Rob Kempton-Campbell,
UK - Monday, December 26, 2005 at 10:42:57
Seasons Greetings ! Met Tom Barnett in
Monmouth. Ref the "Cat
and canary insident ( Uganda ). Wonders will never cease !
Kerry Fraser,
New Zealand - Sunday, December 25, 2005 at 10:58:37
I have five B.I.S.N.Co uniform buttons
made by Firmin in London. The Britania(?) depicts A Queen (not
sure which one) in front of a Lion.Any ideas on their history?
[You are on the right site here Kerry - Editor]
Neil McLeod,
US - Friday, December 23, 2005 at 21:20:07
(my mother Frances, and my brother Alan and my sister Floramay)
sailed on the SS kenya in
1951, I would be interested in the ships log for the dates of
departure from England to Kenya (Mombassa) and ports on the way.
Peter Morris,
UK - Thursday, December 22, 2005 at 15:15:49
Would like to hear from old shipmates
Brian Parke,
UK - Saturday, December 17, 2005 at 19:26:02
Great site which brings back many fond
memorys. Joined B.I. in 1962 as Junior Engineer and Sailed on
love to hear from any old shipmates. including Ken Paul, Dave
Fox, Nick Jory, Dougy Clark, Jim Meldrum etc. Looking forward
to Glasgow Sept.2006
Derek Hargreaves,
UK - Thursday, December 15, 2005 at 20:22:21
the query on 2 December by Roger Elliot researching WW2 activities
of Dunera. There are about
a dozen references to this ship in the BI book of its fleet activities
during this period. Extracts are too big to transmit through
this channel. If you can locate it the book is called 'Valiant
Voyaging' published in 1948 by Faber & Faber. It would be
possible to scan the material. You should be warned that early
in WW2, Dunera was involved in the allegedly unsavoury transport
of European internees from the UK to Australia and official information
on this event may be difficult to acquire. However, research
at Kew may be rewarding and I for one would be interested if
you manage to clarify the wartime life of this fine ship. I
spent a fair proportion of my apprenticeship in the Dunera including
the invasion of Sicily.
Tony Westbrook,
Canada - Wednesday, December 14, 2005 at 23:37:31
There, is always the chance that someone may remember me from the
'Quebec' last sail around Africa through the Suez to Alexandria
about 53 or 54
Gordon Hill,
UK - Tuesday, December 13, 2005 at 12:19:40
A fascinating site. I was on BI ships from the maiden voyage of
Chanda in 1944, until 1946, sailing on Sirsa,
Masula and Pemba.
Great times ,Great people!
Jon Shaw, UK
- Monday, December 12, 2005 at 17:18:07
years ago I Dived on a shipwreck some 14 miles north north east
of lynas Point, Anglesey , after several dives we recovered several
artifacts including a bell, which unfortunately had no name on
it. One artifact was dated pre 1942 and the shape and size match
that of the Miriam Thomos which sank as a result of a collision
with the Vasna
Ali Nasser,
Kuwait - Saturday, December 10, 2005 at 15:28:08
am gald to see your web site and wish you more prograsse.
I was try to find a full info about "PENANG" steameship
build in 1862, and came to Kuwait in 1868 and it was the first
time. I need to know the the passenger's and the Capitan names.
Newbould, UK - Friday, December 9, 2005 at 21:15:05
and if possible picture of the Sir Harvey Adamson lost off the
tenasserim coast 1946?? all hands. This ship helped us to ecape
the invading Japanese army Jan 1942
Andy Towers,
UK - Friday, December 9, 2005 at 11:09:59
Just found this site recently.I worked
for B.I./P&O GCD fom
August 1969 until made redundant by P&O in September 1983.Ships
included Ozarda, Chinkoa, Sirdharna, Juwara,
Tanda. Salaams to any
old shipmates
Prabhu, India
- Monday, December 5, 2005 at 15:36:16
I am doing research migration of labour
from India (Coconada, Vizagpatnam, Gopalpure) to Burma (Rangoon)
between AD 1850 - 1950. In this BI did a remarkable service for
paasengers between these two countries. Kindly provide all information
regarding these events.
Bill Hall,
UK - Sunday, December 4, 2005 at 12:48:15
Not strictly B.I. shore staff but was in
Smith Mackenzies agency in East Africa from 1951 to 1973 and
would like to send my best wishes to my many old B.I. friends
whom I met during those 22 years.
Elliott, UK - Friday, December 2, 2005 at 14:01:57
Doing research on the Dunera and her world
war 2 activities. Also interested in school cruises and the ship
which I travelled on.
Benjamin Isitt,
Canada - Thursday, December 1, 2005 at 18:57:27
am a Canadian historian researching troop movements during the
First World War. I would appreciate any information on the original
TEESTA (built 1903), and specifically
any photographs of this vessel. A photo of the TEESTA appeared
in BI News, and I would be most grateful to learn of the date and
issue in which this photograph appeared. Thanks for your assistance.
Cornelius (Neil)
McGuire, UK - Wednesday, November 30, 2005 at 20:20:13
Engineering Officer From 1960 until 1963
I sailed on the ss Nevasa,
SS Ellenga, Devonia, MS Sirdhana.
I loved my time at sea and still have fond memories. Since then
I have been a teacher and worked for Rolls Royce until I retired
John Willox,
UK Wednesday, November 30, 2005 at 16:03:23
Brings back so many great memories when I see the famous funnel.
Major regret leaving the sea.
David Kyle,
UK - Saturday, November 26, 2005 at 16:50:31
Sailed on Chyebassa as
Radio Officer March 67 to April 68 joined Karachi. Trading between
Persian Gulf and Japan. Names can remember, Capts Wrightson and
Cunningham. C/O Ted Treacher, 2/O Chris Willis, 2/O Ian Foster,3/O
Pete Toft, 3/E/O Brian Ditchburn. Also
on Chandpara from April 68 to March 69 on Gulf/Australia Capt Frank
Larbey, 2/O Pete Toft
Toni LeGrand,
US - Thursday, November 24, 2005 at 16:18:39
am looking for Bob May - my first love - an engineer on the Kampala 1960
- 1966
Alan Hughes,
UK - Tuesday, November 22, 2005 at 23:14:09
Sailed the MS DEVONIA in
1965 from Swansea-Vigo-Malaga-Lisbon-Gibraltar-Swansea. The Bay
of Biscay was realy rough,I think I was the only kid that didn't
throw up! We got friendly with two sailors Gomez and Charlie...who
one day thought it a buzz to pull my sandle off and throw it to flew over the side!
I was upset as the only other pair of shoes I had were little black
pumps.Gomez got in serious trouble and offered a pair of his winkle thanks! Hell..I was only 11 . Where is the
Devonia now....scrapped? [Yes scrapped, in
Genoa, 1968 - Editor]
Udit Singh,
New Zealand - Monday, November 21, 2005 at 09:33:24
My grandfather travelled from Calcutta
to Fiji in 1915 on the Mutlah - any information or photo's appreciated.
I would like to recreate all passenger lists of the 60,000 indentured
labourers who travelled to Fiji between 1879 and 1916 and am
looking for assistance and sponsors. All this information is
available in the fiji archives.
Crane, UK - Wednesday, November 16, 2005 at 07:18:17
Does anyone remember my mother, Angela
Prebble, a nurse on the hospital ship Tairea,
repatriating troops on the Bombay, Singapore route. She was there
over the Christmas 1945 period, and her friend was Beryl Reid.
Would love to hear from you as she died in January and I am doing
some research from her diaries and photos.
the logbook 
Willox, UK - Tuesday, November 15, 2005 at 20:45:57
My father John Willox served all his life with B.I. He was Chief
I joined B.I. as a deck cadet in 1967 on the Chakdara. I also served
on the Bulimba, initially on eastern service and laterly on her
voyage back to the U.K. Other ships include the Amra [ maiden voyage
Tasneem Muhammad,
UK - Tuesday, November 15, 2005 at 10:49:43
looking for any info on my great-grandfather, Alibhai Manji...
Recent research revealed that two young brothers, Tayabali and
Alibhoy JEEVANJEE boarded a steamer from Jamnagar, Gujarat, India,
to Uganda. My great-grandfather was just 12 when he boarded a
ship to Uganda from Jamnagar... Any bells ringing??
Alan Hough,
UK - Monday, November 14, 2005 at 12:53:25
Nice to see Collin Fletcher, Norman Amos names. Hope your in good
health, I hope to get in touch in the future.I last saw Chis Lacey
in a night club in Stoke in the late seventies, he was working
for BP on a tanker.
William Shields,
Australia - Monday, November 14, 2005 at 05:22:25
Joined the BI 1960 First ship was the MS
Garbeta other ships include Nuddea,
Queda,Chakdara, Carpentaria, Barpeta. Left the BI 1966
coming ashore in Australia.
Vincent Soomessur,
UK - Sunday, November 13, 2005 at 23:26:46
travelled as a ten year old on the ss Kenya to
Mombasa and a month or so later on the ss Kampala to
the Seychelles in1966. A time in my life which left a lasting
Peter Shillito,
UK - Sunday, November 13, 2005 at 12:26:57
I sailed in Dunera and Chantala in the early 60s. Having a drink
in the Pymont Bridge Hotel I met an ex BI enginer who told me about
this web site
Paola St George,
UK - Thursday, November 10, 2005 at 16:15:42
originally posted the information below about my father in September
2003 - some time later a gentleman called ASHRAF contacted me via
this site - but his E-mail was not recognised and I could not contact
him. If you are Ashraf please contact me again perhaps with an address
and I will write. My
Father Joseph George Essaye joined BI in 1942 as a Purser on SS. Tilawa.
I am trying to find anyone who remembers him or may have any information
about him. Dad survived the attack in November 1942 and continued
to work on BI ships until 1944. He sailed on the SS.Bandra from
Bombay to Calcutta from May to July 1943,SS.Ikauna
Bombay to Calcutta August to December 1943 and the SS.Howra from
December 1943 until June 1944. My father's name was Joseph George
Essaye, but he might have been known as George. Does anyone remember
him, or anything about him?
Mike Smith,
Canada - Thursday, November 10, 2005 at 16:00:04
Replying to request to make contact.
Claudia Condry,
UK - Thursday, November 10, 2005 at 15:51:21
work as a researcher in the Photograph Archive of the Imperial
War Museum London. Last week I had an enquiry from a Mr. W.E.
Matthews who sailed on HMS KAROA in
July/August 1945 and helped rescue prisoners of war from Changi
prison in Singapore (Hospital Ship no.40). Do you have any information
on individuals involved in these operations? Is there any literature
or are there photographs? [Refers to logbook entry of June 7,
Allen Yates,
UK - Tuesday, November 8, 2005 at 23:25:59
HMS Rajputana
lots of pictures of the sinking in the Toronto week end paper in
1941. I am still trying to locate this paper [This
information refers to the P&O 16,644 gt passengership of similar
name to BI's earlier Rajpootana.
See logbook entry of April 13, 2005 - Editor]
Richard Syvret,
Jersey - Tuesday, November 8, 2005 at 17:42:21
Served with BI from 1963 to 1974 as cadet
to 2nd Officer. Served on Chantala, Kenya,
Woodarra, Bankura, Purnea as Cadet and 3rd &2nd
Mate on Nevasa, Woodarra, Chakrata. Chakdina and
Wild Comorant. Have recently retired
as a pilot here in Jersey.
Claudia Condry,
UK - Monday, November 7, 2005 at 16:59:50
How do I get in touch with the person researching
HMS KAROA's journey from Singapore
in July 1945? [If
possible, please post any information you have about the Karoa
voyage here, so all might see see it - Editor]
Anthony Felice,
UK - Sunday, November 6, 2005 at 12:40:40
I travelled on the Dunera in
1940/ariving Liverpool begining of july (about 2nd or 4th). Can
any one help in confirming date? We left Gibraltar some days
earlier;it had a fair number of soldiers and a large number of
civilians on board.
thank you all for your kindness.
Shabia Alimohamed,
US - Saturday, November 5, 2005 at 23:50:25
My mother tells me she and her grandparents
sailed from Karachi to Bombay to Mombasa probably in 1951 or
early 1952. I would very much like to know if during this time
BI ships sailed directly from Bombay to Mombasa with "native
passengers." If
so, or even if the route to and from E. Africa was not direct,
was the Santhia one of these ships?
Malcolm MacDougall,
Canada - Saturday, November 5, 2005 at 04:13:59
to conntact my late father's friend Mr Allan Divine who served
on the S.S. Umaria 1953, as per
the only picture that I have of Mr. Divine on the deck with a
shipmate, my father Ian Macdougall, also served on HMCS Skeena
Bill Davidson,
UK - Friday, November 4, 2005 at 16:20:36
Have been offline for a while so glad to
be back again. Served with BI/P&O 1956 to 1983 so recognise
many former shipmates.Long may site continue.
Ian Davies,
UK - Friday, November 4, 2005 at 14:07:00
Great to see John Murray's entry re his
time as projectionist on Nevasa. As I left Nevasa for the last
time from Venice in October 67 it's unlikely our paths crossed,
John - unless you were on board Nevasa in the Summer of 1974
when I took part on a cruise to Leningrad with Carmarthenshire
LEA, from the customer side, as it were. Paul Duncan was the
Director of Education then(when on earth did the term "Ship's Headmaster" come in, as opposed to "Director
of Education" - which term came first and why was it changed?).
I mentioned Jim Eades and Tony Case but there was another Assistant
D of E I sailed with earlier - Barbara Wadie - remember her? Captain
Downer had a kindly, paternalistic approach to us young SOA's and
my only summons to his day-room for a minor misdemeanour ended
up with firm but friendly warning and a glass of sherry. The only
ship's projectionist I remember also worked in the ship's shop
aft and sold me a Canon camera (July 1967) for which I paid what
seemed a bargain price at the time - but hefty duty on return to
Tilbury made it less of a good deal than I'd thought! I think he
also worked part-time in the ship's hairdresser's next door to
the shop.
Glenys Hardy,
Australia - Thursday, November 3, 2005 at 04:58:37
Trying to find Passengers on SS Torilla arrived at Brisbane QLD October 11th 1911. HARDY Family. My Husband
is searching for his Fathers Birth Certificate. Also searching
for Marriage of his Grandfather Christopher Alfred Hardy.
the logbook 
Dick Martin,
UK - Wednesday, November 2, 2005 at 19:36:31
I have just discovered the site. I served
on the Chakrata and Barpeta as Radio Officer 1962/3/4. I would
be pleased to contact some old shipmates names I can remember
Roger McDonald, Peter Jordan, Peter Goodwin, Mike Ruddlesden,
Buzz Bee, John Thomas, Mike Leatheringham and many others. My
long lasting memory was when I had to go ashore in Bombay for
something I cannot remember what for but was asked to pick up
the mail on my way back when we were at anchor off Bombay, it
was monsoon time and the weather not comfortable. On re emabarking
the small boat sank away as I was supposed to transfer to the
gangway - it was either me or the mail - watching all the shifting
chitties blowing away in the wind I had to go and convey this
to the Old Man (Willy Howcroft) he took it amazingly calmly anyhow
we sailed without anyone being shifted. Most of the guys were
heartily pleased they had not been transferred to a Gulf "D".
Those were the days. I am retired now after finishing my career
with P&O.
Amy Campbell,
UAE - Wednesday, November 2, 2005 at 12:31:19
I'm shocked at the Dara, i dove on her
this morning and it was amazing.
Carolyn Eaton,
UK - Tuesday, November 1, 2005 at 10:13:52
Father Thomas Woodward served all his working life in the BI
from 1929 to 1967. Anyone have any memoies of him for his great-grandson?
Also any photos of the Daressa, my father's first command, as
Tom has called his new 'Opie' dinghy the Daressa.
Clive Stubbs,
UAE - Friday, October 28, 2005 at 16:05:28
Is that Ken Whitehead from Warrnambool??
Andrew Sim,
UK - Thursday, October 27, 2005 at 15:45:56
anyone remember my father (or grandfather) both named George
Sim, or my other grandfather Ted Chambers. All sailed in the
40's and 50's before working ashore in Bombay. I also have BISN
company secretary's letters from Bombay from the late 1800's
until around 1909
Rajesh Sewak,
US - Wednesday, October 26, 2005 at 18:21:34
Can anyone
direct me to geting the passanger list on Virawa,
that left Calcutta 1902-1906
Ben Gardner,
UK - Sunday, October 23, 2005 at 20:51:45
Looking for info on SS Modasa definately in BI fleet in 1925
Gardner, UK - Sunday, October 23, 2005 at 11:14:25
Idle curiosity. Sailed on [HMS] Devonia in
1966. Went to Bergen, Copenhagen and Amsterdam. I always wondered
what became of the ship.
Errol Bowers,
New Zealand - Friday, October 21, 2005 at 20:12:47
[This entry which refers to the ship Kilwa
has been removed at the correspondent's own request]
Manjit Shahi,
US - Thursday, October 20, 2005 at 19:05:45
I find this site facinating. I travelled in Amra in 1961. I was
nine years old that time but I still remember that trip from Dar-e-Salaam
to Bombay (now Mumbai)
David Harold,
Austrealia - Wednesday, October 19, 2005 at 13:29:54
Many Happy memories as ELO from those BI
Years 70-73. After spells on the Nevasa,
Uganda, I sailed on the Maiden
Voyage & Eastern
Service on Merkara. Sahibs of the
East, - Great Days!
Paul Carter,
UK - Monday, October 17, 2005 at 18:59:35
Reply to John Murray Nevasa..I
was a 12yrs lad on NEVASA in Easter 1969..Remember a MAA I
think he was, Aussy called SNOWY MIDDLETON, do you remember him..I
have some cine film of him and bits of NEVASA inluding It's
bell, in colour (No sound) Happy Days.
Robin Cornish,
UK - Thursday, October 13, 2005 at 21:18:53
Cadet in BI then on to Trident ending as
2nd Officer ( Followed my father who was a Master Mariner in
BI). BSc Nautical studies, with commendation, Plymouth. Then
Operations in Lykes lines (US flag) becoming Managing Director
- Europe for Lykes Lines. Company bought by CP Ships in which
I was Vice President until retirement in 04.2005. My wife & I
now have an old renovated farm & barns property in the Correze,France
and offer self catering holiday accommodation
Petrina Anderton,
UK - Tuesday, October 11, 2005 at 23:12:36
My grandfather worked for the company
as a boy.Have found letter dated 16th.May 1912 how can i find
out which ship he was on. I beleive there was an explosion
on board & the
ship caught fire but didn't sink. Does the name howrah printed
on the company letter head mean anything. [BI
owned a Howra between
1922 and 1948. There is no record of an explosion in this ship
- Editor]
Harris, UK - Tuesday, October 11, 2005 at 19:42:28
Thrilled to see the information about SS Nevasa. I was lucky enough
to sail on her in 1956 when our family went out to Hong Kong to
be with my father who was in the Army. I was only 7 but remember
quite a lot about the journey. It was a wonderful part of my childhood.
Sharpe, UK - Tuesday, October 11, 2005 at 08:46:14
Searching for information about ss canton
a hospital ship that came form India to Southampton in 1946 [Canton
was not a BI ship - Editor]
Natalie Atkins,
UK - Saturday, October 8, 2005 at 13:23:37
I have been directed to your site as I
am researching my grandfathers time at sea during WW2. He served
on the SS Bandra, able seaman gunner, with the Royal Navy. I
have in my possesion a gents wallet with the name of the ship
inscribed and also the words 'christmas 1942' and was hoping
there may have been a story behind that. I have discovered that
the ships crew list at this time has been lost/destroyed, but
was also hoping to discover any convoys that she took part in
and also a picture of her and maybe even what was fitted onto
her ie: lewis/machine guns?
Any help would be very much appreciated.
Sue Given,
Australia - Saturday, October 8, 2005 at 07:39:08
David J. Mitchell please contact me. Lawrie Butler of FIBIS said
David may be able to help me, but I cannot find an email address
for him. Thanks. Sue in Australia
Brian Maskell,
UK - Thursday, October 6, 2005 at 01:08:04
Was on Dwarka 1971 ish for 1 month, paid off with sunburn, but
the Grand Hotel proved to be a fine place, then onto Barpeta, and
no-one told me that we were going to the Seychelles, still we got
the message in the end, then on to Carpentaria and Chakrata. I
remember Martyn and the horse saga, blame it on the dice I say.
Too many memories to write here , salaams to all my ex friends,
and the country worzel accent still remains.
Heather Johnston,
UK - Saturday, October 1, 2005 at 17:03:39
I was fortunate to sail on Dunera in 1964
on an educational cruise to casablanca lisbon gibraltar vigo
and cherbourg. what a memorable time for me. does this cruise
ring a bell with anyone? we were all well looked after by the
teachers and crew.
Ron Macdonald,
Australia - Friday, September 30, 2005 at 10:51:55
Great Grandfather, Captain Colin McDonald was aquired by BI with
the Australian Currie line in 1913 and Commanded ss Janus (120765),
ss Sangola (113974), ss Nardana (141920),
ss Gracchus (101745),
ss Ormara (136305),
ss Gharinda (141926), ss Gamaria (141943) and ss Chinkoa (128943)
just to mention a few. My Grandfather Captain Hector Macdonald
Joined BI as a cadet/4th Officer in 1913 in ss Janus. His first
command was ss Homefield followed
by, ss Gurna, ss Ellenga, ss
Arankola, ss Egra,
ss Nirvana, ss Khandalla,
ss Talamba, ss Talma,
ss Warialda and ss Tairea.
This is not a definitive list however. My Grandfather retired
from BI in 1954 at the rank of Commodore.
the logbook
Alan Kendall,
UK - Wednesday, September 28, 2005 at 16:36:09
My father John "Albert" Kendall served on the Ekma and
Nowshera both pre-WW2 and during the war. He was I believe the
2nd Engineering Officer when the Nowshera was sunk by the German
raider "Pinguin" in the S.Indian Ocean in November 1940.
He was eventually trasferred on board the prison ship Altmark to
Marlag and Milag Nord and spent the rest of the war as a POW there. A long time ago I know but would be grateful to hear from anyone
that knew him either on board or in the POW camp
Nicolas Kennedy,
UK - Monday, September 26, 2005 at 12:31:03
Passenger on both Mantola and Mulbera - 1950 and 1953, first Mombasa-London,
second London Mombasa. Happy childhood memories - Heatwave in Port
Sudan - big storm round Cape Gardafui both 1953 I think
Thomas Gray,
US - Monday, September 26, 2005 at 04:10:10
I recieved my first experience at sea as
a passenger in SS Kampala from Bombay to Mombasa in August of
1968, following a government service term in India. I believe
the Master's name was Hamilton. He appeared to command a tight
ship, with daily inspections and drills.Shortly after returning
home with the memory of that brief transit still afresh, I enlisted
in the Navy where I remained for 30 years, most of that time
in the Western Pacific where I frequently saw or passed other
BI ships in Singapore, Hong Kong and Australia. Good to see someone
is keeping the old name alive. It's great history.
Timothy Zub
- Monday, September 19, 2005 at 18:43:59
I have a post card of a ship the Gamaria. My
mom came to Canada on it she says
I would like some more history of this
Peter Glass,
France - Saturday, September 17, 2005 at 20:55:34
Cadet and Deck Officer with B.I. from 1951 - 1963 thence Cargo
Dept in London until 1966. Left for pastures newer and greener
before the sad decline of B.I.
Ronald Thomas,
France - Friday, September 16, 2005 at 18:47:18
any one help with any information on Dunera convoy
voyage Gibraltar/Liverpool July/Aug 1940 please. I was a passenger
and subsequently sailed as a Deck Officer with BI.
John Campbell,
UK - Thursday, September 15, 2005 at 21:09:40
Joined S.S. ITRIA 8th February
1949 as Cadet
Kirti Patel,
UK - Monday, September 12, 2005 at 12:17:34
Would like to get in touch with Shamb Purchit of the US - I was
also born on SS Amra. My email address is
Slater, UK - Sunday, September 11, 2005 at 20:43:38
Any former BI Engineer or Electrical Officers out there who are
NOT members of the B.I. Engineer Officers Association can contact
me. Details on the site. We have been in existance since 1923.
At this moment there are 249 members world wide.
Eric Moar,
Australia - Sunday, September 11, 2005 at 05:28:23
Reply to Steve Moss :- Yes I sailed with you on the Chakdina during
that time.(good to hear of you after all this time) I joined her
in Liverpool for a period of 18 months when she was back in UK
1971. I still have the crew listing / BI Magazine from that time.
My email address is I have been in Western
Australia since 1974.
Ken Whitehead,
Australia - Sunday, September 11, 2005 at 04:36:22
My wife found the BI site searching for other things. Great to see
the old BI has not completely disappeared. I was deck cadet and
3/O from 1962 to 1969. For Lou Chambers, when I was a cadet, I
sailed with Harry when he was C/O on the Bombala - he probably
remembers me as the one who did not always 'get it right'. Robin
Knox Johnson was 2/O and Frank Everett Captain. Ah - those were
the days!
Sandy Warman-Johnston,
UK - Saturday, September 10, 2005 at 22:06:44
I wonder if there is anyone who can help
me with additional information on my Great Grandfather, John
Hall WARMAN. I am told he was the commander of SS Ellora in
1883, then SS Agra 1885. I understand his masters certificate
number is 4735.
Any details at all would be appreciated.
Dewi Wowor,
South Africa - Saturday, September 10, 2005 at 20:52:42
I got a original certificate of share of
East India Steam Navigation Company Limited siged on 24 may
1859. is it a valuable item now?
Nicolson, UK - Friday, September 9, 2005 at 10:37:46
Joined Socotra in Tilbury in 1964 then
sailed on Dumra
Chakdina Santhia Kampala Kenya Chakdara Sirdhana Chantala Teesta Dumra
Carpentaria then it all went down
hill on Manapouri Strathtay Strathnevis left M.N 1977
Jeff Appleyard,
UK - Friday, September 2, 2005 at 19:46:40
I was about 2years old,when i was brought
to the UK from hong Kong 1939/40? on the "Dunera" it
is interesting to read about her.
Vicky McKenzie,
UK - Friday, September 2, 2005 at 07:54:02
Am researching family tree and would like to see passenger list
of Bulimba which sailed from UK to Queensland in 1887. My great
great Uncle James Calam and his family were on board, emigrating
from Yorkshire to Australia. Does anyone know how I could see this
Glynn Ford,
Australia - Thursday, September 1, 2005 at 11:14:22
I returned to Tanganyika in 1952 as a 16 year old on the Madura,
while we were in port at Mombassa her sister ship the Matiana was
moored astern on her way to the Uk and ahead was the Uganda on
her maiden voyage from the UK, it was quite a party
Peter Williams,
UK - Wednesday, August 31, 2005 at 11:47:11
Joined Chindwara Feb. 1952. Would like to hear from others who
sailed on her from then until 1955.
Sue Given,
Australia - Wednesday, August 31, 2005 at 07:04:40
longshot, but I am looking for information on an Edward Cotes Taylor
West. He was born 1902 and by 1928 was a Master Mariner. He spent
most of the 1920s on the BISN line and was on the 'Calcutta/India
run' from England I guess? He was a RN reservist in WWII and died
in 1993 in London. His father also spent many years with the BISN
line and died in India when Edward was only 14. Am I asking the
impossible or does anyone have any info/pictures/memorabilia (for
copying) please.
the logbook 
Steve Moss,
UK - Saturday, August 27, 2005 at 21:26:11
sailed on Chakdina 1970 to 1971 any old friends who sailed with
Russell Austin,
UK - Saturday, August 27, 2005 at 20:39:50
Would like to get in touch with old contemporaries who sailed with
BI between 1948 and 1956
Deakes, Exeter - Wednesday, August 24, 2005 at 13:56:48
Brandon Deakes. Re yr question of 2 Feb which I have only just
seen, yes, I think we probably have a connection. My grandfather
came from the Andamans, from which he was taken to Changi where
he died a few weeks before WW2 ended. He had 2 sons from his
1st marriage, George and Horace (my line), and other children
from his second, when he lived at Mount Harriet. Does this fit?
Patience, UK - Tuesday, August 23, 2005 at 09:49:27
I have recently completed the manuscript for a book on Shipwrecks
and Salvage on the East African Coast. The number of vessels exceeds
200 of which 15 are BI ships that either ran aground, caught fire
or had engine failure. I would be pleased to hear from anyone with
knowledge of any other mishaps.
Clive Nicholls,
UK - Monday, 22 Aug 2005 20:47:38
the Aug 15, 2005 entry] My father embarked
on the Ekma on Sunday
9th September 1945 and sailed for Madras on the Monday.
Arrived Madras 16th Sept to a wonderful reception. He left for
Bombay on the 18th Sept – not sure if he was
still on the Ekma. 24th Sept he left for Bombay on the Deccan
Queen. This does not make sense but is in his diary !!!!!!! Then
boarded the Carthage and sailed 28th Sept – entered
Red Sea 2nd Oct . Suez 5th Oct. – Gibralter 11th
Oct. – arrive 14th Oct – Southampton
I presume !!
Derek Hargreaves,
UK - Sunday, August 21, 2005 at 09:34:10
the request of Abdul Rauf Batti for the name of his father's
ship. Shortly before the date of his father's letter there were
three BI ships sunk by torpedo in the NW Indian Ocean. These
'Haresfield' on 9.9.42 on passage
from Aden to Calcutta, 'Cranfield' on
23.11 42 off the island of Socotra steaming in a NW'ly direction
and 'Tilawa' also on 23.11.42. Only
the 'Tilawa' being 3 days out of Bombay was proceeding towards
East Africa and carrying over 900 passengers. His father was,
almost certainly in this ship. An account of the sinking, which
required two torpedoes and the involvement of HMS Birmingham
which picked up and returned over 600 survivors to Bombay, can
be found in the book 'Valiant Voyaging'.
The 'Karanja', taken over by the Royal Navy, was sunk by bomb off
Algiers some 11 days previously which confirms the Editor's information.
Higgins, UK - Saturday, August 20, 2005 at 18:31:39
Am looking for image of the Neuralia for a friend of mine whose
uncle sailed on her to India circa 1926 (army posing) Many thanks
Best luck with fine website.
Arthur (Bill)
Sonneborn, US - Thursday, August 18, 2005 at 20:30:24
I sailed on the Karoa from Oran, Algeria,
to the Salerno beachhead about September 3, 1943. The Karoa seemed
to be the slowest ship in the invasion convoy.
Joe Hillier,
UK - Wednesday, August 17, 2005 at 10:43:12
Just found the site, but with a lot of
water under the bridge since I was on a BI ship I don't know
if I will remember anyone or if they will remember me. If my
name rings a bell let me know.
Clive Nicholls, UK - Monday, August 15, 2005 at 10:20:36
My father was brought home from a Japanese
camp on this ship in 1945. I am trying to find out more information.
Amanda Davies,
UK - Sunday, August 14, 2005 at 19:38:45
I wanted to find out more about my grandfather,
James Garroway Kilner, who I believe was a BI captain on the
Calcutta-Rangoon run up until about 1928 when he was retired
due to ill-health. I can't find anywhere on this site to look
up former staff. [BI staff records are
difficult to come by but you could try The National Maritime
Museum, Greenwich - Editor]
David Hurst,
UK - Thursday, August 11, 2005 at 20:22:28
information on passengers Thomas who sailed on ss Waipara arriving
in Australia 30 August 1915
Janine Bounden
(nee Watson), UK - Wednesday, August 10, 2005 at 08:47:42
What a fantastic time i had aboard ss Uganda as a 15yr old, it was a school trip (Silver Royd school) We sailed
from Dundee to Bergen taking in several places and Fjords. We
had lots of fun, the disco , games and cinema were great. I still
have the ss uganda badge, the certificate and wonderful memories.
THe captain was a very nice chap as i recall. Anyone who was
on that cruise please get in touch. Met a group of lads i think
they were from Scotland but only have their first names, Stuart
Tom, Davy, Ian and John what a laugh we had.
Rauf Batti, India - Tuesday, August 9, 2005 at 20:24:59
I found after the death of my father in
his possession British India Steam Navigation Company Ltd. paperwork
which was framed by him, on it it states:
"This is to certify that Fazaluddin ------ was a passenger booked
to Mombasa ------- by a vessel which was lost by enemy action.
All the passenger's personal baggage, belongings and papers, passport
etc, were lost and it is requested that if possible, a dublicate
passport and/or domicile papers and permit may be issued.
it was issued on 11th january 1943 in Bombay.
i need information as to the name of vessel he was in. Iremember
him saying their ship got torpedoed in the night by the Japanese,
and somthing about ship called Karanja, but not sure. If any one
can provide with any info would appreciate. [This ship was not
Karanja - Editor]
Campbell, Australia - Tuesday, August 9, 2005 at 07:53:37
to find details of ship Arabia about
1871. My ancestor John Campbell, born Scotland about 1826 may
have been a crew member.
Paul Moyce,
UK - Monday, August 8, 2005 at 11:08:49
In response to entry of Christine White,
France - Monday, March 21, 2005 at 17:25:42. My father Frank
J Moyce died in london in 1970, I would love to hear infomation
or stories that you have to tell of him- please email
Janine Bounden
(nee Watson), UK - Sunday, August 7, 2005 at 11:27:08
I was on a school trip on ss Uganda, we went to Norway, stopping
off at various locations, what a brilliant memory we had such
a wonderful time and made lots of new friends, sadly lost some
of their addresses. But if anyone who was on the cruise in 1976/77
(time flies) and wants to get in touch please do so. I still
have the log book diary we were given to fill in, one of the
best nights was when the captain came to our disco. What a nice
chap he was.
Phil Couper,
UK - Saturday, August 6, 2005 at 00:08:10
Great site, very informative, lived in
Malta 1960/63 whilst My Father in Royal Navy, took interest in
the de-armed Sea-Bird LST's and Charles
MacLeod moored Sleima
Creek, the Royal Naval sister's kept arment, Dad serving on Striker & Messina
also in Malta.
the logbook
Yvonne Legay,
France - Thursday, August 4, 2005 at 16:50:36
Have been searching information about the Neuralia and came across
your site. Congratulations, great work. My mother sailed on this
ship from Gibraltar to Jamaica during World War II.
Braz Meneses,
Canada - Monday, August 1, 2005 at 04:05:35
am researching the participation of Goanese staff at all levels
(including doctors, musicians, etc) on BI ships during the years
1925 and 1955 on the East Africa-Goa Bombay route. Any information
of tips for further searches are welcome.
Tom Kelso,
UK - Monday, August 1, 2005
to H R "Sailor" Smith, then Chief Officer,
in Durenda, about 1954,
this ship had been in either London or Tilbury during the Dunkirk
and was required to provide its lifeboats for the evacuation.
The ship never
had them returned, and four lifeboats were supplied from shoreside
one of which was of double diagonal build of teak, and the other
three were
carvel-built. The teak boat had GRW cut in with dimensions etc
on the stem.
Either this boat or the other three, according to Dick came from
the P&O
Rawalpindi (probably when converted to armed merchant cruiser
and which was sunk in action), and the other(s) came from a ship,
which for years I thought was Culebra, but that name does
not figure in BI or P&O
fleet lists. Dick had a very definite preference
for the teak boat in terms of its boat-sailing qualities, so this
might have
been the ex-Rawalpindi boat, since he was originally a P&O
cadet! However,
Durenda's winches found the carvel boat much easier to lift! I would
be most interested if any of the many others who enjoyed lifeboat
sailing, probably at its best in Durenda) with Dick can elaborate
on the provenance of Durenda's boats. Caution:
GRW could well have turned out many such lifeboats.
Voorn, Netherlands - Sunday, 31 Jul 2005 13:25:28

shown in the pictures I have in restoration the GRW Ltd N° 603
lifeboat. I have tried to contact Garden Reach Workshops in Calcutta
but they are too busy [to reply]. This boat is
double diagonal teak. Has been made at the Workshop. I picked
it up at a boatyard in Holland, whereas the former owner left
it with debts. I am trying to make it useable in altered design
as to [modern] taste. [Many thanks Eric. The boat is
double skinned, carvel built. Does anyone have information
that might lead Eric to the origins or use of this boat? -
Editor] [This entry has been amended to remove a reference
to clinker construction - Editor]
StClair (Seamus)
Beatty, UK - Sunday, July 31, 2005 at 00:58:31
Has anyone any photographs of Bombala and Kampala they would
like to share?
Braz Menezes,
Canada - Saturday, July 30, 2005 at 15:57:57
Very interesting site. I was researching
family history. Many sailings on BI Line Goa-Mombasa between
1925-1955. Thank you.
Mary Watson,
UK - Saturday, July 30, 2005 at 12:36:11
What a pleasure to find the site. Passenger
on the Dwarka and the
Dumra between 1968 and 1973. Anthony
Henley? Ali Eames? Names ring any bells?
Peter Jacoby,
US - Friday, July 29, 2005 at 18:00:57
I was a passenger on your ss Karanja in
October, 1971, a 3-week voyage sailing from Durban, South Africa,
to Bombay, India. I have no record of actual sailing date or
voyage number, but remember that, after leaving the Seychelles,
the trip was moderately affected by a passenger jumping overboard
due to the hostilities between India and Pakistan at the time.
I am trying to locate one of my traveling companions on the voyage
and hope that perhaps your records may still include a passenger
manifest for this trip. There were very few first/second class
passengers on the trip who embarked in Durban for the entire trip
(I was traveling with my wife, Margaret E. Judd). The fellow we
are hoping to find would have been using a Kenyan or South African
passport, first name Richard (DOB c. 1947). I realize this request
is certainly unusual after so many years, but would greatly appreciate
any information you may have retained, even a last name would
be a great help.
Gita Prasad,
Fiji - Thursday, July 28, 2005 at 10:59:09
I would like to know more about the the ship named Sangola II which
brought the indentured labourers to the Fiji Islands in 1908
Watson , UK - Tuesday, July 26, 2005 at 17:54:25
Sailed on Dwarka and Dumra many times in the indian Ocean and the
Gulf, circa 1964-1973. I will visit again.
Kit Withers,
New Zealand - Monday, July 25, 2005 at 00:14:27
like to contact Wendy Pountney, Henry Pountney who attended this
function as they may be related.
Bob Jenkins,
Australia - Sunday, July 24, 2005 at 13:32:45
I found a nice old pen knife from this shipping
line. The years 1856 - 1956 were on the back and the flag and the
words "Travel & Ship" on
the front. Nice to be able to find so much information here.
Shamb Purchit,
US - Friday, July 22, 2005 at 21:40:42
I was born on ship Amra
Mary Watterson,
Canad - Friday, July 22, 2005 at 16:38:13
Wayne Dutcher wrote July 2001 regarding his wife's grandfather
Lionel Dale Douglas -- please send me a copy of his email -- it
is no longer available on the website
Thank you [You will still find it on -
Robert James
MacDonald, Canada - Thursday, July 21, 2005 at 15:56:40
Excellent site! I will be visiting often!
Macneill, Australia - Thursday, July 21, 2005 at 09:13:45
A wonderful site that brings back lots of good memories and good
company in better days.
the logbook 
Jenny Kennish,
Australia - Thursday, July 21, 2005 at 00:22:44
am looking for the passenger list for the Karanja sailing
from Bombay to Mombasa in June 1954. In particular I am looking
for Australian Passengers on British Passports for Jeffrey & Elizabeth
Walter my parents. If you have these lists is it possible to obtain
a copy for my records.
Russell Austin,
UK - Thursday, July 14, 2005 at 10:12:02
I served with BI from 1947 to 1958 from
cadet to 2nd Officer in many ships but mainly Bombay-based. On
leaving BI Ispent eight years with East African Railways and
Harbours after whi 23 years were spent in London with MoD. I
would be glad to make contact with any contemporaries I sailed
with between the years 1947 to 1958. I sailed in a number of
ships including all the Gulf "D"s, Kenya,
Amra, Carpentaria, Chakdara and various cargo ships.
Alan McFarland,
US - Tuesday, July 12, 2005 at 17:03:37
During the Colonial era 1930-45 (Tanganyika
Territory) I spent a happy childhood that included exciting trips
aboard the Malda, Matiana, Mulbera and Madura.
Raymond Knight,
Australia - Monday, July 11, 2005 at 00:28:38
found your site the other day as a vintage port member I was
looking for a BI person by the name of Ray Donking we sailed
together on union stem in NZ. He went back to UK and we lost
touch. If any one knows of his whereabouts (He had a computer
type shop in Gateshead last I heard) can you pass the message
on to him
Stuart Brown,
Canada - Saturday, July 9, 2005 at 22:25:49
Astonished to find this site while surfing!!
Apprentice at Doxford / Sunderland Forge. Sailed on Chanda.
Sirdhana. Jelunga. Tairea. emigrated to Canada. Sailed
the Lakes then settled down....
Kamal Khan, US - Saturday, July 9, 2005 at 00:47:22
grandfather and my father travelled with BI ships from 1909 to
1961. I have some records of my family. Ships were ss Tairea,
Takliwa, Karanja, Kampala
StClair (Seamus)
Beatty, UK - Friday, July 8, 2005 at 05:58:12
Sailed as 3rd Mate Chakla 1964, Kampala 64/65 Bombala 66/67 would
love to hear from any of the old crew. Still am in contact with
friends made in Perth all those years ago. Have photos would like
to share.
Tony Harris,
Australia - Saturday, June 25, 2005 at 09:08:50
Re Derek Hargreaves's signal of 14-2-2005,
I was 3rd Officer on the Egra at
the time and totally agree that Freddy Ellis and Buster
Marshall were great shipmates and a pleasure to sail with. I
wonder if Derek remembers loading extra coal ballast in Aden with
the very dry and dusty coal being loaded down through the troop
decks ? It was a good thing that the troops were the Mauritian
Pioneer Corps as Australian or British troops would have mutinied!
All you could see of the troops was the whites of their eyes and
Given, Australia - Thursday, June 23, 2005 at 10:00:25
trying to find a BISN ship that would have been in Calcutta,
India around August 1916. Edward Woodcote Taylor West died 13
August 1916 at the General Hospital, Calcutta, India. He spent
most of his life as a sailor on BISN ships. At least till 1902
when his records just stop. However, I believe he was still sailing.
His wife was still in England when he died. His son was also
a merchant mariner and in Calcutta in 1926, so he may also have
sailed with BISN. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Sue in Australia P.S. Great site.
Kamar (Zoom)
Zaman, UK - Tuesday, June 21, 2005 at 12:47:26
I sailed on Chyebassa and Chinkoa 1964-1967. Great memories about
the company and everything it stood for
Eccleston, India - Friday, June 17, 2005 at 18:42:32
Great website! looking for Simon Harwood & Frank
Chambers. Anyone who remembers me, do get in touch with me. Hoping
to be at the Colombo reunion, May 2006. Cheers!
Peter Morris,
UK - Friday, June 17, 2005 at 09:56:45
I sailed as a deck officer on Chindwara,
Uganda, Juna, Bulimba, Sirdhana, Bombala, Chinkoa, Tekoa, Karanja, Wild Auk & Huntingdon
during the late 60s & 70s and would like to hear from old shipmates
Veronica de France, Netherlands - Wednesday, June 15, 2005 at
In Juli 2004 your recommandation toward
the volume of 'Maritime Enterprise and Empire' by J. Forbes Munro
turned out to be a good guide and I gather when after reading
this marvelous work one should not have any questiones about
Sir William Mackinnon and his Business Network, unfortunately
I still have a few and there for is it possible to inform me
how to contact the author? Excuse my errors as English is not
my native languache; took me more then a year to read this book
(twice)but the effort was very rewarding. [Contact
with the author can, I believe, be made through the publisher
Boydell & Brewer
- Editor]
Hoey, UK - Tuesday, June 14, 2005 at 21:27:51
Very interesting site. I am trying to find
out information on 3 ships. The Dilwara, Dunera and
i think the other is the Neuralia.
My uncle recently passed away and i found photographs of these
three ships. Could anyone help with any information please, I would
be most grateful for any replies. [The ships
section of this site has outline information - Editor]
Frank Humphries,
UK - Monday, June 13, 2005 at 21:30:31
I sailed home from Hong Kong on MS Dilwara in May 1953, I was only
six months old so I have no idea what the ship was like only an
old postcard.
Brian St Vincent,
Australia - Sunday, June 5, 2005 at 14:01:45
Joined Canara 1956 j e/o also sailed Sirdhana
Kampala Fultala Chakdina Itinda
resigned (drunk and disorderly) about 1963
Colin Fletcher,
UK - Saturday, June 4, 2005 at 23:13:48
Norman Amos, Alan Hough. Where is Chris Lacy? 40 years is quick
in passing.
Kirti Patel,
UK - Friday, June 3, 2005 at 10:48:19
was born on SS AMRA cruise
ship in May last week 1954. My paraents are dead now, but i would
like to know more information on my birth, who was captain on
the ship, Doctor who delivered me ect..ect. Would love to hear
from anybody who knows this sailing was from Bombay to Mombasa......
the logbook 
Stclair (Seamus)
Beatty, UK - Monday, May 30, 2005 at 02:18:57
Great to see the interest in the old company which gave me so many
happy memories.
Keith Wilson,
UK - Thursday, May 26, 2005 at 15:50:46
I'm looking for information on the SS Ellenga please.
Lees Borland,
US - Thursday, May 26, 2005 at 09:44:32
My Great Uncle Robert Thom was First Mate on board the Palitana in the late 1800s. He died in about 1901 while home in Great Britain
preparing to take his certification in Steam. My father, as a boy
of about 10, saw the Palitana at Calcutta in the year 1912. I would
enjoy hearing from anyone who has information on the Palitana.
Joseph Williams,
UK - Wednesday, May 25, 2005 at 19:36:21
your e-mail regarding my enquires of April 28 2005,June 26 & Aug.22
2004 regarding my Uncle William Owen Williams 2nd.Mate Of SS Okara.
I have found on the Internet under 'Clydbank Ships Data' the following:-
Okara Built 1895
Passenger Cargo Ship.
Propulsion steam, triple expansion, 10 knots.
Tonnage 5291 G.R.T.
Breadth 50.6
Draugt 24.7
Sunk 06/05/1923.
Remarks: Foundered in a cyclone in the Bay of Bengal.
An SOS signal was received by two ships the ANGORA & TAKADA.
Both vessels made for the position, but when 9 miles away they
heard only a flickering SOS then nothing.They realised she had
sunk, taking with her a total of 81 crew. One interesting photograph I have is a picture of my Uncle taken
when he served on the 'TAKADA', the very ship which went to the
'OKARA's rescue.
David Ledger,
UK - Wednesday, May 25, 2005 at 09:54:34
It's good to see names from my past years with the BI, now retired
after 23 years with Lloyds Register. It was a great sea going life.
Warburton - Wednesday, May 25, 2005 at 07:50:40
Paget, Are you Peter Jeremy Spencer Valentine Paget sailed Woodarra 1958
third Officer I think Good to hear from you, we had some good
times in Oz. Why not join the BI chat group on Yahoo.
Luis Garcia, Gibraltar - Monday, May 23, 2005 at 21:54:51
I belive there is a Gibraltarian captain or first officer. as
I Havent got an E mail I will give you my address 11, Tankerville
House, Tarik road, Gibraltar.
Don Hellings
- Saturday, May 21, 2005 11:50:25
I am trying to trace the sailing dates of HMT Dilwara during 1953
and 1954.
I travelled to Japan on her in 1954 and have forgotten the actual
date of landing in Kure. Can you advise me on where to search? [The Official Log book kept by the Public Record Office at Kew
might contain the information you need - Editor]
Peter Henry,
Australia - Wednesday, May 18, 2005 at 03:12:38
Love the site, however, am trying to find plans for SS TAROBA.
Amos, UK - Tuesday, May 17, 2005 at 22:44:33
Alan Hough, where have the last 40 years gone?. God Bless
Dave King,
South Africa - Tuesday, May 17, 2005 at 12:41:05
Being new to the www, I find it facinating
to recal such fond memories. Easy to use, and above all, everything
one could wish for. Thanks.
Murray, UK - Sunday, May 15, 2005 at 11:35:46
I sailed on Nevasa as projectionist and photographer, from 1968
until early 71
when family commitments forced me to leave. I
can't say that I ever had a cruise that i did not enjoy. The crew
were smashing, from Capt Downer, Brian Biddick, who sadly died
whilst serving on Uganda a then hospital ship, in the Falklands
Tony Case, Jim Eades.
Robert Readman,
UK - Wednesday, May 11, 2005 at 12:18:05
contact information for Slim Doman, John Summers and Vince Horsford.
Peter Morris,
UK - Wednesday, May 11, 2005 at 10:39:04
Brings back memories!
John Page,
Australia - Wednesday, May 11, 2005 at 04:15:55
site. Am seeking information on Gordon Thornton (Dornie) and
Brian Long (chick), we served together as apprentices on Chantala 1954
to 1959.
Pravin Jivan,
UK - Tuesday, May 10, 2005 at 22:13:31
trying to find pictures and details about ss Tilawa which was sunk
in nov 1942
Robert Bliss,
Australia - Tuesday, May 10, 2005 at 07:36:36
I am looking for info on the SS Maple. My Great Grandfather, William
George Kelson, Greaser, died in service on her in 1916 at Calais.
Avern, UK - Saturday, May 7, 2005 at 23:37:25
this comment re Captain Avern dated 1880
Persian Gulf: The British steamer Patna was
traversing the waters of the when around mid-night the captain
and several other members of crew all saw two enormous glowing
wheels each estimated to be 500 to 600 meters in diameter appeared
underwater on each side of the ship. The wheels were spinning,
one on each side with the spokes touching the ship. The sighting
lasted 20 minutes and was witnessed by Captain Avern, third officer
Manning, and Lee Fort Brace.
John Murray,
UK - Tuesday, May 3, 2005 at 18:16:09
I sailed on both the Uganda and Nevasa for
several years and would like to know if there is a way of contacting
ex shipmates from these ships. In particular Bill Patterson,
chief engineer, Ennis Taylor stewardess and in fact any one who
sailed between 68 and 71. I was the cinema projectionist but
then saw an entry by Ian Davies - remember me Ian? Referring
to Jim Eades, Tony Case, Paul Duncan, I also remember Dave Cash
and Chrisd Sample. I was also on the Russian cruise. I also had
to leave against my will. Keep writing Ian.
Peter Paget,
UK - Sunday, May 1, 2005 at 17:47:55
Astonished to find
my name on your site while researching family. CHINDWARA (1950),
KENYA, then Orient Line
in 1960 after merger with P&O. Remember me
to Henry Severs, Terry Lilley, Nick Jolly, Brian Warburton and
any others with long memories. Still sailing our wee Frances 26
between Orkney and Weymouth!
Tony Bloxham,
Canada - Sunday, May 1, 2005 at 01:51:31
I have visited your site a number of times
and found it of interest for me. I worked in Karachi and Chittagong
in the early 1960's and was aboard a number of your ships as
a visitor, after meeting some of your Officers. I have fond memories
of happy times, sharing drinks and laughs together. Alas, names
of ships and people are long forgotten. Best wishes.
Ernest Wilson,
UK - Saturday, April 30, 2005 at 13:26:23
very early April 1945 I was serving in Burma and was given a
leave to Simla in India. I, together with other troops, was being
transported across the Bay of Bengal from Ramree Island to Calcutta
on one of your ships which was in collision with a much larger
vessel and sank in a very short time. There were only 18 survivors.
unfortuneatly I did not see the name of either ship. Will this
incident be in your company records. Any information would be
Ismail Padia,
South Africa - Friday, April 29, 2005 at 20:17:21
I travelled on the following ships ss karanja ,
ss kampala ss santhia from
durban to bombay and back many times. I simply loved these mighty
ships ships of the past and will never forget the enjoyment of
journying in them.
Joseph Williams,
UK - Thursday, April 28, 2005 at 20:33:02
to my logbook entries of June 26 & August
22 2004, I have discovered the following:-
My uncle, William Owen Williams was Second Mate of the S.S. Okara,
which was lost with all hands in the Bay of Bengal, India, on May
5th 1923. He was at that time 23 years of age. I would be very interested
to discover any information concerning the loss.
Keith Wales,
Australia - Wednesday, April 27, 2005 at 16:16:57
In September 1931 my great-grandfather left for China on board
the S.S. Karanja from the port of Durban in South Africa
Jezza Michael,
Australia - Monday, April 25, 2005 at 12:10:07
I was unable to find anything on the following
two ships HMS Dunera Also
HMS Ausonia i would appreciate any information on both of these
ships thank you [You could search on Dunera
using the search engine on the home page of this site - Editor]
Peter Thompson,
UK - Friday, April 22, 2005 at 16:16:24
I sailed on the Nevasa from Southampton to Singapore via the Suez
canal whilst in the RAF in autumn 1957. Quite an experience - Anybody
else out there remember that trip?
Winkworth, UK - Thursday, April 21, 2005 at 13:16:22
I am looking for my family on my dads side
Scott Wilson,
UK - Monday, April 18, 2005 at 16:06:33
have been given a task by my girlfriend & her
family. I am trying to find about the TSS KAMPALA (1947-1971).I
am trying to find pictures of the ship being built, working,
scrapped, Passenger list, Ship/deck plans, Film Footage, any
staff and passengers how was on the ship back in 1967-1968 I
would love to here from you. Basically any information on this
great ship would help me in my quest. Does any one know the name
of the band how played on the Kampala back in 1967-1968?
Donald Skipp,
Canada - Monday, April 18, 2005 at 02:04:04
My trip from Singapore July 1948 to Liverpool,
was highly exciting having witnessed, among other things the
rescue of a 3yr old girl who fell from a deck railing, slipping
from the arms of a Sergeants wife who was knitting at the time.
Someone had called to her and the girl fell as the woman turned
to see who called. We Corporals and lower ranks were just coming
off from boat drill when the ships whistles went off, and the
ship made a wide turn to starboard, to shelter the rescue area
from a school of porpoises,heading our way off the starboard
quarter.This girl was in the water at least 20 mins. before
the rescue crew got to her, and miraculously the flag signal
that she was alive was loudly cheered. We were re-mustered to
boat stations for a head count and eventually got under way.
An enquiry resulted in the Sergeant having to pay for the rescue
due to disregarding ships orders. As I was an R.A.F.police Corporal,
I exercised inmates of the Brig, an enjoyable task up in the
Fo'castle, where we could watch flying fish break water right
at the bow, and schools of fish swimming alongside .We went
ashore at Aden, and I remembered not to get too close to the
camels, and how grey everything looked there. Altogether a very
pleasant trip...thank you !! - 3037624 Cpl. Skipp [This
account refers to Dilwara - Editor.
Thank you Donald)
the logbook 
Maurice Van
den Bulck, Canada - Wednesday, April 13, 2005 at 06:56:28
Am trying to find a web site that lists
the crew members of the HMS Rajputana which was lost on the 13th
of April, 1941 [BI did own a similarly
named ship - Rajpootana - 1874-1902.
Try references to P&O's Rajputana - Editor]
Nick Pennington,
UK - Tuesday, April 12, 2005 at 17:42:48
Radio Officer Chakdina 1961-1963 and Devonia 1964-1967
Shirley Saundry,
Ireland - Sunday, April 10, 2005 at 16:07:37
Looking for SS Lanka, 1908, without success until I found your
site. Now I think it was a mis-spell and most likely to be SS
Lunka. Dates fit. Very interesting site.
Trev Jones,
UK - Saturday, April 9, 2005 at 15:49:25
Wonderful memories and a wonderful website.
Sailed on the Uganda in 1968 as
a schoolboy with about 900 other children from Birmingham,
UK around Norway & the Fjords.
James Landsman,
UK - Friday, April 8, 2005 at 13:10:14
I am trying to find information about the
SS Dongola, on which
my father served as 2nd engineer in the early 1950's. any info.
and perhaps a photograph of the vessel would be gratefully received.
Stevenson, UK - Friday, April 8, 2005 at 09:15:54
there any pictures of SS Dilwara from
1897 and a list of Army personel who sailed on her to India.
Left UK on 4.11.1897
My grandfather was a passenger William Louis Stevenson. [An
old postcard shot is shown here]
Peter Wilkinson,
Bahamas - Thursday, April 7, 2005 at 23:39:15
This great site continues to inspire!
Does anyone have ANY snippets of information on t/s MADURA, especially
WW11 service? I have a little and would willingly share. My e-mail
Peter Wilkinson (Old Pangbournian)
Peter Robinson,
US - Wednesday, April 6, 2005 at 15:39:21
My Father recently passed away and left me
the ships bell from his father's North Sea fishing trawler which
sailed out of Grimsby, Lincolnshire. The name cast in the bell
was Takliwa. I know my
Grandfather's trawler was not named Takliwa. I know some of the
history of the Takliwa but how might the bell have come into
my families possession? Was the ship salvaged after it burned in
the Nicobar Islands in 1945? Also does anyone have any idea what
the name Takliwa means? [Takliwa is thought to be a placename of
Japanese origin - Editor]
Les Maiden,
New Zealand - Wednesday, April 6, 2005 at 04:11:37
Barry Marchant wrote (1/11/04) asking if I had received a photograph
of 'Matiana'. Computer problems at the time meant that I may have
accidentally deleted it. I have no record of having received it.
If he could e-mail me another that would be fantastic - they seem
to be few and far between!
Graeme Challen,
Australia - Saturday, April 2, 2005 at 23:10:33
am trying to find a picture/photo of the Chyebassa that
my family sailed to Australia on in 1883.
Lorne Nichols,
Australia - Saturday, April 2, 2005 at 05:26:00
One of our Fremantle Pilots Capt. James
Major will be retiring on 16th April 2005 after 29 years of service
in the Port of Fremantle. Prior to his time with Fremantle Port
he was a British India cadet. We are looking for people who may
have some connection with Jim and would like to acknowledge his
departure, or can embellish with any anecdotes (humorous or otherwise).
Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Peter D'Souza,
US - Thursday, March 31, 2005 at 20:50:55
An excellent web-site. I recognised a few names in the log.
Chambers, UK - Thursday, March 31, 2005 at 15:55:24
site. Does anybody have any funny stories, information or pictures
of the SS OBRA. My Dad was RO on her for a short while back in
1951 and I'm attempting to document his career.
Doug Dukes,
UK - Tuesday, March 29, 2005 at 15:37:52
A great web site. Best wishes to all!!!
John Deering,
UK - Monday, March 28, 2005 at 17:34:27
Capt Robert Arthur Crozier was my uncle.
I have a list of some of the ships he served on (inc Pachumba,
Palamcotta, Pundua)
but it is not complete. I would like to get as much information
about his service as possible.
Rosemary Richardson-Weisgerber,
Canada - Sunday, March 27, 2005 at 07:00:10
Looking for information/records relating
to my grandfather, Captain Philip John Richardson who may have
worked for BI in late 1800's and early 1900's.
Douglas Dukes,
UK - Friday, March 25, 2005 at 19:56:23
I have a glass paperweight depicting a
3-Black Funnel Vessel sporting 2 white Bands on each and the
heading British India Line (in red) plus Ship by B.I and Travel
by B.I. Can anyone give me the ships name? [It will be one of
the T class, Tairea, Takliwa or Talamba - Editor]
Terence Peters,
Australia - Wednesday, March 23, 2005 at 14:50:08
Finished with company 1970 as 3/Eng in
Calcutta to migrate to Australia. Trying to get some information
on my uncle K.S.O'Brien. He was either a Captain/Chief Officer
and served on the vessels ss Amra,
Ellenga and maybe the Aska in the early 40's.
Thomas Malcolm,
Australia - Wednesday, March 23, 2005 at 14:07:01
The bond which exists within all B.I.staff astounds many people.Time
is of no importance only the reason.
Lou Chambers,
Australia - Wednesday, March 23, 2005 at 12:29:10
Never actually signed onto the logbook
but have looked at the site several times. Its a great credit
to the creators as it is bringing together folks from an era
gone. I am Harry Chambers daughter (he was Capt on Orna, Purnea, Bombala,
Strathconnon and others .....!) Harry is alive and well and living
in a nursing home in Perth and Margaret my Mother is alive, well
and living at home. They are both excited and thrilled to have
been remembered by so many of you and I will pass on salaams
etc. from the site as and when. Cheers.
Alan Hitchman,
Australia - Wednesday, March 23, 2005 at 10:00:20
I was just looking for info of the Nevasa (The
ship that changed my life)when i came across this site.
Christine White,
France - Monday, March 21, 2005 at 17:25:42
Trying to trace Frank J. Moyce, who served on the Umtata in the
1950s who knew the Spragg family in Mombassa.
Angela Walters,
UK - Sunday, March 20, 2005 at 18:08:44
Brilliant and informative website. THANK
YOU for setting it up. The "Uganda" took
myself and family from Beira in 1965 when we left Africa. Fabulous
memories of such a long and interesting voyage. Had also done
the Union-Castle route from Southampton to the Cape, almost as
Karl Flinders,
UK - Saturday, March 19, 2005 at 20:43:24
am trying to find of the period that Frederick John Flinders
was captain of the SS Uganda
Tony Lister,
UK - Thursday, March 17, 2005 at 22:12:59
Served on Uganda 1965,
Nevasa 1966 and Woodarra 1967.
Wonderfull website, I have recognised one or two names, very
the logbook 
McIntyre, UK - Thursday, March 17, 2005 at 21:20:54
Archie Hill - where have you been? I noted your contribution dated
March 9th. I assume you have unsubscribed from BIShip - many have
been asking after you.
Allan Mornement,
UK - Wednesday, March 16, 2005 at 09:54:48
Peppiatt's note on the 'Loodiana'. The 'Loodiana' was lost after
it had left Port Louis in Mauritius on January 10th, 1910. I
suspect it was on it's way to Durban, since my cousin had sent
urgent mail to England, and would not have chosen a Colombo-bound
mail ship.
Jonathan Morris,
UK - Sunday, March 13, 2005 at 20:24:16
am looking into the collision on 15th March 1942 between the
Hospital Ship Vasna and S.S. Miriam
Thomas. Does anyone connected with this website, or reading the
logbook, have any information regarding this collision? The
Miriam Thomas was lost with all hands, including my Great Grandfather
- Capt. Hugh Conway Campbell. Would the company hold records
of this collision, and the following inquests / court case?
Ian Beaton,
UK - Saturday, March 12, 2005 at 19:42:55
am not a former member of BI but I am looking for information
about someone who may have been a captain up to about 1930. I
had someone search BI staff records at National Maritime Museum
but she reported that they contained information about stewards
but not captains. Does anyone know of an archive with names of
former captains? I am interested in someone with the surname
Nelson or Neilson - but not David Landles Neilson though it may
have been his brother. I would be very grateful for any leads.
James Pottinger,
UK - Saturday, March 12, 2005 at 19:40:04
For anyone interested I have drawn model plans of Chantala and
Baroda, published in Model Boats and Model Shipwright magazines
Ian Rankin,
Australia - Saturday, March 12, 2005 at 00:02:57
site, looking for any Information on Capt Ernest Ashby
Hargreaves, UK - Friday, March 11, 2005 at 10:45:37
John Grainger's query on Sangola's
London calls, this ship left Glasgow on 6 June 1947 after completion
of post-build trials, passed through Middlesborough 8 to 14th
and London 15 to 28 June 1947.She was built specifically to
re-open the 'Apcar' Line service between Calcutta, Maylasia.
China & Japan,
her first three round trips terminating in Shanghai or Amoy
before extending to Yokohama on 12 May 1948. Sangola left Shanghai
on 29 December 1948, the last visit under the 'old' Chinese regime
with Mao Tse Tung's people almost in the suburbs. I am not familiar
with her subsequent service
Ian Davies,
UK - Thursday, March 10, 2005 at 23:45:30
I worked as SOA (School Office Assistant) with languages (French
and Russian - first time French students on board from COGEDEP)
on Nevasa for much of late 1967 under Directors of Education Paul
Duncan (a true gentleman), Tony Case and Jim Eades to Leningrad
and Eastern Mediterranean; also on Devonia out of Plymouth and
another from Greenock on National Trust for Scotland cruise to
St Kilda. Was also down for much more exotic ones to West Africa
and Canada but pulled out because I met my future wife back in
Cambridge - and was presented with an ultimatum! Chris Sample,
Dave Cash and William Wilkins are names which come down the years
as great people to work with. Abiding memory is being the Captain's
voice (in French) on the bridge for Emergency Stations practice
and being told by him that, being the voice of the Captain, I'd
be last man off the ship...! Fantastic memories and a wonderfully
formative experience I'll never forget. Thanks, B I!
Archie Hill,
UK - Wednesday, March 9, 2005 at 09:13:41
former engineer officer in BI between 1956 - 1961.
John Grainger,
UK - Sunday, March 6, 2005 at 21:21:18
browsing the website, for pictures of tugs i
came across some great colour photos of Sangola (pictured
here) in the KGV locks and entering the KGV Dock, London. The
year is 1962. Having quite a few books on BI and having an interest
in the company for many years, and living close to and working
in the Royals for many years I'm curious to know was this SANGOLA's
only visit to London, and why? According to the BI "bible" she
finished her passenger service in 1962 and was scrapped in 1963.
David Edge
- Sunday, 6 Mar 2005 01:20:12
I am trying to trace the route of the ss Dilwara which
departed from the UK (site uknown ) on the 1st November 1902.
I would like to know the destination, believed to be South Africa.
Joy Normile,
US - Saturday, March 5, 2005 at 05:25:00
Hello, I am so wanting to find out about travel from Calcutta or
southern India to Colombo Ceylon in 1925 to connect with the MOOLTAN
(from UK?) Oct/Nov/Dec 1925 headed for Australia. For a widow with
three children under age of 3 how would she arrange such a journey?
What were her options? Where should I look for answers?
Wilkinson, Bahamas - Tuesday, February 22, 2005 at 23:09:18
Madura (pictured
here) - British India SN - World War II activities, June 1940
Source: Press cutting (Daily Telegraph) dated "Friday" at a "West Country
(Now known to be Falmouth on Friday 21st June 1940). Article by Hugh Carleton
Greene - Berlin Correspondent, Daily Telegraph, brother of the author Graham
Greene, later Director General of the BBC.
He listed passengers and crew on Madura as including:
Beattie - In command
Mr Powman - Chief Chef
Mr Fayne - Chief Baker (of Huddersfield)
Hugh Carleton Greene
Sefton Delmer - Berlin Correspondent, Daily Express. Later Head of
black propaganda unit of SOE. Author of Black Boomerang.
Stefan Osusky - Czech Minister in Paris. Later Chief of the Czech Liberation Committee (in exile) in London.
Pierre Cot - former French Air Minister. Former French Minister of Foreign Affairs
Henri Bernstein - French dramatist and playwright.
Baron James Rothschild and one son.
Miss Eve Curie - Author, journalist and daughter of Madame Curie. Author of Journey among Warriors and a biography of Madame Curie.
Other passengers included:
de Marneffe (15), later doctor of medicine and author of Last
Boat from Bordeaux.
Marcel-Henri Jaspar - Belgian Politician (De Marneffe). Later attempted
to form Belgian Government in Exile in London.
Andre Glarner - journalist associated with League of Nations - The Exchange
Telegraph. Author of De Montmartre a Tripoli, 1947 (Curie)
Anna McLaren - (ATS?) - (Delmer)
William John Wilkinson - Barclays Bank
possible passengers
Anthony Gross - English painter and printmaker (Biography states:
"Left France by one of last ships to depart Bordeaux.")
Captain Eric Smythe MC and bar. Father of Pat Smythe OBE - Olympic
Show Jumper. Her book Jump for Joy, states he left
France under fire, on the very last boat to leave Bordeaux.
says Madura was three weeks overdue from East Africa to England when
she was diverted to Bordeaux to pick up refugees.
Greene says voyage was two days.
Delmer says voyage was five days
from Bordeaux..
De Marneffe says departure was from Le Verdon sur Mer (at the mouth
of the Gironde estuary)
De Marneffe says departure was Tuesday 18th June 1940 arriving
Falmouth 20th
Haws book on BI states - 17th June en route East Afica-UK
diverted to Bordeaux, took off 1500 refugees and made Falmouth
under persistent air attack.
Wilkinson mentioned air attack(s).
Other Information
HC Greene states that Madura was carrying 1500
assorted refugees.
(I believe she was configured at the time to carry 170 passengers
and crew.)
Greene specially mentions the heroic efforts of the galley staff
to keep all fed.
De Marneffe comments with surprise that all were fed.
Greene filed his story from Falmouth on Friday June 21st, indicating
that Madura arrived on 20th or 21st.
[Compiled by Peter Wilkinson - February 2005]
Donald Skipp,
Canada - Tuesday, February 22, 2005 at 17:30:39
Sailed from Singapore to Liverpool 1948
on the "Dilwara"...
witnessed rescue of girl 3yrs old, who fell from rail into the
Bay of Biscay, and alone 20 minutes before being rescued! RAF
Police Corporal D J Skipp
Paul Simmons,
Australia - Tuesday, February 22, 2005 at 00:13:07
I'm trying to find information on the ship
Penang under the command of my uncle Capt William Grant Mackie
attacked during the evacuation of Singapore 1942. Uncle Bill
was injured but the ship apparently berthed in Colombo where
he died. Any other information on him would be most appreciated.
the logbook 
Hugh Mconie,
UK - Saturday, February 19, 2005 at 14:29:26
I was on the ss Uganda in 1974 going to Holland
Ian Stacey,
UK - Saturday, February 19, 2005 at 10:15:41
Re Frank Cantwell- entry 13 Jan 05- Hi Frank! Glad you found this
site-we sailed together on Santhia with Ted Rowley with whom I
am in contact. Where are you shore-based FX?! Just been looking
at photos of those days, Ted does all the electronics!
Jatin Mehta,
UK - Thursday, February 17, 2005 at 15:04:26
Great heart warming trip across the website.
Brought back memmories of my travels between Mombasa and Mumbai between
1968 to 1971 as a student. Big thank you and good wishes to all the
crew, cook & staff
who looked after us on those journies.
Barry Antrichan,
UK - Wednesday, February 16, 2005 at 15:13:07
Nice web site!
Joy Normile,
US - Tuesday, February 15, 2005 at 18:23:21
Looking for passenger list of ship that left Calcutta for Colombo
end of 1925 carrying widow Johanna Myers and three small children
who connected to Mooltan and arrived Fremantle December 1925.
Rob Thomson,
UK - Monday, February 14, 2005 at 18:49:06
I recently put a request in the log book but left out the all important
name of my dad, his name was George Henry Thomson and he served
on the Empire Charmian at the end of the last war,mainly in the
Pacific, as before any info would be fantastic
Derek Hargreaves
- Monday, 14 Feb 2005 11:30:25
Tim Ellis re your query of 10 September 2004 with apologies for late
If you are sure that your 'health cruise' was in an 'A' and it was
not Amra, you must have sailed in
the Aronda as the only other
'A' of this vintage was the Aska, sunk
in 1940. You may be interested to know that, as a 2/O, I sailed with
your father when he was my C/O in the 'Egra' during 1949 until this
lovely old ship (1909) was scrapped in Bombay in January 1950. We
were engaged in moving troops between Suez, Massawa, East Africa
and Mauritius and I have to say that the Egra was one of the happiest
ships I ever sailed in due, in no small way, to the efforts of your
father and our Commander, Capt. R. J. Marshall - gentlemen both.
Sadly, I have no pictures of this period as my camera was stolen
by Fuzzy Wuzzies in Massawa. My compliments to your mother.
Don Braben,
Australia - Sat, 12 Feb 2005 09:58:02
have a query you might be able to answer regarding Waipara (1904)
arriving Brisbane 1912. I have 2 photos where clearly she is
cargo carrying and in BI livery with black boats etc either before
or after conversion to carry 338 immigrants. The third attached
photo is undated but clearly in Brisabane Town Reach around 1912
because of the buildings on Kangaroo Point. The name is clearly
readable and it looks as if the boats are white or stone same
with the derricks. Would you or your historians agree?
Callum Turner,
UK - Wednesday, February 9, 2005 at 22:54:10
Anyone know where beb woooly is
Niel Dobson,
UK - Tuesday, February 8, 2005 at 16:08:33
My father Norman Dobson (now 82) was radio
Officer on board SS Urlana when it hit Skye during WWII. I am looking
for others who were there and any photographs of the SS Urlana
or stories about her last voyage.
I look forward to hearing from you
Michiel van
der Mey, Germany - Monday, February 7, 2005 at 22:20:05
I am reacting to the question of Mr Mark Dodge, US - September
30, 2003. Soon my book on the history of the Dornier
Wal flying boat will be published, with unique photographs of the
flight around the world by Wolfgang von Gronau. The book is being
published by Messrs Logisma in Florence Italy.
Dornier Wal Documenation Center
Thompson, UK - Monday, February 7, 2005 at 18:47:34
My dad served on Empire
Charmian at the end of WW2 mostly in the
Pacific. A long shot but does anyone have any info or remember
him. He died eight years ago - be nice to have some memories.
James Pottinger,
UK - Sunday, February 6, 2005 at 20:23:02
Worked on construction of Nyanza and Nowshera at Scotts. Involved
in building of Nyanza and Nowshera from manuf. of turbines to outfitting
Brad Schealler,
Australia - Sunday, February 6, 2005 at 04:09:27
My great grandmother Ida Chyebassa Kleinhans
was born on the Chyebassa 20.07.1884.
I would like to locate a good drawing or set of plans, or some
sort of memento. Would there be a log record of her birth? [Ships'
Official Logbooks are kept by the Public Record Office at Kew,
just outside London - Editor]
Harston, Serbia - Wednesday, February 2, 2005 at 11:51:25
I was delighted to stumble upon this page.
My father (clive harston) was the first Director of education
on the school ships Dunera Devonia and Nevasa.
It totally changed his life. I was a passenger on Kenya from
Beira to Tilbury over Christmas 1964. What a wonderful journey.
Still fresh in my memory Captain Ivan Bowerman. tanga, dar, zanzibar,
mombassa, aden, canal, marseilles, barcelona, gib, home
Brandon Deakes,
US - Wednesday, February 2, 2005 at 01:48:43
To Christopher Deakes. my family was from the Andamans. Are we
possibly reated?
Martyn Battrick,
South Africa - Tuesday, February 1, 2005 at 19:44:32
I sailed on Chantala, Dwarka, Amra and
Chakrata between 1968 and 1971 before
my exploits became too testing for a very conservative and old-school
captain (now passed on). I made a few good friends though and
would love to hear from any of them. Steve White and Roy Titchmarsh
have been in contact and I see Cliff Cadman has signed this logbook
recently. Howzit Cliff! I wasn't really cut out for a life at
sea although we sure has some fun at times. I left Chakrata just
before Xmas in 71 in Colombo and headed back to UK after the
25th! - with Bill the horseman from Australia being asked to
go home too........ It was an experience.
Tony Brown-Berresford,
Australia - Monday, January 31, 2005 at 02:43:33
This is an excellent web site. Very interesting.
Robin Harrod,
UK - Wednesday, January 26, 2005 at 08:36:08
am looking for any information about my grandfather, John Herbert
Humble-Crofts, zho served as an officer with the BISN Co from
Jan. 1899 when he joined with a 2nd's. certificate, to Dec. 1911,
on various ships. It is possible he travelled with his eventual
wife, Beatrice Martha Harrod to India and they may have married
on board or in India. He later served in the RNVR in WWI. I also
have a P&O and BISN Co
diary and almanack for 1918, owner not listed, but many entries
with names and addresses.
Byard, Australia - Saturday, January 22, 2005 at 17:23:17
Require Information please: Buster Browne
(logentries 3) 8 Oct 2002 gave information on Tug Corinda...I,
and other MH & Co Australian
staff, are seeking information on the other tugs he mentioned:
Fearless, Forceful and Carlock. We know where Fearless and Forceful
are (Brisbane and Adelaide) but would like more info on Carlock.
If Buster would like to go to BIship Links page and click on Ian
Byard, thence to Naldham link and finally to photographs he will
see all that we have on the Inchcape Tugs. We would appreciate
more if he has any further knowledge of them. He can also contact
me by e-mail
W Mills, Australia
- Friday, January 21, 2005 at 23:38:31
Very interesting site. Am interested
in former Commodores/Captains, as I believe my grandfather
and Gt. grandfather served and were stationed in India late 1800s
and early 1900s. Name of Pratt. Is there somewhere in the site
to find such people? Unfortunately do not know ships' names.
[The simplest way to check this site for
people's names is to use the search facility at the top left
of the Home page - Editor]
Rupert Richardson,
Canada - Tuesday, January 18, 2005 at 21:26:05
Was glad to find there are some current
retirees who still maintain contacts with P&O.
My Father was peacetime Capt. of Rajputana in 1939 at outbreak
of WWII.
Ship was dispatched to North Atlantic Convoy duty. Travelling between
Halifax/Bermuda/Liverpool from Nov'39/Apr 41 Interesting
notes about P&O Ships that were anchored in Halifax,
during that period. See book Sailors, Slackers and Blind Pigs.
By Stephen Kimber, Published Doubleday Canada. It is a wonder that
UK and allies actually survived the German submarine onslaught.
Security was nearly non-existant. The loss to merchant shipping
is only now coming to light, along with a terrible loss of life.
the logbook 
Garry Jones,
UK - Sunday, January 16, 2005 at 16:35:30
Fascinated to find this website and browse through the log entries.
As a child I returned to the UK from Hong Kong on the Nevasa, in
March 1958. My father was returning home from a two-year military
posting to HK. I remember the ship very well and still have a few
John Engel,
South Africa - Friday, January 14, 2005 at 14:41:44
My father who is still alive served on the Amra during WW2. He
has several photos of the ship and staff members. It would be great
to be able to make contact with other Amra staff or relatives.
Frank Cantwell,
UK - Thursday,
January 13, 2005 at 01:02:38
Just found site. Served as Radio officer
initially on Santhia (1957)
and subsequently on Pachumba (the
quick p)!!! and afterwards on the Chakdina and
finally the Dara. I have been shore
based since 1961.
Chris McKenny,
Dubai - Tuesday, January 11, 2005 at 01:50:15
Sailed on Chantala Karanja Kampala
Tanda Amra Juwara and then P& O, see note from
Clifford Cadman , how cam I contact
Evison, Norway - Thursday, January 6, 2005 at 21:53:49
My father was Ernest Evison, he worked for the BI in Bombay, from
about 1956. We had one tour on the Daressa to the Persian Gulf
and two tours on the Amra to East Africa. We left Bombay on the
Devonia in 1963.
Peter Wilkinson,
Bahamas - Monday, January 3, 2005 at 05:00:36
Further to my posting of 28 November 2004
re t.s. Madura, I have
since found out that the voyage I referred to was in fact in June
of 1940 from Bordeaux (Le Verdon) to Falmouth. The master was a
Captain Beattie of BI. As I said before, ANY scraps of information
about this voyage or the ship or crew would be greatly appreciated.
If anyone is interested, there appears to have been a a surprising
number of interesting/important people on that late escape trip
from France. Happy to share. My e-mail is
Gavagan, UK - Sunday, January 2, 2005 at 22:32:07
am trying to trace my Uncle's steps in 1946 and have a Dinner
card of his from the BI Steam Navigation Co Ltd SS Dunera for
29th May 1946. Was anyone else out there on that ship? Where
was it going to and from? As an RAF (VR) why was he on the ship
in the first place? If you can help contact me via e-mail. I
have looked up the name in the BI list for 1946 but it does not
appear! Thanks in anticipation.