bill Davidson relieved me on the Devonia on a couple
of occasions and Dick Myeres also relieved there too. I joined BI
1960 and left around 1968 to sail Cheif with Reardon Smiths of Cardiff.
Tony Edwards, Australia - Tuesday, November 6, 2001 at 21:20:00
Father: Walter Launcelot Dare Edwards served
on Barjora as junior engineer in the
1920s. Any information on the ship other than the one line in the
index? I have a few photographs of the ship if any one is interested.
Peter Durham, UK - Tuesday, October 30, 2001 at 21:22:31
I have just been directed to this site by an
old friend, who sailed with Reardon Smith's. What a wonderful find
so many old names to conjure with. Chindwara
Waroonga Olinda Landaura Devonia Dara etc. Dick Myers I saw
you comment and wondered if we sailed together on the Chindwara
and later I believe you did a relieving trip on the Devonia?
Also Bill Davidson I think we sailed together a coupple of times and
you also relieved me on the Devonia, remember the rivets from No4
Port DB? I look forward to hearing from anyone who remembers me providing
it is polite that is! It is quite soemthing to think that this year
is the 40th anniversary of the Dara,
I was junior on watch that fateful morning and it is an event that
even all these years on brings back vivid memories. If there are any
other men from the Dara out there I would love to hear from you.
Brian Warburton, UK - Friday, October 26, 2001 at 16:16:07
Keep BI alive forever, Cheers
Andrew Hutton, Australia - Sunday, October 21, 2001 at 00:22:36
Read Sid Petty's notes can you cotact me? Was
in Dilwarra Capt Markus Williams, Chantala
Capt DW Spiers, Chupra Capt "Ned" Kelly
Kenneth Sheppard, UK - Sunday, October 14, 2001 at 00:48:09
Interested in troop ships my father travelled
on during his national service in 1956: The Empire
Fowey and Nevasa
Garry O'Malley, UK - Friday, October 12, 2001 at 17:20:53
A good site but more pictures please of the
later vessels
Goolam Hossen, Mauritius - Sunday, October 7, 2001 at 15:59:46
Bravo for this site. I would like to hear from
anyone who can help me find more info on the "Booldana"
which sailed to Mauritius from India around early 1900.
Helen Arthur, UK - Monday, October 1, 2001 at 12:45:56
I'm looking for any information on my grandfather,
Archibald Currie Stevenson, who died on board ship in the early 1920's.
I believe he was an engineer and was employed by BI. I don't know
the name of the ship. Thank you.
Latimer, UK - Sunday, September 30, 2001 at 15:06:12
I want to contact Jim Shaw, Master Mariner,
ex BI, who went to NZ in 1960 on board 70ft trawler Aberdeen Anzac
Laurent Gontier-Versailles, Belgium - Saturday, September 29, 2001
at 19:24:18
I'm looking for the plans of Canara
or Chyebassa (both 1942) to make a sailing
model.Why those two instead of the others "C's"? Because they have
double screws... James Pottinger produced a plan of the Chantala
, but waterline , not enough for me...
Peter Raynolds, UK - Thursday, September 27, 2001 at 21:41:45
Ross MacIver Smith: Sorry unable to help with
your search never served on the Chupra

tip for recent browsers: double-click
anywhere on this page to return to the top)
Peter Reynolds, UK - Thursday, September 27, 2001 at 21:33:55
Jannifer Bunn, USA. I was 2nd Mate on the
Chilka with you
father as Master in 1951. Still have reference signed by him.Tho a
long time ago have many happy memories and remember him well
Erwin Minjoot, Australia - Sunday, September 23, 2001 at 16:57:03
I was 3rd Officer on the MV Kim Hwa (Guan Guan
Shipping, Singapore). She was originally the Daressa
and what a beautiful ship she was. I was on board when she was grounded
in Swatow, PR China in 1969 as a result of typhoon Viola.
Hardy, UK - Friday, September 21, 2001 at 23:30:34
Served as a medical officer on the Dunera
1952/53 bringing P.O.W's back from Korea. Any contact ?
Richard Staniforth, UK - Wednesday, September 19, 2001 at 20:38:12
Great, brought a lump to my throat
Tony Cunningham, UK - Wednesday, September 19, 2001 at 11:27:15
Great site to find. Was cadet on Chantala
1960 to 1963 John Young and Brian Biddick taught me alot. The Bosuns
Alec and Angus knew more about the sea than I drink Pints. Desperate
for a picture of Chantala if John Cooper or anyone has one to copy.
Have good BW pix of Uganda if anyone needs a copy. Will join Assoc.
in next few days, very pleased i found you all, sill go sailing across
the Channel, still wet and grey. Thanks again.
John Gough, UK - Sunday, September 16, 2001 at 18:17:52
great idea
John van Horn, UK - Friday, September 14, 2001 at 19:51:44
fond memories
Shamus Bampton, Australia - Friday, September 14, 2001 at 16:16:21
This is the first time I have visited your site.
Altho' coming from an NZS background, the "revolution" occured just
a few months after I started as a "gadget". So consequently I sailed
on several BI ships and with many BI Sea Staff. I recognised only
two names however. Hi,Mitch how are you? I last saw you as I left
the Teesta (never known as the 'Loyal!) in Dubai in '75! Also Mike
Donnellan from the Hertford-Hi I don't have to call you Mr Donnellan,or
second anymore!!! A good experience and I'd do it again-albeit a little
Steve Harman, Australia - Sunday, September 9, 2001 at 06:40:40
I am interested in the Rohilla,
Manora, Ormiston as well as any other BI
ships my relatives sailed in. My great-grandfather, Thomas Pattison
Braidwood was a marine engineer with BI and was a survivor
the Rohilla, and my grandfather, Thomas Braidwood was a cadet with BI
in abt 1930 and left BI in 1938 after serving
on BI's cadet ships. I am after any further information as I am currently
researching the family history.
Forde, Australia - Thursday, September 6, 2001 at 03:02:21
Great site. Brought back many great memories of
the Woodarra (pictured
left) 1965-66.
Sandra Todd, Hawaii - Monday, September 3, 2001 at 21:05:47
I've found a copy of a ship's log indicating that
my great-grandfather came to Hawaii from the Madeira Islands in 1885
aboard the SS Dacca. Your list of ships
indicates Dacca was wrecked in 1876. Was there another Dacca in your
fleet? Thanks for any help you can give me. Sandra Todd e-mail: pakalana01
@ Juno.com
Mike Piercy, Australia - Sunday, September 2, 2001 at 07:44:42
Greetings to all ex BI friends.. Long time no
contact. Yes, I enjoyed your company from 1967 to 1970 as a Deck Cadet.
From the days on the Chindwara to being the last Cadet on the Dunera
then on to the Easteren service on such fine ships as : Dwarka,
Chandpara, Bulimba, Kampala, Karanja, Dumra, Nyanza and final
I brought the Chandpara back to the UK
in Jul/Aug 70 for the first time since she was built. I left the BI
and worked for WA Souter (Newcastle) as 3rd Officer and then went
on to Manchester Liners in 1974 to 1976. I must be a "jona" - it seems
each company I worked for was taken over or somesuch thing with in
two years of me leaving.. But horray for the comradeship and loyalty
of the BI. It sure was a great Company to work for. I have lived in
Australia since 1976. I have been in the Australian Customs Service
since 1978.
Jeffrey Snelleksz, Australia - Wednesday, August 29, 2001 at 04:36:01
Grandson of Peter Arnold Snelleksz - a passenger
aboard one of the ships that arrived in Australia in the mid 1950's.
Doug Smith, UK - Saturday, August 25, 2001 at 21:59:17
How nice to find a website that makes one feel
nostalgic and almost on board. I am not ex BI but I can see that you
are one big family I was Shaw Savill & P&O and sailed with a great
deal of ex BI's. I came across this page really by coincidence as
whilst on holiday in Cornwall I came across 3 Merchant Navy graves
in Church Cove, one being R.F. Hampshire radio operator s.s.Gairsoppa
I felt that I needed to find out more so I searched the web and found
you congratulations on your website and good luck to you all.
Donnellan, NZ - Friday, August 24, 2001 at 08:49:16
What a wonderful site. At last the internet
is able to do something worthwhile for me rather than just supply
"throw away" information!
Scarr, UK - Thursday, August 23, 2001 at 21:46:09
Was on Dilwara,
Devonshire.55. great site
Imran Ayob, South Africa - Wednesday, August 22, 2001 at 18:02:29
ss Tilawa interest
Marcus Bochenski, Australia - Wednesday, August 22, 2001 at 11:41:53
Excellent web site...Hope you get the numbers...then
again you could invite the E.& A. crowd whose numbers are dwindling...Cheers
Peter Dsouza, US - Monday, August 20, 2001 at 15:19:16
Sweet are the sounds of the good old BI
Alan Barker, Australia - Monday, August 20, 2001 at 13:40:03
Great to find a site with so much info on our
great company
Alan Collier, UK - Saturday, August 18, 2001 at 13:56:19
A useful site that has possibly located a ship
that a genealogist friend of mine has been looking for - the Cape
of Good Hope. Hopefully it is right one. Links to history pages
etc are also very useful and easy to use. Thank you
James Slater, UK - Friday, August 10, 2001 at 17:19:40
The next BI Retired Engineer Officers Association
reunion has been penciled in for Thursday 25th October 2001. Contact
me for details.
Dennis Clarke, UK - Friday, August 10, 2001 at 12:47:25
A very good site, It would have been helpful
to have had access to digital copies of ships log books. In my case,
that of Dilwara from 1st July to 31st
July 1939. My father was on board at that time on his way to Singapore.
Derek Barks, UK - Thursday, August 9, 2001 at 22:02:08
It is very interesting to see a web site about
the good old B.I. I sailed on the Chakdara
and the Kampala in the late sixties,
under "M Mac." played football with Chris Willis and Keith Marks in
Bombay and generally disgraced myself and others in the Seychelles
and other places , anyway best regards to everyone and apologies to
many, but congratulations on such an extensive assortment of memories
Bill Saarsteiner, Ireland - Sunday, August 5, 2001 at 23:29:03
What a wonderfull site - Well done. I joined
the Carpentaria in 1974 as a Junior Uncertificated
4th. Officer!! shortly after the amalgamation with P&O. and left a
year later when we took her to scrap in Karachi. I would love to hear
from any old shipmates
Derek Barks, UK - Saturday, August 4, 2001 at 22:16:30
I served on the Chakdara
for a short time and then on the Kampala
- Bombay or should that be Mum......bai to Mombasa / Dar es Salaam
late 60's. Apologies to anyone I offended by my irresponsible behaviour.
It was like being in a candy store, anyway all the best to the ex
B.I. Wallahs and hope that Jack and Big Paddy recovered from their
illnesses. I can just hear the sound of the chief engineer "M"
Mac. calling . Kwa herini.
Brian 'Sid' Pette, UK - Thursday, August 2, 2001 at 21:59:34
Just returned to the updated site and noticed
that Graham Pettinger, Chris Blane have added comments. They were
cadets on Chindwara when I was CIO in
1967/8. Would like to hear what life has been like after a BI cadetship.
Also my old partner in crime on Chantala,
'Haggis' Leighton. Have incriminating photos of you but so do people
hold ones of me!
Austin Myall, UK - Thursday, August 2, 2001 at 20:13:33
Excellent Site
Bernard Nicholson, Australia - Wednesday, August 1, 2001 at 08:05:19
I served as electrical officer on Juwara
Jelunga Barpeta Teesta Chakla etc. If anyone would like to contact
me my email is vk2abn@batemansbay.com Salamms to everyone