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BI Second Australasia Reunion

The following are expected to attend:

Ambrose. Clyde & Marie Kynoch. Barry & Wendy
Bates. Michael & Anne Laxon. Bill & Lorna
Bowman. Mike & Alison Lindsay. Tom & Margaret
Brown.. Terry & Marilyn Lott. John & E
Buxton. John & Marjorie Martin. Tom & Ross. Cathie
Choppin. Robert & Jeanette Meldrum. Jim
Christie. Fred & Joy Miller. Geoff & Millard. Joan
Clark. Chris & Sue Nettleship. Ken & Helen
Cook. George & Cathie Paterson. Cameron & Margaret
Cotsford. Martin Pattenden. Pat & Lien
Cutlack. Mike & Adele Porte. Robin & Joan
Cutmore. Peter Power. William
Davison. Peter Preston. George & Ruth
Dawson. Arthur & Hazel Rankin. George
Dep. Kingsley Riddle. John & Glen
Duff. Jim & Ada Ridge. Tim & Margaret
Dunn. Roger & Eve Roderick. Tim & Irena
Easman. Derek Ronald. Bennie & Kipling. Gladys
Edwards. Nick & Yoko Ross. Willy & Diana
Elliot. Tom & Myrtle Rozalla. Mike
Farrell. Peter Ruaux. Gary & Sheila
Gates. Tony & Anne Sanderman-Gay. Richard & Elizabeth
Graham. Bob Shaw. Jim & Shirley
Hare. Chris Skinner. Ken & Morna
Haviland. Ian & Sue Slater. James & Annette
Hector- Taylor. Murray & Loma Speller. Martin & Robyn
Hollywood. Ian & Judy Summerfield. Stan & Janette
House. Bob & Judy Taylor. Keith & Gail
Jackson. Dave & Aiki Wheelans. Katrina
James. David & Fewkes. Franki Will. Alastair & Carmel
Kenyon. Mark & Margaret Wood. Gordon
King. Bob & Fleckner. Olive

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