the Logbook anywhere you see the
Lawrie, UK - Saturday, December 22, 2012 at 07:55:29
I was a kid when the Tragedy of Dara happened, one of its crew
was known to the adults that I overheard discussing it. That over
1500 bodies were picked up, obviously a lot of stowaways, from
the south Indian State of Kerala.
I later shared a flat in Muscat with a Civil Engineer in late 70s,
who used to suddely wake up sreaming from his sleep, he said it
was because he was rescued amidst the blaze in only his pyjamas,
must have been a nightmare. The official number of casualties need
to be taken with a pinch of salt.
Laird, Australia - Friday, December 21, 2012 at 06:56:16
I am a private researcher and am keen to contact a Mrs Marie Baker
(Australia) who posted on this logbook in April 2010 (concerning
her brother Peter Pedersen who served with BI). I believe that
Marie's father was another mariner, Captain C E Pedersen. Any
assistance would be greatly appreciated. I can be contacted via
the Logbook. thank you
Levinge, UK - Monday, December 10, 2012 at 03:12:55
My uncle, Sub-Lt Reginald Vere Noel Levinge, RNR, was killed on
HMS Glowworm on 08-04-1940 aged 21. I understand he joined the
BI as a cadet on 06-08-1936. How can I find out which BI ships
he served on?
Stewart, Australia - Saturday, December 8, 2012 at 23:28:19
HMS Slinger / LST 3510. Does anyone
know the crew / location Of the slinger in 1951-1952. [Not
known to be one of the BI-managed LSTs - Editor]
Blakey, UK - Thursday, November 29, 2012 at 20:25:00
I am looking for information about
my great grandfather he left India in 1896 to work for the
Uganda Railway. Has anyone
got any information about ss Lritrum it arrived in Mombasa on the
24th November 1896. I was looking for a passenger list or which
port it departed from in India. [This does
not seem even similar to any BI ship name - Editor]
Morel du Boil, UK - Thursday, November 29, 2012 at 14:31:52
My mother sailed on the Matiana from England to Zanzibar in 1940
(Antonio) Mansfield, UK - Tuesday, November 27, 2012 at 14:34:41
was the ship's hairdresser 1968/9
Morgan, UK - Tuesday, November 27, 2012 at 10:20:19
My dad Johnny Black (from Motherwell,
Scotland) was an engineer, i have his regulation book and
written on the inside cover are the following
ships: Chindwara,
Amra, Dara, Chupra, Woodarra and Queda. i
am not sure if he was on all of these ships but do know he was
on the chindwarra and amra as i have postcodes to his mum from
these ships. He was a seaman from around
1956 - not sure when he came out but would have been before 1963.
Would love to hear from anyone who knew him.
the logbook 
Young, Australia - Monday, November 26, 2012 at 04:34:08
Anyone know which BI ship visited Mombasa
15 July 1931; thence Zanzibar 17th, Dar-es-Salaam 18th, Mozambique
20th, Lourenco Marques 27th and then Durban at dawn 29th
July? Also, any photos available of Karagola (the
1917-1948 vessel)? Cheers
(BI 1952-1972) awaiting the pilot at Dungeness, from
an old Skyfotos shot
Lovelidge, Canada - Friday, November 23, 2012 at 19:33:15
I joined the BI forum several years ago and posted a number of
photos of my time on the Bankura and Chinkoa. Can anyone tell me
how I can access this page as I have lost the address and password.
Wilson, UK - Saturday, November 17, 2012 at 18:39:01
This may sound silly but I am trying
to find out the name of the non alcoholic cocktail drink
that I was served as a child on Nevasa in 1959 & 1962.
I think it was based on blackcurrant. It is a very strong
memory for me, with a cherry on a Nevasa metallic swizzle
stick it was very exotic.
Milne, UK - Friday, November 16, 2012 at 23:55:04
I recently found a comemerative tankard to H.W.J. Nash presented
by B.I.S.N. Co Lltd in 1969. the inscription reads 'Merlins' 'Kingbeer'
'Helmsman'.....can you throw any light on this and wondered if
it would be worth to a family member? thanks, regards
Saleem, UK - Tuesday, November 13, 2012 at 21:01:55
I wish to know if it's possible to
check the date of my family's travel from Mombasa to Karachi
by ss Khandalla in
march or april 1950?
Parry, UK - Wednesday, November 7, 2012 at 11:26:38
My cousin went down on HMS Rajputana & I
have collected a lot of information concerning this ship,
which used to be RMS Rajputana. Would
be willing to pass this information to those interested. [As mentioned
several times previously in these pages, Rajputana (P&O)
should not be confused with BI's Rajpootana, in service from
1874 to 1902 - Editor]
Purchase, UK - Sunday, November 4, 2012 at 19:21:42
My father was born in Rangoon, Burma
in 1905; of English parent. Amongst
my family heirlooms, I have found two silver napkin rings with
the words BISN Co Ltd ss Waroonga.
The napkin rings each have a number on them - 27 and 45. I understand
that numbered napkin rings were issued to officers. My
Granfather - William Charles Bailey and my father Arthur Bailey
may have served/travelled on the ss Waroonga. I would appreciate
any comments regarding the napkin rings and the Waroonga. Many
thanks. [Silver (plated) napkins rings were
in general issue to the fleet and both officers and passengers
eating in the saloon would have a ring, often numbered for identity.
The 2,513 gt Waroonga was built by A&J Inglis for British India
Associated Steamers. With a passenger capacity of 37 1st and 16
2nd and 1,300 deck passengers, she was acquired by British India
SN in 1883 and continued in service until 1913, firstly on BI's
new (1880) London-Torres Strait-Queensland Royal Mail contract,
then variously on Australian coast routes and the London-Queensland
run. In 1899 the ship was refitted for BI's Indian Ocean services
and later moved to the Persian Gulf slow mail service. She was
sold to Japanese interests in 1913 - Editor]
McCarthy, UK - Saturday, November 3, 2012 at 13:55:40
Looking for information on Arthur McCarthy
(1901-31)who died on board the Manela. I think he might
have been crew but not sure. Any help would be appreciated.
Wolten, UK - Saturday, November 3, 2012 at 10:19:04
I want to find out if my grandfather
staff sgt albert harold osbourne barwise and his wife clementina
barwise sailed to india on the 10.10.1895. I am doing an
Ancestry history of the family. Thanking you.
Steam Navigation's Belle Etoile (ex Landaura, 1965) which
remained under BI management for at least some of the
five years, until disposed of by MSN in 1970 (Chris Howell
Goilot, Mauritius - Tuesday, October 30, 2012 at 14:00:50
I would like to know the whereabouts
of Tony Bennett, Rhyle Mendes and Kamarruddin bin Mohd who
sailed with me on the Belle
Etoile ex Landaura in
the mid sixties
Goilot, Mauritius - Tuesday, October 30, 2012 at 13:25:27
I well remember the Tegelberg [Logbook
Jul 12, Jun 13, 2012]. Together with her sister ships the
Tjijalenka and the Boissevain were until the mid sixties
the largest ships to call at Port Louis while on the Far
east /South American run.
Robertson, US - Monday, October 29, 2012 at 19:05:39
Would like to contact Mac Henderson
ref Dara
McMahon, Australia - Sunday, October 28, 2012 at 05:21:35
Could anyone tell me if they know of
an Irish radio officer based in india 1940s he was lost at
sea aged 21 approx 1943 his name was George Nicholson. Any
information would be greatly appreciated I am trying to find
out about him for my 90 year old granmother who was his fiancee
at the time.
1st R.O. George Augustine (24), ss Nirpura 3rd March 1943
Off East London, U-16O attacked a convoy from Durban to India
sinking the animal transport SS Nipura, 5961 tons (British India
S.N. Co.) carrying around 700 mules. Three European officers
the logbook 
Scott, Ireland - Saturday, October 27, 2012 at 11:50:14
I am trying to find out about sailings
of cargo/passenger ships from Beira to Port Sudan (and possibly
hopping from port to port en route) departing Beira around 18 March
1951. I am trying to verify whether artist Francis Bacon
made this journey as planned. Any information at all
regarding sailings from Beira on or close to that date would
be gratefully appreciated.
Robertson, US - Friday, October 26, 2012 at 01:13:13
To Mac Henderson: Are you the Mac Henderson
that sailed on the Dara around 1952-53 with D A K Nelson,
John Robertson and Dean Martin? If you are, please contact me. Would
love to hear from you. Salaams,
Ramzi, Qatar - Tuesday, October 23, 2012 at 10:47:23
will never forget the magnificent four D's ships Dara,
Dwarka, Dumra and Daressa.
As boy I travelled on board of them all, Starting on early's
of 50's. Untill 1959 from Basra to Muscat as apart of our
long journey form Beriut to Muscat. Thanks to all who servied
on those ships, espacialy those who worked in engine rooms, as
they are the uknown solders.
(BI 1948-1964), one of a pair of ships built for Calcutta-Japan
cargo service
Matthew, UK - Monday, October 22, 2012 at 22:49:14
with the BI on Chakdara,
Bankura, Dilwara, Garbeta, Warla, Warora,
and Nowshera in that order between
1958 and late 1962. Took
my 2nd Class Motor, 1st Class Motor, and 1st Class Steam Certificates
in that period. My son was born in Mombasa whine I served
on Warla on the Durban Mombasa service. After getting my
Extra 1st Class I stayed ashore and later surveyed the Rajula in
Hong Kong while with the Marine Department 1965-1974. I wound
be glad to hear from old shipmates
Upshon, South Africa - Monday, October 22, 2012 at 14:38:00
sailed from Bombay to Beira in 1948 on a BI ship, arriving
5th June 1948. My mother always told me it was the Karanja.
However I now find this could not be, as the Karanja was only commissioned
in Oct 1948. I now think it must have been the Kampala,
can anyone confirm the Kampala docked in Beira June 1948? Also
does anyone know who the Commander of the Kampala was at that time?
Wood, Australia - Sunday, October 21, 2012 at 07:46:03
think my father served with BI before and during WWII. Hoping
there maybe some information regarding his services history
if so. David Smith Wood. Also I have BISN Co etched glass
(happy to provide a picture)and was also wondering if there
any museums local to me. Cheers.
Favelle, Canada - Sunday, October 21, 2012 at 06:31:24
anyone know where I can get hold of a body/lines plan of
Nevasa (1956)? Also require maiden voyage r/t pass list.
Have interesting painting of the ship passing Gibraltar and
many pics.
the logbook 
Knight, UK - Saturday, October 20, 2012 at 23:27:23
Sailed from the UK in 1952 on the ss
Kenya with my parents & brother.
I believe it was the Kenya's maiden voyage. We sailed to Mombasa & then
a train journey to Nairobi where my father was to be employed as
a Maltster for East African Breweries (Tusker Lager) [It was unlikely
to have been the maiden voyage as Kenya was delivered by the builder,
Barclay Curle on July 12, 1951 - Editor]
Ryder - Friday, October 19, 2012 at 01:38:35
Have been interested in BI for many
years as my recently late father was chief engineer during
the 1940s with the company. The BI website is very interesting.
My father, Bill Ryder (b.1920), served on board between
1941 and 1946; Ethiopia,
Dumana, Manela,
Mantola, Baroda, Barpeta, Karoa (hospital ship), Vita (hospital
ship), Gamaria and Naringa,
although not in the right order. My father also visited an engineering friend on the Sir Harvey
Adamson during the above period.
Duncan, New Zealand - Thursday, October 18, 2012 at 00:01:26
for family information on the death of Chief Officer Jack
Hopkins (I have his Seamans Book No. if required). He
joined the Naringa in 1945 Bombay
and signed off March 1946 in Bombay, we assume he was sick
or injured. Two months later May 1946 he died in Trincomalee
Hospital. Do BI have any records of what happened to one
of their officers?
Richards, Australia - Thursday, October 11, 2012 at 21:20:27
I am looking for help as i research my grandfather's life at sea.
His details as i know them are, albert george richards born 1891,
identity no-R.S.2/212457, discharge book no-695166, rated purser.
He left the sea in sydney australia in 1919. Any help would be
much appreciated however i know this is a long time ago.
the logbook 
Lane, UK - Thursday, October 11, 2012 at 15:59:26
I was with BI early 1959 to late 1961 only just started to look
at these sites of BI I sailed in Nowshera
Fultala Amra Dumra Kampala Warla and Uganda
Beadle, UK - Tuesday, October 9, 2012 at 07:45:09
Wish to recieve the daily email log
book, notes & comments.
(BI 1889-1923), on of the seven-strong K class built
for shorter, fast services along the Indian coast
Maclachlan, UK - Saturday, October 6, 2012 at 13:01:29
great grandfather was S Maclachlan, commander of ss Goa in
1906. He was also commander of Culna and
served on Katoria. I have
found a picture of Katoria but would love to see pics of the other
two if anybody could direct me? He was based in Calcutta
where my grandfather was born. Thanks and best.
Wilson, UK - Wednesday, September 26, 2012 at 20:47:34
served on the Rajula as 2nd
R/O in 1957/58 and then transferred to Pachumba
Mathias, India - September 23, 2012, at 21:54
is to inform you that we are the survivors of Dara Ship
accident in 1961. Our family consists of 6 people
were traveling from Kuwait to India in that ship.
Father Mr Louis Mathias then 40 years. Who is expired.
Mother Mrs Carmine Mathias then 31 years still living.
India. Daughter Irene Mathias 8 years then now in
Kuwait. I (Son) Vincent Mathias then 5 years now
in Mumbai, India. Son Justice Mathias then 3 years
now in Kuwait. Daughter Gracy
Mathias then 3 months girl, now in Mumbai. A
great miracle is that the full family survived in the accident.
My Mother still carry the memories of the accident
. When I saw the accident write up in your website I thought
of writing this mail to the company just to inform that
we still live with this memories I. Our heart. My mother
never went back to kuwait because of the trauma of this
accident she had. She is 83 now and living happily with
children. If you want to know any more thing kindly revert
back to me. I have been told that ours is only second
family with full survivors with youngest members as small
as 3 months baby.
Smith, UK - Monday, September 24, 2012 at 12:44:30
am looking to trace a relative who served on the Manela in
or around 1932 his name is Andrew James Mcmillan he
would have been aged about 20 years old perhaps someone knew
him or spoke of him we are trying to track down his movements
after he was discharged in 1937.
Mathias, India - Friday, September 21, 2012 at 18:56:56
the family of 6 were survivor of this crash and out of which
5 are still living. we were happy to see the full detail of the
incident.the my sister was was 3 months then is now 51 years now.
[Later Logbook entry refers, Sep 23, 2012]
Langdon, New Zealand - Friday, September 21, 2012 at 05:38:25
My mother sailed back from Calcutta,
India to Tilbury in England in 1919 on a ship called ms
Marseilles. I can find no record
of a ship of this name and wondered if you can help. It was
the first ship to leave Calcutta after WW1 finished. [This was
not a BI ship - Editor]
Lyons, UK - Wednesday, September 19, 2012 at 11:00:15
went on a school cuise in 1967 on the Nevasa, it was one
of the best times of my life!!
Dowd, Australia - Tuesday, September 18, 2012 at 02:06:26
there a full list of ship names that brought imigrants to
South Australia from 1855 to 1900?
Turner, Australia - Saturday, September 8, 2012 at 11:52:17
father also Thomas William Turner then recently a widower,
returned to Australia from Calcutta aboard ss Janus arriving
abt. 11 August 1919 [Sydney Morning Herald 13 August 1919,
p 9] with his two infant children. I have photos taken en
route. But I would like to know the ports of call.
Hall, UK - Friday, September 7, 2012 at 01:09:51
I believe my grandfather served
on your ship, as i am looking at a postcard to my grandmother,
dated 8/1/32 when the ship set sail . i never met my grandparents
as they died before i was born and my parents died young
so therefore have no one to confiim this. My gandfathers
name was Charles Arther Landon Lavelle , maybe known as lan
to his friends. [Which ship was it?
- Editor]
the logbook 
Ramphal, Barbados - Tuesday, September 4, 2012 at 03:17:49
I am looking for information on the Ellora,
as my paternal grandmother was aboard one of the three journies
that Ellora took from India to British Guiana. Are there any
photographs or passenger/labourer lists?
(BI 1915-1950), one of three Swan Hunter built, K class
ships for the Bombay-East Africa/South Africa
service, the first company ships designed specifically
for the route. At 7,053 tons gross, Karoa had accommodation
for 44 1st class, 64 2nd class and 1,471 deck passengers
Dickason, USA - Sunday, September 2, 2012 at 23:04:30
As a boy I traveled the Rangoon-Madras
route on BISN ss Karoa. The
captain took a great interest in us, as his children were in Britain. My
wife traveled the Gulf-Bombay mail ships from Bahrain and Muscat
to Bombay on the mv Dara and Dumra. Info or photos of these
ships will be most welcome. Thanks.
Kale, UK - Sunday, September 2, 2012 at 18:42:38
can I get the passenger list for ss Amra sailing
from Mombasa to Bombay for year 1963?
Fraser, UK - Friday, August 31, 2012 at 16:35:28
a child in the 60's i remember well the series of calendar
art that BI issued. I had one and cherished it. Upon my
retirement the directors of P&O
, about to sucumb to Maersk take-over, presented me with
a large (64inches x 44inches) painting of Amra, one of these
depicted in the calendar series. What a joy. It hung at No.1
Aldgate in the main meeting room. I wonder if anyone knows
more about these paintings. [Please tell us more about you
BI connections, or was it purely by chance that you were
there at the right time when P&O was disposing of art and
artefacts? - Editor]
Pereira, India - Friday, August 24, 2012 at 07:07:43
grandfather Camilo Fernandes. Worked on steam ship Ellora,
as a topass, he was hospitalised in London Greenwich Seamen's Hospital.
Sadly he died in the hospital on 20th Nov 1961, as per the records
on the death certificate. I wish to know more about my grandfather,
about his burial, and if the grave still exist. His documents
whatever he carried on board. Can I get any smallest possible
infomation about him?
Henderson, UK - Wednesday, August 22, 2012 at 16:46:50
am giving a taugh to our local reminiscence society regarding
the ships I sailed on and my experiences in the BI. To support
this I would be obliged if anyone could supply technical
details of the Nowshera ie
BHP, Boiler Press. and Temp. [Laxon
& Perry gives SHP as 10,250, from one three-stage Parsons
turbine. Shaft speed 116 rpm, giving a trials' speed of 18.01
knots - Editor]
Ferguson, UK - Tuesday, August 21, 2012 at 12:56:01
In reply to Geoffrey Haskins, UK -
Friday, December 4, 2009 who wrote "I am researching Old Conway Wilton Vivian Wood who
died accidentally, aged 53 years, at Kilindini Wharf in Mombasa
in 1941 and is interred in Mbarak cemetery. He is described in
the records as "Captain in BISNC". I have information
about his life and family.
Kelso, UK - Monday, August 20, 2012 at 20:13:53
For "Harry" Lester,
June 4, 2012: Almost certain the BI Choice Pilot Gravesend/Gallions
was called Clarke, and his quartermaster was Ted Drury
[If ship berthing in Tilbury, then Mr Clarke disembarked
in the lock, and Ted handed the wheel over to the seacunny,
while he proceeded to berth the ship!) Other names John Buchan
(Inward: Dungeness/Gravesend, and ? Williamson, Nore/Gravesend.
Mr Buchan regularly boarded Kenya/Uganda inwards
off Brixham while Mr Williamson often boarded at Middlesbro/Antwerp/Rotterdam/and
Antwerp...both were North Sea pilots as well as being Thames
Sea/Gravesend. The Company's Choice outward pilot/Gravesend/Dungeness
was Mr Papworth. Inside the Royal Docks the ship was under
the advice of Mr Simmonds, also a Waterman like Ted Drury
the logbook 
Morland, UK - Sunday, August 19, 2012 at 20:09:13
have seen Ralph Wood's (Oman) name appear a few times on
this site and it has brought back memories of my brief career
at sea. I sailed with Ralph in 1974 on the Aska. Would
enjoy hearing from you.
David Roberts, UK - Saturday, August 18, 2012 at
trying to find out more about I think BI ships that travelled from
India to Guyana in 1895. Trying to trace family/ancestors who I
believe travelled as passengers
Backtawar (Backtaor) & Sowiya (Soriya) arrived in Guyana on
the ships Elbe (71767*) and Avoca (69815*)
in 1895. Any help appreciated. [Between 1895
and 1897 Avoca was on cherter to Compania Trasatlantica for Cuba
trooping, under the latter company's name, San Fernando. She reverted
to her original BI name at the end of that charter - Editor]
Robin Harrod, UK - Thursday, August 16, 2012 at
My grandfather, John Herbert Humble-Crofts served with BI between
1898 and 1911, completeing service as a 1st Officer. After his
marriage in Calcutta in April 1911, he resigned and returned
home somewhere between july 1911 and February 1912. I have not
found an arrival in UK for him and my g'mother and assume, as
she was heavily pregnant, that they might have disembarked at
Marseilles and continued overland. Are there any passenger/crew
lists for BI ships leaving Calcutta at that time that I might
access? [You could try the Public Record Office at Kew - Editor]
Australia - Friday, August 10, 2012 at 05:00:21
Does anyone know anything /anyone from HMS Slinger/LST 3510/Empire
Kittiwake in 1951
Kerr, New Zealand - Monday, August 6, 2012 at 04:17:53
a friend, I am looking for information about his father,
John Hopkins, Chief Officer ss Chakdina who
died of illness at Trincomalee early in 1945. He wants
to know what his father died of.
Samji, UK - Sunday, August 5, 2012 at 11:25:38
I am researching my wife's ancestry under the surname of
Bavishi. I have been able to find my father-in-law's passport
which shows that he landed at Mombasa port on 23rd June 1934.
I cannot find any departure stamps but can only assume that
he travelled from Porbandar. How can I find out what ship
he might have used for that trip? Thanks in advance.
overhead shot of Ernest Warwick's working model of
Warwick, UK - Friday, July 27, 2012 at 03:41:51
My 1:96 stand off scale model of the Bamora (re
Logbook July 15, 2012) is now finished, thanks to my research
on Ships Nostalgia website. It probably is not correct in every
detail due to the very scant drawing I had to work to.
Stewart, UK - Wednesday, July 25, 2012 at 09:36:14
My uncle was Alexander Burt Aitken who was killed aboard the Aska when it was bombed in 1940. I have found his name on the BI memorial.
I am preparing to dive on the remains of the wreck in August 2012.
It will be a poignant experience.
Fairclough, UK - Wednesday, July 25, 2012 at 08:19:39
For Katherine Burns (re Logbook July
15, 20122): I rememember an Engineering Cadet named Paul Burns
on Chindwara 59 to 63. In the
days when we all smoked I remember his Sherlock Holmes pipe. We
all slept in dormitories and I recall he kept his pipe primed and
ready on his bunk shelf for when he got up in the mornings. Both
our families lived in Surrey at the time and I remember one leave
meeting him for a few pints in the Ship Inn, Weybridge. Lost contact
with him after that, was he the the same?
Elkins (was Parrott), UK - Sunday, July 22, 2012 at 18:49:19
was a passenger on Nevasa in
Elizabeth Jefferson, Netherland - Saturday, July 21, 2012 at
am looking for a Reggie Cunningham, or any family of his. He
was on the ss Itaura in 1953/1954.
My father, Victor George Jefferson was the captain at that
time, I beleive. I was a young girl of 11years old and I
have just come across 3 letters that he wrote to at that time,
as a "penpal". I also have a letter,
that he wrote from the MV Garbeta.
Maybe if he is still alive he would like to read them, or maybe
somebody in his family would be interested. [Reg
follows correspondence in the separate BI staff group. Your
message will be passed on to him - Editor]
Gordon, Australia - Tuesday, July 17, 2012 at 03:31:11
crew who remember a family from Perth traveling to the Gulf
and back on the Chandpara and Chakrata in
1960 -1961!
Marsh - Tuesday, July 17, 2012 at 00:55:55
Barbara Haddock, April 6, 2012 [regarding
a family member who worked on BI ships in Bombay] Family
Search.org can sometimes reveal clues to dead people
Henderson, UK - Monday, July 16, 2012 at 14:12:01
The site is very good
Burns, UK - Sunday, July 15, 2012 at 22:36:31
love to hear from any of the men who served with my father,
Paul Burns from 1959-63. He was chief engineer and served across
the India and East Africa route. He is now sadly deceased..many
Warwick, UK - Sunday, July 15, 2012 at 10:39:06
I am building a 1:96 scale, working model
of the Bamora (the
1961 build, she is a beautiful looking ship) from a very
scant modellers drawing, it is almost finished but I need to
know her port of registry, and her home port and regular runs
to and from! many thanks.
the logbook 
Hargreaves, UK - Thursday, July 12, 2012 at 15:16:12
Patrick Coffey.13 June question:
Takliwa left Bombay for Singapore
on 8th January 1942. She was one of 18 ships in Convoy BM 10
taking 6000 Indian troops, MT and military stores to defend
Singapore, arriving there on the 25th.
As you say, Takliwa left Singapore on. 30th January, almost certainly
with refugees but I think it most unlikely that any military passengers
would have been permitted. Quoting from the Company's WW2
history book, this "was a day of dense, low clouds, hot and
steamyí" and the Madura, another of the Company's
ships in the port, had been hit by Japanese bombs. This ship reported
that "through the turmoil and the mist of cordite fumes and
smoke, we saw the Takliwa steaming past us on the way out to sea.
She gave us an encouraging V salute on her whistle
as she went". Takliwa arrived at Palembang in Sumatra on
1st February, possibly to land injured refugees. She left the same
day for Oosthaven (Bandar Lampung), arriving and leaving that port
on 3rd February 1942 and reaching Bombay on the 12th February.
Sadly, Takliwa did not see the end of WW2 as she was grounded and
wrecked in a storm on Great Nicobar Island in 1945.
The Tegelberg arrived in Batavia (Jakarta/Tandjong Priok) on the
27th January after a "normal" service trip to South
Africa and to find the Japanese invasion of the Dutch East Indies
imminent. There is a discussion forum (network54.com) which claims
that the Tegelberg loaded gold worth 25 million guilders (and presumably
yourself and other refugees!) before sailing on 12th February
for Mauritius (20th Feb), Port Elizabeth (3rd March), Capetown
(5th March) then visiting Brazil, Argentina, Uruguy and New York,
arriving in Liverpool on 16th June to be converted to an Infantry
Landing Ship.
I cannot explain how you crossed the Sunda Strait from Takliwa
to reach Tegelberg in Batavia, why so much time was spent in Mauritius
and why Durban does not appear on your route but verifying the
movement of a foreign ship travelling independently is a bit of
a challenge!
In addition to the above Forum, other data has been extracted from
the Convoy Web and the BISNCo's WW2 history book, Valiant
Voyaging. The only fact I can personally guarantee is her conversion
to an ILS as I was in the same convoy as Tegelberg, from Port Said
to Sicily, arriving there to execute 'Operation Husky' at 2am on
the 10th July 1943. [Derek, thanks for a very comprehensive reply
to Patrick's question - Editor]
(BI 1903-1923) was one of the three-ship B class (one
of which is pictured) built for the company's premier
Calcutta-Rangoon service
Bernard, UK - Wednesday, July 11, 2012 at 11:38:54
grandfather sailed on the ss Bharata in
1921 he had relinquished his commission with the British Army
in India.He was Major James Herbert Harris and my last knowledge
of him is a letter on headed notepaper from the ss Bharata
dated 17th Oct 1921
Dudukay, South Africa - Tuesday, July 10, 2012 at 21:44:00
Hi...with reference to my entry in 2011
[Dec 19, 2011], I would really appreciate any info abt the
captain of HMS Birmingham in November 1942. My grandfather's
1st wife travelling on ss Tilawa from Bombay to Durban and
was said to be one of the passangers rescued by HMS Birmingham.Thanks
in advance!
Afzal. Iran - Monday, July 9, 2012 at 05:49:17
i have certificate of share No 4486
of 20/Dec/1922, the Persian Golf Steam Navigation Company Limited.
What is this?
Henderson< UK - Sunday,
July 8, 2012 at 14:49:22
ss Karagola - German flying
boat D2053, I have historical information about the rescue
of the aircraft. My grandfather was specifically mentioned
in a letter regarding the recognition of his part in the
rescue and the award of a watch by the German Government.
Letter and photo avaliable.
Banerjee, Germany - Wednesday, July 4, 2012 at 10:31:29
refer to your answer to my Log Entries 2012, April 1, 2012.
As to my father's service with BISN Calcutta, I am pleased to give
details of Dr. D.C. Banerjee. He joined BISN Co. in 1929 and was
a shore office doctor 1947-1963 in Calcutta, as a colleague of
Dr Garrow. Thank you and regards
Lansdale, UK - Wednesday, July 4, 2012 at 09:19:12
am a journalist. I was commissioned to write a couple of articles
covering the sailing of the seven cruise liners from Southampton
yesterday. I was at Hamble Point photographing the ships and the
parallel of BI Sunday came to mind.
Does anyone have a hi-res copy of the BI Sunday image in Mombasa.
I will of course include an acknowledgement. Thanks
Passmore, UK - Tuesday, June 26, 2012 at 15:13:23
grandfather, William Hicks Walton, was a Captain for BI from
about 1900 till his death from cholera in Karachi in 1921. I have
details of his movements from the Archive in Kew but there is a
big gap 1914-18. I know he was troop carrying and wonder if he
was seconded to the RN. Does anyone have knowledge of how to get
info on this?
Davies, Australia - Monday, June 25, 2012 at 13:29:08
am attempting to get information about Charles Edward Hartley
Davies, ships engineer on the Shirala from
1912 to 1917
Phillips, Australia - Saturday, June 23, 2012 at 14:48:02
father served as a Leading Sick Berth Attendant on the HMS
Loch Fyne and was present when the mv
Dara tragedy occurred. Him along
with some other RN personnel went on board the Dara prior to
her being taken under tow by the Ocean Salvor. My dad and shipmates
took photographs whilst on board surveying the ship. I have
found these while compiling an album on my dad's 21 years of
service in the RN. I would be glad to share them.
the logbook 
Matthew, UK - Saturday, June 23, 2012 at 00:59:10
Intersting site that I only heard of recently
Jackson, Australia - Wednesday, June 13, 2012 at 22:20:19
noted that Jim Anderson left a message on Nov 11 2000. Was
wondering if this was the same Jim Anderson (was First Officer)
on the Bankura which used to sail
into Picton NZ in the 60's. His wife was named Claire (Clare)
and they lived in Adelaide?
was under BI management for a few months in 1942, after
being requisitioned by the British government as
a personnel carrier. She was then taken over by
a Dutch war management committee
Coffey, Spain - Wednesday, June 13, 2012 at 16:47:08
escaped from Singapore on the Takliwa 30
jan 1942, can you tell me where we went to in Sumatra, and
was she carrying troops etc. What was her destination after
Sumatra? I and my mother and gran were very fortuneate to eventually
get to Durban on the mv Tegelberg. [Perhaps
a correspondent who is expert on WWII will help
on the Takliwa queries. Tegelberg (built 1937 for Koninklijke
Paketvaart Maatsschapij) was also possibly under BI colours
at the time you got passage to Durban, that is if it was between
April and July 1942, when BI briefly managed the requisitioned,
14,150 gt vessel - Editor]
Deans, Australia - Monday, June 11, 2012 at 07:12:32
Still enjoy surfing thru the B.I. log
Baber, UK - Tuesday, June 5, 2012 at 18:51:51
am interested in the career of Captain A.E.Baber
"Harry" Lester, Australia - Monday, June 4, 2012 at 12:44:19
Queen's Jubilee and the Thames sail past brought to mind my
days as a Cadet, later as 4/0 & 3/0
on Home Line vessels. In those days (50s) coming up the Thames
we used to boarded by the company's Choice Pilot at Gravesnd
accompanied by his Quaatermaster who took the wheel up to entry
into the Royal Docks. I recollect once asking who exactly the
Quartermaster was and being told he was a Thames Waterman.
Can anyone remember his name - I think it was Ted ??? and
although being quite aged at that time he was a character in
himself and I remember him well. Does anyone also remember
the name of the Choice Pilot??? Salaams to all
Wakely, UK - Wednesday, May 30, 2012 at 06:25:00
to earlier logbook entry of June 2010, still searching for
information regarding my grandfather's time with BI (Martin
Henry Wakely, 1919-1923/4), and my father's (Martin Alfred William
Wakely, late 1940s/early 1950s). All help appreciated !
Penrose, Australia - Wednesday, May 30, 2012 at 02:03:19
info on BISN vessel andphoto India (2). My grandparents travelled
on this vessel to the UK late 1800's
Australia - Friday, 25 May 2012 16:28:28
am interested in the history of Robert Pelham Sanderson, an
employee of
Mackenzie and Co. in China. How might I find information about
Richards, UK - Monday, May 21, 2012 at 17:42:17
anyone have any photos of the ships that went from Africa to
the Seychelles in the early 1970s, please. i was really young
but can remember there was a celebration, welcoming party and
we were given flowers on arrival. The sailing was marking a
special event, not too sure what it was though. would anybody
have any insight on this. thank you [What
was the date - month and year? - Editor]
- British india 1919-1929
A fully refrigerated ship for the Queensland meat trade,
Wangaratta was BI's first purpose-built cadetship,
with accommodation for 39 cadets
David Reid,
UK - Saturday, May 19, 2012 at 09:17:50
Grandfather David Muir served in BI 1893-1926 his ship Umaria was
torpedoed he spent 3 weeks on a German submarine and was
intered in Germany. My father Henry Reid joined the BI on13/06/1922
as a cadet aboard the
Wangaratta I have his daily
log and some photographs of grandfather's ships. [On
May 26, 1917, when in
the Gulf of Policastro, Umaria (Calcutta
for Britain) was
attacked on the surface by U-65. Shell damage caused the
ship to eventually sink. Meanwhile, the vessel had been abandoned
with the loss of five lives. The Chief Engineer, Second Officer
and a Cadet were taken prisoner in the submarine. Others
were rescued by an Italian patrol boat and landed at Sapri
- Editor]
the logbook 
Neil McAllister,
UK - Tuesday, May 15, 2012 at 02:42:38
to this site searching for more on my uncle Robert Hampshire
who was reported to his family at the time as being 'supposed
drowned enemy action' who I recently found out served on the
Tom Kelso,
UK - Sunday, May 13, 2012 at 21:59:46
Nicholas Jones (Australia) [Logbook
Feb 21, 2012]: Re
Kenya, London~Mombasa, February
Captain H Cray, MBE
C/Engineer A A Emery
C/O P M Pitcairn
Purser L Liddington
accommodation plan or passenger list to hand but Cabin 273 was
in Tourist Class, starboard side of B Deck
Steele, UK - Friday, May 11, 2012 at 18:36:56
was a pupil on the ss Nevasa which
sailed from Gourock on an educational cruise to Madeira,
Casablanca and Lisbon in late june 1966. All but one school
were Scottish. I know a few of them, but would like to know
all of them especially any from the Dundee area.
Ted Rowley,
Australia - Wednesday, May 9, 2012 at 11:59:44
again to John Prescott for running such a great website of
interest to and uniting so many people around the world.
On April 14th 2010, in response to an earlier enquiry, I posted
a photo of the Waroonga's Deck Officers taken aboard her in 1959.
Further to this, and through John, I have made contact with Kate
Safi who is the daughter-in-law of one the fellow cadets in the
photo, Nick Jory. Kate informs me that Nick will be celebrating
his 70th Birthday on May 20th and she and her mother both feel
Nick is unaware of this website and intend suprising him on the
day along with other photos that I have forwarded to her of Nick
on the Waroonga. Happy 70th Birthday Nick and Welcome Aboard!
Lloga, Australia - Wednesday, April 25, 2012 at 09:42:06
I'm interested in a passenger list for the Warora, Ship no.
1367 which sailed from India to Mauritius in 1955. Regards
Ambrose, UK - Saturday, April 21, 2012 at 21:22:45
Muriel Phinn [Logbook
January 30, 2012] about Leo August Sixt. Muriel, I
would love to get in touch with you. My grandmother was Lilian
Sixt, so I think you and my mother are cousins. We have been
trying to research family history. I don't know how to contact
you but I'm on Facebook in a pink dress! Best regards.
Asher, New Zealand - Wednesday, April 18, 2012 at 14:46:38
family travelled on the Bulimba from Denmark - my Great Aunt
was born on the ship and was named after the ship. [Can you supply
your great aunt's date of birth and full name, please? Editor]
- British india 1940-1958 |
Lynda Washbrook,
Canada - Wednesday, April 18, 2012 at 09:11:21
am looking for info on my great uncle Captain Thomas J Walsh
born 1877 Waterford, Ireland. Believed to have captained
the ss Itria in 1914. He spent his career in the Far East.
[In BI's 1914
Handbook Captain T Walsh is listed as Commander
of Itria - Editor]
Brown, UK - Saturday, April 14, 2012 at 14:31:22
great great uncle John Foye (Foy) died on Nerbudda on
25 May 1882 of cholera. The ship arrived back in Glagow on
27.10.1882. Is this ship a different Nerbudda. He was a 23
yr old Ale Seaman and therefore crew. Where had this Nerbudda
been, does anyone know, please. Was this ship a BI one too? [Your
uncle's Nerbudda appears not to be BI's ship of that name.
The first BI Nerbudda was delivered in 1883, the year after
your uncle's death - Editor]
the logbook 
Alex Fowlis,
South Africa - Tuesday, April 10, 2012 at 16:12:35
William Wilkie. Thanks for your info [Logbook
Feb 27, 2012] on
Derek Whittaker, we sailed together on ss Kenya about
1963. I have asked about him a few times in the past without
success. I note you are from Dundee which is not so far from
my home town of Cardenden. If you ever get wind of Derek
please let us know as Jim Devine, also in South Africa, and
Jim Meldrum in Australia would be interested to hear news
of him. Kind regards.
Mac Henderson,
UK - Tuesday, April 10, 2012 at 13:29:46
on the Chandpara
Rajula Urlana Dara Chakdina Nowshera as
an engineer 1951 to1956.This is a great site to catch up
with old friends
Vicki Newbury,
Australia - Tuesday, April 10, 2012 at 06:41:56
would like some information on the Amra for
a friend who's father in-law was Captain. His surname was
Doran. I have looked at all the sites relating to the ship
but if there is some reference to him being captain I would
like to show my friend.
Schmuhl, South Africa - Monday, April 9, 2012 at 12:08:41
The Abbott family sailed to South Africa in 1947 on board the
Kampala from India. I would like a passenger list. I am the daughter
of Pamela Mavis Abbott her along with her siblings father Neil
Abbott and Adeline Abbott sailed to Durban via Mombasa kind Regards
Haddock, Australia - Friday, April 6, 2012 at 03:41:27
father was an engineer (welder) who worked on BISN ships
in Bombay in 1943. He died there in 1944. He was known as
Kenneth Roy Brown or Kenneth Roy Kinnear and was 28 when
he died. We understand that he was an Australian but this
is not confirmed. Can anyone assist with further info?
Yameen, Canada - Thursday, April 5, 2012 at 05:01:56
Hi..My father Sarfaraz Ali, travelled from Bombay, British India
port to England as passenger, in 1910 or 1911. I am very much
interested to know, which ship he travelled. Thank you for your
Paliath, USA - Tuesday, April 3, 2012 at 13:06:10
mother boarded the Rajula at
Madras with me and 3 of my younger brothers on or about
Easter Sunday in 1954. Would like to find out the exact ETA
in Penang and how many days we were held in the quarantine
island off Penang.
Banerjee, Germany - Sunday, April 1, 2012 at 10:18:11
with interest your shore staff in Calcutta. The only doctors
name appeared is of Dr. Garrow. My father Dr. Banerjee was also
a doctor in the shore staff Calcutta till 1962, and these names
should also be mentioned in order to have a complete history.
Regards [Thanks for the information. Please
supply Dr Banerjee's actual dates of service and position held
- Editor]
Bussy, South Africa - Saturday, March 31, 2012 at 15:01:58
to Derek Hargreaves for an answer to my entry dated July
2010! Sorry I did not see it! I am a school teacer and rarely
have time to do much personal research. Thanks and apologies
for not acknowledging earlier!
Dutt, New Zealand - Monday, March 26, 2012 at 13:04:21
Has anybody found any details of the ship Virawa, how do I get
the passenger list, please.
Tony Dare-Edwards,
Australia - Monday, March 19, 2012 at 21:36:36
My father, W L Dare-Edwards was a junior engineer on the
ms Khandalla and then ss Barjora during
the period 1929 to 1933. He worked on the Durban, Beira,
Zanzibar, Persian Gulf and Karachi run. I have a colection
of pictures he took of the ships, officers and dockland scenes
during this time. He left BI to join BP in Uganda as an engineer
setting up petrol depots across the country. Cheers
Peter Favelle,
Canada - Friday, March 16, 2012 at 20:16:50
a passenger on Nevasa in 1956
from Famagusta, Cyprus to Southampton UK. Looking for photos,
plans, etc with a view to building a model of the ship
Oliemans, Netherlands - Thursday, March 15, 2012 at 09:15:45
great grandfather (Andrew Gray) sailed as engineer on a ship
off the Nederlands Indische Stoomvaart Maatschappij, a daughter
company, between East Borneo and Singapore in the year 1879.
Do you have any information about this company or Andrew Gray?
Akhtar, USA - Wednesday, March 14, 2012 at 19:28:45
want to mention a coincidence relating to ss Ismaila.
My father went on official training to U.K. from Pakistan
in 1956. On his return he booked some cargo, including my
Air Rifle on the Ismaila, but at the last minute, the Ismailia
was drawn out of service and its cargo transhipped on mv
Trewedden. Ismaila was
sold to Pan Islamic Steamship Company of Pakistan and re-named
Safina-e-Jamhooriat. Strangely enough, I joined Pan Islamic
as a Deck Cadet in 1965 and was posted on Safina-e-jamhooriat.
I signed on Safina-e-Jamhooriat and the very next day was
suddenly transferred to Safina-e-Ismail which was sailing
early next morning 0600Hrs. Like our cargo in 1956, I was
not able to sail on Safina-e- jamhooriat (ex-Ismaila). Strange?
Frank Ibbeston,
UK - Sunday, March 11, 2012 at 23:58:16
would like to know more about my late father, who was an
engineer in BI line about 1928-1933 & passed
his chief's ticket in Bombay in about 1930, aged 27.
Paul Mc
Court, UK - Sunday, March 11, 2012 at 10:13:53
sailed as a passenger on a BI vessel from Mombassa to the
Seychelles in 1962 and later returned in 1965. While living
on Mahe, my parents befriended a BI engineer officer named
Pat Boyle. Pat would call upon us whenever his vessel called
at Mahe, often with gifts for us children.
the logbook 
Tony Button,
UK - Saturday, March 10, 2012 at 18:48:16
travelled to Norway Denmark and Holland with a school trip
during the first half of the 1960's. i interviewed the commodore
for the ships newspaper, made friends with a deckhand (I
still have a photograph of this man and, I believe his name.
Also a copy of the newspaper! Thought I would see if there
was any info on the internet. We also wrote a song: "I
wish I was the commodore on Devonia BI"
Ashok Sarin,
USA - Tuesday, March 6, 2012 at 19:50:03
sailed on two of BI Passenger ships:
Santhia, (I believe it was in June, July, 1955,
2. Sangola, (Sep - Oct) 1958.
I have fond memories of Sangola and numerous photographs at
Liam Mc
Grath, Ireland - Tuesday, March 6, 2012 at 00:23:30
interested in finding more information on mv Dara,
(sunk, Persian Gulf 1961). My father, William (Billy) Mc
Grath was the ships Radio Officer. Any documents or accounts
about its sinking would be very much appreciated.
Sample, Ireland - Wednesday, February 29, 2012 at 15:38:21
Sorry I havn't logged in before!
Wilkie, Canada - Monday, February 27, 2012 at 16:45:07
to Alex (Sandy) Fowlis, I dont know Derek Whittikers whereabouts
now but we sailed together on the Warla, Mombasa
to Durban via LM for a few years sadly we took her home for
scrapping. What a night we had in London transfered to Socotra
ended up in Dundee my home town quite a night. Derek was
a great guitar player and singer if anybody knows his location
would like to get in touch
Pereira (nee Van Eyck), Sri Lanka - Saturday, February 25,
2012 at 07:59:17
Pereira, Sri Lanka - My father. Percival Carl Van Eyck, left
Colombo, Ceylon as a stowaway on a ship in 1923/1924. He
was 15/16 years old. The first port they touched was in India,
then France, where he had to serve a short spell in jail. He
was then signed on as a marine stoker and proceeded to London.
How can I find more details about this incident - the name
of ship, dates etc.?
Sarda, UK - Friday, February 24, 2012 at 07:45:09
Unable to get any information on what the first passenger ship
was to sail from Bombay to Dar es Salaam ? and what year ?. Have
read the Sea Safari but no information in it.
Jones, Australia - Tuesday, February 21, 2012 at 11:34:46
father wrote a diary of our sea voyage from London to Kenya
on the ss Kenya - departure
date 17 Feb 1960 from London. I wish to put my fathers diary
into context and would appreciate any assistance in identifying
the ship's Captain, names of other passengers, cargo being
transported and a plan of the ss Kenya, where Cabin 273
was located. Thank you.
Grant, Spain - Friday, February 17, 2012 at 16:31:00
response to: Ruth Willson, Netherlands - Monday, August 22,
2011, Christopher Thomas Willson (born 1892 Deptford 14 July
1892), brother of Herbert Anthony, uncle to Ruth Mildred -
- married Lillian Baptist of Quatre Bornes Mauritius; emigrated
to Australia; 1 son Leslie; possibly more children.
Grant (nee Nazareth), Bermuda/Canad - Friday, February 17,
2012 at 15:33:55
am trying to find information about my Grand Aunt and her
family who were travelling between Goa and Kenya during WW2.
Her boat was torpedoed and sadly she lost her life along
with her husband and 3 children. Her name was Effigenia Maciel
(nee Fernandes), Her husband went by his last name (Maciel)
and i'm not sure what her children's names were. I think
she may have been on the Tilawa due
to it's route from Goa to Kenya. Any help with this woudl
be greatly appreciated? If there are sites with passenger lists
please also forward that to me. Many Thanks in advance for
your help
David Mitchell,
UK - Monday, February 6, 2012 at 17:17:46
Frank Harrison, re Karanja maiden
voyage. your ? 20 Nov 2011.
Sailed Glasgow 2 Oct, Sailed London 16 Oct, Sailed Port Said
25 Oct, Sailed Suez 25 Oct, Sailed Aden 29 Oct, Arrived Mombasa
4 Nov 1948. Captain J W Milne, Chief engineer T A Hide.
Mike Naraine,
Canada - Monday, February 6, 2012 at 15:26:28
of your the ship listed. Can you tell me more about the
Avoca? My grandfather might
have been a passenger who left India about 1900 on this ship.
thanks. [The 5324 gt Avoca was built
in 1891 by Dennys for BI Associated Steamers and the company's
Queensland Royal Mail service. As built, she had accommodation
for 520 pasengers, including 400 'emigrants'. After 1893
she was mainly on the London-Calcutta run, until a charter
to Compania Trasatlantica (as
San Fernando) for
Cuba troopiing, 1895-97. In 1897 the vessel was chartered
as a spectator ship for the naval review at Spithead, followed
by trooping including Boer War service. Avoca (pictured in
hospital ship livery) was taken over by BI in 1903 and was
mainly on government service with voyages to India and China.
Sold for further trading in 1907 to East Asiatic Co, the
ship continued under various owners and names until succumbing
to a submarine torpedo attack in May 1917 - Editor]
the logbook 
Alvares, India - Monday, February 6, 2012 at 06:48:43
father Mr Alexander Alvares, WW I war medalist, born in 1810
(Village - Chinchinim, State Goa). Served in the BI company.
Later on he served on Viceroy of India and later on ss Amra -166600
- London GS BAY(3/06/1940). Then on Ile De France (173054) from
13/12/40) Singapore G.S.
Peterson, South Africa - Sunday, February 5, 2012 at 07:06:12
sailed on the ss Karanja in
December 1955 from Durban to Beira. I have fond memories
of the sea voyage.
Lester, New Zealand - Thursday, February 2, 2012 at 20:51:36
Wendy Bowman 3 Jan 2012. My father was RN crew on Chakdina when
it was torpedoed. I would be happy to communicate direct
if BIship could forward my email.
The war story you refer to can be found in "Spunyarn Hardway Sailing Club
Newsletter" Summer 2006.
(Bill) Gurr-Gearing, UK - Wednesday, February 1, 2012 at
Sidney Gurr-Gearing my grandfather's details on ss Uganda's
log returning from Mombassa , arrival date 3/4/1957. Listed
on passenger list for this ship. Strangely I travelled on
the same ship in 1971 without realising the connection. We
know grandad was also listed as crew member , as a barber
on "the Orion" from
Gourock to New York Aug 1943 and Glasgow to New York Oct 1943.
It was said that his brother Leonard Gurr and my grandmother,
Kistna (Cordey/Dunscombe/Gurr-Gearing) also travelled at much
the same time , Kistna known to have been to China twice and
worked in Australia. if you can help would be great , Thank you.
Oliver, Australia - Tuesday, January 31, 2012 at 01:16:46
for any information regarding my grandfather Roy Henderson
who took horses to India/cCeylon in early 1940s.
Phinn, New Zealand - Monday, January 30, 2012 at 05:19:31
father Leo August Sixt served with BI probably as 3rd or
2nd mate
possibly between 1912 -1926. I have no idea of any particular
ships in which he served. But would welcome any information.
Leslie, Hong Kong - Saturday, January 28, 2012 at 08:34:02
My grandfather was probably on Calabria which
was sunk by U-103 on 8 December 1940. I suspect TAN AH HIM
is my grandfather. Are there any websites I can search for
more information? [Calabria was a Lloyd
Triestino ship taken as an Allied prize in 1940 and handed
to BI for management. While on voyage from Calcutta to the
Clyde, she was sunk in the North Atlantic west of Ireland
by torpedo from U103 while a straggler from convoy SL56 (Freetown
to Liverpool) at 2058 on Dec 8, 1940. All 129 crew including
Master David Lonie, one DEMS gunner and 230 passengers (largely
Indian seamen of other ships) were lost. Casualty reports
do vary, however, as convoyweb.org.uk reports that 21 seamen
were rescued by HMS Sikh and taken to Londonderry. Tan
Ah Him, husband of Ko Yung, is
listed by uboat.net as carpenter on that voyage. The
vessel was carrying 4,000 tons of iron, 3.050 tons tea and
1,870 tons oil cake. See Calabria
page for more detail and
cautions - Editor]
Lynne Loughlin,
UK - Friday, January 27, 2012 at 18:49:51
I sailed on the Devonia in October 1964, visiting Spain, Portugal
and France. I was 10 at the time. It must have given me the cruising
bug as I am about to o on my 20th cruise in the Caribbean. Wondered
what happened to the Devonia, I now know it was scrapped in 1968.
My dad had sailed on the Dunera when in the service.
Bish, Australia - Friday, January 27, 2012 at 08:56:04
We are deperately searching for detais about Capt. Frank Warde
who was a steamship captain in India sometime between 1842 and
1890. His 90 year old grand daughter has been searching for info
about him for 32 years!
John Simpson,
Australia - Friday, January 20, 2012 at 05:02:36
Afternoon All, I am doing my family tree which includes one
of your Captains. Captain Francis Nicholas Frohawk who captained
the ss Baghdad and
the ss Java in the 1870's to
the 1900's. Do you have any information on him and on these
ships etc He was My G/G/Uncle. I would appreciate any information
you may able to send me or direct me to a source that may
be able to help me.
the logbook 
Wood, UK - Friday, January 6, 2012 at 19:12:20
enquiry by Jagdip Singh, Hong Kong, Saturday Nov,19 2011.
Regarding the ss Tairea, i was sailing
as one of the 5th engineers at time. The ports of call in Japan,
Kobe, Yokohama, Osaka, then the same ports of call on the return
journey to Calcutta, Where unfortunately I left that great ship
in Calcutta and joined another great the mv Sangola,
on the same run as Tiarea had been on. I hope this information
is of use to you. Salaams
Wendy Bowman,
UK - Tuesday, January 3, 2012 at 20:48:19
am the niece of Kenneth Hardy Thompson who perished on the
Chakdina whilst wounded and being evacuated. He was just
21 years and we know very little of him or the sinking of
the ss Chakdina. He served with
the Essex Regiment and I would really like to have contact
with any survivor or relatives, particularly anyone who knew
him /of him. I posted a message on this site a few years
ago but have received no contact as yet. I read an e- article
(which I cannot find now) of two crew members who survived
and whose fathers had visited the Ministry when their sons
did not arrive home on leave as expected. My understanding
is that the news of the sinking was withheld for over a week
and in fact the telegram must have arrived with my Grandmother
on or near my father's 17th birthday. He immediately signed-up
and did not disclose his real age. Any news, information
gratefully received.
Smuts (nee Hornor), South Africa - Monday, January 2, 2012
at 08:28:31
have my grandmothers diaries and see that my father, Jared
Cavendish Hornor joined the BI in 1914 on the ss Malda.
I am interested in the ships that he worked on, commanded
etc. He was Commodore in 1953
Bangs, UK-
Sunday, January 1, 2012 at 19:53:46
Engineer from 1968 - 1973. Served on: Sir
Lancelot Champara [Chandpara?] Uganda