
BI events
date for Engineers' reunion in
Glasgow, September 2014
of the October 2014 reunion in Liverpool,
UK are are now available.
reviews and pictures of recent reunions:
October 2012
London (Runnymede)
UK, October 2008
Australia, October 2008
Scotland, September 2006, BI 150th anniversary
Sri Lanka, May 2006, BI
150th anniversary
UK, October 2004
Bristol, UK, October
York, UK, October
Regular reunions
of former BI staff are held in the UK and, most recently,
the first of what could be a series of international events
has been held in Penang. The Australasia region
had its first event in October 2001, in Brisbane. BI
engineers hold annual events in the UK, at which all engineers
and electrical enguineers are welcome.
A reunion with an
international flavour was organised for the first time in 2000 and
held in Penang,
Malaysia. Attended by more than 300 people from Australia, New Zealand,
various parts of Asia, Africa and North America, as well as a large
contingent from Europe, the so-called Spellard
2000 reunion lasted five days, during which there were three formal
and many informal groups and gatherings. These included Aussie Cs & Bs,
Gulf Ds, east Africans, cruiseships and cadetships Chindwara and Chantala. The
event was a ringing success which has led directly to the idea of an
international BI 150th Anniversary
Reunion. This was held in May 2006 in Colombo, Sri Lanka
and turned out to be another great success. In this area of the site,
you can see the reunion schedule,
a review by
the organisers and pictures taken
during the five-day event. A huge amount of work went into organising
the reunion and despite a recent increase in Tamil Tiger activity,
the event went ahead in style at the newly refurbished Mount Lavinia
first of what has turned out to be a whole series of big reunions was
held in
Brisbane in October 2001. With Brisbane the reunion centre, three 'official'
events took place during the weekend as well as many other informal
gatherings. The programme included a Welcome
barbecue, river cruise with lunch and a Sunday BI curry lunch. The second
BI Australasia reunion was in April 2003. The third
Australasia reunion in October 2008 in Fremantle,
Western Australia attracted more than 160 guests for five days
of formal and informal events.
Some photos of the reunion can be viewed here.
Reunions in the UK started in 1990 with a party at a hotel
in the New Forest, near Southampton. It was an immediate success. The
idea was that of Tony Kerins, John and Linda Simkins and Sue Spence.
Since the first event, there have been reunions every two years in various
places in the UK - Southampton, Stratford, Bristol, Glasgow and London
among others. The
format was originally confined to an evening dinner but at the millennium
reunion in October 2000 in the ancient city of York, there was an
afternoon boat trip, dinner in the evening and a curry lunch the following
day, a pattern which has been followed ever since.
all others before it, the most recent UK
reunion in Newcastle in October 2010 was a resounding success,
thanks very largely to the amazing efforts of Sue and John Spence.
Newcastle and the River Tyne gave birth to a large number of BI's
and for this and other reasons it proved to be an excellent choice
for a reunion in the northeast of England. In recent years we have
been in York, Bristol, Portsmouth, Glasgow and
Runnymede (London).The
most recent and 12th UK reunion was held
on the weekend of Oct 12-14, 2012. It was in Southampton, a
port well known to BI, especially those in the company who sailed
in the troopships, passengerships and educational cruise ships.
was sadly the last reunion Sue and John Spence will organise.
They have worked tirelessly over more than 20 years to bring
us a series of terrific events enjoyed by thousands of guests,
and they now feel it is time to hang up their hats. [See
a note from Sue and John].
taking up where Sue and John left off, Mike Feltham is arranging
a northern BI Reunion on the weekend of Oct 10 -
12, 2014, in Liverpool. The hotel chosen by Mike
and co-organisers James Slater and David Mitchell, is the famous
Britannia Adelphi just a few minutes' walk from Lime Street Station.
The hotel can accommodate
the Friday evening buffet supper, also dinner
on the Saturday evening, and curry lunch on the Sunday. Mike is
asking those interested in attending to register with him at ismay@mjfeltham.plus.com
Every autumn the
BI Retired Engineer Officers Association holds an annual luncheon
and reunion in Glasgow. All engineers, including electrical engineers
are welcome at association events. This year's event will be held
at the usual place, Mercure Glasgow City Hotel, Ingram Street, Glasgow
on Thursday, September 11. Any former BI engineer or electrical officer
who is not a member of the association can contact the association's
secretary James Slater email: james.slater@zen.co.uk or
phone 01706 351190 or 07702 124840 for information.