Richard Crow,
Master Mariner, was born Sep 12, 1915 at York in northern England.
He is pictured here holding one of his own paintings.
Richard now lives
in Dorset on the south coast of England. His sea service with British
India SN was from 1932 to 1948. Thereafter he served overseas in the
East African ports of Dar-es-Salaam, Tanga and Mombasa, and then Malta.
He has always been interested in marine art and used to paint in oils
but now uses acrylics only.

BI Ships in
Miltary Convoy 1940, an original acrylic painting
by Richard D Crow (ex 3/O Talamba)
(from left: Takliwa, Talamba, Rajula, Lancashire,
HMS Waterhen (foreground),

G-Class BI ship
He has been a
lay member of the Royal Society of Marine Artists (RSMA) since 1952
and a full member of Christchurch Arts Guild since 1976.

Khandalla at Sea,
an original acrylic painting by Richard D Crow

Khandalla at
Rangoon about 1939. An original acrylic painting
Crow is a purely amateur painter of landscapes and marine subjects
for his own nostalgic interests.

Shipping in
Rangoon River, RMS Khandalla, circa 1938,
an original oil painting
by Richard D Crow

BI cadet
ship Australia in the Great Australian Bight,
an original oil painting
by Richard D Crow

BI cadet
ship Australia, Southern Ocean 1932,
an original oil painting by Richard
D Crow

Sirdhana off Bombay - Maiden Voyage 1948,
an original acrylic painting by Richard D Crow