the logbook anywhere you see the
Mackay, Canada - Wednesday, December 31, 2008 at 19:30:33
I would like to find out if my grandfather who was an engineer
woked with this company he was on the India route
John Macleod, UK - Monday, December 29, 2008 at 21:28:53
I served with BI from roughly 1959 till about 1962. I was on
the MS Dara as 4th Engineer when she sank.
Laurent, UK - Monday, December 29, 2008 at 09:10:52
My father joined the BI in 1948 in Calcutta,as a cadet, he
now resides in South Africa, I would like to pass on some information
to him, and do a little research too, as my Grandfather and
my uncle both worked for the BI. My father and uncle were deck
officers and my grandfather was a chief engineer.
Young, New Zealand -Monday, December 29, 2008 at 09:07:28
Overland Scotland to New Zealand - Christmas
1972 with VW Beetle on Rajula from Madras to Singapore.
Jan/Feb 1972 with VW Beetle on Carpentaria from Singapore to
Lyttelton, NZ
Smailes, New Zealand - Saturday, December 27, 2008 at 18:11:09
Compliments of the season to all who are involved with B.I.
ship,have a safe and happy new year.
Young, UK - Friday, December 26, 2008 at 16:31:04
i have some menus from the ship s.s.Modasa dating between 2/12/1949 -12/1/1950 including christmas and
new year menus and also a hogmanay dinner menu.Some have paintings
of bridges painted by f.w.baldwin and some have paintings of
flowers and the commander was A.R.G. Drummond.
Banerjee, Germany - Wednesday, December 24, 2008 at 15:00:53
This is message to Kenneth Milne. My father was a ship surgeon
with BI, the name I remember is Orna,
Amra, Sangola etc. I
am from Calcutta and now visit quite often Calcutta Jute Mills.
With which mill in Calcutta were you a jute Wallah ? Would
appreciate if you contacted me.
StClair Beatty, UK - Tuesday, December 23, 2008 at 03:13:10
The memories of the Kampala along the African coast Seychelles
and India are some of my happiest. I was a juniour deck officerand
remember meeting the Chief of polices daughter who was going
to join her family in the Seychelles. She was head girl of
her school in Belfast which was only a few miles from where
i lived so to hear her speaking was such a thrill as i had
been away from home for about a year. Oh happy days.
Hepburn, UK - Monday, December 22, 2008 at 12:58:56
Served in the BI on various ships as
fifth, fourth and third engineer officer from 1958 to 1962.Great
company,great people and great
Russell, UK - Sunday, December 21, 2008 at 19:29:45
Trying to find details of ss Chanda.
My great uncle was a crew member and was unfortunately drowned
in Calcutta in 1901.
If anyone could give any details of the ship. I can only find
details of a schooner and as he was a 4th enginner, I am slightly
confused as I thought a schooner was a sailing ship ! [All
BI ships were either steam or motor ships (hence the company's
name). The Chanda listed on this site for 1877-1902 was a steamship
but had a schooner auxiliary rig - Editor]
Johansson, Sweden - Saturday, December 13, 2008 at 10:53:44
I am an old Ch.Eng. and i have meet BI
ship in India a lot of time. Are specialy interested in the
fleet of old passenger ships.
(Ray) Wilson, UK - Tuesday, December 9, 2008 at 19:43:14
I was 2nd r/o on ss Rajula from
1957/58 and then transferred to ss Pachumba from
Thomas, France - Tuesday, December 9, 2008 at 16:25:01
Having served in other companies BI was by far the very best.
Super personnel who worked hard and played hard too.The fact
that the BIsite is going strong 36 years after BI's demise
says it all.
Mohi, Canada - Monday, December 8, 2008 at 16:42:24
I was a passenger on the ss Uganda from
Southampton to Beira 1962 and returned on it in 1964. I cannot
remember his name, but my Godfather was the Commodore of the
Fleet at that time.
Zhu - Monday, December 8, 2008 at 11:50:56
Where can I find a list of ships and
their captains circa 1860 to 1890? [More staff lists will be
added to this site soon - Editor]
Wright, Australia - Friday, December 5, 2008 at 07:30:24
Captain Williamson he has 2 sons one Richard Waldie Williamson.
Richard has the daughter Fiona, I'm her mother. Capt.
Williamson didn't know that Fiona was even born. I
lost contact with Richard 20 odd years ago. Can
you help me?
Lemarchand, UK - Thursday, December 4, 2008 at 16:49:07
Captain W Lemarchand (Ships Berbera, Ellora and Lawada) was
my great-uncle. He served on other ships besides these but
they may not have been BI.
McInnes, UK - Wednesday, December 3, 2008 at 15:28:59
Great site.
Robins, UK - Monday, December 1, 2008 at 18:11:03
i'm interested in finding out more about Osmand Male Robins,
who I think was a commander on ss Takada ?
Brittain, UK - Monday, December 1, 2008 at 17:35:56
Very informative website, which would benifit from the addition
of the song and painting both created in tribute to the loss
of the Rohilla?
Andrew, UK - Sat, 29 Nov 2008 16:46:52 +0000
Re my entry two days ago, I'm hoping
to learn more about my uncle: I have his crossing-th-line certificate
TSS Wangaratta 11.6.23, and his master's certificate 23.10.35;
I know he was in a Japanese p.o.w.camp (he could never bring
himself to write an account, let alone tell anyone). But I
know next to nothing about which ships he was on, where, when
Farlie, Canada - Sat, 29 Nov 2008 12:37:11
We're all feeling the shock of the awful attacks in Mumbai,
especially BI people and particularly those of the company
who spent a lot of time in and around India. If you would like
to support
a call for unity following the attacks there is a petition running
at www.avaaz.org/en/india_undivided/98.php/.
Dewis, UK - Saturday, November 29, 2008 at 15:49:39
My father served as a RN PO on Harpasa
and I have a log entry on your site. I now notice that Yvonne
Riley has a query re her father, an officer aboard her when
she was sunk. I have some research info which may assist. [Details
forwarded to Yvonne Riley. As Harpasa was not a BI ship, this
thread is now closed - Editor]
Andrew, UK - Thursday, November 27, 2008 at 13:53:10
Any information about Captain Arthur
Robert Andrew (ships, dates etc) would be most gratefully received.
I'm hoping to learn more about my uncle: I have his crossing-th-line
certificate ss Wangaratta 11.6.23, and his master's certificate
23.10.35; I know he was in a Japanese POW camp. But
I know next to nothing about which ships he was on, where, when
Phillips, UK - Thursday, November 27, 2008 at 09:20:25
I understand that my grandfather, Capt.
James Henry Galgey, may also have served on the ss Rawalpindi.
Could not see this ship's name on the Commanders list; can
this be verified? [Rawalpindi was a P&O vessel - Editor]
Macdonald, UK - Wednesday, November 26, 2008 at 18:46:29
I am the Grandson of John Macdonald,
4th Engineer of ss Fazilka at
the time of the broken prop shaft in the Indian Ocean. I would
be grateful for any further details of this incident to expand
my family records.
Fletcher - Wednesday, November 26, 2008 at 17:34:50
Brian Worts Monday Nov.3rd.2008.This
may confirm ship. My late uncle R S Crockett was 2nd E.O. on
Charles Macleod from 3.1.55 till
30.6.56 and CEO [Chief Engineer] during two periods of 1960s.
Once met never forgotten!
Quinton, Canada - Sunday, November 23, 2008 at 06:50:31
remember the Dunera being in dry
dock in Glasgow at the end of 1944 start of 1945. The ship
was being fitted out or some such thing. I remember seeing
the hammocks for the troops and it was pointed out to me that
the ship now had radar. I actually went under the ship accompanied
by my father and others whilst it was resting on brick colums
in dry dock. I remember her sailing by our house down the Firth
of Clyde as she put out to sea early in 1945. My father was
Chief Officer. Graham Knight who previously signed the logbook
might be interested.
Riley, UK - Saturday, November 22, 2008 at 13:31:50
am looking for further information re HMS Harpasa...my father was
an officer on this ship when it was torpedoed and I know the ship
that picked them up was attacked too and lives were lost and would
like to know which ship picked them up after the rescue ship was
attacked. I noticed a name which came up in a web search........Tom
Hunt who was also on the Harpasa when she was bombed on 5/4/1942
and wondered if anyone reading this had any information my father's
name was George Sabin.
Cass, UK - Friday, November 21, 2008 at 16:09:13
there. An age ago I asked for help in finding the troopship
that my late father returned on to the UK. I was referred by
the editor to Laxon & Perry.
Regretably the only time I've seen a copy was on e-bay when it
was passing £50!! Since then I may have found the ship -
Dunera - and I'm wondering if anyone
can tell me if the Dunera sailed from Bizerte (Tunisia) to the
UK on or just after 18th April 1946 and also from Singapore to
the UK on or after 14th December 1949. Info required is port in
UK sailed to and the dates of sailing and docking. Hope that with
this info someone in BI land can give me a yes or a no.
Ivey, UK - Thursday, November 20, 2008 at 09:34:41
Very interesting site. I was an 8 year old passenger travelling
with my mother on the Mantola. We sailed from Tilbury Landing Stage
on 1st. July 1950 getting off in Dar-es-Salaam on the 4th August.
I remember a 'special treat' by my mother allowing me to stay up
to see the gili gili man perform his tricks while the ship was
in Port Said. I met what was claimed to be his son some many years
later during a stay there while serving on a rival company's ship
as Chief Officer.
Drummond, UK - Wednesday, November 19, 2008 at 00:11:39
Fathers Name was Lewis Mcleod Drummond who married Niloufer
My father passed away 17th Nov 2008. I will miss him. I
believe he was a first officer sailing on Dumra Sailed
Gulf run 1959-1962 Dumra. as a
marine engineer meeting my mother who at the time was studying
at Bombay University. My father ended up living in Port of
Spain, Trinidad for the last 20 years owning his own engineering
firm. He also I believe won many sailing single handed yaght
regattas around Trinidad and Tobago. [Lewis Drummond
himself signed the Logbook on March 8, 2002. - Editor]
Gibson, UK - Monday, November 17, 2008 at 20:16:50
for information re Capt H C Martin. According to this site
he was in Calcutta 1949-51, was he with BI before and/or after
that time and if so where and when. Very interesting site.
Bowman, UK - Sunday, November 16, 2008 at 17:27:04
- for several years I have been trying to find more about my
uncle Kenneth Hardy Thompson who was killed/sunk on the Chakdina on
5th December 1941. Just found this site and entries from
survivors or those who knew them. Really desperate to find
out more about the fate of the ship and my uncle. His only
surviving relative (my father - his younger brother) died in
1973 at the age of 47 and we have nothing other than the telegram
from the King and his last letter to his mother May 1941 just
before his 21st birthday (which my have been sent from Egypt).
There does not seem to be a way of contacting these entries
direct (and I note that Editor has made a note that he will
try to find more information and contact readers who have enquired.
Would be very happy to receive direct contact from the Editor
and all those mentioning the ship. Thanks so much for this
site! [Information regarding
the Chakdina sinking and others in the vicinity is being
collated for a new page on this site. In the meantime we are
putting you in touch with a person who may be able to help
- Editor]
- BI 1924-1952 |
David Humphreys |
Humphreys, US - Saturday, November 15, 2008 10:24
answer to Mary Glanville (November 8, 2008): I'm afraid I don't
recall John Hine or your late husband, but what a bonus to see
my old ship ss Tairea. I
have attached a
photo I took in September 1951 of Tairea at anchor in Penang.
I was a cadet on Purnea when
I first saw Tairea at berth in
Calcutta in July 1951 - it was love at first sight. The next
morning I went up to Mackinnon & Mackenzie
office and asked the Marine Superintendant, Captain Rankin
(easy access in those days) to transfer to Tairea. His only
comment "Naming your ship - eh?" Two days later
I was transferred to Tairea, I would be the last Cadet. I
made three trips between Calcutta and Japan. On my first
trip, we took the last of the Japanese High Command that
had been in prison camps in Burma back to Japan, about 50
in all under the supervision of two British prison guards.
After three voyages
to the Far East I was promoted to Acting Third Officer. We
made a couple of trips to Chittagong, then prepared Tairea
for her final voyage from Calcutta back to the U.K for scrapping.
A sad voyage, even the passenger cabins were stuffed with
cargo. As we approached our berth in London's Royal Albert
Dock, Captain Curley Lewis asked me where I would be going
for my second mates ticket, I said I would probably be transferred
to another ship.
"How old are you, Humphreys?" "Nearly 18,
Sir." Poor Curley nearly had a heart attack. Two weeks
later, I was heading back to Bombay acting Third on Goalpara.
more than 56 years since I sailed on Tairea, I have been
a ship owner for 36 years and owned quite a few ships, but,
the Tairea................there was a ship. A graceful three
funnel - 17 knot steamer, sailing down the Hoogly, a full cargo
for the Far East, 900 deck
passengers for Rangoon, Gurkha troops for Penang and Singapore
and assorted Sahibs and Mem-sahibs for Hong Kong.
Even the cadet had a bar tab at the "Pig & Whistle",
no wonder I loved that ship.
Phillips, South Africa -Tuesday, November 11, 2008 at 07:41:34
Thank you for placing my inquiry re my maternal grandfather, Capt
James Henry Galgey of the ss Mashobra, on the site. Any information
re his career with BI would be greatly appreciated.
Couper - Monday, November 10, 2008 at 21:20:26
is a link to a picture of the Fultala held
in an Australian library:
Does anyone know if it is the ship that was built for the company
in Sunderland? [Without conclusive evidence
it is difficult to say definitely but almost certainly this is
Fultala, the first of three BI ships so named. She was built in
1890 by William Doxford & Sons in Sunderland and continued in BI
service until 1923, when she was demolished. The picture shows
the vessel with topmasts taken down, whereas the ship was known
for the height of both her fore and main masts when fully rigged
- Editor]
Phillips, South Africa - Monday, November 10, 2008 at 09:08:09
for information on my grandfather's ship, ss Mashobra,
circa 1920-1938. I am researching my maternal grandfather's
career with BI; he was Captain James Henry Galgey. As a young
woman (maiden name: Gwenneth Galgey), my mother also worked
in the Cockspur Street BI/P&O offices. My mother
told me that her father was Commodore of the BI Fleet at some
stage during the 1920s and/or 1930s. His flagship was the ss
Mashobra. I look forward to hearing from anyone who can assist.
[Captain Galgey appears in two of the
commanders' lists - 1923
and 1924 - on this site. Mashobra was the first of the extensive
1920s M class passengerships; replacements for WWI losses.
The 9,100 gt, twin turbine vessel was delivered in 1920 and
spent her peacetime career on the London-Calcutta service.
As a requisitioned depot/base ship at Narvik ship in WWII,
Mashobra was badly damaged in
May 1940 in a German
bomber attack, beached and abandoned. The stern being under
water, the forepart of the hull was blown up before the Allied
withdrawal in June- Editor]
Ingersoll, India - Sunday, November 9, 2008 at 06:08:00
Actually my grand father worked in this
company. Now he is 95+ years old.He will say often about
your company and about Mr.Mackinnon & Mackenzie. In
remembrance of your company he is still having a letter, which
was signed by the owner of your company of some 75 or 80 years
passed. Me his grandson living in scotland. i hope he will be
happy to share his views with his old mate company.
Cox, UK - Saturday, November 8, 2008 at 23:41:12
I have nostalgic childhood memories of sailing on the Mantola during
the late 1940's between Mombasa and the UK, and vice versa. I got
to know the ship very well, from top to bottom and stern to prow
and I can still smell the tar! I have framed a postcard photograph
of the Mantola which I bought off Ebay.
ship - probably Tairea - in a dramatic shot from
the waterline |
photo: Mary Glanville collection |
Glanville, UK - Saturday, November 8, 2008 at 10:59:25
I was interested to see David Humphreys
(Sep 23, 2008) was a cadet between 1949 and 1953 and
John Hine (Jul 14, 2008) was a cadet between 1947 and 1954.
My late husband John Glanville served as a Junior Watch-keeping
officer between 1947 and 1950 and wonder if either of you knew
him? Please see my entry of Feb 23, 2008.
Johnson, UK - Saturday, November 8, 2008 at 00:42:34
The latest issue of our occasional newsletter,
... Calling BI, has just been published. You can read
a copy, just by clicking here.
Alternatively, you can subscribe completely free of charge
by contacting callingbi@biship.com . Enjoy the read!
Simms, UK - Wednesday, November 5, 2008 at 21:55:41
father's photographs taken during WW1 are in an album entitled "Trooping
in the ss Bandra". He donated
this album, his lifetime, to the P&O museum and is now with
the P&O collection at the
Maritime Museum, London [Bandra had a career
spanning 37 years with BI. The vessel was sold in 1951 and scrapped
the following year - Editor]
Spedding, UK - Tuesday, November 4, 2008 at 18:02:01
on Teesta 1973/74. Excellant
site needs photos
Worts, UK - Monday, November 3, 2008 at 22:07:53
military passengers and freight Suez and Cyrprus 1955 to 1956.
I also went from posting at Port Said to Famagusta on this
vessel. Heavy seas but I wasn't ill ! I'm not absolutely certain
whether it was the Evan Gibb or Charles
McLeod that took me
to Cyprus. I think it was latter. January 1956. Did your
company also supply Z Craft. At Famagusta we frequently used
them and I have a picture of a 15 tonne RASC lorry, loaded
with metal cases of ammunition, coming off a Z craft,and sinking
slowly into the water because they hadn't tied up the Z craft
properly to
the quayside! [I don't think BI managed Z Craft
- Editor]
Stephens, UK - Monday, November 3, 2008 at 17:45:12
it possible to find any extracts from the log or passenger
lists of the voyage of the Manora from
Calcutta to London arriving in London on the 21 March 1921,
special note of any unusal events happening in Plymouth. [Official
logbooks of British merchant vessels are accessible through
the Public Records Office at Kew - Editor]
Hampson, UK - Thursday, October 30, 2008
at 21:13:13
nomadic preservation society is urgently seeking help to
save the steam plant of the ss Nyanza, a lake steamer in
Africa. Time is running out for these engines, which are
imminently due to be ripped out and scrapped, as this vessel
undergoes conversion to diesel engines.These engines are
probably the last of their type on the planet. Once they
are gone they can not be brought back. The nomadic preservation
society believes these engines can and should be saved and
preserved for future generations, indeed they could even
be installed in the ss Nomadic - the last white star line
vessel in existence, which ferried passengers out to the
Titanic. [The lake steamer
mentioned here has no connection with BI other than being
a coincidental namesake
of a BI ship - Editor]
Ross Couper, UK - Tuesday, October 28, 2008 at
for information about Captain Joseph M Couper, was captain
of the Africa 1883-88?,
Fultain [Fultala ?]1889
-, then Canara til 1900? Then
had a shore based job until 1911 in Calcutta? when taken
ill with what turned out to be a fatal cancer. Is there any
way I can verify this and possibly get further details. Interesting
and informative web site. Thanks
Davies, Australia - Tuesday, October 28, 2008 at 14:09:35
Sailed on the Nowshera,
Kampala. Nevasa, Carpentaria and Manora between 1965- 1972, looking for photos of the ships, if anyone
can help?
Cowie, UK - Sunday, October 26, 2008 at 15:21:18
I am looking for photos or pictures of the following ships: Margha,
Gregory Apcar, Mandala, Khandala. I believe my grandfather served
on them between 1919 and 1923. Any help really appreciated.
Varma, UK - Friday, October 24, 2008 at 22:35:50
Where can I get more information about
passenger ships Amra, Hariyana
and State of Bombay which operated between Mombasa and Bombay.
[BI's vessel Santhia was
sold to the Shipping Corporation of India in 1966 and was renamed
State of Hariyana - Editor]
Milne, UK - Friday, October 24, 2008 at 22:00:20
from an old Calcutta Jute-Wallah. I am interested to know what
BI ships Jim Corbett (maneaters of Kumaon fame) - and George
Mallory (of Everest fame) sailed on. Many years past, as a
young boy, I sailed with my parents on the Valera, Aronda & Karagola -
Pure Magic. Best Regards
the logbook 
Cork, UK - Wednesday, October 22, 2008 at 22:13:05
BI 1956 - 1967
H Rao, India - Wednesday, October 22, 2008 at 08:49:24
very much want to know which ship of yours sailed on 22nd March
1929 from Rangoon to Calcutta, and on 26th March 1915 from
Rangoon to Calcutta. Ineed this inf. as Gandhi sailed on these
ships. Kindly help with full paticulars of above and as well
as ss Lanka [Lunka]
and ss Aronda. with regards.
Ramdas, US - Tuesday, October 21, 2008 at 14:21:08
Looking for great great grandfather on
uss Fazilka in fiji island 1902. [There
is no known US warship named Fazilka but BI did have a ship of
this name - Editor]
Youkee (nee Cole), UK - Tuesday, October 21, 2008 at 13:26:22
Trip (Genoa to the Greek Islands) - 1963 - Devonia.
I attended Ewell County Secondary School (Danetree Road) and
spent an extremely wonderful time aboard Devonia. Whilst in
harbour at Piraeus (Athen's harbour) the Empress of Canada
was in port. Can anyone give me information as to who the Captain
of the ship was (he presented the prizes and took us for
a final trip to the bridge, engine room and kitchens, I would
appreciate it. Unfortunately I no longer have my log book
for the trip. [It would depend on the exact
date/cruise but Commodore Ben Rogers and Captain J
E Wills were two of Devonia's commanders during that year
- Editor]
Claudia Caviglioli, Australia - Tuesday, October 14, 2008 at
I am desperately trying to find the passenger
list for the ss Nevasa for the educational cruise in 1967 to Eygpt.
I was in the Caterham Valley Secondary School trip that summer,
and would like some momemto of the cruise. I could be in the accident
report log as the last night the waiter dropped a bombe alaska
dessert on my head, and my hair caught alight. It would be nice
to have the passenger list, with my name and school on it. I am
willing to pay for it.
Ruaux, Australia - Sunday, October 12, 2008 at 12:46:39
An interesting site for former BI Staff
Glenn, UK - Thursday, October 9, 2008 at 17:27:24
Many happy memories of two cruises in
1962 and 1963. Still as fresh today as though they had only
Read, UK - Thursday, October 9, 2008 at 16:28:19
1966-68, Santhia, Chupra & Ozarda.
Swallowed the anchor when I saw containerisation coming, but
have always considered my time with BI as a great education.
Bet no-one remembers me, I was known as Sparks :)
Dobie, UK - Tuesday, October 7, 2008 at 21:57:53
Still awaiting any feed back on the box...SS Neuralia
[See Aug 26, 2008 entry]
Kemp, UK - Tuesday, October 7, 2008 at 18:47:40
just signed on for new voyage with BI ,last trip was on Sir
Percevale 1968, prior,s Canara, Chindwara, Chantala.
Looking for any old ginger beers who did time on any of them
1967/68. Regret inform any old shipmates of passing of B.J.
Robinson (Pancho) ex Kenya 1967/68 5.EO . Heart attack while
in favourite location sitting at the bar, will be missed
French, UK - Sunday, October 5, 2008 at 08:59:59
My grandfather, Herbert Richardson French,
sailed wih BI, as an engineer, in the eastern service from
Calcutta, around 1910 to 1940's. Three sons sailed with BI,
Maxwell (Max) Henry Paul French (engineer), Terence Desmond
(Des) French, (engineer) Eustace (Stacey) Hope Paul French
(deck officer). I
would be interested in tracking down any information on the family,
but particularly my grandfather. Congratulations on an amazing
website. As a Master Mariner I find fascinating.
Hackling, UK - Friday, October 3, 2008 at 12:42:55
Fascinating site
Huil, US -Tuesday, September 30, 2008 at 13:00:52
Armand di Rienzo, oh how frustrating to know you are out there & I
am having such a time getting personal contact with you!
My orginal reason for contacting the BI logbook was to see if anyone
had conformation that my father in law was even in the convoy.
alot of personal military records here in the US were destroyed
in a fire. since my father in law, Spencer Hul, was moved to the
Banfora he was just "lost" he wasn't listed as a surivor
or casualty of the Rohna but his parents did receive a MIA. so
that tells me there had to be some paper work that he was there.
I imagine most of the info I am searching for is at the bottom
of the ocean.
Kemp, UK - Sunday, September 28, 2008 at 12:48:14
Served as 5.E.O. first on coastal trip aboard Canara. then went
deap sea with Chindwara we where 24hrs from Suez when it was closed
for 6 Days War in 1967, turned around and had to bunker at Las
Palmas so we could do trip to East Africa (took on loads of spanish
wine in exchange for tea with refinery owner) happy days
Humphreys, US - Tuesday, September 23, 2008 at 19:00:21
Cadet 1949-1953 missed the cadet ships, sailed mostly Far East
and Indian coast.
January 2003 acquired last British India directors' minutes book
1961-1972. My shipping company is Linea Peninsular.
Taylor, UK - Monday, September 22, 2008 at 10:46:50
My Grandfather John H. Mabey obtained
his masteer's certificate in 1909 with BI, I woold be grateful
if anyone has any further information about him.
Mulreany, Australia - Sunday, September 21, 2008 at 09:28:02
am looking for a buildable model of the Jumna,
my ancestors were bought over on it. Good site, wealth of knowledge.
History not lost!
in troopship livery (BI 1937-1967) |
Knight, UK Saturday, September 20, 2008 at 15:43:17
my father's old photo album is a postcard of the second mv Dunera,
I believe this is the troopship that took him to Singapore
around 1945, and is possibly the ship featured in the film
The Dunera Boys with Bob Hoskins and Warren Mitchell?
I'd be interested to hear from anyone who may have further info
on this ship. [He
was in the Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Regiment]. I know
for certain he was in Singapore in 1946, and possibly late 1945
as he was guarding Japanese prisoners of war. [The second
Dunera was the subject of what has been described
as the Dunera incident. The Japanese surrender in Singapore was
formally signed on September 12, 1945, but from web sources it
appears likely that British troops started re-occupying the
island a week beforehand. In trying to establish what
trooping voyages Dunera made to Singapore in the last months
of that year, Derek Hargreaves of the BI staff group has
pointed to the ConvoyWeb site which usefully lists Dunera's
movements. It shows the ship called at Singapore four times in
the last four months of 1945, the first of which was mid-September,
probably around the time of the surrender (the list has no arrival
date for that particular visit) - Editor]
the logbook 
McInnes, UK - Thursday, September 18, 2008 at 11:37:29
My grandfather, John McInnes was an engineer
on the ss Margha in 1923 (he died in 1935). I noticed a J McInnes
as a Chief Engineer in 1955 and wondered if he might have been
related to me and my G/Father.
di Rienzo, UK - Saturday, September 13, 2008 at 17:30:37
How can I get in touch with Toni Hull?
I was on the HMT Banfora, alongside the Rohna when
it was sunk. Se is asking questons that I may able to answer.
[I hope you have now been able to make
contact - Editor]
Clarkson, Australia - Friday, September 12, 2008 at 04:37:50
to Genoa Ian McWhannel of 14th May 08. The vesssel you saw
in Brisbane was the Forceful..Built 1925 certified for deep
sea rescue tug duties ..Stephens yard sailed out here and I
have a photo of her going down the Clyde..She is currently
out of service and needs a drydock. Her colours are from a
BI connection, ie Queensland Shipping Co as a lot of trade
was carried between Brisbane and India (horses in particular)
there were a few passenger/cargo vessels based here as well.
Adams, UK - Wednesday, September 10, 2008 at 02:26:59
My uncle, Robert (Bobby) Hillis from
Belfast, sailed to Australia around 1950, on the P&O Ship
Ranchi and
owned a sheep farm until his death 1969. He was on his way
home in a tramp steamer (unknown) and died near Panama Canal
area and was buried at sea. I think it is very interesting
to find out all about this great ship before she was eventually
scrapped. An interesting piece of history which was just given
to me today via 'Yahoo Groups'
di Rienzo, US - Sunday, September 7, 2008 at 22:34:42
to reach Toni Hull, call me or Email me [re log entry of Mar 12,
Angell, UK - Saturday, September 6, 2008 at 11:41:57
I was on the Nevasa,
cruise 252 05/12/1971, with mates from (school) Icknield Wantage
age 14. Can you please contact me if you have photos or log
books. l dont mind if you are not from Icknield School as I
am researching for a book - thanks [It is known that another
book about Nevasa is in preparation. Editor]
Goff, UK - Wednesday, September 3, 2008 at 00:06:53
Grandfather surname Cantopher. Was he Chief Engineer with BI
around 1933? Any info please. Regards
(3,669 gt) was built in 1949 for BI's Chittagong-Japan
run but was transferred to the East Africa coastal
service in 1956, where she remained until 1963,
the year before being disposed of by BI |
Greenham, Canada - Tuesday, September 2, 2008 at 17:41:19
the logbook pages has brought back many happy memories of when
I had a connection to BI as an officer's wife. I sailed out
to Mombasa in 1959 on the Uganda to
join my husband Mike who was then serving as 3rd Officer
on the Warla. We have great memories
of our time there and the wonderful people we met. Our eldest
son David was born at the then European Hospital. The small
group of wives who lived there bonded together and saw one
another through any crisis that occurred whilst our husbands
were away as well as having many enjoyable times together.We
would view the ship returning to Mombasa at the seafront and
then race down to the harbour to get a K boat. This took us
out to Port Reitz where the ship anchored whilst discharging
explosives. We returned to home base in UK after two years
and I was later able to join Mike for a trip on the Queda in
1963 when he transfered to Trident Tankers. I was even put
to work painting the deck during this time. Geat times and
wonderful people.
Hutchings, UK - Monday, September 1, 2008 at 00:38:28
I was a passenger on the BI steam ship
Uganda from Beira to Southampton
just before the Suez Canal was bombed in the early 1950's.
I am trying to find my name on a passenger list and would be
grateful to anyone who can help me.
Chandran, India - Wednesday, August 27, 2008 at 07:49:52
The ss Ekma was
a troopship in which, as a 15 year old boy along with parents
and 'sibs' from
war torn re-occupied Malaya, we were civilian passengers
along with military officers in the cabin class. Embarking
from Port Swettenham (Klang) around late October 1946 the 6
day voyage through Straits of Malacca, Andaman Sea, Bay of
Bengal up the Hoogly River passing by Sand Heads, Diamond harbour
to dock at Kidderpore in Calcutta was a fine experience with
the courteous Goan stewards, their cuisine and the calm sea
adding to the pleasantness of the voyage. However after disembarking
the picture of riot torn Calcutta was a rude shock urging us
to take the first available train towards our home in peaceful
S India. I am nostalgic about that memory.
Neuralia box belonging to Nick Dobie's family |
Dobie, UK - Tuesday, August 26, 2008 at 22:54:55
wife was recently given a wooden box 10 x 8
x 4
inches with ss Neuralia in gold
on the top. Is this a nice keepsake, or did everyone have them?
I'm realy pleased. Your views please, or age and value. i wish
to keep it. The name is in gold paint, but done before it was
polished, no other inscriptions that I can see. Sadly
no key. It apparently belonged to my father in law's mother's
cousin, Harreth and Loo, (he was Welsh) and they worked
for the Indea Tea Company at Southhampton, and lived there
too. Also he would travel
abroad quit a lot. I'm
still waiting more info. [It looks like
teak or mahogany. Could it have been a box from the bridge -
possibly a binoculars box? Feedback will be most welcome - Editor]
McLellan, Australia - Saturday, August 23, 2008 at 18:29:58
Trying to find out which ships my grandfather Neil McLellan served
on and where they went, I believe he was an engineer between the
the logbook 
White, Belgium - Saturday, August 23, 2008 at 12:02:06
Abyssinian Expedition, General Napier. Which ships, if any,
were chartered to the Brit Gov and used at Anseley Bay. Did
BI carry the 44 Elephants from Bombay to Zula for the Artillery?
[The Abyssianian campaign of 1868/69
was the first major seaborne military action in which
BI participated, the company supplying transport tonnage
and trooping capacity. The campaign was one of
the single largest and most expensive (comparatively, even
by today's standards) military actions undertaken by the
British government overseas in the 19th century. It involved
the movement of 13,000 troops and 36,000 animals (including
elephants) in a total of 291 vessels of all sizes and types.
Troops were supplied for the nine-month expedition mainly from
India, for what was a punitive action against Emperor Tweodros
(Theodore) in the heart of Ethiopia, about 400 miles from the
beachhead and staging post at Annesley Bay (Zula, just south
of Massawa) on the Red Sea. Nine of BI's earliest vessels were
engaged for movements: Arabia (1,027
gt), Asia (1,579), Dacca
(1,659), Euphrates (650), Himalaya (1,341), India (1,059), Madras
(680), Oriental (1,481)
and Satara
- Editor]
George, UK - Thursday, August 21, 2008 at 14:30:41
grandfather sailed to France on the Nirvana in
1918 - I have some conflicting info on the ship - torpedoed
and sunk in 1918 v scrapped in 1948 - was there two ships?
- any info on this on anything else to do with the ship would
be much appreciated. Thanks. [There was
only one BI vessel of this name, in service for a period of
34 years covering almost all of WW1 and all of WW2. Your grandfather
was possibly on board during a period of the ship's service
to the French government in 1918. Otherwise, between April
1915 and July 1919, the ship was under requisition as a British
Expeditionary Force transport. The confusion about the ship's
fate probably stems from the fact that she was the target of
a torpedo attack from UB57 on May 29, 1918. The projectile
missed the ship, and she went on to complete another 30 years'
service in BI - Editor]
Haywood, UK - Wednesday, August 20, 2008 at 15:54:09
note concerns the Chakdina, which
was sunk on 5th Dec 1941. My father-in-law was on the ship
and survived, as he does to this day. I've seen various entries
in this log requesting information and contacts, and Roy Fox
would be more than happy to talk to anyone interested. I'm
not sure how to contact the people who made the entries so
maybe you could contact me? [Roy Fox
was a Royal Navy telegraphist, who joined the ship in Jan 1941.
We will attempt to contact those who have asked about Chakdina
- Editor]
(BI 1945-1960) |
Dunnachie, US - Wednesday, August 20, 2008 at 04:23:44
on this site and fascinated with the entries and comments.
Brilliant. One entry 2003 by Don Pescud of special interest
as I was an engineer on Karoa and
did the trip from Singapore to Australia he refers to. Happy
memories especially my first glimpse of Sydney from the sea.
If he wishes to E-mail me would like to hear from him. Also
served on Itaura,
Karanja, Kilwa, Pemba.
Ibrahim, Malaysia, - Monday, August 18, 2008 at 10:04:42
Rajula will always be in my heart as this ship that brought
me to Penang in 1971 when I was 8 months old with my mother and
Hargreaves, UK - Sunday, August 17, 2008 at 15:09:27
Gillian White's query on 14 Feb 2006 and the mystery of the
Valiant Voyaging, on page 66 tells me that the manager of Garden
Reach Workshops was Mr J B Henderson. Assuming he retired at
65 during WW2, it is just possible that he could have been the
signatory on the ashtray at the age of about 30.
Longstaff, UK - Saturday, August 16, 2008 at 19:38:05
BI from 1954 as Engineer Cadet until 1964 as 2/E/O of Garbeta (
after Canara, Warla, Chakdara etc)
Hard life/good memories. Will always be a BI wallah.
Mamo, Malta - Saturday, August 16, 2008 at 08:17:59
The two cruises I went on ss Uganda during
my schooldays have left a positive impression throughout my
life. Would like to contact students who were on board in January
Sampath, Canada - Monday, August 11, 2008 at 07:37:31
I was a passenger in ss Daressa plying
from Bombay to Bahrain.
It was a memorable trip taking 7days to reach Bahrain. also i was
in Dubai at the time of ss Dara explosion.
I am looking for the book "Last Hours on Dara by p.j.abraham.
any bookstores in UK? I cherish those memories but no one to
exchange that experience.
Deans, Australia - Monday, August 11, 2008 at 06:31:15
A very informative site for anyone with a BI connection.
Orwin, Australia - Sunday, August 10, 2008 at 06:54:25
query fromIan McWhannell, Goa - Wednesday, May 14, 2008 - if
no-one has replied before now.....the vessel seen on the Brisbane
River is called the Forceful and was built in 1925. Don't think
it was connected to BI but the mooring site is the Queensland Maritime
Museum which has a website. They have an enquiry email to ask questions.
Pryce, Australia - Saturday, August 9, 2008 at 07:50:24
great site full of history. Looking for information on my uncle
who started as a cadet pre-war and ended up as a captain. Was invalided
out late in the war. Captain Fred Rendell. Do not know of any
ships he sailed on.
Beadle, UK - Thursday, August 7, 2008 at 22:01:22
I have just discovered this site and
wonder if anyone remembers me. I was one of the BI wives living
in Bombay between 1968 and 1972. I also travelled with my husband
Ken Beadle (2nd engineer) on the Nuddea and Chakdina.
It would be great to be in touch with some of the other wives
and officers I met out there. I used to have dinner parties
so that I could practice my cooking skills(or lack of them).
I am planning on going to the reunion in Fremantle on my way
to New Zealand, and look forward to seeing a few familiar faces
Tan, Singapore - Wednesday, 6 Aug 2008 10:21:20
could I request assistance
with some research that a crew (or family) member on board
a BI ship could help with?
A few of us have been trying for many years now to locate
the ship that Paramahansa Yogananda, the founder of Self Realization
sailed in during his return trip from Kobe, Japan to Calcutta,
India in Oct/Nov 1916. He would have registered then as Swami Yogananda
and was 23 years of age. The information we have is that the
ship surgeon on board was Dr Satyendra Nath MISRA. The commander
of the likely vessel, ss Japan, was C P Seddon.
If in any way, CP Seddons' family or even Dr Misra's family have
registered with this website, please can we make contact as we
would like to confirm that it is indeed ss Japan that Paramahansa
Yogananda sailed in from Kobe to Clacutta in Oct/Nov 1916. Even
pictures they have may help us establish some facts. Any suggestion
to help us confirm the identity of the ship would be very much
Tan Singapore - Wednesday, August 6, 2008 at 02:48:11
withdrawn at request of sender because of possible
incorrect information ] Impressive
- the collation of materials etc. Is there any record of
a Dr Satyendra Nath Misra who may have served as ship surgeon
in Oct/Nov 1916 in journey from Kobe to Calcutta? Apprecaite
any help to confirm.
the logbook 
Fraser, UK - Monday, August 4, 2008 at 08:41:42
was a passenger on ss Nevasa when
she was a Schools' Cruise ship in the 60's. I'm
also trying to track down Claudia Condry who was a tutor at Kingston
University in the early 00's and later a researcher at the Imperial
War Museum. [Claudia Condry was known to
me during her time at IWM. I believe she left there in early
2006 - Editor]
Bain, UK - Sunday, August 3, 2008 at 19:08:33
anyone help with the history of the ss Nevasa built in 1913
and scrapped in 1948, particularly between 1930 and 1940.
I believe my father sailed on her around that time when she
was being used as a troop ship. Thanking you in anticipation. [It
is known that a book mainly devoted to the last Nevasa is in
preparation, and that it will contain some information regarding
the second BI ship of that name, the one you are interested
in - Editor]
Cook, UK - Saturday, August 2, 2008 at 20:05:31
Interested in ss Nevasa on which I sailed twice as a dormitory
passenger and also ss Uganda on which I sailed as a independent
cabin passenger.
Hodge - Thu, 31 Jul 2008 17:10:01
you for passing my details to Brian Agnew, formerly skipper
of Gothic. We are now in contact. [We're
very happy it worked out.]
Wilson, UK - Wednesday, July 30, 2008 at 13:29:45
Dear Editor, many thanks for your reply
to my query. Still searching for photographs of survivors on
deck of ss Nevasa.
Thakur, India - Wednesday, July 30, 2008 at 06:40:43
was a nine year old passenger on ss Amra (Bombay,
India to Mombasa, Kenya, British East Africa) in the summer
of 1955. I was twelve and half on my way back, this time on
ss Mozaffari. This was a small ship and if I remember it correctly,
it had been borrowed by BI. The average six to seven day voyage
took us twelve days as the ship was small and we encountered
a storm and had to be anchored somewhere in the vast waters
of the Arabian Sea!
I again took ss Amra in 1960 - Bombay to Mombasa, this
time via Seychelles. Staff was friendly, amenities adequate, food
palatable. Saw films every night, played table tennis and ring
during the days and just roamed about on the decks! We had loads
of fun! I haven't been on a ship since then, and have no immediate
plans on being on one. The memories of my voyages with the BI are
wonderfully vivid! [Mozaffari (7,024 gt) was a favoured charter
vessel from Mogul Line in the late 1950s/early 60s when she
made a number of India-East Africa trips for BI - Editor]
McLeod, US - Wednesday, July 30, 2008 at 05:34:09
Maiden Voyage - Our departure for Kenya
Colony was in August 1951, my mother was determined not to
be separated from her husband a moment longer. So she sold
up house and home, packed what was going to be needed for a
new life in a completely different world, and boarded the ss
Kenya, British India's new ship
on her maiden voyage from London. Six weeks later we were in
Mombasa and after some delay we were met by my father, who
from the ship's
side looked as if he had green hair from swimming pool chlorine.
My mother was nursing and we had a traveling companion and nanny,
Yvette. We were diagnosed as having mumps and quarantined, and
so confined to sick bay up top by the quarter deck. Later the real
circumstances became clear to us. Here's a poem for you:
From London to the Bay of Biscay
And past the straits at Gib
By Malta through the blazing Med
To Suez and Port Said.
While we were on the upper deck
Ensconced in quarantine,
In sick bay for we had the mumps
So said doctor MacBean.
Through Suez down to Aden
To B.I. was the toast
Round the Horn of Africa to
Mombasa on the coast.
We were on the maiden voyage
The new pride of the line
The S.S. Kenya, British India's
New ship on the brine. |
When the Red Sea lead us on
We missed nanny Yvette,
For while we all remained abaft
She roamed as doctors pet.
And what seemed very interesting
Is that some years later on
We were diagnosed with mumps again
Something must have been wrong.
From London to the Bay of Biscay
And past the straits at Gib
We took the Kenya's maiden voyage
I'm telling you no fib
And when we reached Mombasa
Who came to meet us there,
But my father on the quayside
With swimming pool green hair. |
Chand, New Zealand - Monday, July 28, 2008 at 13:00:17
grandfather came from india in 1902 in the ship Virawa. his name
was Jagan, his fathers name was Gabar (I think). They were from
the town Jubbulpur, Thana Shahpura. If you know anything else about
him can you please contact us.
Prowse, UK - Saturday, July 26, 2008 at 17:56:14
am trying to put together a written account, with photos,of
my time serving in the BI. I have photos of Ellora,
Ellenga, Nardana, Karanja, Uganda, Canara and Rajula but
do not have any of the Orna or Chakla.
Can anyone help?
I served from 1959 to 1967,which included maiden trips on both
Ellora and Ellenga, also I was 3rd officer on Canara when she caught
fire in Bombay harbour resulting in the find of a quarter of a
ton of raw opium, a lively time!
Agravat, US - Friday, July 25, 2008 at 18:59:46
I have been a passenger on several BI ships, such as Amra,
Karanja, Kamapala etc, between Mobasa and Mombay via Seychelles.
Bell, UK - Tuesday, July 22, 2008 at 20:09:26
George Ferrier's entry of July 11/08. Hello George,been a long
time! I retired in Nov.97 after 35 years at sea! Would like to
hear from you
Appadurai, UK - Saturday, July 19, 2008 at 21:59:07
Are there any ex BI officers livng in the Merseyside area. Would
be nice to meet up for a chin wag.
Dodsworth, UK - Thursday, July 17, 2008 at 09:57:25
Served on a number of BI ships in the period 1951 to 1964 if there
are any of my old shipmates out there I would love to hear from
Bracher, UK - Monday, July 14, 2008 at 17:24:23
A site always of the greatest interest.
Hine, UK - Monday, July 14, 2008 at 09:36:31
Cadet and 3rd Mate BI 1947-1954
Dodsworth, UK - Sunday, July 13, 2008 at 22:54:53
Have just signed up to BIship and filled in the booking form for
the London reunion when I hope to meet some of my old shipmates.
Now retired I have some very happy memories of my times in BI.
the logbook 
Kelso, UK - Sunday, Jul 13, 2008 14:55
the report of Russell Austin's death: I knew Russell from school
days, was one of the five cadets, who having completed the 9-month
pre-sea training course at the Royal Technical College, Glasgow,
joined the BI in the summer of 1947. The others were Dick Taylor,
Alastair ("Boris") Gordon, Alastair Ewing and myself.
(I believe that Alastair Gordon also died several years ago).
sailed with Russell on the maiden voyage of the Kenya.
Since his seniority on rejoining the Company dated from the
passing for Second Mate, he was technically a fortnight junior
to me. This resulted in his being appointed as Fourth Officer.
He quite rightly protested about being appointed in this rank
(although it had the slight advantage that the then Company's
Rules exempted him from sharing shipkeeping duties with Jimmy
MacGowan (2/0) and myself!). The head office wheels ground
slowly and it was not until three months later, at the conclusion
of the maiden voyage that he was "promoted" to Extra
Third Officer, with appropriate back payment. The situation
was all the more ludicrous in that from the time of his appointment
to Kenya in early July till our return to the UK in early October,
if I remember correctly, apart from either Dunera or Dilwara,
and the Empire Trooper, and one of the cadetships, not one
of a number of BI ships which called at UK ports had a certificated
Third Officer, and at the time probably about half our cargo
vessels on the Coast had uncertificated 3/0's . So I think
I would be correct in saying that Russell was the last certificated
Fourth Officer in the Company
On obtaining his Master's ticket, he joined East African Railways
and Harbours, and after the usual initial spell on the Lake Victoria
steamers, he trained as a pilot at Mombasa. Later, and the last
contact I had with him, he was on the point of taking up a civil
service post in the Ministry of Defence.
family owned an industrial bakery in Glasgow, which specialised
in producing "Scotch" mutton pies, During
the ten days or so that we were standing by Kenya at Barclay
Curle's Clydeholm yard before her hand over,, Russell arranged
daily deliveries by the firm's van, of a couple of dozen or so.of
the said pies placed in the Officers' smokeroom in time for morning "smokoe".
He was a natural raconteur and accomplished mimic, and at the
1800 early dinner for junior officers when we had the dining
saloon to ourselves, he would soon have us sore with laughter!
His other forte was running a seance in his (darkened) cabin
with an ouija board. In this he was assisted by one and sometimes
two of us, which inevitably had any newcomer shaken to the core!
A great chap! [Reposted from the BI Group]
White, UK - Saturday, July 12, 2008 at 19:15:04
Some names from way back to stir memories - Harry Bancroft and
Derek Boardman!
Ferrier, UK - Friday, July 11, 2008 at 11:40:03
Bell, UK - are you the David Bell I started to study with for
our 2nds' tickets in Glasgow, mid 60s and enjoy a drink at
the Queens in Forfar the weekend before you returned to sea?
Kelso, UK - Thursday, July 10, 2008 at 17:04:52
Have just noticed Russell Austin's request
of 27/08/05, regarding contacting former shipmates. Could
you please pass him my email address together with my salaams. [Since
this request it has been learned, with sadness, that Russell
Austin died in April 2007 - Editor]
Hargreaves, UK - Tuesday, July 8, 2008 at 20:13:33
Alan Williams query dated April 24, 2008seeking data on Captain
Goater. There was certainly a Captain H Goater who served with
BI prior to and during WW2. His
name came up during a conversation with I K Bowerman who, as
a cadet or possibly a 3/O, went through a typhoon with Jit
(Capt Goater's nickname) possibly in a G, where
a lifeboat broke out of its housing. He was certainly in command
of the Warfield in
July 1942 and Valiant Voyaging contains almost a page description
of a fire in this ship caused by the ship ahead in the convoy blowing
up. In August 1943, again in convoy, Warfield was sunk. This is
also described in another full page of VV. Capt Goater was awarded
the King's Commendation for bravery
during the sinking. Guessing he was born around 1900, it is possible
that he could have served in either the old Uganda torpedoed in
1918 or the new Uganda which entered service in 1952 or both! Some
research at the National Maritime Museum or an easy piece of work
for a researcher should reveal many details of his career. If Mr
Williams wishes to contact me I will let him have the appropriate
Brown's first ship, Mulbera (BI 1922-1954), was one of
the company's fine M class turbine steamers |
Van Daele, UK - Friday, July 4, 2008 at 18:34:33
have found so much information regarding my dad and the ships
he sailed on for BI during the period 1938 - 1942. I have also
made some lovely friends who have helped me immensly in my family
history reseach. Thanks chaps, for all the help. My file is growing
almost too big to handle now! [Aubrey Raymond
Brown (known as Aub or Ray) was born July 1918. He joined BI
and went to sea in 1938 as a junior engineer. His discharge book
shows his ships were: Mulbera,
Chyebassa, Karagola, Rajula, Egra, Garbeta, Santhia, possibly Kola,
and the troopship Vita,
by which time it was July 1942 and he was 4th engineer. The final
entry has him being signed off Vita in Durban - Editor]
Devine, South Africa - Thursday, July 3, 2008 at 23:47:13
Palmer - I sailed with your dad Derrick on Empire
Grebe during
1965-66. If you forward your email address I will send you a rather
nice photo of your Dad taken on board during a Christmas party
which we hosted for local (Maltese) orphans.
Brian Warburton,
UK - Tuesday, July 1, 2008 at 17:04:47
Allum, I sailed with your dad for two years on the Austrailian
coast. Fine gentleman and a first class engineer, taught me a great
deal as a new Junior Engineer. Kind regards.
Wilson, UK - Tuesday, July 1, 2008 at 16:59:13
am researching the sinking of mv Tahsinia, Oct 1943 by U-boat.
The survivors (including my father) were rescued by ss Nevasa.
i understand photographs were taken. if anyone has any copies
or any information please contact me. [Tahsinia was
an Anchor Line ship of 7,267 tons gross. Calcutta and Colombo
for Aden and UK (carrying generals including tea, manganese
ore, pig iron, & bagged
cargo for UK), the ship was attacked 360 miles west of Colombo
with torpedoes and gunfire on
Oct 1, 1943. Her sinking is credited to U-532, although
one report says two attackers were involved. According to
the uboat.net site, Tahsinia's master, 39 crew members and
eight gunners were rescued: the master, Charles Edward Stewart,
and 24 survivors were picked up by Nevasa 10 miles west of
Alleppey Lighthouse after seven days and landed at Bombay
on October 11. On October 6, 23 survivors made landfall on
Mahdu Atoll, Maldive Islands and were brought to Colombo
by an Indian dhow. Editor]
Holmes, UK - Sunday, June 15, 2008 at 17:39:44
Have only just read Mike Evans request
for people who served on
Chindwara on its 68 voyage which
included the USA visit in July 69.... I was the CPO at this
time, please pass on my email address as I would love to be
part of that reunion!
Powell - Friday, June 13, 2008 at 16:51:08
trying to establish the exact fate of the ss Asian,
which I believe was a BI managed ship, but none of the three
'Managed Ships' link seem to work for me. [Asian,
a Hong Kong-owned vessel of 2,461 tons gross was requisitioned
by the British government in 1942 and placed under
BI management for the Liner Division. She
was lost after a collision with Harmatris off Ceylon, Dec
26, 1943. Fourteen survivors were picked up (from Laxon & Perry,
BI) - Editor]
Hodge, UK - Tuesday, June 10, 2008 at 22:24:14
I would like to contact Brian Agnew, former master of the Gothic.
His decisions probably saved my life during the fire in South Pacific
Ocean, may years ago
Crabbe, UK - Sunday, June 8, 2008 at 10:19:05
I sailed in Empire
Kittiwake on her last
operational voyage from Kuching to Singapore, with my platoon
of vehicles at the end of the campaign in Borneo. I am writing
an article for my Regimental Asscociation 50th Anniversary
Journal about that voyage. It was - I was told at the time
- to be her last voyage and it was in 1966 but I have no dates.
If you have her log book that would be most useful information
giving dates and cargo details. I would be listed on the manifest
as Lt A Crabbe GASC. I have a picture (colour slide) of the
ship dressed overall in Kuching with my vehicles loaded before
her departure. I note that there is no picture of her in the
archives so I will be able to assist there.
Wilson, UK - Wednesday, June 4, 2008 at 21:07:26
1943 ss Nevasa rescued crew of
mv Tahsinia in indian Ocean. Photographs were taken of survivors
on deck.
Termes, Netherlands - Wednesday, June 4, 2008 at 20:38:04
I'm looking for info and photos of Khrisna, Baragua lightvessels
and other lightvessels in the indian Ocean. I special ask it to
the BI ship seafarers. Who's helping me?
the logbook 
Lettiere, US - Wednesday, June 4, 2008 at 01:13:43
During the early 1980s I worked for
P&O Strath Services in
NYC as Capt. David Colley's secretary. I found this website by
putting in a search of his name..I am so sad to find that he
passed away..I was thinking about him..He was a very nice
man..I wish that I had the opportunity to contact him before
his passing...I will never forget him.
Way, US - Tuesday, June 3, 2008 at 18:24:58
I am researching my family. My Dad, Ralph
L Way spent most of his life at sea. He died 1969. I am looking
for anyone who remembers him or has stories. Also, my uncle,
Frank "Lester" Way.
Sailed from Hawaii to Australia in the early 1920's. He never
left Australia and died there in 1969. I am looking for records
for either of them. Thank you!
Graham, Australia - Monday, June 2, 2008 at 08:59:46
Looking for anybody who sailed on the 'American Voyage' 1954.
Pescud, Australia - Sunday, June 1, 2008 at 10:07:34
Claudia Condry, if you are still about, my father sailed on the
Karoa from Singapore July 45 as a POW returning to Australia.
Appadurai - Thursday, May 29, 2008 at 18:58:56
anyone know the whereabouts of Dave James. His late wife was
Rita. He was living in New Zealand.
Valentine, UK - Tuesday, May 27, 2008 at 13:46:25
my great grandfather, David Valentine, and my father, also
David, served with BI.
Luckett, UK - Tuesday, May 27, 2008 at 13:30:17
uncle, William Sinclair, was briefly commodore of the BI fleet
in the 1950s.
Brotherton, UK - Friday, May 16, 2008 at 09:13:03
doing a bit of research, as my father, Andy Brotherton, spent
some time messing up the engines, in the late 60s early 70s.
McWhannell, Goa - Wednesday, May 14, 2008 at 13:53:04
was in Brisbane the other day.... my very first port I called
into on the Chindwara when first
visited Australia nearly 60 years ago! I saw a river boat of
some [age] tied up in the Brisbane River with a black funnel
and two white bands. Can anyone tell me has this vessel a BI
connection? I remember sailing with a third officer in BI who
came fom Brisbane who told me his father had a ferry service
on the river. All I can remember was his name which was "Cheeta" because
he liked raw beef which when ordered shocked the Goan cook.
Kanine, US - Wednesday, May 14, 2008 at 10:02:25
Are you able to look up names from the log book which were put
in at the time of 1860 i have an old grandfather which my family
is looking for.
Chambers, Australia - Tuesday, May 13, 2008 at 07:42:44
father, Harry was with BI and I am wondering if anyone has
a picture of mv Orna in the 60s
please - it was his first command and I am thinking of having
it painted ......... the photo could be alongside, from the
air, any angle! Many thanks.
Walker, New Zealand - Monday, May 12, 2008 at 22:53:24
read a message from Marion (Kyra) Walshe, UK dated Friday
6th June 2007, enquiring the whereabouts of John Parker, engineer Nevasa,
unfortunately I don't know where John is but he and I were
very good friends during the three years I served on board
her as a fellow engineer. He at one time came to my home
in the north country for a week of his leave before returning
to Bristol, complaining Nerwcastle Brown Ale was too strong
for him. if I search my archives I'm sure I have a photo
of a bearded John somewhere....when I left Nevasa around the
end of 1960, I lost contact with him...but like others wonder
what ever happened to them. If you have managed to track him
down I'd like to hear from you Marion.
Reginald Bond OBE, appointed BI commodore in August 1958
[Photo: BI News] |
Walker, New Zealand - Monday, May 12, 2008 at 05:42:37
stumbled upon this site by pure chance. I was a junior engineer
on Nevasa from 1957 to 1961...captain
or commander was Reggie Bond...I have read references to him
on other websites and in particular the parrot which I well remember...I
think the 2nd engineer at the time was Eddie Gray. I was known
by the name of David at the time and I had my 21st birthday on
board, I still have a photo of myself holding the wooden 21st
key. If there is anyone who reads this and remembers that period
I would be interested to hear from you. I have tried other sites
many times but without success.
Hall, UK - Saturday, May 10, 2008 at 21:21:44
I am researching a family member Charles
Raymond 'Carl' Perry (1883-1961) who was employed by BI.
He was a 2nd mate in 1905; first mate 1910 and gained his
masters certificate in 1914. On his initial training en route
to Australia it is said four of his fellow trainees drowned!
He is said to have been twice sunk during the war. Any information,
guidance appreciated.
Banner, Australia - Friday, May 9, 2008 at 15:06:11
for the great site. I served on the Tanda, Bulimba and Nuddea over
the period from Sept 1970 until June 1972. I would be most
interested to catch up with John Woodward who was 2nd Officer
on Bulimba whilst I was Radio Officer on her.
Pearson, US - Wednesday, May 7, 2008 at 22:47:34
I believe my great grandfather was master on the ss Jumna late
1800 early 1900. I understand he died at sea. Where can I track
down the history of masters who served on this ship?
Nunn, UK - Monday, May 5, 2008 at 12:01:47
Looking for info on ms Devonia to Norway 1966/67
Barnes, US - Sunday, May 4, 2008 at 01:29:47
2/Lt in Royal West Kent Regiment Itravelled to Cyprus on
Dilwara as a troopship in 1959.
The fleet purser was at my table taking retirement cruise.
The laskars in early moring tea round told me they regreted
the exit of the British from India as they gave justice to
all, even the white sahib was under the law. We stopped at
Gibraltar, Malta, then Cyprus. We drank white lady cocktails
and threw the glasses into the sea, not good.
Gouveia, UK - Thursday, May 1, 2008 at 18:41:18
sailed to Madeira, Tangier, Cadiz and Lisbon in September 1963
as a member of a school party from Paignton, Devon. It was in
Madeira that I exchanged adresses with a Portuguese boy who
later became my husband, and has been my husband for the last
39 years.
Cannon, UK - Tuesday, April 29, 2008 at 18:59:52
Went from Singapore to Japan and back to Singapore via Hong Kong
both ways in the summer of 1961. Great memories although coming
back, left HK harbour and straight into a typhoon....wow..my Dad's
got some good cine film of it! Is there any way of getting a picture
of the ship from anywhere? The ship was Santhia.
Cox, UK - Tuesday, April 29, 2008 at 17:52:14
My dad was in BI. I believe Chantala?
Henry David Ashley Cox. His tales of BI and the North Atlantic
Weather Service are great.
Allum, UK - Friday, April 25, 2008 at 09:08:29
My Dad was Eric Deans who was engineer / chief engineer on some
of the ships. I travelled with him on some short journeys.
Williams, UK - Thursday, April 24, 2008 at 17:45:57
My wife's uncle was a captain with BI,
I think on Uganda. He served
in the war on BI ships, being sunk at least once. His name
was Goater, not sure of his christian name, probably Harold.
In my youth I wanted to join BI or P&O
as a cadet, but after interveiws, as I remember in the sixties,
failed both and ended up as a British Airways pilot for 30
years. It would be very nice to have some information on
the career of Capt Goater.
H Rao, India - Saturday, April 19, 2008 at 16:45:31
[Mahatma] Gandhi travelled by ss Lunka (lanka)
to Rangoon. [I would please like] to know the name [of his
return] ship and photos if possible for my 'gandhi
and his ships' project. Your site is good for information.
the logbook 
Guest, UK - Wednesday, April 16, 2008 at 20:03:38
am trying to trace Robert Marsh, who left Boulevard, Hull in
1958. He sailed on Nevasa in
early 60s. The reason is I am arranging a 50th reunion on
the 7th June 2008. (I left Nautical School Boulevard, Hull
in July 1958. I am at present trying to organise a 50th reunion
of that day in Hull on 7th June 2008. My colleagues who went
with BI at that time were Bryan Archer, who know lives in
London, John Wilson who lives in Brisbane and MIck Collins
who lives in Whickham, Tyne and Wear. The fourth member of
the class to join BI was Robert Marsh who came from Sheffield
and would now be about 65-67 years old. Bryan Archer says he
served with him on Nevasa in early 60s and thought his father
was a Methodist minister. Out of the class of 22 he is one
of only I cannot find.) [With apologies
that this entry was late in being posted - Editor]
Gall, Australia - Tuesday, April 15, 2008 at 13:30:02
it possible to find the shipping route of the Dorunda in
1886? My great great grandmother Nicoline Halvorsen brought
her 4 childern to Bowen from Norway. We believe they sailed
from London 7 April 1886 and arrived 2nd June 1886. Although
we dont know how they got to London. Did the Dorunda leave
from Norway or would they have had to make their way to Germany? [Almost
certainly not from Norway, so either they joined in London
or - possible but quite unlikely - a continental loading port
- Editor]
(BI 1911-19276) was purpose-built by Palmers of Hebburn
on Tyne with one continuous shelterdeck for transport of
horses and mules from Australia to India |
Trott, Australia - Friday, April 11, 2008 at 06:02:22
Does anyone have a photo or information on the ss Torilla departed
UK in August 1911 and arrived Brisbane 10th October 1911.
Rawson, Australia - Thursday, April 10, 2008 at 07:45:05
I'm looking for pictures of ss Camorta which my great-great-grand parent and their children emigrated
to Queensland in 1882.
Wallace, UK - Wednesday, April 9, 2008 at 19:29:23
I went to sea with Blue Funnel as midshipman
in 1959 and therefore well remember seeing BI ships. Nostalgia's
a bugger as you get older, ain't it! I now have an old Army
and Navy jungle gun, built in 1898, which must have belonged
to an officer in the Indian Army. There are stickers on the
case showing that he made a voyage aboard
Amra from Bombay to Durban. Can't read his name or the date. I
am hoping to find out more of Amra - a picture would be great -
and wonder if any passenger lists are still in existence. I know
the gun was sold to a Mrs A M Hill, presumably for husband, son
or son-in-law but I have been unable to find her or her relatives.
McDonald, UK - Wednesday, April 9, 2008 at 19:07:46
A friend of mine (who has no internet
access) has in his possession a brass artefact relating to
HMT Chakdara 1918. It was found
on the beach at Buckie on the north east coast of Scotland
in the 1950s. It consists of a crescent about 6.5 inches
in diameter supporting a five pointed star with a circle
cut out in the middle. The crescent bears the following hand
engraved characters, "HMT
Chakdapa 1918" We can find no reference anywhere to a ship
called Chakdapa so we are assuming it must be Chakdara. We have
found photos and info about the two Chakdaras associated with
BI. The HMT would indicate that it was used as a Troopship in
1918 but we can find no records to substantiate this. Can anyone
help with the history of this ship or advise where to look for
more info. If the ship foundered in the Far East how did this
brass plate end up on a beach in Scotland? [Chakdara
was indeed taken up as an Indian troop transport during the First
World War, employed almost continuously until October 1919 mainly
between India and the Persian Gulf or Suez. She ended up sinking
in July 1935 after hitting a submerged rock on the Burma coast,
but that was two years after being sold to other owners and being
renamed Burmestan. The fact that the plaque was found on a beach
in Scotland is, I'm sure, unrelated to ship's employment or
eventual fate, almost all of which was in
the East - Editor]
Erhorn, UK - Wednesday, April 9, 2008 at 10:00:03
Incledon, I sailed with you on Kenya and
drank copious amounts with you and Mo the lecky [electrical
officer]. I was also a lecky. If we make contact, I can let
you have a copy of a photo taken in my cabin with you and several
others including Mo, John Irving and several others which may
jog your memory.
Aronda Hardy, UK - Sunday, April 6, 2008 at 22:09:07
father a Royal Marine returned to the UK from Naples aboad Aronda.
I was born in 1946 and my Mother trusted my father enough to
call me after the ship that had brought him home. I have a
copy of Bill Highams's picture which I treasure. My name has
been the source of many conversations over the years. Was any
one else called after this vessel?
[None are know at this time but we would
certainly be interested in hearing if any others exist. A
number of people are known to be named after other BI ships
- Editor]
Runcie - Friday, April 4, 2008 at 15:22:14
information: My Father in law David McPherson, originally from
Port Glasgow (Lithgows) and for much of his working life at Garden
Reach Workshops, Calcutta, passed away in January 2008 after
a short illness. His remains are interred at Port Glasgow cemetery.
He is survived by his wife Hessie who lives in Greenock.
Elizabeth, Netherlands - Sunday, March 30, 2008 at 23:29:49
I am trying to find out some information
about my father Victor George Jefferson 1900-1960. He was in
BISN Co from being a young boy untill he retired in the early
50s [Captain V G Jefferson was a BI commander before his retirement
- Editor]
Crosbie, UK - Sunday, March 30, 2008 at 16:44:34
have on loan a typescript form of logbook/diary kept by the
captain of ss Nyanza with details of voyages between 1937/1939
Vancouver/Sydney/Dakar/Huelva/Philadelphia/New York/Liverpool/Newport/Buenos
Aires/Vancouver/Sydney etc. Was this ship part of BI? [A
BI name but, in this instance, not a BI ship. The only Nyanza
in BI was a 1956-built cargoship - Editor]
Caplin, UK - Sunday, March 30, 2008 at 14:17:35
My grandfather Herbert Le Gros Sinnatt entered the British
India SN Co and commanded a ship. Lieutenant RNR. Died at Calcutta
1912 (info learned from Victoria College, Jersey) I am trying
to find out more about him. Can you help please?
Brown, UK - Saturday, March 29, 2008 at 11:29:00
I think I have found the ship Nerbudda which
I have been looking for. My ancestor a John Foy(e) died 25 May
1882 of cholera and I assume would have been buried at sea (age
Bracher, UK - Wednesday, March 26, 2008 at 11:21:45
In response to my original request in
January for information concerning survivors of the sinking
of ss Devon by the German commerce
raider Komet on 19 August 1941, the editor kindly referred
to Laxon & Perry
stating that all 144 of Devon's crew were taken aboard the Komet.
He gave the names of 24 Europens "plus 19 Indians". I
have recently obtained a copy of Arthur H Bird's interesting book
Farewll Milag - the auhor was himself a prisoner aboard Komet and
describes the sinking of the Devon. He confirms that the crew of
Devon totalled 144 of which 113 were Indian. The 113 Indians were
not taken aboard Komet but were transferred to the Kota Nopan.
She was a Dutch merchantman carrying a cargo of tin ingots. The
Germans apparently knew of this valuable cargo and wished to preserve
the ship. A prize crew was put aboard. Komet rendezvous-ed with
another raider, Atlantis, and a supply ship, Munsterland,
and a share-out of Kota Nopan's tin took place, to increase the
chance of some of it reaching Germany. Komet and Kota Nopan (with
the 113 Indians still aboard) parted company in mid South Atlantic
on 17 October 1941 and Komet eventually arrived at Cuxhaven on
30th November. The Europen members of Devon's crew spent the rest
of the war in Milag Nord [prison] camp, situated about 15 miles
north east of Bremen. Arthur Bird refers in his book to "several
hundred Indian seamen being kept imprisoned for a year or more
in a separate camp several miles from Milag. They received scant
consideration from their Nazi captors... They were eventually transferred
to Milag....". I do not know if Kota Nopan ever made it
to Germany or whether Devon's Indian crewmen were among those
who survived at Milag. The fate of Komet is known. She was sunk
by a force of Royal Navy destroyers and MTBs near Cherbourg on
14 October 1942. The raider was bound from Germany to the Atlantic
and had sailed from Cherbourg the day before but was spotted
by RAF aircraft. When caught by the RN force she was set on fire
and blew up. All 351 crew died. Two of her large escorts were
Young, Australia - Sunday, March 23, 2008 at 04:28:42
My Father, Joe Young, was at sea in the 50s and worked for Bi and
PO. He is 80 yrs old now and would love to find out, more about
and ships he might have sailed on.
He worked in the engine room. His name is Joseph William Young
Myerscough, UK - Friday, March 21, 2008 at 23:37:33
father, of the same name, was a DEMS gunner in WW2. He served
on mv Fultala when she was sunk
in April 1942 off Ceylon. He was rescued after spending 10
days in lifeboat. He also served on ss Ekma from
April to August 1943. Does anyone have knowledge of these events;
epecially photographs of these ships as I an preparing collage
in his memory, and would be very grateful for any information.
Young, UK - Friday, March 21, 2008 at 17:38:07
Just found site very interesting
Hogge, UK - Tuesday, March 18, 2008 at 08:15:02
I would like to find out more about my father's career. His name
was Arthur Henry Hogge, and he was serving on the Mata
Hari when
it was captured by the Japanese in February 1942 in the Banka Strait.
Kelso, UK - Saturday, March 15, 2008 at 07:40:19
For Biswajit Pakrashi. Sorry
about the delay in responding to your message of 19th September
2007. Very grateful for the information regarding the book On
the Hooghly.
I must try and search for it now that I have the name. Bot salaamss
Ames, US - Friday, March 14, 2008 at 14:19:15
I am currently involved in collecting information for a publication
that will document a privately owned model boat collection. One
of our models is of the mv Pundua. I came across your website while
searching for old images of the Pundua. You have a nice black and
white profile image of her, and I would love to include it (to
accompany photos of the model itself as well as a brief history
of the ship) in our book, and I wanted to enquire about using it.
Any information regarding the photos and how to obtain permission
or rights to use them would be greatly appreciated! I look forward
to hearing from you!
Glanville, UK - Wednesday, March 12, 2008 at 14:23:43
How would I make contact with Russell
Austin whose entry appears on 14 July 2005 and may have served
at the same time as my late husband John Glanville? Thanks
in advance. (I already have an entry in the Logbook). [Since
this request it has been learned, with sadness, that Russell
Austin died in April 2007 - Editor]
the logbook 
Tucker, Australia - Wednesday, March 12, 2008 at 11:15:13
Found your website looking for a photo of ss Torilla. My partner's
great aunt was also on the maiden voyage, disembarked in Rockhampton.
Just received the complete passenger list from the Queensland Archives
which lists 25 Church Army Lads including Arthur Akehurst, age
21. Destination is not shown for any of them. Suggest the findmypast
website checked for passengers leaving England which may give destination.
Hull, US - Wednesday, March 12, 2008 at 03:14:38
Armand, so thrilled to hear from you!
I have so many questions but the space won't allow them all.
My father in law Spencer G Hull was assigned to Rohna but
was moved to the Banfora before the convoy set sail. Spencer
is now 83. He remmbers being sent on the top deck to fetch
the meal and saw the attack coming that
morning. He origially thought he was on the Karoa but
had the Banfora confirmed at the last reunion in Tennessee in 2007.
He and shipmate recalled the shark getting stuck on the front of
the ship. Do you recall that as well? I would love to hear your
memories of the attack if you would be willing to share them with
me. where do you live? Have you ever attended a Rohna reunion?
were you orginally assigned to Banfora? In my searchig I know
there was just a handfull of men moved from the Rohna to the sistership.
I don't know if I am allowed to send you my email. I will try
it. if so please contact me via this forum.
Murphy, France - Saturday, March 8, 2008 at 12:34:50
I Have been informed recently that Captain
Duncan Raine crossed the bar on 22nd Feb. Duncan joined BI
about 1947 as 3/O,and served on a great variety of cargo and
passenger ships. Most of his time was spent on the Indian Coast
where he was well known as Chief Officer and latterly Captain
on Daressa, Dumra, Dwarka, and Karanja.
His love for entertaining passengers and friends on board and at
his flat in Bombay was legendary. He retired to Australia over
20 years ago.In his time he must have carried over a hundred thousand
passengers to and from India, the Gulf and Africa. I am sure the
worldwide BI community will join with me in extending their condolences
to his wife Sheila and their children.
Perkin, Australia - Friday, March 7, 2008 at 11:33:56
have a picture of Chakrata, on
the back of which is a notation to the effect that R J Scott
served on her as a 4th. Engineer. Does anyone have any memories
of him?
Spence, UK - Wednesday, March 5, 2008 at 18:46:34
retired BI engineer, Tom O'Grady, has written asking if I can
help him find a photo of his ship Obra.
He sailed in her with George Bell, another BI engineer. Can
anyone help please?
Davies, UK - Wednesday, March 5, 2008 at 09:29:33
often wonder what happened to my pal Tariq Abdul Samao Nejim.
He was a deck cadet on either Dara or Daressa (memory
fades...) in 1956/57; I was junior Sparks. His home was
in Basra. Has he survived the troubles since then? Also greetings
to anyone who remembers me from the two Ds or Amra or Umaria between
Dodds, UK - Sunday, March 2, 2008 at 10:33:31
Re: Myra Davies. My father Alfred Dodds was a friend of Hugh
O'May I often heard my mother and father talk about him. My
father was a Chief Engineer with BI and also shore based
in Mazagon Dock, Bombay. If you wish to contact me 01380 840324
Myra Davies please contact me on 01380 840324. My father and
your father were great friends in BI many years ago.
Robert Loughman,
New Zealand - Sunday, March 2, 2008 at 04:33:57
Joyce Anderson was hoping to make contact with Tom Hunt who was
on the Chakdina that was sunk in December 1941. I believe that
Tom died several years ago but there is at least one surviving
crew member in the UK. I am one of several people here in New Zealand
who have been gathering information on this ship and its sinking.
My father survived and was rescued by the HMS Farndale. We are
interested in contacting anybody who can provide us with information,
or photos of the Chakdina, its crew that might eventually form
part of a history that we would like to write of the sinking of
this ship.
Machin, US - Thursday, February 28, 2008 at 23:39:39
Looking for two relatives: Captain W M Burkit, born 1831, and
Captain Wm Burkit, commodore of flagship Golconda.
Glanville, UK - Saturday, February 23, 2008 at 19:42:02
late husband John Glanville, after completing a two-year training
on the South African Training Ship General Botha, joined
BI as a cadet in 1947 on Eastern Service. He was involved
with the movement of people between India and Pakistan at the
time of Partition and the delivery of urns containing Gandhi's
ashes to the Indian communities in Mombasa and Durban. He was
also on a ship, possibly the ss Tairea at
the time of the Yangtze Incident. He had to leave the service
in 1950 when his eyesight necessitated the wearing of glasses,
his final ship being Carpentaria and
returned to Southern Rhodesia. I am interested to hear more
about his service during that time. I was a passenger on Uganda in
1956 from London to Beira when the ship was diverted via Cape
Town due to the Suez Crisis.
Myra Davies, UK - Wednesday,
February 20, 2008 at 12:18:10
am new to the BI logbook and have just read John Engel's entry
on 14 January 05. My father, Hugh O'May, also served on the Amra,
though I couldn't say which years he was on her, but I'd be
interested to know if Mr Engel's father remembers him or has
any photos in which he might appear.
Douglas Ferro, Gibraltar - Monday, February
18, 2008 at 20:27:23
mother was evacuated from Gibraltar to Madeira on the Neuralia on
10.08.1940. I would be interested to know whether there are
any passenger lists available for this.
Joyce Andersen UK - Monday,
February 18, 2008 at 17:23:37
to contact Peta Hunt re - Tom Hunt who was on HMS
Chakdina. I have a friend who
was on that ship when it was sunk.
McWhannell, India - Sunday, February 17, 2008 at 13:05:38
Brian Agnew was trying to contact me.
Sorry been in Goa for years not NZ. Also spend the summer
in France at the Old Tower Hotel, Noyers sur Serein, in Burgandy.
Myra Davies (nee O'May), UK -
Saturday, February 16, 2008 at 21:26:39
have just read Robert Jacobs' entry on 24 Nov 06 about his
father Tom who survived the sinking of the Waroonga in
1943. My father, Hugh Harper O'May, also survived this event
and arrived home in Scotland to see his new-born daughter (myself).
There is a photo of the ship's company taken in 1939 in Philip
Dilworth's cadet journal. I think (though not sure) my father
is fourth from the right in the front row. I wonder if Tom
Jacobs is also in the photo. I agree our fathers would have
been fascinated to see what can be discovered on the internet.
Sahay P, Canada - Saturday, February
16, 2008 at 08:50:12
Interested in s.s. Sangola trip from
India to Fiji Islands ~ Feb. 1908.
William Roberts, UK - Thursday, February 14, 2008 at 12:00:23
I came across the site by accident as I was researching one of
my uncle's ships the Rubystone. I like the site very much and will
be a frequent visistor.
Bell, UK - Wednesday, February 13, 2008 at 21:06:53
just discovered this site. Looking through the log extracts,
I see the name Paddy Mawhirt mentioned. I sailed with him on Chakdina and
last saw him when he was on a Gulf D. If you are still out
there big man, give me a buzz -- also Jim Talbot (Elect). Regards
to all. Dave Bell (BI 1963/74)
White, Australia - Monday, February 11, 2008 at 09:55:17
sailed on Chindwara 1953-56. I
live in Melbourne and would like to find David Whitehouse and
any other ex shipmates. Has anyone heard from Dave Martin?
Phil Incledon - Sunday, February 10, 2008
at 17:55:07
I have just spotted Frank Erhorn's entry in the 2003 abstracts.
I must confess, the names mentioned do not ring any bells.
Would Frank like to give me a clue ( deck or engine)? I must
admit, I have only visited the BI web site very very occasionally,
partly because of the Yahoo add-on, which deluged me with unrelated
material (and from which I am now unsubscribed)
Proctor, France - Sunday, February 10, 2008 at 15:28:34
Found this site by accident. Brought back many memories of my
seagoing days in the early seventies. I joined BI as an Eng Cadet
in September 1971 - only to find myself part of GCD in the October
Saltmarsh (nee Black) - Saturday, February 9, 2008 at 18:23:40
have a handbook titled the British India Steam Navigation Company
Ltd. Regulations and Instructions 1949 - this was given to
my Dad - John Black (from Motherwell) it was issued to him
in 1956 - he served on the Chindwarra,
Amra, Dara, Chupra, Woodarra and Queda -
somewhere between 1952 - 1962
Golby, UK - Saturday, February 9, 2008 at 16:55:08
I am looking for details and a photograph
if possible of HM tug Coringa lost in the Atlantic 1940, Can you
Ashworth, UK - Wednesday, February 6, 2008 at 09:21:12
winter 1957 would like arrival date in Hong Kong
Reynolds, Australia - Thursday, January 31, 2008 at 13:49:48
My great grand father and his parents
(Plath) arrived in Queensland Australia in 1886 aboard Dorunda from
Germany. I was excited to see a ship of that name in service
at that time. Possibly this ship is the one.
Armand Di Rienzo, US - Thursday, January
31, 2008 at 13:49:48
To Toni Hull [ref
log entry Jul 1, 2007] Sorry I did not get
back to you sooner, you can ask me anything about the Banfora,
and hopefully I will try to answer
Bell, UK - Wednesday, January 30, 2008 at 20:11:02
Did not know this site existed. See Paddy
Mawhirt featuring in several articles. Give me a buzz big man
if you are still around. This also applies to any other old
pals not wanted by Interpol. Dave Bell, BI (Eastern Service)
Ferguson, Alex Stiff, UK - Tuesday, January 29, 2008 at 22:32:33
To Dave Mitchell ex Rajula. Could you
please get in touch using this new email link [email
address supplied].
Stiff, Australia - Monday, January 28, 2008 at 11:08:05
Barr(Paddy) Mawhirt - Are you a relation
2nd cousin to Charles Barr Boyd of Newtownards, Northern Ireland? [This
posting has been cut. This site and the logbook pages are
designed for exchanges about BI, its people and ships and
cannot be used as general family history boards - Editor]
Locket, Canada - Sunday, January 27, 2008 at 21:59:19
My father was Alan K M Patterson who
served on various BI ships during World War 2. I am currently
doing research on this time period of his life and have also
just completed and published his diaries. They can be read
in a book called Radio Man Marconi
Palmer - Saturday, January 26, 2008 at 18:49:20
remember Derrick Palmer, Purser BI, Empire
Gannet and others.
Posted by Son David Palmer
Chand, New Zealand - Wednesday, January 23, 2008 at 04:34:39
am trying to locate passeger list for ship Fazilka SS
trip from India to Fiji in 1901
Mondon, UK - Wednesday, January 23, 2008 at 01:25:30
have been a passenger on both ss Kampala and
ss Karanja sailing to and fro
between the east coast of Africa and the Seychelles during
the years 1959 - 1966. I was only a child then exploring the
whole of the ship and having the time of my life on the open
waves. My last trip was in 1966, i was aged 10. My parents,
older sister, younger brother and i, boarded one of the BI
ships, SS Karanja or SS Kampala ( not sure which one) in Beira
(having travelled from Botswana by steam train ) for Seychelles.
I remember the ship stopped in Zanzibar, we took the opportunity
to go on shore and see what great bargains we could get !!
Our ship continued her voyage stopping in Mombasa for almost four
days whilst her hull was painted from head to toe before sailing
to Seychelles.
I loved to hang out on deck and watch the sea through the railings
for ages.
I will always remember the friendly, cheerful crew who would always
stop to chat with me. One or two of the officers would always give
me a small tub of vanilla ice-cream with a litte wooden spoon and
even to this day, whenever i eat vanilla ice-cream, it somehow
triggers off memories of these happy moments spent on a beautiful
lady of a ship with wonderful kind people. Where are those boys
now ??
There were days when the Indian Ocean was very turbulent, i would
simply watch from an empty lounge ( most of the passengers were
tucked away in their cabins) as the ship rolled, the sky and sea
took turns to appear in view and to me, it was all a great big
adventure !!
The sight of Silhouette island looming in the horizon would signal
to every Seychellois on board that they were almost home. Great
excitement indeed !!
Due to shallow waters, no big ships could get into port hence they
had to moor way out beside St Ann Island. A whale boat would transport
passengers to and from the ship to Port Victoria. Climbing down
from the ship seemed such a very long way down. The whale boat
crew were dressed in large kaki shorts and matlot type cotton white
short sleeved shirts with a blue rim around the collar and sleeve
and a great big straw hat. Amongst all the noise and commotion,the
unloading of passengers flowed very smoothly. I am curious to know
what became of these two elegant ladies, it saddens me to think
that their dedicated, hard working lives may have come to an end
with little dignity on the scrap heap. I just hope not !!
the logbook 
Iriyagolle, Sri Lanka - Monday, January 21, 2008 at 07:38:45
(Gehan) Ekneligoda - Trying to contact you, it's been too long.
Grimmitt, UK - Sunday, January 20, 2008 at 15:53:16
My father (Roy Grimmitt) travelled on the Ranchi on the 12th Oct
1928 with his mother. My grandfather travelled on the Morvada 10th
Nov 1922. I am interested in finding out more about the ships and
what other ships my grandfather, grandmother and father travelled
between Indai and UK
White, UK - Thursday, January 17, 2008 at 18:42:46
Genuine researcher and former MN Radio
Officer - am trying to locate a copy of television programme
cc early 1980s starring Dwarka shortly
before she was withdrawn.
Langley, Australia - Wednesday, January 16, 2008 at 12:06:46
I am searching for any information anyone
might have about my grandparents Eckford and Gladys Chatelier
Langley and their family who travelled from India to Fremantle,
Western Australia aboard ss Talma in
1947 (date unknown).
McWhannell, Goa - Saturday, January 12, 2008 at 06:43:17
I saw Brian Agnew was trying to find my NZ address last year as
he was visiting NZ. Please advise Brian and others I sailed with
that for over 20 years I have lived in Goa. I am totally surprised
that not more BI sea staff did not retire here! Always interested
in old shipmates who revisit India and who come to Goa.
Dollman, Canada - Friday, January 11, 2008 at 04:37:24
My great great grandfather, Arthur Charles
Francis Field, was a First Mate on a couple of your ships.
He served in the mid-1800s. I have the original logbooks,
as well as his journals from the voyages, letters to his families
from the BI explaining his shipwrecks, as well as his certification
letters from BI and seamen's company. I am always interested
in finding out more about his life as a first mate and seaman,
and wondered if you had any tangable records or any records
at all of his employment with your company. If you do, would
you please contact me?
Lewis, UK - Thursday, January 10, 2008 at 20:07:11
found two BI postcards of ss Modasa and
the other could be ss Woodarra.
(No name shown on photo but ss Woodarra stamped on reverse and
signed Martins, steward in charge). Both possibly from the early/
mid 1950's. They belonged to my late great uncle, Sam Stoneman,
who only completed a few short voyages in BI during his seagoing
career from 1915 to 1954 when he retired as chief engineer. Do
you want them for your archives? The Woodarra appears
to be on trials judging by her bow wave and the close proximity
of habitation. Great site, lots of memories.
incident |
Commander |
Redwood |
Officer |
Henderson |
2.O |
C Connolly |
3.O |
Pritchard |
4.O |
S Beesley |
Cadet |
G Dowdney |
Cadet |
G Brodie |
Cadet |
Errington |
Cadet |
W Hughes |
Cadet |
N Scott |
Purser |
H Bartley |
Engineer |
Henderson |
2EO |
W Douthwaite |
3EO |
C McDougall |
4EO |
Andrew |
P Cullis |
C Davis |
Rouse |
JE |
Ratchford |
JE |
Smith |
Refr Off |
K Rea |
Off |
Miller |
Surgeon |
H Hallen |
Carpenter |
W Ferguson |
plus 19 Indian seamen |
Bracher, UK - Wednesday, January 9, 2008 at 10:34:16
Many thanks for Editor's note ref the
sinking of ss Devon on 19
August 1941. Another of my school mates, Cadet Bill Errington,
was aboard and spent four years in the Milag POW camp in Germany.
My recollection is that Devon was operating as a cadet training
ship. The fact that 144 survivors were transferred to the Komet
suggests that there could have been, perhaps, 20 - 30 cadets amongst
them. Anything known? [Devon's prisoners
of war taken in the Komet incident, and published
in Valiant Voyaging, are shown on the right. Under BI's ownership,
beginning in 1934, when the vessel was bought from NZSC/Federal
Line, Devon had accommodation for 38 cadets - Editor]
Riley, UK - Tuesday, January 8, 2008 at 18:12:02
I have a Lunch menu card of BI ss Kenya dated
13th May 1937 (found it in an old atlas). I have become interested
in the ship and its history and enjoyed the detail I have found.
Help request: Can anyone advise please where I may research
where Kenya was steaming on that date; also where it is possible
to obtain a photograph of the vessel.
Welsh, Isle of Man - Tuesday, January 8, 2008 at 17:21:12
I am trying to establish which BI ship
was attacked in the Mediterrean during WWII while serving as
a Hospital Ship during the siege of Tobruk I believe my uncle
Herbert Welsh was the captain but I am not certain it was a
BI ship
Gibbins, UK - Tuesday, January 8, 2008 at 15:55:16
My father (Robert Ovens Gibbins) served
in the 1920-30's.
Bracher, UK - Tuesday, January 8, 2008 at 10:20:16
Ref Derek Hargreaves info of Sept 2007.
I served as cadet in Malda for
the voyage UK to Singapore via Panama Canal in 1941. I was
transferred to Querimba in Calcutta
but my fellow cadet and school mate, Peter Davies, was aboard
Malda when she was sunk on 6th April 1942. The Malda's fatal
casualty list was heavy - far worse than qouted in Derek's
piece. The MN Memorial Garden on Tower Hill, London, has
a tablet to those lost on Malda but it carries only one name
- Edmund Sale (Junior Engineer). Peter Davies assured me
that a number of the Indian crew also lost their lives. After
some considerable letter writing I obtained a list of the
details of 26 membeers of the Indian crew who died that day.
The list was provided to the Registry of Shipping & Seamen
by the BI head office. I have also copy of details of the
Bombay 1939-1945 Memorial and the Chittagong Memorial. These
memorials commemorate 438 sailors of the former Royal Indian
Navy and 6093 sailors of the former Indian Merchant Navy.
These memorials are situated in the Indian Seamen's Hostel,
Bombay, and in a "similarly appropriate building
in Chittagong selected by the Government of Pakistan". I
expressed my view to British authorities that it would have been
appropriate for all those seaman serving in British ships should
be commemoriated also here where the general public has access
but was informed that "this was not policy". [Richard,
you raise several interesting points. One is that the three Malda
fatalities given by Derek Hargreaves, with which you disagree,
are those named in BI's book Valiant Voyaging. It would seem
strange, though not impossible, for BI to state one version of
casualties in print, in its own book, and another to the RGSS.
It would be most interesting if you could provide a scan of the
RGSS letter you received. Another point is the 'policy' or otherwise
of naming Indian seaman on the MN memorial on Tower Hill. In
another context on this Logbook page, it is shown that Indian
seamen in BI (and probably in other companies like P&O and
Bibby, too) signed articles of agreement opened in India, regardless
of which ship they were sent to. Articles travelled with them
and were sent back to India with the men when they signed off.
The point here is that, perhaps, RGSS in Cardiff claims 'no knowledge'
or at least no interest in such seamen, who although sailing
in British ships were nevertheless contracted under Indian articles
by India Shipping Masters in Karachi, Bombay or Calcutta. Such
official disinterest may now be evincing itself in the case
of Indian seamen who were lost in British ships as a refusal
to acknowledge their presence, extending to the "not
policy" response regarding the MN memorial. Again, it would
be illuminating to hear which authority supplied this response
- Editor]
Bracher, UK - Monday, January 7, 2008 at 16:49:41
Useful info concerning loss of ss Devon in
WW2. Am seeking list of casualties. [Were there any casualities?
Valiant Voyaging and Laxon & Perry give none, the latter
saying that all 144 on board Devon were transferred to the
raider Komet - Editor]
Evans, UK - Monday, January 7, 2008 at 16:38:51
I am trying to get in touch with anyone
who was on Chindwara between 1968 and 1970, basically the trip from UK - Red Sea
- Indian Coast - Australia - India - USA - UK. The intention
is to have a 40th reunion. Provisionally we are looking at
trying to arrange something in London in October. So far we
have got Ray Boyd, Jan Pritchard, Dale Worthington, Nick Pearson
and Mike Evans signed up but would like to hear from anyone
else on hte trip that would be interested in meeting up.
Devonia (BI
1962-1967) was one of the relatively few ships in BI's
history not built originally for the company. However,
she was a near sister of troopships Dunera and Dilwara
and in 1962 BI took the opportunity of acquiring her from
Bibby Line (ex Devonshire) for immediate conversion to
an educational cruise ship. Five years' happy service
ensued. |
Brand (nee Shinn), UK - Monday, January 7, 2008 at 12:47:50
Sailed on ms Devonia in
April 1965 on an educational cruise whilst at Sudbury Girls
High School in Suffolk. Sailed from Genoa to Venice, visiting
Naples , Corfu, Athens, Delphi & Itea. Wonderful memories!
Normile, US - Monday, January 7, 2008 at 05:25:28
can I find out more about the comments about the ss Mooltan
from Colombo Ceylon and three children on board who disembarked
in Fremantle, Western Australia on Dec. 25, 1925 [Mooltan
was a P&O vessel -
the third of this name - built
in 1923. For more information, I suggest you search the
many sites referencing P&O ships - Editor]
Hill, UK - Sunday, January 6, 2008 at 17:32:16
Grimwood [re various previous logbook
entries including Dara fire references] was
my brother in law. He sadly died of throat cancer on 1/7/2000.
His widow, my sister Sue, lives close by. If anyone has any
questions about Jos she would be pleased to hear from you.
Heggen, Australia - Friday, January 4, 2008 at 03:42:40
Hazel Harradence‘s log entry (Oct 22, 2007) regarding
picture of Dorunda. If you search the web
for Dorunda Queensland Library you should find a picture of Dorunda
docked at Port Said, Egypt
Hepburn, UK - Thursday, January 3, 2008 [Monday, December 24,
2007 at 19:47:14]
My only connection with BI is that my
Dad who died last year, was brought back from East Africa in
1946 on a BI troopship, after spending 6 years as a bomber
pilot with the RAF. He came back from Mombasa in the Aug/Sept
of 1946. I was born in the June of 47...... Ever since then
I have been very keen on East Africa and Indian shipping and
BI. So I am sorry that I am not an ex employee. Rather, I spent
my early days in steel making derricks and davits for our great
ships. I retired last week Dec 21.
Faragher, UK - Wednesday, January 2, 2008 at 11:40:17
Would like to contact anyone who sailed
with me on the Kenya, Palamcotta, Olinda from
1952 to 1955.
Heggen, Australia - Wednesday, January 2, 2008 at 03:09:59
site. Would there be a crew list available of ss Dorunda's
voyage London/Brisbane ETA March 1885? [This
is a big ask - to use current parlance - but you
could try The National Maritime Museum at Greenwich, which
holds any existing BI personnel records. You could also try
the Public Record Office at Kew (both these places are near
London and have their own websites) which houses all ships’
official Logbooks and Articles of Agreement for the crew.
In the case of BI and other companies employing ‘lascar’
seamen, ships’ articles kept in the UK will record
only British or European seamen (in BI’s case, largely
the officers and petty officers). Ships’ articles for
BI’s Indian
seamen were opened in India, ie under Indian administration
and if they still exist will almost certainly be in India
- Editor]
Egra (BI
1911-1950) with (below) members of the ship’s company,
unidentified apart from Josiah Dewis, far right, in the
Maldives, July 1942 |
Dewis, UK - Tuesday, January 1, 2008 12:17:01
my father Josiah William Dewis (P/JX216317) who served on
ss Egra as a
A/PO Gunner during WWII. Family documents show that he
was on board ss Harpasa on 05/04/1942 when she was sunk
by Japanese aircraft off Calcutta. He was rescued by a
Indo-China Navy vessel the TAKSANG which was in turn lost
within 24 hours. We then have evidence that he was treated
in Calcutta Hospital before showing up as A/PO Gunner on
board Egra. Convoy records obtained tie up with his own
records from then till Sept 1943 on board Egra. He then
shows up during Operation Matador [January
1945 - amphibious assault to capture the strategic port
of Kyaukpyu, at the northern tip of Ramree Island,
south of Akyab, Burma, from the Japanese using the Indian
71st Brigade] again
on board Egra in Jan 1945. I am trying to fill the gap
between October 1943 and Dec 1944 and then Feb 1945 to
Oct 1945. Is there any way I can find out if he was attached
to another BI ship during this period. I have his records
of ports visited. Whilst he was alive my father never spoke
much about his exploits other than he lost two ships within
24 hours. [I
am not sure whether gunners were employed by the companies
in whose ships they served or by the RN. I suspect the
latter, and wonder whether you have tried the MoD, Imperial
War Museum or National Maritime Museum at Greenwich for
their records. Gunners were I think signed on ships’ articles
of agreement (regardless of who paid them) and thus it
might be worth a trip to the Public Record Office at Kew
where mercantile marine Articles and Logbooks are stored
- Editor]